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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Bill-Nye the Cyno-Guy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#921 - 2013-02-23 16:41:47 UTC
This has probably been answered previously but,

if I have a Nyx sitter, sitting in a Nyx who has, say, jump fuel conservation 1... what happens on patch day?

Guessing I can log him in but once he ejects from the ship, he can't get back in until he trains fuel4/cal3 etc. ?
Tilio Janau
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#922 - 2013-02-23 17:02:07 UTC
The changes looks good to me my only question is like the player above how are the skills gonna be sorted for players that can currently fly a ship/sit in a ship that no longer meet the requirements after the update.

will it be a case of if you can fly it today you can still fly it tomorrow i.e getting some skills for free or will it be a case of having to retrain the new skills first?
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#923 - 2013-02-23 17:10:09 UTC
Tilio Janau wrote:
The changes looks good to me my only question is like the player above how are the skills gonna be sorted for players that can currently fly a ship/sit in a ship that no longer meet the requirements after the update.

will it be a case of if you can fly it today you can still fly it tomorrow i.e getting some skills for free or will it be a case of having to retrain the new skills first?

The question has been answered...extensively...multiple times.

And you should really look up the meaning of 'i.e.', i.e. you have no clue what it means.
Bill-Nye the Cyno-Guy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#924 - 2013-02-23 17:27:54 UTC
Sorry for not spending my day reading through all 900 posts.

Maybe making the DevBlog a bit clearer on these issues would have saved some questions.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#925 - 2013-02-23 19:42:06 UTC
Bill-Nye the Cyno-Guy wrote:
Sorry for not spending my day reading through all 900 posts.

Maybe making the DevBlog a bit clearer on these issues would have saved some questions.

How about reading just the dev posts then?

You know you can click the blue bar on a dev post to be taken to the next one, right?

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Bill-Nye the Cyno-Guy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#926 - 2013-02-23 20:37:23 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:

How about reading just the dev posts then?
You know you can click the blue bar on a dev post to be taken to the next one, right?

I did not, ty.

I might be dense but I still don't get how this works. It has been stated multiple times that if you could fly it before, you will be able to fly it after the patch.

CCP will ADD new prerequisites to the carriers and supercarriers, namely:
(" - Adding the Jump Fuel Conservation skill at 4 as prerequisite - Adding the Jump Drive Calibration skill at 3 as prerequisite (which itself requires the Jump Drive Operation skill trained at 5)".

So a character with jump drive operation 1 and the jump fuel conservation skill uninjected can currently fly, say, an archon. How is it possible for him to fly it after? The only sp they are giving away are for the destroyer and BC skills.

To be honest, i don't rly care as both my cap toons have cal5 and fuel 4/5... just curious about the mechanics of it all.
Bill-Nye the Cyno-Guy
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#927 - 2013-02-23 20:45:57 UTC
CCP RubberBAND wrote:
Marsaac wrote:
Question, what happened to "if you could fly it before you can fly it now."? My alt can fly a fenrir now with Advanced Spaceships 4, after patch it will require 5, therefor she won't be able to fly it anymore right? That seems a bit bullshit to me.

You will still be able to fly it. The top skill in the tree is the only one that actually determines your ability to fly a ship. The Fenrir before and after will require:

Advanced Spaceship Command Level I

Minmatar Freighter Level I

So you can fly it even though you do not have Advanced Spaceship Command at Level V.

Ok lol, nvmd. Missed this on my first read-through :P
Max Brutix
Amarrian Special Forces
#928 - 2013-02-23 22:52:03 UTC
Skill changes are potentially good, however I am questioning what is the real reason for the reduction of the training time for most ships? If the reason is to help new players getting into ships quicker, that is good. If the reason is helping lowering inflation and eventually deflate ship prices, that is good. If the reason is to increase the sales of PLEX, that is bad. I am a bit suspicious on this last item because new players will not have the isk for a battleship. What is the point of accelerating access to larger and unaffordable ships?

I have to question if mr. -- person in charge -- is thinking clearly or if there is an agenda not favourable to eve players behind this.

Any personal attack will be responded in kind.
Max Brutix
Amarrian Special Forces
#929 - 2013-02-23 23:03:37 UTC
I have a question...

After the change it is stated that if I could fly a ship I will still be able to fly it...

Now this is the scenario post change: the ship I am flying requires additional skills. I can still fly it and all is good. I get podded. What happens now? Will the new clone be able to fly the same ship or will it require to train the missing skills?

It might seem a stupid question but unless I get a response I am not totally comfortable.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#930 - 2013-02-24 08:02:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Max Brutix wrote:
I have a question...

After the change it is stated that if I could fly a ship I will still be able to fly it...

Now this is the scenario post change: the ship I am flying requires additional skills. I can still fly it and all is good. I get podded. What happens now? Will the new clone be able to fly the same ship or will it require to train the missing skills?

It might seem a stupid question but unless I get a response I am not totally comfortable.

This was answeared by a Dev in this thread already, please go to the first post and click on the blue arrows in the profile picture to reach the next Dev answears. If you still have questions after carefully reading all of them, please come back here.


Nura Corporation
#931 - 2013-02-24 17:23:38 UTC
I have not read through all 47 pages of posts but here is my main concern.

(Concern) My concern is this, with the changes to command ships, as far as the ships themselves they are fine. However the mind links (Implants) are what comes into concern. As it is now the command link bonuses are a focused slot 10 implant and only boost one of the four total but with the new changes we are now bonuses on two of the 4. This means we are in need of a change in the way the implant works. Maybe make the implant boost all or make it boost the two effective that the command ships. Having a focused implant worked when we had focused command ships, now that they have split

(Personal grip) The change in ship requirements are making many training for everything shorter, despite what CCP is saying
I can train into and effectively fly every ship faster (well I could if I couldn't fly them all already). This is irritating but certainer not my primary concern but for that, it is rather irritating my over 65 million skill points don't count for nearly as much as they use to. I am all for helping people specialize quicker but do that through t1 ships and let them work into t2 later on. They did pretty well accomplish that mission with the change to t1 ship balancing and terricide.

Leave the t2 ship and capital ship requirements alone! Evil
Rannxz Janau
R3d Fire
#932 - 2013-02-24 19:46:48 UTC
If I have the Providence trained and this expansion goes through, will I get Advanced Spaceship Command V given to me? I only have Level I trained on it so far, but I see that once the patch goes through it will require Level V. Or will I not be able to fly the Providence?

I'm sorry if this is reposted, I'm a new player really (only 4 months old) and just curious, thanks!
Gosti Kahanid
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#933 - 2013-02-25 09:39:15 UTC
Rannxz Janau wrote:
If I have the Providence trained and this expansion goes through, will I get Advanced Spaceship Command V given to me? I only have Level I trained on it so far, but I see that once the patch goes through it will require Level V. Or will I not be able to fly the Providence?

I'm sorry if this is reposted, I'm a new player really (only 4 months old) and just curious, thanks!
No. As you can see on the picture above, you only need "Acvanced Spaceship Command" at 1 to fly the Providence. With the changes you need to train ist to V to inject the Freighter-Skill (which CCP schould really look after), but to sit into a ship, you only need the Skill in the top
Teral Mavolen
Kuniyoshi Tech
Kuniyoshi Technologies
#934 - 2013-02-27 05:57:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Teral Mavolen
To be deleted
Teral Mavolen
Kuniyoshi Tech
Kuniyoshi Technologies
#935 - 2013-02-27 06:20:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Teral Mavolen
To be ignored
Luscius Uta
#936 - 2013-02-27 14:20:50 UTC
Well, what to say about all thosee changes and where to even begin?

Introduction of racial Destroyers and Battlecruiser skills - good idea, since it incorporates them into a skill tree instead of being branches that fell off.

Removal of Battleship V requirement for capital ships - good in theory, capitals are not T2 Battleships so that didn't made much sense, but will leave some capital pilots uhappy because they trained Battleship V for nothing and we'll see more noobs in capitals.

Changes to Command Ship skill requirements - to me, this is by far the worst change out of them all. Leave the skill requirements same as they are, maybe (and just maybe) add Wing Command IV, but tie the Warfare skills to ships themselves instead (so a Damnation would need Armored warfare V and Vulture would need Siege Warfare V).

Changes to various T2 ship skills - makes sense for EAFs, dictors and hictors, not so much with HACs. Energy Grid Upgrades and Energy Management?? Rather random skills to pick. Cloaking IV for Recons? Must have for Force Recons anyway, but it would make more sense if Combat Recons had Targeting V as a requirement instead (whether you should separate the skills or not is another question though).

Changes to Industrials - makes sense as part of tiericide initiative, I would like to see CCP revamping existing Industrials into different roles, much like they did with Mining Barges. So, for example, Wreathe would have agility of a Frigate, Hoarder would have tank of a Battleship and Mammoth would have far greater cargo bay than the other two. Also, Freighters are not T2 Industrials so I don't see why you had to train Industrials to V to fly a Freighter (same situation as with Capitals and Battleships). However, since Jump Freighters ARE T2 Freighters, having Freighter skill trained to V SHOULD be a requirement to fly them. But I would compensate this skill requirement increase by both reimbursing people who can already fly Jump Freighters and reducing training multiplier for all T1 Freighter skills to 8.

Mining Barge changes - seems OK to incorporate Mining Frigate and ORE Industrial skills into the mining tree. Also, since Orca is used for much more than conducting mining operations, I don't mind Mining Barge V requirement being thrown out (but it could still require Industry V, I guess).

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#937 - 2013-02-27 16:10:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Luscius Uta wrote:
Well, what to say about all thosee changes and where to even begin?

Introduction of racial Destroyers and Battlecruiser skills - good idea, since it incorporates them into a skill tree instead of being branches that fell off.

Removal of Battleship V requirement for capital ships - good in theory, capitals are not T2 Battleships so that didn't made much sense, but will leave some capital pilots uhappy because they trained Battleship V for nothing and we'll see more noobs in capitals.

Changes to Command Ship skill requirements - to me, this is by far the worst change out of them all. Leave the skill requirements same as they are, maybe (and just maybe) add Wing Command IV, but tie the Warfare skills to ships themselves instead (so a Damnation would need Armored warfare V and Vulture would need Siege Warfare V).

Changes to various T2 ship skills - makes sense for EAFs, dictors and hictors, not so much with HACs. Energy Grid Upgrades and Energy Management?? Rather random skills to pick. Cloaking IV for Recons? Must have for Force Recons anyway, but it would make more sense if Combat Recons had Targeting V as a requirement instead (whether you should separate the skills or not is another question though).

Changes to Industrials - makes sense as part of tiericide initiative, I would like to see CCP revamping existing Industrials into different roles, much like they did with Mining Barges. So, for example, Wreathe would have agility of a Frigate, Hoarder would have tank of a Battleship and Mammoth would have far greater cargo bay than the other two. Also, Freighters are not T2 Industrials so I don't see why you had to train Industrials to V to fly a Freighter (same situation as with Capitals and Battleships). However, since Jump Freighters ARE T2 Freighters, having Freighter skill trained to V SHOULD be a requirement to fly them. But I would compensate this skill requirement increase by both reimbursing people who can already fly Jump Freighters and reducing training multiplier for all T1 Freighter skills to 8.

Mining Barge changes - seems OK to incorporate Mining Frigate and ORE Industrial skills into the mining tree. Also, since Orca is used for much more than conducting mining operations, I don't mind Mining Barge V requirement being thrown out (but it could still require Industry V, I guess).

I like your post, because it contains your thoughts in such a constructive manner.

You say many true things, but I do disagree with you on the Command Ship requirements and give CCP my full support for them, because the 4 general skills (not link skills) bonuses are useful for all boosters, because sometimes you cannot field all of the command ships and thus characters with the correspondent skills. If I boost Shield fleets I also help out if someone dips into armor, if I boost armor I give my logies possibly a second more to react. More agility is always helpful. More targeting range is perhaps a bit redundant but helps in certain e-war situations. Maybe sensor strength would have been better? Is already in the Leadership skill, though.

There are many posts agreeing with you on the Recon requirements, which are very random (actually CCP added to the discussion if you want to click through the blue arrows in the CCP staff pics). I like to add that I believe Force and Combat Recons should have split requirements. Cloaking and e-war for Force Recons of course. For Combat Recons, e-war and something else I could not know without having flown them. But I trust many of others will have good ideas.

I also agree with you on freighter's prereqs: Please CCP, make a clean cut here and move on.

I disagree with you about the Industrial skill, while the sound of it suggests that it could be a requirement for anything having to do with ressource gathering and converting, the only ship that comes to mind even remotely making use of the skill's actual bonuses is the Rorqual (although i do not know if that is really the case), so it basicly is only a useless time sink - something I had the impression CCP wanted to remove. This is why I believe the Industry skill should not be used as prereq for any ship (but maybe the Rorqual, if it makes use of it, then again it might not need additional training time).

Now about reimbursement stuff: While it still kind of sucks to have skill levels not being a prereq anymore on a personal level for various reasons, looking at the overall scheme of things I would prefer if CCP just made a clean cut, have prereqs for old and new players the same and ditch their "what you could fly before you will after" theme (which e.g. stopped CCP to make freighter 5 a prereq for JF, because they would need to reimburse minimum 32 days worth of skillpoints) . I believe this to be much better for the longterm health of EVE, what actually changed my mind on my reimbursement stance.


Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#938 - 2013-02-27 20:46:10 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:

Now about reimbursement stuff: While it still kind of sucks to have skill levels not being a prereq anymore on a personal level for various reasons, looking at the overall scheme of things I would prefer if CCP just made a clean cut, have prereqs for old and new players the same and ditch their "what you could fly before you will after" theme (which e.g. stopped CCP to make freighter 5 a prereq for JF, because they would need to reimburse minimum 32 days worth of skillpoints) . I believe this to be much better for the longterm health of EVE, what actually changed my mind on my reimbursement stance.

I'm not aware of how people retaining their abilities detracts from game health in the long term but the affects could be quite apparent in the short term in negative fashion.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#939 - 2013-02-27 20:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Yeah, I guess people would be pissed short term. But long term health seems more important to me. And the need to retrain would not disable people to fly stuff - and thus detract health - if notified in time.

Especially now that the new prereqs are quite useful and most people have them trained or get additional use for the additional training anyway.


Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#940 - 2013-02-27 23:11:42 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
Yeah, I guess people would be pissed short term. But long term health seems more important to me. And the need to retrain would not disable people to fly stuff - and thus detract health - if notified in time.

Especially now that the new prereqs are quite useful and most people have them trained or get additional use for the additional training anyway.

I'm still not seeing how you are quantifying long term health here, or how the current plan detracts from it.