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Well the mining community in high sec has come full circle.

Owain GIyndwr
#21 - 2013-02-26 15:39:17 UTC
if you are going to suggest a high sec system that has lots of fat belts in it may I suggest you offer one that dose not have 5 jumps through low sec to get to it.Shocked

Thaks for all the other suggestions btw I'll sifft out the realistic ones and act upon them. The rest I'll ignor.

Thanks for your replys. even the flammers need loveLol

BTW sarcasam is not very effective in a typed sentance it just comes off am lame.Big smile
Litla Sundlaugin
#22 - 2013-02-26 15:40:01 UTC
Huh, you must be trolling cause there is plenty, I lived in a 1 roid field system and it got drained from time to time but next door I could always find everything I wanted.
Dave Stark
#23 - 2013-02-26 15:41:25 UTC
Owain GIyndwr wrote:
I fully expect the flamers to bark that there are many fat belts around the place

no, you should expect to be told that because it's true.
stop being lazy.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2013-02-26 15:42:01 UTC
Confirming that every single LowSec belt is overloaded with juicy ore for you there Mr. Wants-Big-Risk

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-02-26 15:51:00 UTC
Owain GIyndwr wrote:
if you are going to suggest a high sec system that has lots of fat belts in it may I suggest you offer one that dose not have 5 jumps through low sec to get to it.Shocked

I see that you saw what I did there.

But if you made it through lowsec, the belts are all yours! Risk vs Reward mind you.

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Bane Veradun
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-02-26 15:56:20 UTC
Owain GIyndwr wrote:
well at least the flamers are predictable LolLolLol

Your look like a replicant. I will congratulate you on the courage of the bottom of your feet though. Always encouraging to see them rise up.


Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2013-02-26 15:59:29 UTC
Whitehound wrote:

Bla bla bla.

You need to realize that there is not enough room for everyone in every system and that you need to search away from the market hubs. This means you need to move your ship more than 10 jumps.

Making a stand on the forum and throwing a little rant is cute and also accusing all miners of being botters - just you are not one - is cute, too.

My serious advice to you: HTFU.

The forums are not a place to cry yourself out over your lack of success.

I disagree.

CCP told us that there are more people mining then ever in high sec, and it's becuase mining is safer in high sec now. I can see it for myself as I fly around high sec, the OP is indeed correct about belts being stripped clean faster then ever. It's more widespread then just "not mining 10 jumps out"

And in my experience "more then 10 jumps out" tends to put you into low sec.
I mine the lower sec status belts in high sec, they're being stripped clean just like the .9 and .8 systems.

This isn't 6 years ago when it was just a simple matter of finding a place that doesn't have a lot of activity.

It's not that they're stripping clean belts, they're stripping entire systems clean in no time.

The fix isn't to make it mroe dangerous to mine in high sec.
They need to give miners a reason to either form corporations or join them for the purpose of mining.

I would go so far as to require miners to be in a player run corporation in order to fly an exhumer or use T2 strips, and MLU's. They can say that CONCORD is requiring all capsuleer miners to register with a corporation, that is not NPC corps; for the purpose of lsensing, and economic reasons.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2013-02-26 16:02:31 UTC
OP makes it sound like there has only been one hulkageddon...
#29 - 2013-02-26 16:06:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Generals4
I don't get why people complain about the lack of roids. Whenever i need mins to produce more merlins and mine with my alt the belts have no miners and are full of juicy roids. The fact it's in low sec may be why though.

_-Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. _

Skeln Thargensen
#30 - 2013-02-26 16:07:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Skeln Thargensen
lol good one, we need high sec nerfed for our own benefit.


i lost count of how many 0.5 systems i rejected as not being quite juicy enough last week. just stick a survery scanner on a cruiser and get out there.

forums.  serious business.

Karrl Tian
#31 - 2013-02-26 16:09:28 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Whitehound wrote:

Bla bla bla.

You need to realize that there is not enough room for everyone in every system and that you need to search away from the market hubs. This means you need to move your ship more than 10 jumps.

Making a stand on the forum and throwing a little rant is cute and also accusing all miners of being botters - just you are not one - is cute, too.

My serious advice to you: HTFU.

The forums are not a place to cry yourself out over your lack of success.

I disagree.

CCP told us that there are more people mining then ever in high sec, and it's becuase mining is safer in high sec now. I can see it for myself as I fly around high sec, the OP is indeed correct about belts being stripped clean faster then ever. It's more widespread then just "not mining 10 jumps out"

And in my experience "more then 10 jumps out" tends to put you into low sec.
I mine the lower sec status belts in high sec, they're being stripped clean just like the .9 and .8 systems.

This isn't 6 years ago when it was just a simple matter of finding a place that doesn't have a lot of activity.

It's not that they're stripping clean belts, they're stripping entire systems clean in no time.

The fix isn't to make it mroe dangerous to mine in high sec.
They need to give miners a reason to either form corporations or join them for the purpose of mining.

I would go so far as to require miners to be in a player run corporation in order to fly an exhumer or use T2 strips, and MLU's. They can say that CONCORD is requiring all capsuleer miners to register with a corporation, that is not NPC corps; for the purpose of lsensing, and economic reasons.

Or just lower the respawn rate of asteroid belts to once a week and make the economics game about actual scarcity. Europe never would have colonized The Americas if everything they needed magically reappeared right outside the capital every day. Also we would have missed out on some kickass wars.
Lucy Zatekai
#32 - 2013-02-26 16:19:58 UTC
Systems without stations and lots of belts is the way to find good high sec mining spots (hauling to a station in the next system over is only a little more effort and gives you a lot less competition).
Given the prices of ore currently amarr space is the way to go, so ideally you'd want to check out places like Jarkkolen or Ahteer etc.
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-02-26 16:20:59 UTC
Skeln Thargensen wrote:
lol good one, we need high sec nerfed for our own benefit.


i lost count of how many 0.5 systems i rejected as not being quite juicy enough last week. just stick a survery scanner on a cruiser and get out there.

No, not for your benefit Mr. NPC corp dude, for the benefit of those people who actually play in player run corporation, otherwise known as the way CCP wants us to play.

The OP has a legitimate point.

CCP is the one that gave us the information.
There's more people mining in high sec then ever in the history of EVE, and it's because mining is safer.

More mining means more large scale operation by people who multibox, as well as botters. That means more systems getting stripped clean.

There are far more people playing EVE today then there was 5 years ago, and CCP verified that there were mroe miners then just by telling us that there's more mining in high sec then ever before.

It's common sense to come to the conclusion that there will be more systems with nothing, or very little to mine.
I personally do not mine in populated systems, am constantly moving to find "better" systems, and see exactly what the OP is talking about every where I go. When I find a good system, it may be good for few days to a week and then the locusts, otherwise known as NPC corp mining fleets, enter the system and start eating everything.

Sinse the guys in player run corporatioins can be war decced, they don't matter.

However, LOL@high sec player run corp miners. Like that ever ******* happens!
CCP needs to create valid reasons to either form or join a player run corp.

If you want to be the best, you should be in playe run corporations. The only way to really make being a miner in a player run corporation is to restrict acccess to the things that make you the best while in the NPC corporations. Miners are the best based on what they fly and where they refine.

It would fix the issue of having worthwhile incentive to be in a player run corp, and doesn't prevent anyone from being able to make a living mining.

In order to build the most advanced ships in EVE, I am not only required to play in a player run corporation, but also be in the most dangerous areas of EVE. There is no reason that they can't have restrictions on mining that require you to be in a player run corporation. Even the high sec mission runner is penalized for playing in the NPC corps by having to pay a higher tax then everyone.

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#34 - 2013-02-26 16:25:04 UTC
Lucy Zatekai wrote:
Systems without stations and lots of belts is the way to find good high sec mining spots (hauling to a station in the next system over is only a little more effort and gives you a lot less competition).
Given the prices of ore currently amarr space is the way to go, so ideally you'd want to check out places like Jarkkolen or Ahteer etc.

You still make less, and the NPC corp miner running 5 accounts is stripping belts clean that don't require him to move ore from one system to another; therefore spending less time mining.

Even having someone else do the hauling isn't the answer, because that generally just means one less miner.

The answer isn't reduced minerals output, because it's fine.
Minig is FINE in high sec.

The best miners being NPC corp miners is NOT FINE.
This is the biggest problem that exists with high sec mining.

Captain Tardbar
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#35 - 2013-02-26 16:36:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Tardbar
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Lucy Zatekai wrote:
Systems without stations and lots of belts is the way to find good high sec mining spots (hauling to a station in the next system over is only a little more effort and gives you a lot less competition).
Given the prices of ore currently amarr space is the way to go, so ideally you'd want to check out places like Jarkkolen or Ahteer etc.

You still make less, and the NPC corp miner running 5 accounts is stripping belts clean that don't require him to move ore from one system to another; therefore spending less time mining.

Even having someone else do the hauling isn't the answer, because that generally just means one less miner.

The answer isn't reduced minerals output, because it's fine.
Minig is FINE in high sec.

The best miners being NPC corp miners is NOT FINE.
This is the biggest problem that exists with high sec mining.

What is the difference between being in an NPC corp and a throw away corporation that you drop every time you get war dec'd?

None (short of having less people to talk to in 1000 man NPC corp).

I know people who everytime their industrial or miner character gets wardec'd they switch to another corp they just made up on the fly and continue on their business (and their station trader remains the original CEO as they have no risk of ever dying in the station) until the wardec is over.

Besides, if you want to kill a miner the best way is to gank them outright with little or no warning. Not wardec them and wait 24 hours to see if they are dumb enough to undock (though some are).

Looking to talk on VOIP with other EVE players? Are you new and need help with EVE (welfare) or looking for advice? Looking for adversarial debate with angry people?

Captain Tardbar's Voice Discord Server

Dave Stark
#36 - 2013-02-26 16:42:03 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

CCP needs to create valid reasons to either form or join a player run corp.

this is the only thing that you've said in this thread, that i agree with.
Skeln Thargensen
#37 - 2013-02-26 16:58:09 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
No, not for your benefit Mr. NPC corp dude, for the benefit of those people who actually play in player run corporation, otherwise known as the way CCP wants us to play.

The OP has a legitimate point.

I disagree because as a high sec miner I can tell you i mine all the time and you just need to move your space buns to find good systems. the work you put into mining is finding the damn belts not actually mining them which is trivial. and you can be as far away from your trade hub as you like if you contract your minerals in bulk as people will shift them for less than 1% of their market value.

I would have thought if CCP wanted us to play in player corps then they would make the incentives better. certainly there's no incentive for me to join one as a solo miner. other things, however...

forums.  serious business.

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2013-02-26 17:00:00 UTC
Owain GIyndwr wrote:
miners completely draining the high sec belts until finally there was nothing but specks of asteroids re-spawning after each down time
Dave Stark
#39 - 2013-02-26 17:02:19 UTC
Skeln Thargensen wrote:
certainly there's no incentive for me to join one as a solo miner. other things, however...

actually, as a solo miner, there is. most corps offer orca bonuses.

the problem is, once you have about 3 accounts or more, inevitably one will be your own orca and at that point, nobody can offer you anything that is worth giving up war dec immunity for.
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#40 - 2013-02-26 17:07:42 UTC
If only there were vast swaths of untouched space with virgin fields full of giant untouched asteroids

if only
