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CCP: Where did you get the idea about NPC AI changes?

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#101 - 2013-01-29 07:21:18 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
State War Academy
Caldari State

Stopped reading.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#102 - 2013-01-29 07:36:45 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
CCP have now made it so you can't profit from not playing.

Two words: Moon Goo.

Pretty sure you Goons are quite familiar with the concept.

Baron Dmitri Harkonnen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#103 - 2013-01-29 07:53:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Baron Dmitri Harkonnen
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
State War Academy
Caldari State

Stopped reading.

Gotta be one of the most immature things I have come across in EVE. Funny though, I assumed the average EVE Online player was better than this.

Oh well! Take care, friend.

Edit: Thanks for the bump :)
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#104 - 2013-01-29 08:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Katran Luftschreck wrote:
And I'm still waiting for someone to say "drones aren't broken" who doesn't immediately follow it up with "My Dominix and sentries..."

(Which, ironically, was the combo used by all of the alleged AFKers in the first place)

Drones aren't broken. :P

My Rattlesnake (I do not own a Dominix) and it's Sentries have had serious issues with level four missions until I fitted mah ship with RR modules and got rid of those mostly useless cruise missile launchers...

That said.... I really can't decide wether drones are broken or not. In pvp they get scrapped pretty fast which would leave me without dps, and in PVE they're close to being the non plus ultra weapon system, once you figure out how to pull aggro on anything that would attack your drones... :/

To me it almost feels like drones were intended as an auxiliary weapon system (capital ships excluded) which somehow mutilated into a primary weapon system...

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#105 - 2013-01-29 09:22:34 UTC
Yeah, the current state of play is to utilize sentries (optional MJD here), or point blank drone use with a healthy dose of OCD on watching for little red boxes ceasing to flash. Not much in between.

I think it's a bit of a shame personally.
Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#106 - 2013-01-29 11:32:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Katran Luftschreck
It also irks me that the whole "Fixed AI Rules" on targeting is complete hogwash. I've seen plenty of rat battleships attacking medium and light drones. However, in seeing it enough times I think I found what may be a bug (at least I hope that's all it is) that causes the AI to still alpha everything you throw out there.

The "bug" is in their assistance programming. If I've got nothing on my scope but battleships, then yes, what CCP said about their new AI usually holds up and they don't target the lights. But if there are any frigates left - which are supposed to target lights - then the battleships will target them as well. So what you end up with in not all the rats using separate AI - they seem to all be using the same AI script for every ship in the room.

To clarify, I think that if you see ten rats in a mission that they're not all running copies of the same script. Instead they seem to all be running off just one copy of that script and that one copy is controlling all of them. So as long as there is even one ship out there that will target light drones (read: a frigate) then every rat on the screen will shoot them - up to and most certainly including battleships.

Regardless if my theory is true or not, the result is the same as before the "fix" - you launch drones and the AI insta-locks them (also total BS, by the way) and alpha strikes them off the screen in a hail of fire coming from ten different ships at once, regardless of the size class of the drones or the rats themselves.

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#107 - 2013-01-29 11:36:58 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
State War Academy
Caldari State

Stopped reading.

Gotta be one of the most immature things I have come across in EVE. Funny though, I assumed the average EVE Online player was better than this.

Oh well! Take care, friend.

Edit: Thanks for the bump :)

Maybe I would read your posts if you made them with an actual character.
Grimm Griefer
Amarr Empire
#108 - 2013-01-29 11:58:17 UTC
after being away when this change came in I took a rattlesnake into a mission and wasn't impressed when my ogres where eaten by the mission.
now I move my BS into close range, pull the aggro then let my hammerheads go to work on the cruisers and below whilst I concentrate on the BS's as sending drones in from long range means they become the target not you = drone screaming death even with speed and damage mods.
I'm finding that the heavies are now useless under the current AI set up until you clean up the frigs and cruisers. I would keep some on hand in case I get an elite BS whose tank I can't break with my missiles and HH2's
Utassi Security
#109 - 2013-01-29 12:50:11 UTC
I would just love if I could figure out the AI to some extent. From what I know Sleepers and Incursion AI is somewhat predictable and can be worked with, the normal NPC AI seems to be a complete wack job.

I have been in missions with a Rattlesnake with only frigates on left. launch Hobgoblin II's and sat there for a couple of minuets watching while my drones killed everything and took no agro.
Then I could do another mission and with only two frigates there and plenty of Battleships have my hobgoblins webbed and shot the hell every moment I launch them.

Drones are managable, it's better than it was but could use some tweaks still, the same with how AI targets multiple players.

As for NPC EWAR I don't even want to start down that road.

As a player who does PVE and PVP I can say that the impression I have from CCP right now is "We don't care about your problems and you're all just whining about nothing"

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Baron Dmitri Harkonnen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#110 - 2013-01-29 12:54:13 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:

Maybe I would read your posts if you made them with an actual character.

For someone who doesn't read my posts you sure do a lot of posting in my thread!

Bye Vimsy!
The Burn Ward
#111 - 2013-01-29 16:34:38 UTC
So.. You liked it better when all NPCs were dumb idiots you could effortlessly dispatch while you grind lvl4s for the 3 hour in a row.

Why not just ask CCP to make a 'Press button, receive ISK' feature

IMO missioning is still too easy. rats still sit idle while I murder their comrades just a few kilometers away. The basic behaviour is still the same. Truly making them smart would go along way towards easing new players into PVP and take away the perception that it's for elite 3 year vets only.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#112 - 2013-01-29 18:40:57 UTC
redhaze2nd wrote:
So.. You liked it better when all NPCs were dumb idiots you could effortlessly dispatch while you grind lvl4s for the 3 hour in a row.

They still are, why should non-sentry users get the shaft?

What does a half million isk "fine" every time they miss whacking that mole by a second, or (heaven forfend!) they send out drones to their control range add to their experience?

There is a distinct difference between "hard" and "stupid". This is much closer to the latter than the former.

/Missile Boat pilot
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#113 - 2013-02-20 17:46:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
NPC AI is blech.

Does this make sense? I land in a pocket with a Myrmidon happily blazing away at the NPC's, and even though I am not even targetting the NPC's they switch aggro to me. Hrmmm...isn't that other ship blapping your buddies more of a concern, over the guy who isn't even targetting you? WTF...

And it gets better, the NPC's don't aggro, they aggro my f#$ing *salvage drones*. Gosh yes, that Mrym thats been vaporizing your buds is of no consequence, there are SALVAGE DRONES ON THE FIELD!!!!

Google Voices
#114 - 2013-02-20 18:15:41 UTC
MainDrain wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
MainDrain wrote:
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Azitek wrote:

I dunno, it sounds like you're complaining about difficulty to me.

Concerning drones, it's beyond difficulty. 100% chance of death for them. That's an issue.

If you lose 100% of your drones you are doing it wrong! I will lose on average 2-3 small drones per day (that could be up to 6 hours running mission) Larger drones are more at Risk but you if you take out all the cruisers with guns and set the heavies on the BS you are generally ok. I tend to loose a few more of them per day than the smaller drones, but mainly thats due to lack of attention

Obviously you have not done Level IV missions lately.

Battleships alone on a field will now target and destroy your Large Drones now long before they can get back to their bay.

Eliminating frigs and cruisers stops nothing.

I run missions most week nights, always level 4s as well, it is not an issue i have noticed at all they may get targeted and even hit a few times while MWDing towards a target but once in orbit they never have issues. Perhaps increase your drone skills (durability and interfacing iirc) to make them last longer and hit harder.

Wrong, I have 14 mil in drone skills on my alt, durability to 5 etc....

I tried running L3's in a Gila, and didn't start having issues until about 6 or 8 missions went by.
Then suddenly, some of the NPC's would not aggro me at all, a group of them would wait for me to drop drones, and attack them immediately. No matter how many times I pulled in the garde 2's, it didn't matter. I tried to kill the 3 cruisers that were doing it, and lost a garde 2 with a medium remote centus rep on it to 3 cruisers sitting at 40k.

If someone with max drone skills can't manage them without losing some, in a L3 no less, there is a problem.

"Fozzie could not comment on when this issue would be resolved and stated that “one day Veritas will come up to me and say ‘hey I fixed off-grid boosting’”, but he had no idea on a potential timeframe for this sort of miracle."

Tactical Grace.
#115 - 2013-02-22 15:02:09 UTC
AI is a total joke, so many threads complaining about various aspects.
I hope they swithc it back to the way it was until we can get something that doesnt break certain game play.

Heres to hoping anyway.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#116 - 2013-02-22 15:07:50 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
NPC AI is blech.

Does this make sense? I land in a pocket with a Myrmidon happily blazing away at the NPC's, and even though I am not even targetting the NPC's they switch aggro to me. Hrmmm...isn't that other ship blapping your buddies more of a concern, over the guy who isn't even targetting you? WTF...

And it gets better, the NPC's don't aggro, they aggro my f#$ing *salvage drones*. Gosh yes, that Mrym thats been vaporizing your buds is of no consequence, there are SALVAGE DRONES ON THE FIELD!!!!


But, the npcs are scared you were going to salvage them, beofre they died. I too fear zombie salvaging.

But yea, lots of dumb behavior by what was supposed to be "better" AI. This is why I kept saying "design a new thing from the ground up like you did with incursions and wormholes, instead of slapping a patchwork thing on top of old content".

Every time i said that some genius would pop up and say "you just want boring , Easy rats" or some such. Why some people who speak English refuse to try to understand English.
Vardaugas Family
#117 - 2013-02-22 15:10:35 UTC
They need to go through all missions and switch NPCs around so the new AI packages are used in a balanced manner fitting for the intended difficulty of the mission.

I bet my pod, the team that did the AI changes simply forgot to go through the level design when they did their work as level design was outside the scope of their assignment. I'd blame the design lead and producers for that oversight.
Davith en Divalone
Gallente Federation
#118 - 2013-02-22 15:22:29 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
NPC AI is blech.

Does this make sense? I land in a pocket with a Myrmidon happily blazing away at the NPC's, and even though I am not even targetting the NPC's they switch aggro to me. Hrmmm...isn't that other ship blapping your buddies more of a concern, over the guy who isn't even targetting you? WTF...

I don't know, if I wandered onto the restricted areas of my local army base with no escort, no identification, no uniform (worse, displaying an enemy registration), and no communication with their operations waving a bunch of guns and stealing their property, getting shot at might possibly be the best possible outcome.
Joran Dravius
#119 - 2013-02-22 15:44:56 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:

It's like a select few of you have this opinion on what EVE PVE should be and screw everyone else who thinks otherwise. You want it to be more like PVP but if people wanted that then...wouldn't they go and just PVP? Why are you forcing these changes when all the threads on the matter say no thank you.

Have you ever called a doctor to tell him you feel great? Ever call a mechanic to tell him your car runs like it's brand new? People who are happy with the change have no reason to tell CCP about it.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#120 - 2013-02-22 17:24:51 UTC
To the OP, in regard to your question work with an assertion and ask your self a few questions, and the answer about why this disaster was implemented becomes self evident.

1. If we consider PvE income as variable revenue source, and coupled with static revenue sources, they form the entire basis of all revenue sources in the game.
2. What happens to the value of a static revenue source as a tool / weapon / instrument of power when variable revenue drops and static revenue becomes a larger piece of the whole income pie?
3. Who controls the largest sources of static revenue in the game?
4. What areas of the game were most of the game designers recruited from?