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Linux client?

Catsoup Empire
#1 - 2013-01-22 10:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sonkut
This is a pure interest Post, I understand eve is usable with Wine and I remember in the past there was effort to make a linux client which was put to one side when it was decided to be trouble/too much effort/whatever. With the whole steam fiasco at the moment and their push to make the Linux platform the new gaming revolution I’m starting to re-consider my setup. The main problem is if I pushed to move to linux and get learning the platform then there is one game I know will hold me back(you! Yes you CCP!). I dislike faffing around with games, especially ones that get updates often, because this will quite often screw the pooch on all your hard work. Just look at Day Z, as soon as an update comes out you had better just delete the whole game and re-download.

So here is my question. Will CCP be developing a proper linux version so they can guarantee they don’t get stuck and left behind?
Another question is would it just be made and delivered through the steam client as part of their thing? Would there be any difference?

Here’s a recent post from Slashdot on the Steam/Linux matter:
The Providers
#2 - 2013-01-22 14:19:53 UTC
They didn't actually try to create a proper Linux client the first time, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

They used the Windows version in combination with Cedega.

Which unfortunately worked worse that just downloading the Windows client and use Wine, so almost nobody used it, causing CCP to abandon their Linux client.
Catlyn Aldien
Rolling Static
Wardec Mechanics
#3 - 2013-01-23 12:15:27 UTC
Indeed the "linux Client" was wholeheartet.

A native client would be awesome.

Intergrating with steam is not going to make a difference, it will still execute the same software, wich is why the steam linux library is mostly filled up with Indie games.
Sheydren Sylea
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-01-24 16:57:38 UTC
IMO if there's a Steve Jobs Needs a Yacht Before he Dies rather than a liver version (MacOSX) there's no reason not to be a linux version. I'd love not having to mess with Wine, Steam though, from what I've seen is still using wine for their client.

DirectX is the thing. It's the crack game dev's like, EZ 3D...
Katrina Bekers
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2013-01-25 11:59:56 UTC
The MacOS X version isn't native either.

It works with Cider rather than Cedega, but still the Windows code wrapped up in a compatibility library layer.

@OP: chances of truly linux native, OpenGL, no-win-quirks-leveraged version are very close to zero.

Chances that individual devs will take to heart to check the releases work at least with WINE and eventually do something to fix stuff in case of glaring issues: close to one, since it already happened in the past; while unsupported, our platform is close to heart of many people in Reykjavik.

Chances of a steam-delivered version: good, but most likely will still be WINE+Win client.


Catsoup Empire
#6 - 2013-01-25 14:03:33 UTC
Thanks for your interesting posts guys, Just hope CCP listen. I'm really on-board with the whole steam Piston - console game changer thing. Lets hope the future gets interesting instead of disapointing hey!
Nebu Retski
Lead Farmers
#7 - 2013-01-28 15:31:41 UTC
CCP will not port eve to Linux because it's not needed and far too costly. Eve runs perfectly fine on linux through wine. Afaik the only thing that doesn't work is captain's quarters, which is a pointless part of eve anyway.

Also installing eve on Linux isn't as hard as some people believe. Just install the latest wine version using the preferred method of your distribution, then follow the steps that have been mentioned dozens of times in this section of the EO forums. Basically once you have wine and the appropriate libraries installed it's simple installing eve, then maybe set a couple of overrides (depending on your wine version) and you're good to go. Hard work, imho not really, just a couple of clickity clackity more then on windows.

Also the updating of the client these day's tends to go fairly smoothly, the last time that there was a big issue was when the launcher was introduced a bit less than a year ago. Apart from that you should worry more about updating your wine client, because it happens that a new wine release doesn't not run the eve client correctly, but usually it is fixed by setting the proper override or downgrading your wine to the previous version you had installed.

I'd rather have CCP spend all their time and effort in polishing and improving the game then spending countless of man hours on porting the game to Linux.
Katrina Bekers
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2013-01-29 10:51:18 UTC
Nebu Retski wrote:
Eve runs perfectly fine on linux through wine. Afaik the only thing that doesn't work is captain's quarters, which is a pointless part of eve anyway.

To be completely honest, there's also the lack of https support in IGB.

For users within large coalitions (like me) where a lot of coalition services are provided only thru SSL sites, it's something of a pain. But nothing that a good dose of alt-tab (or a second monitor Blink ) won't fix.

Nebu Retski wrote:
I'd rather have CCP spend all their time and effort in polishing and improving the game then spending countless of man hours on porting the game to Linux.

Exactly my feeling.

And I'm playing since Trinity - when the so called linux client was first released: I used it only until it was clear that WINE+Win client was the way to go.


Matari Recreation
#9 - 2013-01-29 13:41:19 UTC
Katrina Bekers wrote:
To be completely honest, there's also the lack of https support in IGB.

For users within large coalitions (like me) where a lot of coalition services are provided only thru SSL sites, it's something of a pain. But nothing that a good dose of alt-tab (or a second monitor Blink ) won't fix.

That's patchable. I didn't like the fact that I had to pull Wine away from the package manager just to fix that, but after a little research, I was able to set up a nice little assembly-line for unpacking the source package, patching, repacking, and installing so that dpkg still knows about it (Ubuntu). It's only slightly annoying once you get used to it.
#10 - 2013-01-30 17:20:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausendeins
I wholeheartedly hate Transgaming.

Transgaming Software is a piece of ****. Forked from wine back in its dark ages (before LGPL) they developed it without giving back to the Wine project itself (actually some believe, that they are using newer wine code without respecting its license) into what they shamelessly call Cider (for Mac, literally Applewine) and Cedega (for Windows). Now they are working together with Game companies that want to make a cheap Mac- or Linux-"port" (it's not a port, it's the Windows client bundled with a virtualization-layer). For a current example, look at the Guildwars 2 Mac port.

CCP tried that as well. The resulting "Linux-Client" was awful, it didn't feature premium Graphics and was slow and buggy. So the generally more tech-savy Linux people shat on it and used Wine instead. CCP now saw, that nobody used their ****** "port" and concluded, that there is no demand for a linux client and dumped it.

I can absolutely understand, that rewriting the whole client for Mac or Linux is too much of an effort, if possible at all, since Eve was never made with those Systems in mind. But instead of paying Transgaming for their ******, proprietary and virtually stolen wine bootleg, they could bundle Eve with Wine, offer support for that and give something back to the wine project.
Dave Borg
#11 - 2013-02-01 21:05:33 UTC
Nebu Retski wrote:
CCP will not port eve to Linux because it's not needed and far too costly. Eve runs perfectly fine on linux through wine. Afaik the only thing that doesn't work is captain's quarters, which is a pointless part of eve anyway.

Speak for yourself. Nothing is more fun than to troubleshoot a new crashes every few weeks/months.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-02-18 00:20:10 UTC
Now that Steam and its main games (plus lots of indie games) are running on Linux, EVE is literally the only reason why I still have a Windows installation on my machine. Performance with Wine seems to be rather poor on my machine even at the lowest graphics settings and it would be awesome if ever there were a proper, native Linux EVE client.

While I don't expect EVE to lose a lot of players (it is rather addictive after all) I think there's a good chance that more and more potential players will just never even try it if Linux manages to establish itself as a platform for gaming - which would be a shame.

As for DirectX, when Valve ported Left4Dead to Linux they also had to switch from DirectX to OpenGL which apparently also improved performace on Windows. I have no idea whether similar results would happen if EVE ever got ported to OpenGL but if there's a chance, it might be interesting. After all everybody likes faster explosions & stuff.

"The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp."

Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-02-18 07:47:45 UTC
Yes id would love to see a native linux client.

YES it runs well under wine but why settle? I know we wont actually get a linux client. But if people truly want Companies to support Linux. Gotta quit with the well it runs fine under wine... Yes it runs fine but actually nativly supporting it would be better. :)

As far as the mac os client goes ya that was never a true client for mac os. Anyways it will prob be a windows always client.
Grim Altero
#14 - 2013-02-20 20:28:44 UTC
Linux client would be good, but, actually, Eve runs well under Wine. So, it doesn't worth the trouble.
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2013-02-22 07:16:58 UTC
Grim Altero wrote:
Linux client would be good, but, actually, Eve runs well under Wine. So, it doesn't worth the trouble.

its like this we know it works under wine but true multi platform support is win win for all.
Catsoup Empire
#16 - 2013-02-22 12:51:14 UTC
Seras Victoria Egivand wrote:

its like this we know it works under wine but true multi platform support is win win for all.

Once again it brings me back to the Steam Piston. If it truly comes out and truly makes Linux a viable gaming platform, having Eve being a faff to install on linux for anyone who doesn’t understand wine will stand in the way of anyone on the Piston playing it, as well as anyone who converts from windows to linux. It’s about Faff free gaming. If you see what I mean.
Katrina Bekers
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2013-02-22 13:58:56 UTC
Seras Victoria Egivand wrote:

its like this we know it works under wine but true multi platform support is win win for all.

For as much as I'd love the linux gaming base to be expanded, I also know how much of a resource drain a native client would be.

Fix POSes/roles/nullsec harvesting, then rewrite the DirectX engine in OpenGL, kthxbye.


Catsoup Empire
#18 - 2013-02-22 15:03:57 UTC
Katrina Bekers wrote:

For as much as I'd love the linux gaming base to be expanded, I also know how much of a resource drain a native client would be.

Fix POSes/roles/nullsec harvesting, then rewrite the DirectX engine in OpenGL, kthxbye.

I'm not saying it needs doing over other stuff or even that it's a priority. I'm saying it may pay CCP to be thinking about it if the future starts turning penguin shaped.
Seras Victoria Egivand
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2013-02-25 21:26:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Seras Victoria Egivand
Sonkut wrote:
Katrina Bekers wrote:

For as much as I'd love the linux gaming base to be expanded, I also know how much of a resource drain a native client would be.

Fix POSes/roles/nullsec harvesting, then rewrite the DirectX engine in OpenGL, kthxbye.

I'm not saying it needs doing over other stuff or even that it's a priority. I'm saying it may pay CCP to be thinking about it if the future starts turning penguin shaped.


Also most game makers dont write there game engine's to be api specific. (also didn't ccp in one of there fan fests say there were working on making the client api less so it would not be dependent on direct x?)

Sonkut has a great point with the migration of Steam to Nix and the overabundance of popularity of Humble indy bundle with linux games (being that linux gamer tend to spend 2x more then there win and mac os counterparts.)

I think that CCP should actually start looking at mac and Linux as a viable platform.

Katrina Bekers as a fellow linux user i respect your input. The issue with POS/SOV and Role management lol has been here for years and i dont think they really have high motivations to actually fix it.
Katrina Bekers
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2013-02-27 15:39:35 UTC
Seras Victoria Egivand wrote:
Also most game makers dont write there game engine's to be api specific. (also didn't ccp in one of there fan fests say there were working on making the client api less so it would not be dependent on direct x?)

The EVE game engine is totally in the hands of CCP.

To the best of my knowledge, they designed, developed and utilized it, basing most of the code on DirectX features. Only thanks to a massive effort by WINE developers we're able to work around most of the quirks - the notable remaining one being the Captain's Quarter.

I dearly hope they reduce their dependence on DX. They were an exclusively Microsoft shop before; since a long time, this is no longer true. Dust is on PS3, after all...

Sonkut has a great point with the migration of Steam to Nix and the overabundance of popularity of Humble indy bundle with linux games (being that linux gamer tend to spend 2x more then there win and mac os counterparts.)

I think that CCP should actually start looking at mac and Linux as a viable platform.

I agree. I hope they're giving up as much as humanly possible from a DirectX-only client. It'll take time, effort and dedication. I won't hold my breath, however.


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