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Worlds Collide Lvl 4 Serpentis faction spawn

First post
Matthew McConnell
Alpha United Industries Inc.
#21 - 2013-02-19 21:27:46 UTC
Some people seem confused as how to identify a faction spawn.

Here are two sure easy ways of doing it.

1. Hit show info on the rat in question.
The description is deceptive, ignore it. Instead look at the title bar of the show info window.
A faction spawn is an Asteroid (insert faction name) Commander (insert ship class).

For example a Serpentis faction frigate spawn would look like this.
Asteroid Serpentis Commander Frigate

2. Look at type in the overview.

A faction spawn will the commander prefix of its faction (Shadow, Dread, True, etc) followed by its faction name NOT its deadspace name.

For example a Serpentis faction battleship spawn would look like this on the overview.
Shadow Serpentis Admiral

A fake commander would look like this.
Shadow Core Admiral

Finally about loot drops.

All real faction spawns can salvage for tech 2, have a 100% faction tag drop rate, and a very high chance of dropping faction ammo. Lower bounty spawns will drop low grade faction ammo and higher bounty spawns will usually drop high grade faction ammo.

All true faction spawns have a chance of dropping faction modules, faction ship bpcs, pirate implants, and inferno module bpcs. However the lower the bounty, the lower the chance of any of these dropping.

Keep in mind any faction spawn can hold a jackpot, so check them all. Just last weak I got a Dread Guristas Arrogator bounty 30,000 isk, in Worlds Collide lvl 1. He dropped a Dread Guristas Copper Tag, a 1 run Worm bpc, and a low-grade Crystal Epsilon.

Hope that helps. Smile
Noemi Nagano
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-02-20 10:17:20 UTC
I just did my first WC for a while and it seems like mechanics have been changed again.

Before the last patch there used to be an Overseer (now named "Supervisor") everytime I went to a room. Now there was no Overseer in any room. Did they change it back to random gate access spawn, or do you have to kill stuff now?
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#23 - 2013-02-20 10:20:04 UTC
(repost from another similar thread)
Not sure if this is relevant, but it seems to obviouse to be coincidental.

Some "Supervisor" NPCs in certain deadspace locations were spawning too early; this should now be fixed.

about 3/4 of the way to the bottom of the patch notes under 'NPCs'

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Noemi Nagano
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-02-20 11:11:08 UTC
Yes, I think you are right there. Still I dont see if they changed the mechanics back to how they were before, or if there is some other way how one can create the spawn.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2013-02-20 11:21:16 UTC
Maybe the spawn mechanic has changed recently but i've always found that warping into each side had a % chance of spawning the faction rat. Sometimes while I run the site i would get my alt to keep warping in and out until it eventually spawned. Usually not worth the time to do it but i would always get a spawn on both sides, some times after a few warp in/out other times considerably longer.
Caribean Drug Cartel
#26 - 2013-02-20 12:08:53 UTC
BlackPyroStorm wrote:
Maybe the spawn mechanic has changed recently but i've always found that warping into each side had a % chance of spawning the faction rat. Sometimes while I run the site i would get my alt to keep warping in and out until it eventually spawned. Usually not worth the time to do it but i would always get a spawn on both sides, some times after a few warp in/out other times considerably longer.

This might stil be a viable method, but so far no luck for me.
Tried jumping through a million times last night, but random is random is random, so who knows.
There are still supervisors though, got one first try after patch, but i suspect they have changed the spawnmechanics.
CCP Affinity
C C P Alliance
#27 - 2013-02-20 13:43:15 UTC
From the patch notes : - Some "Supervisor" NPCs in certain deadspace locations were spawning too early, and in some cases were incorrectly spawning 100% of the time; this should now be fixed

The trigger is now chance based, as per the original design.

♥ CCP Affinity ♥

Follow me on Twitter

Game Designer for EVE Online

Team Astro Sparkle

Caribean Drug Cartel
#28 - 2013-02-20 14:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Staalnacke
CCP Affinity wrote:
From the patch notes : - Some "Supervisor" NPCs in certain deadspace locations were spawning too early, and in some cases were incorrectly spawning 100% of the time; this should now be fixed

The trigger is now chance based, as per the original design.

Figured as much.
Would that imply that we are infact back to the previous "working" spawn-mechanic, and not a brand new one?
i.e. a minute chance every time you pass through the jumpgates, not only the first time you pass through it?

Edit: Also, cheers for replying Affy.
Never Back Down
#29 - 2013-02-21 16:39:11 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
From the patch notes : - Some "Supervisor" NPCs in certain deadspace locations were spawning too early, and in some cases were incorrectly spawning 100% of the time; this should now be fixed

The trigger is now chance based, as per the original design.

So back to a small % each time you use the gate, or a flat chance?
CCP Affinity
C C P Alliance
#30 - 2013-02-21 17:11:58 UTC
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

♥ CCP Affinity ♥

Follow me on Twitter

Game Designer for EVE Online

Team Astro Sparkle

Never Back Down
#31 - 2013-02-21 17:19:26 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

Thanks for clearing that up.
#32 - 2013-02-21 17:33:26 UTC
CCP Affinity wrote:
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

Then the behaviour has changed - I still have a dramiel sat in a station that I used to use to run through the gates lots of times once I had killed everything to force the spawn to take place.
Never Back Down
#33 - 2013-02-21 18:17:21 UTC
Kithran wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

Then the behaviour has changed - I still have a dramiel sat in a station that I used to use to run through the gates lots of times once I had killed everything to force the spawn to take place.

I figured they had changed it, but had accidentally put 100% spawn in the formula.
#34 - 2013-02-21 19:06:31 UTC
hellcane wrote:
Kithran wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

Then the behaviour has changed - I still have a dramiel sat in a station that I used to use to run through the gates lots of times once I had killed everything to force the spawn to take place.

I figured they had changed it, but had accidentally put 100% spawn in the formula.

No I mean it has not been changed back to how it was before:

Original: Spawn appeared on entering room, chance each time you entered (thus having the dramiel that could speed through the gates quickly once everything was dead)
Pre Retribution 1.1: Spawn appeared first time you entered every time thus if you did both sides you had two spawns.
Now: Chance of spawn on entering room, only on first time you enter (per CCP Affinity's post, not tested this yet).

In all cases by spawn I mean a ship called Angel Supvervisor or equivalent - this may simply be a normal rat with a slightly higher bounty but nothing else special or a multi-million isk ship dropping faction tag and ammo and possible faction mods and giving t2 salvage.

Never Back Down
#35 - 2013-02-22 01:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: hellcane
Kithran wrote:
hellcane wrote:
Kithran wrote:
CCP Affinity wrote:
The first time you enter the room it activates the trigger, you have a % chance to activate the spawn. If you aren't lucky and get no commander spawn, going back and re-entering won't make a difference.

Then the behaviour has changed - I still have a dramiel sat in a station that I used to use to run through the gates lots of times once I had killed everything to force the spawn to take place.

I figured they had changed it, but had accidentally put 100% spawn in the formula.

No I mean it has not been changed back to how it was before:

Original: Spawn appeared on entering room, chance each time you entered (thus having the dramiel that could speed through the gates quickly once everything was dead)
Pre Retribution 1.1: Spawn appeared first time you entered every time thus if you did both sides you had two spawns.
Now: Chance of spawn on entering room, only on first time you enter (per CCP Affinity's post, not tested this yet).

In all cases by spawn I mean a ship called Angel Supvervisor or equivalent - this may simply be a normal rat with a slightly higher bounty but nothing else special or a multi-million isk ship dropping faction tag and ammo and possible faction mods and giving t2 salvage.


As I said before I figured they were shooting for a flat spawn chance only one time instead of a % every time you activate the gate, when the spawn went to 100%.

CCP said it above and after the patch I've seen one super in 3 WC
Junko Sideswipe
Love Squad
#36 - 2013-02-22 02:46:50 UTC
Mission's been ninja nerfed now, you have to clear the second room to progress.


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