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C1/C2 Site Day Tripping Questions

Endo Riftbreaker
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#1 - 2013-02-25 18:11:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Endo Riftbreaker
Hi all,

So last night I decided to try my first ninja wormhole combat site - I managed to scan down a C2 Pulsar with my scanning ship, took a brief peak inside and just saw a few PoS's and some industrial ships. I also found 2 combat anomalies and decided to give them a shot in my Hurricane. I had a few questions that I haven't been able to find the answers to online, and would appreciate any advice / feedback / improvements. I managed to do both sites successfully, without having to warp out, but as always it's hard to tell whether I was smart or just lucky.

On the Hurricane fit: standard level 3 fit:

6 x 425 Tech II guns
1 Drone link augmenter (took a risk here and flew without a probe launcher, the hole had a day left and no mass disruption so I felt comfortable taking the chance)

2 LSE II's
1 Adapative Invul II
1 10MN Microwarp

2x Gyro II
2 x TE II
1 x nanofiber II
1 x Shield Recharger I

I used RF EMP M ammo and a flight of hobgoblin II's.


1 - Would I be better served with a salvager in the last high slot? How much does salvage account for in terms of isk from a given site

2 - Is this fit decent or did I just get lucky?

3 - How can you tell if a PoS is online? I had to verify using my pod, I've read that there should be a "forcefield" type unit labelled on D-Scan but I never saw it (is it a separate overview setting?)

4 - I was paranoid with hammering D-Scan, basically every 2 seconds, is this too much?

5 - When you see a combat ship on D-Scan, should you just immediately warp off and assume they're after you? An assault frig did show up on scan once, so I warped off, then decided to go back and finish off the last battleship

6 - Can I handle the cosmic signatures with this hurricane setup? I was down into armor a few times but my drones ultimately pulled aggro off me. I'm assuming the signature sites would be even harder than the anoms?

Many thanks. Would appreciate any other advice/feedback. Keep in mind I'm a low SP pilot (~9 M).

Mindful Visteen
Anomalous Existence
#2 - 2013-02-25 18:21:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Mindful Visteen
1-Yes, a salvager is needed. Nanoribbons can be your most profitable item.

2-The fit looks ok.

3-There is a forcefield setting on your overview filters. You can also use dscan to narrow the scan and find the online and offline towers. Best way is to scout the system first in a frigate. I'm assuming you don't have covops yet.

4-Wormholers dscan in high sec out of habit. We can't help it. Every 2 seconds is not too much but 5 is ok too.

5-Yes, warp off. Also stay aligned to something.

6-You can handle all the anoms in that ship, even if you have to warp off to let shield recharge. Get a buddy and run the radars and mags.

Many wh pilots were in wh space early on with less sp than you have. I had less than 2 million when I moved in and have never moved out.

Many wh pilots were in wh space early on with less sp than you have. I had less than 2 million when I moved in and have never moved out.

Oh, please keep coming on your day trips. We need more targets. ;)
Mindful Visteen
Anomalous Existence
#3 - 2013-02-25 18:22:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Mindful Visteen
Double Post
Endo Riftbreaker
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#4 - 2013-02-25 18:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Endo Riftbreaker
Thanks! I'll definitely be back, I'm planning on joining a WH corp eventually but I'm still working on the scanning skills that most corps ask for. I also can't fly a covops or a T3 yet and everything I've read suggests those are necessities. I thought of a few more questions:

How aware are people living in their wormhole generally? While running the site I had 2 indy's on scan the whole time, and if I can see them I'm assuming they could see my ship and the wrecks I was generating. Did I just catch them semi afk behind their PoS shield?

Is there anyway to tell roughly how many people live in a given hole? This hole had multiple moon coverage with PoS's, but I didn't see many people on D-Scan. Dot-lan also showed 0 ship kills in the last 48 hours (another reason I decided to give it a go).

Are guns viable for w-space or do you really need missile skills so you can fly a Tengu? I'm working towards t2 large guns atm so I can do some incursions when I'm not day-tripping.
Mindful Visteen
Anomalous Existence
#5 - 2013-02-25 18:41:02 UTC
Too many players in C2 and C1 space are either unaware of you, afraid of you, or think you're bait.

There are ways to tell who lives in the system but I'm not going to share those here. Convo me for details on that.

The gun missile debate is ongoing. My opinion is missiles are better for PVE especially with lower skilled players. Guns do work just fine and are a heck of a lot more fun to use IMO.

Tengus in c2s are overkill. Oh wait, nevermind, yes you must use tengus.

It doesn't take much time to train Frigate 5, Cloaking 4 and Covops. Once you can warp cloaked it changes the game.
Endo Riftbreaker
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#6 - 2013-02-25 18:46:49 UTC
Cool thanks! Yeah I'm planning on getting cov ops soon but in the medium term I'm working on getting into a Machariel for incursions, then I'll be going back and getting the full line-up of Minmatar tech 2 ships since I can use the guns fairly well.

I initially trained Tech 2 cruise missiles for my Raven, but after reading about the dominance of guns in other areas of the game (incursions, pvp), I decided it was a better move to work on skilling those up. Although autocannons do go through ammo like a knife through butter....
Dato Koppla
Balls Deep Inc.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#7 - 2013-02-26 01:10:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Dato Koppla
Your fit is fine, use a fitting tool to give you numbers on how much your tank is, 200 dps tank is what I would recommend as bare minimum for C2 anoms and with 250+ you should have no trouble with whatever C2s throw at you, including the other cosmic sigs. Remember that you can speed tank the BS if you orbit them really close with your MWD off.

You should always salvage your sites if possible as most of the good money comes from Melted Nanoribbons and if you get really lucky you can make alot of isk for little work.

As for guns vs missiles, just stick to guns for now, both have their pros and cons but I would say that guns are better as a large chunk of time doing C2 anoms is spent killing the heavily tanked battleships, and you should be able to use Hail on the BS which will give you quite a large dps advantage over Drakes (but Drakes don't have to burn around everywhere to get in range so they kind of even out) and since you're already trained for guns it's better to go down that path in my opinion.

Mashing dscan is second nature to most WHers I know I do it all the time out of habit, if you're doing it every 2 seconds, good. You can never be too aware. If a combat ship comes up on dscan while you're running a site, depending on the ship, align and wait, if somethings comes in warp out, usually you'll be far from the beacon and unless they have a cloaky in your site BMing a position right on top of you you'll be able to get out. If it's something like a cloaky t3, get out a.s.a.p.

Overall, you're off on a good start, daytripping can be really fun and also profitable if the loot gods smile on you.

Also for your fit, I'm assuming you have 3 purgers for your rigs and in that case I'd drop the nanofiber for another shield power relay and it should be all good.

Also, consider getting an Assault Frig for daytripping in a dangerous system, Harpy and Vengeance can do C2s easily while sporting a PvP fit and a utility salvager, since you're Minmatar I hear the Wolf can do it too although I've never tried and 2 mids means you can't carry a cap booster so you'll have trouble with the one site that has a neuting BS. Harpy is my favourite as it can have a huge active tank, good speed, and 300 dps for doing sites in a decent time.
#8 - 2013-02-26 03:30:03 UTC
Your fit is fine for C1 and C2. The isk for those sites is in salvage. I strongly recommend a noctis at some point. Takes waaay too long to salvage with one salvager, increasing the odds of meeting new friends. A noctis will take 5mins or so to clean up the whole site.

D-scan a lot.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Saladin Boneslash
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2013-02-26 14:27:50 UTC
Endo Riftbreaker wrote:
How aware are people living in their wormhole generally? While running the site I had 2 indy's on scan the whole time, and if I can see them I'm assuming they could see my ship and the wrecks I was generating. Did I just catch them semi afk behind their PoS shield?

Those ships were probably empty, sitting inside the POS forcefield. It's fairly common in w-space. A while back I was in a w-space system that had 2 or 3 towers full of empty ships. Not a single Ship Maintenance Array anywhere. They just left all of their ships (except the ones they log out in, obviously) floating in space.
Endo Riftbreaker
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#10 - 2013-02-26 14:59:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Endo Riftbreaker
My rigs are 2 core defense field purgers and an anti-EM screen, figured the resists would be more important than the extra shield HP since sleepers are omni damage, but maybe that math is wrong on my part?

I'll have to try hail ammo, only been using RF EMP and some of those sleepers take a while haha. I'm also considering using my noctis to salvage, I added a salvager to my fit last night but the chance is so low without rigs and the ship bonus that I couldn't even get one wreck salvaged before I had to warp off away from a Loki that popped up on scan.
DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#11 - 2013-02-26 17:31:09 UTC
Always bring something with a probe launcher. The hole might have plenty of time left and no mass through it, but you don't know who else is going to use it -- someone further up the chain might use it up doing logistics. The residents might crash it for their own amusement. You can train up an alt to sit in a T1 scan frigate and use a protocloak and T1 probe launcher without much trouble.

If you want a cheap salvager, fit out a destroyer with tractor beams and salvagers and rig it with salvage tackle. It doesn't have the Noctis's bonuses, but it won't set you back 50m if you lose it.
#12 - 2013-02-26 22:46:35 UTC
Honestly there is no reason to put off joining a corp once you can fit a BC. Look for a corp with a c1-3 and you'll fit right in.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Dato Koppla
Balls Deep Inc.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#13 - 2013-02-27 04:42:24 UTC
Marsan wrote:
Honestly there is no reason to put off joining a corp once you can fit a BC. Look for a corp with a c1-3 and you'll fit right in.

This. You need friends in whs
Endo Riftbreaker
STK Scientific
The Initiative.
#14 - 2013-02-27 15:17:31 UTC
Yeah I'm going to try and find a corp I think, though the fact that I can't fly a co-ops yet and my scanning skills aren't the best is a little worrisome.