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So I was searching through the GalNet archives. . .

Alizabeth Vea
#1 - 2013-03-01 16:37:34 UTC
And came across a description of a lovely little place: La Maison De Tous Les Plaisirs. Apparently, it was a high class establishment for socializing and entertainment run by Jade Constantine, several years ago. I wonder, whatever happened to it? Was it shuttered for good or did it evolve into something else? I don't know if Ms. Constantine reads the IGS anymore, but I would very much like to visit, if it--or a more current incarnation--is still open.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Silas Vitalia
#2 - 2013-03-01 17:04:40 UTC
It is not, and if it were, it would never be the same. A specific time and place and atmosphere that shant be recreated.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-03-01 17:54:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Andreus Ixiris
Why do I find it totally unsurprising that Vea is fangirling over Constantine?

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#4 - 2013-03-01 19:47:30 UTC
I was fangirling over Jade for a time.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-03-01 19:56:09 UTC
It never existed. Ask no more. - the unofficial forum for everything DUST 514 -** the** blog site with everything else DUST 514 you need

Alizabeth Vea
#6 - 2013-03-01 20:13:16 UTC
Grideris wrote:
It never existed. Ask no more.

It clearly existed. The Galnet archives do not lie. I'm saddened that no no longer exists. It seemed like an interesting place and a good setting to meet the enigmatic Jade Constantine.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#7 - 2013-03-01 20:32:50 UTC
You should start your own and name it La Maison De Tous Les Lustre.

The House Of All The Glaze.

Katrina Oniseki

Alizabeth Vea
#8 - 2013-03-01 20:54:06 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
You should start your own and name it La Maison De Tous Les Lustre.

The House Of All The Glaze.

You are making less and less sense. Did your lover leaving you addle your brain that much?

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#9 - 2013-03-01 21:06:59 UTC
Alizabeth Vea wrote:
Katrina Oniseki wrote:
You should start your own and name it La Maison De Tous Les Lustre.

The House Of All The Glaze.

You are making less and less sense. Did your lover leaving you addle your brain that much?

Awww look at that! She's trying to insult me. Isn't that adorable?

I could just pinch your cheeks.

Katrina Oniseki

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-03-01 22:29:13 UTC
Saede Riordan wrote:
I was fangirling over Jade for a time.

Everyone's allowed one mistake.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Alizabeth Vea
#11 - 2013-03-02 00:05:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Alizabeth Vea
I'm not sure that I can fangirl over someone that I have not met, nor know much about. I am simply interested in meeting her.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#12 - 2013-03-02 00:22:27 UTC
Andreus Ixiris wrote:
Saede Riordan wrote:
I was fangirling over Jade for a time.

Everyone's allowed one mistake.

I'm fairly certain I've made more then one Andy.
Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-02 00:34:06 UTC
Alizabeth Vea wrote:
I am simply interested in meeting her.

Trust me when I say that this fact says enough about your personality for us to make a number of... fairly well-informed inferences.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#14 - 2013-03-02 00:47:43 UTC
Alizabeth Vea wrote:
I'm not sure that I can fangirl over someone that I have not met, nor know much about.

Given that one of Ms. Constantine's more notable accomplishments was figuring out how to allow several hundred relatively small corporations to wardec your gigantic alliance for free (prior to CONCORD's conspicuously hasty intervention) - rather than at a cost of hundreds of millions if not billions of ISK - it would be a bit remarkable for you to not be familiar with her.

I suspect you are spoofing us (again), my dear.

That said, I do miss some of the Fraction's larger-than-life personalities, Jade herself, Uncle Cosmo, uh... all right, two. And of course, I always enjoyed getting an update from the sex dungeon aboard Revan's large phallic battleship, but she was her own deal.
Vlad Cetes
Original Sinners
Pandemic Legion
#15 - 2013-03-02 02:39:56 UTC
Alizabeth Vea wrote:
I'm not sure that I can fangirl over someone that I have not met, nor know much about. I am simply interested in meeting her.

Goonswarm walls of text, I can hardly wait.
Alizabeth Vea
#16 - 2013-03-02 06:20:04 UTC
Gosakumori Noh wrote:
Alizabeth Vea wrote:
I'm not sure that I can fangirl over someone that I have not met, nor know much about.

Given that one of Ms. Constantine's more notable accomplishments was figuring out how to allow several hundred relatively small corporations to wardec your gigantic alliance for free (prior to CONCORD's conspicuously hasty intervention) - rather than at a cost of hundreds of millions if not billions of ISK - it would be a bit remarkable for you to not be familiar with her.

I suspect you are spoofing us (again), my dear.

I am, of course, familiar with who she is. That does not mean, however, that I do not want to meet her and get to know her a little bit. Like The Mittani, I would not say that I knew him until I really started talking to him in person. He's much more charming and dashing than most people make him out to be.

I want to see how Ms. Constantine is in person; that is all.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-03-02 07:15:49 UTC
Some ghosts are better left in the past, and some places better left to rot.

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

Gosakumori Noh
Coven of One
#18 - 2013-03-02 07:27:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Gosakumori Noh
Alizabeth Vea wrote:

I am, of course, familiar with who she is. That does not mean, however, that I do not want to meet her and get to know her a little bit. Like The Mittani, I would not say that I knew him until I really started talking to him in person. He's much more charming and dashing than most people make him out to be.

I want to see how Ms. Constantine is in person; that is all.

Fair enough. Ms. Constantine possessed, and likely continues to possess, an intense personality that I suspect you would find better observed from afar - a True Believer, as it were. But I misjudged how much of an effort you would make in our little corner already, and so far be it from me to judge how well such an encounter might turn out.
Alizabeth Vea
#19 - 2013-03-02 14:33:24 UTC
Gosakumori Noh wrote:

But I misjudged how much of an effort you would make in our little corner already, and so far be it from me to judge how well such an encounter might turn out.

I'm not sure what you mean by your little corner. Can you elaborate?

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-03-02 14:44:16 UTC
La Maison used to be a pleasant venue filled with open hedonism for all, till Ms. Constantine decided to behave like the tyrant that she purported to detest and began to ban anyone who committed the crime of merely disagreeing with her in politics.

The place hasn't been worth visiting for the past 7 years - so why bother?
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