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PvE little things

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CCP Affinity
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2013-02-21 17:19:44 UTC
Recently I have had some very good ideas for little things coming from the forums..
eg: Shortcuts for tagging NPCs

I want to make a thread to keep track of all the little things PvE related that will make your life easier.

Please make an effort to keep them small pain-point fixes, not huge 2 teams for an entire release ideas.
To keep this thread useful, I will delete posts that don't fall under little things.

♥ CCP Affinity ♥

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Game Designer for EVE Online

Team Astro Sparkle

Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#2 - 2013-02-21 17:35:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Sentient Blade
* Increase the activation range for acceleration gates, or reduce their bumping spheres to stop ships bouncing off the gates over and over.

* Fix the agent being moody with you when you undock with the conversation open. I've only just left the station - give me more than 30 seconds to complete it.

* Make clearer distinctions in the text between the agent home base, delivery location & mission site warps when right clicking in space.

* Warp locations appear for anyone in fleet when running the mission. Not just the person who accepted it.

* Automatically list the mission in fleet when it is accepted. "XXX has begun [Mission name as journal link]".

* Shortcut to broadcast currently selected item.

* Sound effect triggered when the mission is marked as completed, perhaps a more spectacular explosion when killing the NPC which finishes it.

* Fix not being able to warp from in deadspace pockets back to the original acceleration gate.

* A jammed-time counter. Just to help quantify the rage of being perma-jammed in Guristas missions from 100km away.
CCP Affinity
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2013-02-21 17:36:17 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
* Increase the activation range for acceleration gates, or reduce their bumping spheres to stop ships bouncing off the gates over and over.

* Fix the agent being moody with you when you undock with the conversation open. I've only just left the station - give me more than 30 seconds to complete it.

* Make clearer distinctions in the text between the agent home base, delivery location & mission site warps when right clicking in space.

* Warp locations appear for anyone in fleet when running the mission. Not just the person who accepted it.

* Shortcut to broadcast currently selected item.

* Sound effect triggered when the mission is marked as completed, perhaps a more spectacular explosion when killing the NPC which finishes it.

* Fix not being able to warp from in deadspace pockets back to the original acceleration gate.

* A jammed-time counter. Just to help quantify the rage of being perma-jammed in Guristas missions from 100km away.

A great start, thank you

♥ CCP Affinity ♥

Follow me on Twitter

Game Designer for EVE Online

Team Astro Sparkle

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2013-02-21 17:53:36 UTC
Sentient Blade wrote:
* Increase the activation range for acceleration gates, or reduce their bumping spheres to stop ships bouncing off the gates over and over.

Could we extend the bumping spheres thing to objects like asteroids as well?
It's incredibly frustrating to bump into a part of an asteroid that's not actually visible.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Callic Veratar
#5 - 2013-02-21 18:23:47 UTC
Some of these things are likely larger than I expect or out of scope... oh well!

  • Fix acceleration gate jump targets. (eg Worlds Collide 4 Angel/Sansha, the first Sansha gate drops you inside the Sansha Base LCO, which can bounce you into a group.)
  • Fix NPCs from charging off their starting positions at 1-2km/s and only returning after 200km.
  • Fix Dread Pilot Scarlet with fleets. On occasion the rooms will reset if a fleet member warps in.
  • Have new waves of ships warp or jump in, rather than just appearing.
  • Update the mission bonus complete time to be much more difficult (20-30 minutes or possibly dynamic based on average completion times) and increase the bonus payout for all mission levels.
  • Give Storyline Module BPCs for Storyline Missions (instead of implants?)
  • Decrease the size of static belts and increase the size and number of grav sites.
  • Increase the value of the 105% and 110% ore, and make it significantly less common, at least in highsec. (maybe 150% and 200%?)
  • Decrease Ice size by a factor of 10 and require 10 to reprocess. Add an ice laser for the venture. Keep the ice belts the same density, so they can be mined out.
  • Remove tags from LP store costs/create LP and isk only costs for all LP store items.
  • Give tags an LP payout when turned in to an NPC Corp HQ. (eg Imperial Navy tags to Republic Fleet gives lots of LP, Angel tags to the Archangels gives very little LP)
  • Covert Cynos in high sec!

To expand SB's idea above of "A jammed-time counter. Just to help quantify the rage of being perma-jammed in Guristas missions from 100km away."

How about a timer on each ewar effect in the status bar to say how long that effect has been active on you. This may result
#6 - 2013-02-21 18:26:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarmatiko
COSMOS missions should be repeatable. It's a pity that we cannot repeat interesting content from COSMOS at least once in year, but we can farm "Epic arc's" every 3 months.

"Locate player" button should be moved from initial dialogue to other location. "No, you stupid agent, I don't want to find anyone. Shut up and give me the mission already".
Alternatively locator agent functions should be moved to station services/ agent finder tool but this goes beyond "little things" theme I think.

Fix lesser faction LP stores (Khanid, Ammatar) by adding existing blueprints: Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint, Ammatar Navy Heat Sink etc.

Fix blueprints in the LP stores that still have T2 components and inadequate skill requirements for production (example: Federation Navy Stasis Webifier)

Option in preferences to turn off deadspace/mission clouds. Someone told that no one in CCP knows how to implement this, but hope dies last.
#7 - 2013-02-21 19:21:00 UTC
add warp fleet to the mission into panel.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-02-21 20:09:52 UTC
Please increase the tag drop rate, or reduce how many tags are needed for faction items from the lap store, or create a means to compensate for the lack of tags with isk.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-02-21 20:17:49 UTC
  • Give the player a choice when receiving a storyline mission from a couple of different missions (obviously they only get one each time they get offered a storyline job).
  • They can't select the last mission they did until they do a different storyline mission.
    (This would be nice because I can't stand getting "materials for war preparation" every friggin time.)
  • Sound effect for when you get a rat bounty payout or a notification showing how much you made.
  • Fix salvage so all of them have some worth, rather than one of them (armor plates/tripped power circuits) being really expensive and the others negligible.
  • Make it easier to figure out which agents are locators or not. Make it an option on the agent finder.
  • To access an agent's locating abilities, make it a magnifying glass button on the right side of the tab you would click in station to get a mission. This will open the location services. Do this so if you click elsewhere, you get a mission, not an annoying extra click that is like "maybe you want to do locate a character instead?"

  • bigger stuff:
  • Epic arcs have voiceovers from those involved (this would be really cool...)
  • Stats area in your character sheet that shows how many of each rat type you have killed (guristas, etc) and other stuff like estimated total rat bounty earned/total LP/total mission reward ISK. Could be stored locally for each player. It would be cool if there could be PvP or general stats (like hours played) in this area of the character sheet as well...

  • Also, as the guy a couple of posts above me said, make storyline BPCs rewards for storyline missions. They need to be in the game, rather than rare as hell and expensive. It's a pain on EFT to see "oh, if this storyline module wasn't an obscene price, it would allow my fit to work.". Storyline modules should be a couple times more expensive than T2 modules. (less than or equivalent to faction mods, but not more). COSMOS missions should become storyline missions.
  • TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

    David Laurentson
    Laurentson INC
    #10 - 2013-02-21 20:29:49 UTC
    I'll start by seconding shortcuts for tagging NPCs.

    Talking of tags and broadcasts, and heck, even incoming ewar... all those tiny little symbols in the overview. At least some of them should be in the corners of the locked target boxes. There's plenty of space because the targets are circles. :)

    Drones could display more info, like maybe the distance to target, in the drone window. That'd be really helpful. Just like a single overview column in addition to the name and HP bars.

    Fitting screen DPS for drone estimates should use drones in space if there are any: currently, my DPS readout drops if I launch my biggest drones.

    Drones. HP. In the dronebay. The info is available to the client, put it where I can see it!

    I'd love a capacitor log, but I am a massive nerd.

    This may already exist, but I'd like a showcut to leave Planet View. The close button is usually behind something else. (in fact, basically all the PI windows have some sort of 'always at the back' function enabled, hiding behind the scanner, local, cargo, whatever I have open.

    On that note... please please please let me make the Science & Industry window smaller. It's current minimum is quite large, and I usually only need to display the names of 6 planets. As it is, I'm constantly minimising and recalling it, since, as mentioned, almost all the PI windows refuse to come to the front of the UI.
    Marcel Devereux
    Aideron Robotics
    Aideron Robotics.
    #11 - 2013-02-21 20:36:16 UTC
    Callic Veratar wrote:
    Some of these things are likely larger than I expect or out of scope... oh well!

    • Remove tags from LP store costs/create LP and isk only costs for all LP store items.
    • Give tags an LP payout when turned in to an NPC Corp HQ. (eg Imperial Navy tags to Republic Fleet gives lots of LP, Angel tags to the Archangels gives very little LP)

    To elaborate a little. Items from the LP store should only cost LP+ISK. Remove all items requirements (i.e. tags, base items, nexus chips, etc...).

    The LP store should be scrapped and rewritten. In in place a new LP store that is easier to use and maintain.

    All corp LP and corp LP stores should be remove and replaced with faction LP (i.e. Gallente Federation LP) and a faction LP store (i.e. the Gallente Federation LP store). All items should be available in the LP at any of its faction stations. Additionally items in the new LP can be restricted based on various criteria. For example, if a character is in faction warfare certain items (i.e. Gallente FW shirt) will be made available. Or if a character as 10.0 standing with the faction a set of items are made available. It should be flexible enough to support various types of conditions.
    CCP Affinity
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #12 - 2013-02-21 21:07:17 UTC
    Marcel Devereux wrote:
    Callic Veratar wrote:
    Some of these things are likely larger than I expect or out of scope... oh well!

    • Remove tags from LP store costs/create LP and isk only costs for all LP store items.
    • Give tags an LP payout when turned in to an NPC Corp HQ. (eg Imperial Navy tags to Republic Fleet gives lots of LP, Angel tags to the Archangels gives very little LP)

    To elaborate a little. Items from the LP store should only cost LP+ISK. Remove all items requirements (i.e. tags, base items, nexus chips, etc...).

    The LP store should be scrapped and rewritten. In in place a new LP store that is easier to use and maintain.

    All corp LP and corp LP stores should be remove and replaced with faction LP (i.e. Gallente Federation LP) and a faction LP store (i.e. the Gallente Federation LP store). All items should be available in the LP at any of its faction stations. Additionally items in the new LP can be restricted based on various criteria. For example, if a character is in faction warfare certain items (i.e. Gallente FW shirt) will be made available. Or if a character as 10.0 standing with the faction a set of items are made available. It should be flexible enough to support various types of conditions.

    Re-writing the LP store is not a little thing ;)

    I have removed some posts, but there is some good stuff here already :) keep it coming! Remember we are focusing on little things that will take a few hours maximum to do and will improve your PvE experience

    ♥ CCP Affinity ♥

    Follow me on Twitter

    Game Designer for EVE Online

    Team Astro Sparkle

    Callic Veratar
    #13 - 2013-02-21 21:14:18 UTC
    An option in the drones menu that, when enabled, will send a recall message to drones when you attempt to warp out.

    If I'm mining, I could leave it enabled and my mining drones will return when I warp or while PVPing I could turn it off to leave them engaged to the last second.
    Callic Veratar
    #14 - 2013-02-21 21:16:00 UTC
    CCP Affinity wrote:
    Re-writing the LP store is not a little thing ;)

    I have removed some posts, but there is some good stuff here already :) keep it coming! Remember we are focusing on little things that will take a few hours maximum to do and will improve your PvE experience

    That was most of the reason form my new entry request as a stop-gap until it can be re-written. Smile
    Rengerel en Distel
    #15 - 2013-02-21 22:13:01 UTC
    Auto repeat on probe launchers.

    How about being able to save probe configurations, then pick the configuration when you launch them? It could cycle the time it
    would take to launch all of them before releasing any.

    Toggle box in the d-scanner for AU/KM.

    Being able to sort the order of the icons in the overview.

    System bookmarks in the overview, so people can close People & Places window.

    Being able to make the system, autopilot, mission etc windows go horizontal. There's not a lot of room on my screen generally, and having them all go down the one side makes it worse. Best would be unhooking them so people can move them where they want.

    With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

    Circumstantial Evidence
    #16 - 2013-02-21 22:13:13 UTC
    +1 to disable display of mission / complex clouds.
    Perhaps tie this in to low shader setting, so you don't need to make a new checkbox for it.
    Ifly Uwalk
    Caldari State
    #17 - 2013-02-21 22:21:36 UTC
    Some good ideas in this thread. Some of them I agree more with than others but that is only natural. However, considering that
    CCP Affinity wrote:
    we are focusing on little things that will take a few hours maximum

    here is my brief list:

    • That roid in Infiltrated Outposts? It has to go. 5 minutes including peer review, or whatever that's called (I'm no programmer; IB4 "loln00bshavingnoideahowlongitakestoprogramLittleThings.").
    • When giving out missions add a check so you don't get the same mission twice in a row. This should include storyline missions. Again, I'm no programmer but how long can that take? "HandOut Mission. IF Mission=lastMission THEN diaf." Why? Because this is not fun. Sad
    • This might take a long time but shouldn't: Fix NPCs spawning inside or close to structures/objects and getting bounced off at 1,000m/s. This behaviour popped up three or four expansions ago so I'm thinking/hoping that old code which prevented that behaviour is still there. However, if all affected NPCs actually need to be repositioned this would probably be outside the scope of this project.

    Lysa Riay
    Pator Tech School
    Minmatar Republic
    #18 - 2013-02-21 22:59:10 UTC
    Bounding boxes and pathing :- stop both PC & NPCs getting into 'cant move' loops on 'roids & structures in missions & on gates

    Cant go forward - turn 90deg move x metres, turn back try again , at present that turn & move is too small.

    A check that the destinations of distribution missions change between offers.

    Could Klang take the (now rotting) pizzas & the launcher out as they leave the building plz.

    Emilia Istis
    Alter Ego Inc.
    #19 - 2013-02-21 23:14:43 UTC
    Fix "ammo & tag" issue in Officer spawns
    Systech Astromantics Shipyard Inc.
    #20 - 2013-02-22 02:07:03 UTC
    Why can't i tell an agent that i don't want his damn factionmissions? Blink

    Es wird niemals so viel gelogen wie vor der Wahl, während des Krieges und nach der Jagd. (Otto von Bismarck)

    english is not my native language.

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