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Warfare & Tactics

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Faction War Pilots - Dangerous

Dan Carter Murray
#81 - 2013-03-04 19:07:49 UTC
Best - Cynthia Nezmor
Craziest - Cynthia Nezmor
FC - Cynthia Nezmor (doesn't even use comms) 50GB free space @

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#82 - 2013-03-04 20:41:47 UTC
/me believes this thread is next up on the Caldari "Make CCP Lock All FW threads" hit list.
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#83 - 2013-03-04 20:44:14 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
/me believes this thread is next up on the Caldari "Make CCP Lock All FW threads" hit list.

Now that Damar is unbanned, all our forum threads are getting locked :(
Apocalypse Reign
#84 - 2013-03-04 23:02:48 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Yuri Intaki wrote:
If math does not match, then "top pilots" simply dont take the fight.

I fully agree with this. I remember a fight a couple days ago where our side was in three atrons and the other side had a dramiel, condor, and two thrashers already set up in a small plex. Did we take the fight? Yes we did because we failed to do the mental calculation Yuri talks about, and it cost us big time.

Our side entered the plex and got only two kills for one significant loss on our side in the initial battle:
Killed their dramiel.
(Yes, the loot fairies punished us for not following Yuri's advice)
And their Condor.
We lost an atron. I don't think we'll ever recover from this loss (same fit as the next loss below).

Then our lost pilot shipped up to a dessie, and returned.
We killed their first thrasher.
Then their second., and
his pod. However,
We suffered another costly loss.

After Action Report:
What did our side do wrong? How could we have lost so much against the other side?
1. We didn't do the mental calculation that, according to Yuri, most elite pvp'ers do.
2. Our ships were "poorly fit". (Our Goonswarm Tech Moon overlords are angry at us right now).
3. We were the ones who rushed the plex against a well-entrenched enemy.
4. We didn't have boosts. The horror.

Of course, we're not the "top pilots" so we're not having any fun, and our kb looks like sh**.

/wave epeen
Here is another person that didn't do the mental math.

I think he was then in so much shock after being WTFBBQPWND that his ability to warp the pod out was reduced to level 0.

To be fair though, we were only 6 cheap Corms.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Digital Ghosts
#85 - 2013-03-05 00:55:16 UTC  |  Edited by: ALUCARD 1208
you can post all the isoboxed kills you want people still arnt gunna say your more dangerous.. 6 may be controlled by 1 but it still aint 1 dont think you fit in the ops catagory... god loves a tryer tho
Apocalypse Reign
#86 - 2013-03-05 02:42:39 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
you can post all the isoboxed kills you want people still arnt gunna say your more dangerous.. 6 may be controlled by 1 but it still aint 1 dont think you fit in the ops catagory... god loves a tryer tho

I want you to think I'm not dangerous, that way more people bring ships like that cyna into me at zero.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Digital Ghosts
#87 - 2013-03-05 02:52:44 UTC
and chestbeating on a dangerous pilot thread will accomplish that how?
Colt Blackhawk
#88 - 2013-03-05 06:05:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Colt Blackhawk
Tbh if we are choosing top pilots or voting for them we should do that for each warzone.
Because cal/gal and amarr/mil are completely different and need other tactics. Completely other tactics.
I could brawl with my noobish alt in cal/gal and it was effective.
Try that in amarr/min and you will get (&§$) all the time because a 1vs1 in or 1vs2 in cal/gal will mostly stay a 1vs1 but in amarr/min they will even drop some sfi on you within 20sec when you already fight a vexor in a hookbill. Amarr/min is actually simply blob and counterblob. Tried same tatics I used with my alt in cal/gal with this main in amarr/min with far more skill points and I screwed everything up within 2 days.
In amarr/min there is everything more concentrated on speed, range and papertank while in gal/cal it is more about tank and dps but slow like hell. So completely other tactics.
Plus we already know it: Minmatar NEVER (okay there are some honorable pilots like Emokiller) fight alone and will always try to blob even a rookie ship. Something I actually haven´t seen so much in cal/gal space.

So better would be: Best pilots in cal/gal and best pilots in amarr/min.
By the way: How to tell someone that guy X is a superpilot when he has always a 2b pod and 2 ogb? I mean you will never know how good they really are as long as they haven´t equal conditions.

[09:04:53] Ashira Twilight > Plant the f****** amarr flag and s*** on their smoking wrecks.

Mart Kong
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#89 - 2013-03-05 07:24:02 UTC
In my individual list are

Killa Rasta
X Gallentius
Dub Business
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#90 - 2013-03-05 09:00:09 UTC
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Can anyone of the top pilots maybe tell me how you do that with brawling fits?
Since I try short range pvp this month I suck like hell. How to avoid getting always damn blobbed within the next 10seconds???
Example: soloing a vexor in hook->sfi and rifter blob me.
soloing a wolf in a hook---> slasher comes and they blob me....


Don't fly a Hookbill. Consider a Hookbill is a sign that says 'you need to blob me, because you can't kill me otherwise'
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#91 - 2013-03-05 09:24:20 UTC
Yuri Intaki wrote:

If math does not match, then "top pilots" simply dont take the fight. Some uncertainties do enter the calculations based on whether or not pilot is as skilled or risk averse as you expect but those are generally factored in as probabilities too.

The major uncertainties are (in order and without boosters):

Ship fitting
Pilot skill
Wrecking hits

If the pilot does the math correctly, it still depends on the risk aversity of the pilot if he takes the fight. I'm perfectly happy to engage at 50/50 odds (considering all the factors above), but many pilots go for 90/10 and up.

But only the top pilots can do the math reasonably well.
Muad 'dib
State War Academy
Caldari State
#92 - 2013-03-05 11:54:33 UTC
Merdaneth wrote:

Wrecking hits

Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.

Bad Messenger
Rehabilitation Clinic
#93 - 2013-03-05 12:30:25 UTC
lists like these are pretty useless because best style to get fights is to use alts that does no get fame on field and change those often enough.

Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#94 - 2013-03-05 16:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Princess Nexxala
That's more for people using tricks like awoxing, gimmick fits, constant OGB, etc. And folks like that, all things being equal, typically can't pvp their way out of a wet paper sack.

TLDR; They bad

Bad Messenger wrote:
lists like these are pretty useless because best style to get fights is to use alts that does no get fame on field and change those often enough.

nom nom

State War Academy
Caldari State
#95 - 2013-03-05 21:28:42 UTC
What about that dude, Huggies? He's tight. Roll

And Nexx, we all roll gimmick fits...
Neurotoxin Control
#96 - 2013-03-06 06:27:14 UTC
Yuri Intaki wrote:
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
Can anyone of the top pilots maybe tell me how you do that with brawling fits?

Most fights are won before the first shot ever gets fired when you calculate the enemies approximate abilities in your mind. Aside from OGB, it's mainly just managing spreadsheets in your mind like this (one incursus fled btw).

If math does not match, then "top pilots" simply dont take the fight. Some uncertainties do enter the calculations based on whether or not pilot is as skilled or risk averse as you expect but those are generally factored in as probabilities too.

While you can get a huge advantage by flying ships designed to hurt your enemy best, by only taking fights you can win and avoiding fights you have a disadvantage in, I beg to differ in a huge way.

Whether these advantages exist or not, just about any fight can be won with superior tactics and practice, and the best way to learn these skills are by... guess what... taking the suicidal fights that get you killed :P

For example, if you only ever take easy fights, you'll never learn how to fly well against a superior opponent and you can't learn from your mistakes. If you constantly take dificult fights where you are outgunned, outnumbered or outclassed, then you learn the strategies to get past these weaknesses and make them your strengths.

Take for example the humble Jaguar, while they are seldom used nowadays due to being "weaker" they have strengths of their own, for example speed and the ability to dictate the fight. These can be used to speed tank hawks, kite enyos and more easily catch kiting ships than other AF hulls.

TL;DR, there's nothing wrong with taking and losing a fight, every time you die you learn a lot more from it than when you win, and dieing in a glorious fire is more interesting than twiddling your thumbs inside station.

Fly dangerously everyone
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#97 - 2013-03-06 15:21:13 UTC
We all have...god knows the cockbag is a gimmick fit. But it's widespread use is simply due to it's effectiveness against the farmers. (that and the occasional dual scram comet;) Not saying we all don't use OGB and gimmick fits occasionally.

My point is if you use OGB all the time or only engage after counter fitting someone, you will never be anything other then mediocre at pvp. I know people that actually refuse to pvp without their OGB, it's pathetic.

Huggies wrote:

And Nexx, we all roll gimmick fits...


Quake590 wrote:

While you can get a huge advantage by flying ships designed to hurt your enemy best, by only taking fights you can win and avoiding fights you have a disadvantage in, I beg to differ in a huge way.

Whether these advantages exist or not, just about any fight can be won with superior tactics and practice, and the best way to learn these skills are by... guess what... taking the suicidal fights that get you killed :P

For example, if you only ever take easy fights, you'll never learn how to fly well against a superior opponent and you can't learn from your mistakes. If you constantly take dificult fights where you are outgunned, outnumbered or outclassed, then you learn the strategies to get past these weaknesses and make them your strengths.

Take for example the humble Jaguar, while they are seldom used nowadays due to being "weaker" they have strengths of their own, for example speed and the ability to dictate the fight. These can be used to speed tank hawks, kite enyos and more easily catch kiting ships than other AF hulls.

TL;DR, there's nothing wrong with taking and losing a fight, every time you die you learn a lot more from it than when you win, and dieing in a glorious fire is more interesting than twiddling your thumbs inside station.

Fly dangerously everyone

nom nom

Mystical Might
Eclipse Pulsar
#98 - 2013-03-06 20:18:08 UTC
I nominate myself as "The Best Ever" Kthxbai.

Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#99 - 2013-03-06 22:29:06 UTC
The best FW pilot?


Cos I have fun!

And yes I am very dangerous! To myself usually but sometimes to my opponents.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#100 - 2013-03-07 02:11:57 UTC
Ohishi wrote:
IbanezLaney wrote:
Iggys wrote:
The entire brosefs corporation.

And Superchair(even though I rarely see him anymore)

Most of you have probably noticed your ships are staying intact more regularly while flying in Black RIse -

The reason you still have intact ships is because Super Chair is having a break from eve.

Will the Chair return?? Is he the spy in your corp that you just gave roles to? Why does pepper taste so good on corn?
No one knows.

Caldari State Capturing's very, very, very sexy new alliance boss is a complete tool who spends way too much time playing Dust.
Big smile

Shameless off topic recruitment plug goes next:

To all CURRENT Caldari FW corp CEO's - Caldari State Capturing [PLEX] is ready to rebuild.
*Help us create a blob so we can know what it's like to be a Gallente while still being in Caldari.

What we can offer:
We have the best alliance ticker in FW. (Undeniable fact)
Sean Parisi will provide his special 'naked services' to all male pilots.
No cta's - No fees - No Llamas.
Just more people to fly with when you want to shoot dirty, filthy, smelly, ugly dreadlocked lice breeding Gallente scum.
Not a traditional alliance - more about consolidating forces and having people around to form up with.
Ship replacement program - lolol yeah right fuk off and stop losing ****.

*Disclaimer - any blob we create will be after an hour of stuffing around after already sighting the enemy fleet to ensure we have 3x the numbers of at least one ship size above the enemy fleet. You must then accuse the smaller and outnumbered force of blobbing.
I have 7 pilots that I can add to your alliance by way of AR16. Sometimes 8, but sometimes AR16 is empty as I am out in one of the other militias causing trouble for them from within their own ranks. Contact me about alliance invite.

If you fly a lot of cormorants you'd fit right in Big smile