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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#941 - 2013-02-28 01:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
I see.

Long term health for me would be that all players have the same requirements to fly any given ship. Having players with different skills being able to fly a ship means that iterating on skill changes will be a pain and might thus end up pushing CCP into corners they do not want to be in, even more than now.
Making something harder to iterate on later due to unpredictable situations and thus harder to adapt, is bad for the health of the piece of software EVE Online is. It's basic programming 1o1 if you ask me and should thus be prevented at all cost to minimize future blockades. This is not always possible to notice in time of course, but pretty obvious in this case.

E.g. we could end up with people being able to fly all t2 cruisers, with no skillpoints at all in any racial cruiser to take it to an extreme (loosing skillpoints by being podded. Hey, we could even create e.g. freighter chars with skillpoints in nothing more than the freighter itself and advanced spaceship command 1 only, without having skillpoints in spaceship command or ORE Industrial by podding our chars to oblivion as long as we have the skillbooks injected. That is bad, because we never know what the players will do.

Edit: Pardon me, actually not possible with cruisers, because they specificly state racial cruiser 5 as primary prereq. But you could still loose the destroyer skills etc. Still unpredictable as hell.


Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#942 - 2013-02-28 05:00:18 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
I see.

Long term health for me would be that all players have the same requirements to fly any given ship. Having players with different skills being able to fly a ship means that iterating on skill changes will be a pain and might thus end up pushing CCP into corners they do not want to be in, even more than now.
Making something harder to iterate on later due to unpredictable situations and thus harder to adapt, is bad for the health of the piece of software EVE Online is. It's basic programming 1o1 if you ask me and should thus be prevented at all cost to minimize future blockades. This is not always possible to notice in time of course, but pretty obvious in this case.

E.g. we could end up with people being able to fly all t2 cruisers, with no skillpoints at all in any racial cruiser to take it to an extreme (loosing skillpoints by being podded. Hey, we could even create e.g. freighter chars with skillpoints in nothing more than the freighter itself and advanced spaceship command 1 only, without having skillpoints in spaceship command or ORE Industrial by podding our chars to oblivion as long as we have the skillbooks injected. That is bad, because we never know what the players will do.

Edit: Pardon me, actually not possible with cruisers, because they specificly state racial cruiser 5 as primary prereq. But you could still loose the destroyer skills etc. Still unpredictable as hell.

Uh, I don't get how this makes it harder to iterate on?
If players want to destroy skill points they paid the time for whats the issue?
By making their current changes that if you have the skill injected you can train it, and if you have the primary requirements for a ship you can fly it (this one isn't a change anyway), they make it easier to iterate, because they don't have to worry about a bunch of angry players that they can no longer fly any of their normal ships, or that changing a pre-req cancels someones skill queue training a long lvl v while away on a holiday.
I can't see any way it becomes 'harder'
Amber Solaire
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#943 - 2013-02-28 22:17:29 UTC
Ogopogo Mu wrote:
ITT the Nighthawk is finally fixed by making it harder to train for. takes far too long even now
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#944 - 2013-02-28 23:13:06 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
I see.

Long term health for me would be that all players have the same requirements to fly any given ship. Having players with different skills being able to fly a ship means that iterating on skill changes will be a pain and might thus end up pushing CCP into corners they do not want to be in, even more than now.
Making something harder to iterate on later due to unpredictable situations and thus harder to adapt, is bad for the health of the piece of software EVE Online is. It's basic programming 1o1 if you ask me and should thus be prevented at all cost to minimize future blockades. This is not always possible to notice in time of course, but pretty obvious in this case.

I'm actually seeing quite the opposite. By doing this as they have they have eliminated the roadblock that is player outrage. Also the current changes illustrate that, be it by design or coincidence, the skill system actually maintains prior capabilities more easily than it loses them unless you turn the tree into a list. It's the difference of having a command ship have 2 prerequisites vs ~10 for the entire tree to become necessary.

In the end it becomes easier in the long run if further changes are needed as instead of changing the prereqs on 8 hulls with new vertical lists in this example you just change the prereq on injecting the command ship skill alone and you are done.
Savira Terrant wrote:

E.g. we could end up with people being able to fly all t2 cruisers, with no skillpoints at all in any racial cruiser to take it to an extreme (loosing skillpoints by being podded. Hey, we could even create e.g. freighter chars with skillpoints in nothing more than the freighter itself and advanced spaceship command 1 only, without having skillpoints in spaceship command or ORE Industrial by podding our chars to oblivion as long as we have the skillbooks injected. That is bad, because we never know what the players will do.

Edit: Pardon me, actually not possible with cruisers, because they specificly state racial cruiser 5 as primary prereq. But you could still loose the destroyer skills etc. Still unpredictable as hell.

Any T2 groups would suffer the same fate if the relevant lvl V racial ship skill is lost. And as far as losses of skills which are purely barriers to injecting top level prerequisites we have the same issue with capitols now. Loosing BS V doesn't prevent boarding a cap ship for which you already have the skill injected. Since this wasn't an issue before, why is it one now?
Gallente Federation
#945 - 2013-03-05 14:45:44 UTC
Irregessa wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Forlorn Wongraven wrote:
@Fozzie: Freighters 5 as prereq for JF is gonna be a pain in the arse, good that I am set. Smile

Good that the needed skills to fly a ship correctly are now in the ship requirements like DD for titans and Warp Dis Gen for HICs.

We aren't adding Freighters 5 as the Jump Freighter requirement, at least not for a good while. We considered it, but the prospect of giving 7 million skill points extra wasn't appealing.

That doesn't make any kind of sense.

The Jump Freighter skill is like any other t2 ship skill, like Heavy Assault Cruiser. There is no requirement for the hull in there. The hull comes in the determination of which jump freighter(s) can be flown by the character who has the Jump Freighter skill.

However, to be consistent, you should be making racial freighter 5 be the prereq to fly the racial jump freighter, just like racial frigate/destroyer/cruiser/battlecruiser/battleship/industrial/(mining barge) are required to fly the racial t2 variants of the same hull.

Think about it a little.

Actual logistics is not a popular field to get into in nullsec.

You don't have vast armies of players chomping at the bit to resupply your POS's and fly freighters back and forth to empire space. Even your major alliances, with thousands of members, can count up those who do this stuff pretty fast and easily. Drop that to a lesser alliance or small "renter" corp and you may just shut them down completely with such a change.

How? Let's look at it.

First, as you say; Jump Freighters is a 'generic' T2 skill.
-- Industry V
-- Advanced Spaceship Command V

The individual hulls of the JF's have requirements. Example; the Gallente Anshar Jump Freighter.
-- Gallente Freighters IV
-- Jump Freighters I
-- Jump Drive Calibration I

Ok... Now you suggest changing the Gallente Freighters from IV to V ?

Adjusting skill trees can work. Change the hull requirements outside of the skill-trees and it doesn't work with that stated goal. Not without giving away the missing skill level to keep them flying what they already can - with a "still fly what you can..." stated goal for these changes.

The training time on this, with +5 implants and mapped optimally is over 32 days -- without the ability to fly your JF supply ship? Oh this will go over really well with a smaller group trying to survive out there...

No I don't think they want to give away over 2.1 million SP by granting a free L5 skill-up to those pilots for "purity sake" to retain that theme of being "still fly what you can..."

Where they are at with this, it makes sense to avoid such a problem for now. It's the kind of thing to revisit later on - after reviewing how to "fix" logistics issues in nullsec (and other such locations that a JF is used).
Deriah Book
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#946 - 2013-03-05 20:34:24 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:


Kaylee Rei
Ascendant Brokerage Bureau Anonymous
#947 - 2013-03-06 04:15:38 UTC
Kaylee Rei wrote:
Would it be possible to give an exact date or countdowns to the date of the change? I have one toon remaining that needs to juggle a remap early for it to be prepared. It would be nice to have a 45 day warning or somesuch, to get last minute training in.

- KR

So Summer 2013 starts Friday, June 21. Can we count on this date as being the "no sooner than" point for the patch? Then once summer hits the date for the change is fair game. Any new information on this front?

- KR
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#948 - 2013-03-06 08:24:15 UTC
Kaylee Rei wrote:
Kaylee Rei wrote:
Would it be possible to give an exact date or countdowns to the date of the change? I have one toon remaining that needs to juggle a remap early for it to be prepared. It would be nice to have a 45 day warning or somesuch, to get last minute training in.

- KR

So Summer 2013 starts Friday, June 21. Can we count on this date as being the "no sooner than" point for the patch? Then once summer hits the date for the change is fair game. Any new information on this front?

- KR

I could probably live with a reliable statement a'la "as long as no concrete date is announced, it will be at least 30 days removed".

I'd really like to drag out my remap as long as possible!
Mr cardking
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#949 - 2013-03-07 01:16:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr cardking
ok not reading 48 pages for this...
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#950 - 2013-03-07 02:19:09 UTC
Mr cardking wrote:
ok not reading 48 pages for this...

Just read the dev posts. click on a blue bar to move to the next one.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Mongoose Ellecon
Elite Mice
#951 - 2013-03-07 16:06:36 UTC
woohoo another update, its not like we dont have enough of them UghUghUgh
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#952 - 2013-03-07 20:21:13 UTC
Mongoose Ellecon wrote:
woohoo another update, its not like we dont have enough of them UghUghUgh

I'm not aware of any since I've been playing of this nature and scale.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#953 - 2013-03-08 04:12:33 UTC  |  Edited by: RacingSOUL
Would love to see a Phoenix buff, so it can at least hit a damn target going over 3 m/s, making it actually useful other than station bashing. Straight
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#954 - 2013-03-08 11:18:35 UTC
Can someone explain me it:
I have Destroyers V and Battlecruisers V
I have Caldari Cruisers V, Minmatar Cruisers V but Amarr Cruisers null and Gallente Cruisers III.
I have Cladari Frigate V, and null the rest racial frigates, or something like that.

What should I expect after changes? I'll get all racial destroyers V and all racial battlecruisers V

Sorry if that question was here, but it's hard to read 48 pages, easest way is to ask.
Thanks in advance
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#955 - 2013-03-08 11:46:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Steve Ronuken
Pajomcek wrote:
Can someone explain me it:
I have Destroyers V and Battlecruisers V
I have Caldari Cruisers V, Minmatar Cruisers V but Amarr Cruisers null and Gallente Cruisers III.
I have Cladari Frigate V, and null the rest racial frigates, or something like that.

What should I expect after changes? I'll get all racial destroyers V and all racial battlecruisers V

Sorry if that question was here, but it's hard to read 48 pages, easest way is to ask.
Thanks in advance

You'll get:
Caldari, Minmatar and Gallente Battlecruisers 5. With no Amarr Battlecruiser, as you can't currently fly any.

You'll also get Caldari Destroyers 5. With no others as you don't have any of the racial frigates.

assuming you mean, by null, that you have them at 0.

Although you can't, if you have Minmatar and gallente cruiser injected. As they require the racial frigate at 4.

Of course, this is fully detailed in the devblog.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#956 - 2013-03-08 13:12:03 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Pajomcek wrote:
Can someone explain me it:
I have Destroyers V and Battlecruisers V
I have Caldari Cruisers V, Minmatar Cruisers V but Amarr Cruisers null and Gallente Cruisers III.
I have Cladari Frigate V, and null the rest racial frigates, or something like that.

What should I expect after changes? I'll get all racial destroyers V and all racial battlecruisers V

Sorry if that question was here, but it's hard to read 48 pages, easest way is to ask.
Thanks in advance

You'll get:
Caldari, Minmatar and Gallente Battlecruisers 5. With no Amarr Battlecruiser, as you can't currently fly any.

You'll also get Caldari Destroyers 5. With no others as you don't have any of the racial frigates.

assuming you mean, by null, that you have them at 0.

Although you can't, if you have Minmatar and gallente cruiser injected. As they require the racial frigate at 4.

Of course, this is fully detailed in the devblog.

So, if I want to have all racial destroyer V I need to have Destroyer V and minimum IV all racial frigates? Am I right?
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#957 - 2013-03-08 13:44:53 UTC
Pajomcek wrote:
So, if I want to have all racial destroyer V I need to have Destroyer V and minimum IV all racial frigates? Am I right?


Wanna get all racial detroyers at V? train all racial firgs to III.

Wanna get all racial BC at V? train all racial cruisers to III.

And what do you need to train racial cruisers? Racial frig at IV.

Invalid signature format

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#958 - 2013-03-08 14:15:51 UTC
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#959 - 2013-03-09 17:58:40 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
And what do you need to train racial cruisers? Racial frig at IV.

I am sure that was just some kind of typo of yours, since you will need a racial destroyer at level 3 to be able to inject the correspondent racial cruiser.


Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#960 - 2013-03-09 21:52:25 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
And what do you need to train racial cruisers? Racial frig at IV.

I am sure that was just some kind of typo of yours, since you will need a racial destroyer at level 3 to be able to inject the correspondent racial cruiser.

No, it is NOT a typo. They are refering to the current training situation in order to gain advantage of the skill changes WHEN they occur.
Basic logic people, basic logic, learn to use it.