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Faction War Pilots - Dangerous

Horak Thor
Angry Mustellid
#41 - 2013-03-01 13:58:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Horak Thor
Best (from my experience in metro) - Mystical might, he drops expensive **** into blob situations and usually wins Grrr

Respect - RTS, Muad most of TMfed unlike alot of there bros in Amarr they dont get mad and are good pvpers etc.

Craziest - Cynthia nezmor wins this hands down, to the point where he has 7 accounts (21 alts) both neutral, amarr fw and minnie fw, uses boosters (which he pretends arnt his, then when he gets mad accidentaly posts with said booster in local) and talks to himself with his alts in local.

Only pointed out enemy militia since saying my own corpies would just be seen as biased :)


Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#42 - 2013-03-01 14:13:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Christine Peeveepeeski
See I went with naming my militia because I have seen them in more situations than I have the enemy. as an example. Horak you got skills but I've actually only seen them rarely (and your vid) where maybe a corpy might have a clearer impression.

Lots of Minmatar I rate highly, I just can't put them in my list because really I don't actually see individuals that often :)

I must admit though I think I lucked out on my entry into TMFED. Great bunch of guys and when I joined I had lots of pvp theory and was a proficient pirate but had rarely taken on over the top odds or solo'd crazy ****. TMFED has taught me a lot and the corp+our close friends can really inspire me to push the boundaries of what I think I can do in a ship.

As an example, I gave mystical might one of my patented dual prop hawks. It's built not for specialisation, instead it's built for flexibility that lets me take on a wide range of targets if I only apply some skill to it.

I thought I was doing well in it, mysti takes on for a spin and promptly ******* owns everything everywhere in it. I had basically been schooled and he didn't even think of it like that at the time.

Anyway props to anyone that brings gf's tbh. Solo, small gang whatever, if you stick your neck out for some pew and it's not just an easy mode 30man blob versus a ship or two then you get my respect. Banter in local or not :P
Destru Kaneda
Arzad Police Department
#43 - 2013-03-01 14:22:55 UTC
Okuma Hachibei
Carebears -With- Guns
Goonswarm Federation
#44 - 2013-03-01 18:21:01 UTC
Jenny Tailia wrote:
Personally I'd add Madbuster73 to the list of great FW pilots. The guy has well over a 1000 kills this month alone.

LOL - He got me about 24 hours ago. I popped through the gate into Tama and there he was, with four more of his buddies, sitting on the gate. BLAP. I believe that he's got a full kill-board. Lots of death in Tama. Good thing I don't mind dying to those guys! LOL
Digital Ghosts
#45 - 2013-03-01 18:36:18 UTC
Colt Blackhawk wrote:
colt can u write on any thread without mentioning offgrid boosts the main ppl who complain about boosts is usually the people who cant afford to buy a booster or be arsed to train one imo

I can often enough use boosts from corpmates. Or maybe even buy a boost toon.
But I even hate to use them. Because they break game mechanics like nothing else in game. So using sth. that breaks game mechanics so much is against mature behaviour. POINT.

By the way and on topic: Would like to see Gorski vs Tea Earl Grey both with their booster alts and cheesy pirate implants in a 1vs1 :D

thing is implants and boosts are part of the game they just have to be dealt with. and u say boosts from ur corpys arnt u banging the drum for them to ditch them or is it just people u guys fight not allowed?
Angel Wing.
Khimi Harar
#46 - 2013-03-01 18:41:31 UTC
Ohishi wrote:
And I wouldn't say that any of those pilots are the best either. If they are so good then why do they dock up when I start to chase them? Well that is unless ofcourse they have enough people on their side to double my presence. Honestly it's sad. Yes I multibox, yes I know what I am doing, but for you frogs to just flat out ignore me when I am in your home system capping plexes talking **** in local, then you talk about how '1337' you are on the forums. Well jump froggy, jump.

If you can't get people to fight you, you might consider that your enemies fight for fun, and your playstyle is not bringing them much fun. If you want more fights, change your playstyle.
Araikas Rhal
#47 - 2013-03-01 18:42:00 UTC
On the subject of actual beastly players, i'll go with what ive seen, not based on faction or feelings towards pilots.

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

Horak Thor. I take a 1v1 and win, feel pro. So he takes a 5v1, and wins, i feel like a noob.

MysticalMight! Props for being one of the only guys to fly insanely blinged ships, get blobbed, and still come out on top and looking for more. If he uses a booster, ive not seen it either.

RTS and crew are good, but the use of boosters and damp hookbills kinda kills it for me. Props for what they can do, but cant be as impressed as i am with the others listed.

As for maddest =P Cynthia Nezmor has to be. I think he even rages at himself in local from time to time. Complains about getting blobbed, and that no one will bring a good fight. Iv'e offered him 1v1s, in his fleet, at his safe spot multiple times, and he will just log off, or leave. How the hell he runs like 5 accounts at once though.... i'll never know. Guess props for that.

I played other games in my past life. I must have done something wrong to be re-incarnated as an Eve player.

Number X8
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2013-03-01 19:12:38 UTC
I have only been on the Minnie/Amarr warzone so can only speak for this area.

Mystie if he was still in FW & Galdornae! (I am sure he invented the 400mm plate Blink )
Anya Klibor
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2013-03-01 20:10:23 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Loren = isk to blow. Big smile

Loren may have a lot of ISK, but he's also one of the best solo pilots I Have ever had the fortune of flying with, and against. He taught me a few things in my early days that I have continued to use to this day, and his words have not changed much, even though the game changes constantly. Loren is not the usual person with tons of money who fits up pimp ships and dies in fires constantly. He knows how to play. Be happy you have Loren Gallen to fly with and against, he will teach you something new with every death.

Leadership is something you learn. Maybe one day, you'll learn that.

Plus 10 NV
#50 - 2013-03-01 22:52:20 UTC
I really haven't been in Caldari Gallente space much.

As far as fcs I think Almity and Predator Elite are the best I have flown with. Like was said they can do either specialized stuff or just take what they have and get great fights. Often with amazing results, but they are not afraid to lose so they generally get fights if there are any fights to be had.

As far as dangerous, pilots I had allot of problems fighting with LADY SHANIQUA. She was a member of the gallente police.

Dagren defenitely had me scrathing my head thinking while flying my pod back to station a few times as well. "How did I die to that? Why didn't this work? It should have worked!" TeaEarlGray HOT did the same.

Its hard not to mention IO generally. We based out of arzad before the station lockouts and it seemed I couldn't take any fights for granted.

I haven't really fought the amarr enough but talkng with RTS a few times I know he has allot of ideas that actually work for him. Just from looking at mystical's killboard I see that he is great too. In Exile and Imperial Fed are just tough pvp corps. Maybe the toughest evah in fw. Big smile

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Horak Thor
Angry Mustellid
#51 - 2013-03-02 07:31:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Horak Thor
As for the best friendlies.

Duke dantes badass soloer

Araikas rhal, has 20 mil sp's and solos like a boss, and not just in frigates which is rare in fw.

Annah kitheran extremely good fc, dedicated to buggery gotta love the bloke.

TeaearlgreyHot because of the name aswell as pvp skill


Apocalypse Reign
#52 - 2013-03-02 18:12:14 UTC
Araikas Rhal wrote:

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

All that is, is proof of how broken OGB really is.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Dread Operative
Main Corporation
Prisoners With Jobs
#53 - 2013-03-02 18:20:10 UTC
Ohishi wrote:
Araikas Rhal wrote:

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

All that is, is proof of how broken OGB really is.

I've never known quake to us OGB, he gets those kills cause he takes any fight, he doesn't care win or lose.
Apocalypse Reign
#54 - 2013-03-02 18:36:00 UTC
Dread Operative wrote:
Ohishi wrote:
Araikas Rhal wrote:

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

All that is, is proof of how broken OGB really is.

I've never known quake to us OGB, he gets those kills cause he takes any fight, he doesn't care win or lose.

And maybe you should turn off the blinders. A normal scram doesn't reach 15 km and he isn't officer fitting his thrashers.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Digital Ghosts
#55 - 2013-03-02 18:48:52 UTC
i remember wen quake first started pve he would fight nething in a hawk without boost....

you say ogb is broke but isoboxing 8 corms isnt?
Apocalypse Reign
#56 - 2013-03-02 18:52:07 UTC
ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
i remember wen quake first started pve he would fight nething in a hawk without boost....

you say ogb is broke but isoboxing 8 corms isnt?

Anyone can get 6 accounts and train them into corms and then download ISBoxer and use it to broadcast keystrokes. That is the argument that you OGB people use isn't it.

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.

Dread Operative
Main Corporation
Prisoners With Jobs
#57 - 2013-03-02 20:28:41 UTC
Ohishi wrote:
Dread Operative wrote:
Ohishi wrote:
Araikas Rhal wrote:

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

All that is, is proof of how broken OGB really is.

I've never known quake to us OGB, he gets those kills cause he takes any fight, he doesn't care win or lose.

And maybe you should turn off the blinders. A normal scram doesn't reach 15 km and he isn't officer fitting his thrashers.

Dude you turn hostile real quick you know that? I always engage him at zero, so his scram range never meant anything to me.
Yuri Intaki
Nasranite Watch
#58 - 2013-03-02 21:39:29 UTC
I kill jaguars and thrashers with my Heron without OGB. Does that count?
Xeno Fears
Nomads of Republic
Smile 'n' Wave
#59 - 2013-03-02 22:34:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Xeno Fears
Know your heroes! The best pilots of the russian part of community, i believe:

KoBapcTBo - personification of red alert: fearless and almost always drunk. Extremely light-minded man, one of those for whos EVE is game about the spaceships and nothing more.

Micky Nox - the calmest one man i ever seen in EVE and the most constructive one. Never seen him flurried or upset even just for seconds.

Urgent Fury - alone wolf who likes the small ships and soloing without imps/boosters. Killed half of universe in his thrasher, gonna kill the second one very soon.

Dmitry Wolfstar - the most decided and confident man i do know in my alliance, full of respect to him. Fights like a beast in positive sense.

Shaggy Herring - man who finally had to pretend to be harmless to find out the fights - moas before the fix, even t1 industrials. Quit FW couple weeks ago.

J1m Raynor - young brazen-faced t3+loki+snake+all the stuff pilot, potentially great FC. Jim, get back to the bright side, bastard, we did forgive you.

Worldwide... hm... I like a lot of persons... Mystical probably is the best pilot, Annah - best FC and QCATS - highest average level. Also u forgot the Trigger. Yes, he is HS undock camper but it requires jewelry accuracy. Just make a try.
Neurotoxin Control
#60 - 2013-03-03 06:19:39 UTC
Ohishi wrote:
Araikas Rhal wrote:

Best solo players. Quake590, for sure, never seen anyone else kill so many rediculous ships in things that should not work =P DDs in a Heron, Vagabonds in thrashers.

All that is, is proof of how broken OGB really is.

For the record, I do have a link alt, but I make a point of only using him when seriously outnumbered. For example, those heron kills were all unlinked, but forgive me if I felt the need to use tOGB against 6x cormorants :P

There are a lot of huge names in FW and I couldn't begin to name them all.

Chatgris and Nexxala would be pretty big ones on the list, AshenShugar and Loren are plain legends.

There are also hundeds of pilots around lowsec to accomplish some amazing feats that are never heard about. Jack Fraust for example constantly comes up with AF or dessie kills, all in his merlin without any form of links and I'm still shocked every time he gets one.

Oh and last but not least, pa3ot and J1m Raynor, for taking my terrible 10mn AFs and creating the goddly 10mn destroyers you see today.