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[CSM8] Ripard Teg for CSM8

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Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#101 - 2013-02-21 08:25:01 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
Sorry for the lack of replies today. I will reply to everything tomorrow. But we did chicken fleet tonight and it was amazing and I didn't want to miss it. Cool

There's always one who wants to bring something else to fleet aint there?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#102 - 2013-02-21 08:49:30 UTC
Agnar Volta wrote:
Mate, we get it, CCP gets it, Ripard get its as well, if you read his his blog or listen to his interview you would have get it as we'll.

You like ganking barge, lots of people do, nobody is telling you to stop or advocating it to be made impossible.

Now if you care to stop with these boring post pretending that your play stile is at danger so we can discuss more significant matters we would all appreciate.

Just for the record, I also like ganking orcas.

I'm sorry that you find the concerns of new players boring and insignificant, I will be interested to see if Ripard shares your views.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Tie Fighters Inc
#103 - 2013-02-21 09:15:39 UTC  |  Edited by: rodyas
Fawn Tailor wrote:
rodyas wrote:
This post is pretty funny. You are not a new player.

You have as much concern for getting your facts straight as the candidate you support, on what facts do you base your assertion?

None, you talk about things as if they were facts based merely on your desire to have something be the way you think it should be so that it fits in with your own preconceived ideas.

Offer your proof or take back what you wrote.

Proof that your post is funny? But I laughed when I read it, so there is proof.

"These guys who are doing these freighter ganks and mining barge ganks, they're not doing it with 3 or 4 million skill points..."

"Wrong. I am."
-fawn taylor

Ganking only offers a pretty simple linear progression that allows a new player (in a funny way) to get to be able to gank pretty fast. Its hard to consider, a new player, would know so much about EVE already, to exploit some of the leveling irregularities compared to other activities.

If Jester is wrong, its because Gankers have it too easy, with only needing a low amount of SP before they can successfully gank.

Jester did say gankers had a slight advantage, and perhaps the low amount of SP could be one of them. If anything you are supporting Jester's view and not hurting it.

Jester is mostly talking about the normal progression to the game, why he added so many SP needed for a gank. Most players won't meta game off the bat, but take a more non linear approach to the game. At least they use to, but seems CCP likes the linear progression. So you only needing so little SP to suicide gank, might remain in the game actually.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Agnar Volta
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#104 - 2013-02-21 09:17:12 UTC
Fawn Tailor wrote:
Agnar Volta wrote:
Mate, we get it, CCP gets it, Ripard get its as well, if you read his his blog or listen to his interview you would have get it as we'll.

You like ganking barge, lots of people do, nobody is telling you to stop or advocating it to be made impossible.

Now if you care to stop with these boring post pretending that your play stile is at danger so we can discuss more significant matters we would all appreciate.

Just for the record, I also like ganking orcas.

I'm sorry that you find the concerns of new players boring and insignificant, I will be interested to see if Ripard shares your views.

Take the time to read this tread, than go read the CSM minutes and you will see Unifex, Seagull and Ripart saying that they don't want to drift away from what makes EvE what it is.

Ripard specifically says in this tread that there should be no such thing as a safe HS. how many times the man have to repeat the same thing for you to understand? Do you want him to sign a pledge like the Republican Party members do?

If you are a noob like you say you are, maybe is time for you to learn a bit who people in EvE are an the weight of their words.
Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#105 - 2013-02-21 10:22:43 UTC
rodyas wrote:
If Jester is wrong...

There's no "if" about it, he is wrong, and provably so.

Let me spell out the essence of what I'm getting at here.

Your candidate provably failed to get the facts on a situation before deciding that it needed fixing.

If this is what you want in a representative, then good for you, but don't impugn my status as a new player, deal with the facts.

If the veracity of my assertions come down to my ability to prove my status as a new player, then please outline what would be required as proof and I will happily contact CCP to find out if that can be accommodated within the strictures of the EULA and any applicable privacy laws.

Agnar Volta wrote:
If you are a noob like you say you are, maybe is time for you to learn a bit who people in EvE are an the weight of their words.

As far as my status as a new player, what I wrote above applies to your statement also.

Let me remind you of your candidate's words and then people can decide for themselves how much weight they carry:

(from the Crossing Zebras interview) When I'm wrong I will admit that I'm wrong and I will change my position...

As I have posted above, your candidate has been shown to be wrong and none of his supporters here seem to be able to deal with that simple fact without resorting to calling me a liar or what, in your case, essentially amounts to, "you're a noob, shut up".

Ripard's campaign might be best served if you simply allow him to answer the concerns I've raised for himself.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Agnar Volta
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#106 - 2013-02-21 10:38:45 UTC
The thing is, your concerns have been answered so many time, by all the people that makes the decisions in CCP, by all the candidates that are running for CSM that are pro PVP, by the people in countless treads in these forums including this one.

I'm not dismissing your opinion because you are new. You have an old, exhausted, debated to dead concern. We get that you find fun blowing mining ships and no one wants to take it from you, or the group of people that you are playing with.

I'm not here to defend Ripard, or his believes, just trying to help a new player to focus in the future of the game as CCP said that future expansions will not be focused on a single group or game play alone.

Saying that, I believe Ripard have a good understanding of the game, has an active voice and is not focus in a single dead subject like some other candidates.
Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#107 - 2013-02-21 11:01:42 UTC
Agnar Volta wrote:
The thing is, your concerns have been answered so many time...

My concern is simply this:

Ripard provably failed to get the facts on a situation before deciding that it needed fixing.

That concern hasn't been answered yet.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Agnar Volta
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#108 - 2013-02-21 11:20:02 UTC
OK bro,

To your original concerns:

Yes you have little skill point and are killing barges, but the guy that teach you how to do it, the guys that formed your corp, the guys behind the New Order how many skills point they have, or better how long they have being playing EvE and how many are vets using low skill points alts to do it?

Like I said, I'm not here to defend Ripard, we are having a conversation and a bit of a hijack of his tread, but what you call facts are only your point of view as you don't exist in a vacuum, you were supported, trained and enlisted by vets with million of skill points and loads of disposable alts.

As you see, the fact that you are new doesn't change nothing of the picture presented by Ripard, just means that you are more of a pawn of some older player.

So nothing to apologise or do a mea culpa about.
Yuri Wayfare
Suddenly Ninjas
Tear Extraction And Reclamation Service
#109 - 2013-02-21 12:50:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Yuri Wayfare
rodyas wrote:
As you see, the fact that you are new doesn't change nothing of the picture presented by Ripard, just means that you are more of a pawn of some older player.

You're so full of **** it isn't even funny.

Just because you took years and years to weasel your way out of shooting red crosses doesn't mean everyone in EVE does. Just because you work under the tutelage of a major alliance doesn't mean no-one can fend for themselves. And just because you have a raging hard-on for Ripard doesn't mean you can tell newbies to not talk back.

"Who people in EvE are and the weight of their words?" Seriously dude? Which rat dropped that +75% arrogance mod and can I borrow it sometime?

I regularly see newbies - true newbies - less than three months old trick 2003 characters into combat and win. I've done it myself. Solo. All it takes is a bit of a twisted mind and the patience to read blogs while your skills tick up. A smart and determined newbie is going to be a very dangerous player on very short notice.

"Suddenly, trash pickers! HUNDREDS of winos going through your recyclables." -Piugattuk

Be careful what you wish for.

Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#110 - 2013-02-21 12:52:23 UTC
Agnar Volta, respectfully, I'm not going to comment on your post and I will refrain from commenting further until such time as Ripard addresses my concerns, or refuses to comment.

Commenting on points of view that aren't necessarily those of the candidate are perhaps more suitable for another thread. I would be more than happy to take up the conversation with you, or anyone else for that matter, elsewhere in the forums. You are also most welcome to contact me via Evemail or to convo me in-game.

My intention in posting here is to bring Ripard to account for his comments in the Crossing Zebra interview, I will leave the question of what Ripard stated in his interview as opposed to the actual facts of the matter for him to respond to.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Rote Kapelle
#111 - 2013-02-21 13:04:39 UTC
Question for you Ripard. With Sony announcing the PS4 release as Q4 2013, how do you think this will affect Dust development and investment?
Agent Eunoli
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2013-02-21 13:19:52 UTC
Agnar Volta wrote:

As you see, the fact that you are new doesn't change nothing of the picture presented by Ripard, just means that you are more of a pawn of some older player.

So nothing to apologise or do a mea culpa about.

I know, for a fact, that Fawn is a new player. I remember when I met him shortly after he started playing.

In other words, the "fact" that Ripard is using to base his opinion on about high sec ganking is wrong. Ganking isn't just done by old players with millions of skill points but Ripard keeps trotting that out like it is uncontestable. His entire foundation for this particular issue is based on flawed information and he said that if he was proven to be wrong he would have the grace to admit it.

Highsec ganking is not the sole domain of established players. Many new players get involved and pursue high sec ganking.

There are many players who join EVE specifically because of high sec ganking.

You may not like the idea of this and be horrified that this happens but that doesn't mean that it does not happen.

That there are many new players involved in these activities means that the whole thought process Ripard uses in regards to highsec ganking is flawed. He needs to understand that there are new players actively engaged in these activities and are joining EVE Online specifically for them.

There are also alts involved in this stuff and high skill point mains as well. But, to claim that this is the domain solely for these characters is wrong.

Cinematic HD EVE Movies:

Naari LLC
#113 - 2013-02-21 13:46:25 UTC
I like what i hear, also the fact that he's from Rote and hails from small gang warfare carries alot of weight with me, you have my guns.


All Web Investigations
#114 - 2013-02-21 13:54:51 UTC
Ripard makes unsubstantiated claims and uses them as a basis of a huge argument/goal.

His fanboys defend him even when it's pointed out that the core around which he builds his arguments is totally made up

Sad, really.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#115 - 2013-02-21 14:01:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Wescro
rodyas wrote:

Ganking only offers a pretty simple linear progression that allows a new player (in a funny way) to get to be able to gank pretty fast. Its hard to consider, a new player, would know so much about EVE already, to exploit some of the leveling irregularities compared to other activities.

If Jester is wrong, its because Gankers have it too easy, with only needing a low amount of SP before they can successfully gank.

You do know that according to the CSM minutes, ganking of barges is at historic lows? Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same EVE, but I guess you would expect someone who doesn't gank and only gets their information from "elite pvp" blogs like Jesters to have such a misinformed opinion.
All Web Investigations
#116 - 2013-02-21 14:13:03 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Wescro wrote:
rodyas wrote:

Ganking only offers a pretty simple linear progression that allows a new player (in a funny way) to get to be able to gank pretty fast. Its hard to consider, a new player, would know so much about EVE already, to exploit some of the leveling irregularities compared to other activities.

If Jester is wrong, its because Gankers have it too easy, with only needing a low amount of SP before they can successfully gank.

You do know that according to the CSM minutes, ganking of barges is at historic lows? Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same EVE, but I guess you would expect someone who doesn't gank and only gets their information from "elite pvp" blogs like Jesters to have such a misinformed opinion.

If it's at a historic low, and if it's the realm of only the old skilled vets... surely we should make ganking easier, particularly for new players - it's a valid playstyle, and lets be honest the ability to be an asshat like that is what makes many people try EVE in the first place. If they CAN'T experience those things then who knows, they might quit because the only opportunities and playstyles open to them were crappy ones.

We need to make ganking easier, to help the new player retention. I suggest decimating mining barge ehp.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#117 - 2013-02-21 22:09:53 UTC
I support and vouch for Ripard as candidate.

More than anything else, I believe he's well-balanced as a player and individual. He's got a good combination of patience, diplomacy, and assertiveness, which I think will allow him to "reach across the aisle" and work with people who may disagree with him on other issues, while still going to bat for ideas and concepts he believes in.

Ripard has been among the best assets in terms of a player and individual that Rote Kapelle has ever picked up, and I would be thrilled to see him represent all EVE players on the CSM.

Go get 'em.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#118 - 2013-02-21 22:19:42 UTC
Sakura Nihil wrote:
I believe he's well-balanced as a player and individual.

So well-balanced that he compared **** and slavery to pixels being exploded.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Tie Fighters Inc
#119 - 2013-02-21 22:30:08 UTC  |  Edited by: rodyas
Yuri Wayfare wrote:
rodyas wrote:
As you see, the fact that you are new doesn't change nothing of the picture presented by Ripard, just means that you are more of a pawn of some older player.

You're so full of **** it isn't even funny.

Just because you took years and years to weasel your way out of shooting red crosses doesn't mean everyone in EVE does. Just because you work under the tutelage of a major alliance doesn't mean no-one can fend for themselves. And just because you have a raging hard-on for Ripard doesn't mean you can tell newbies to not talk back.

"Who people in EvE are and the weight of their words?" Seriously dude? Which rat dropped that +75% arrogance mod and can I borrow it sometime?

I regularly see newbies - true newbies - less than three months old trick 2003 characters into combat and win. I've done it myself. Solo. All it takes is a bit of a twisted mind and the patience to read blogs while your skills tick up. A smart and determined newbie is going to be a very dangerous player on very short notice.

Its probably not a good idea, to bring up my raging hard on, if you aren't gonna offer to help me out with that problem. Blue balls is indeed a medical crisis.

No reason to get mad at me really. Like I said, you and fawn I believe are CCP dream's characters actually.

You like linear game play, only need a low amount of SP to be effective, and only log into the game to destroy vets.

CCP has already stated that is what they want players to do, and you guys are doing it. If anything you should feel pretty safe, no matter what I say.

I honestly can't wait to see what other new characters CCP dreams up, and brings to the game for all of us to enjoy.

Also tutelage is a good word.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Tie Fighters Inc
#120 - 2013-02-21 22:35:34 UTC
Wescro wrote:
rodyas wrote:

Ganking only offers a pretty simple linear progression that allows a new player (in a funny way) to get to be able to gank pretty fast. Its hard to consider, a new player, would know so much about EVE already, to exploit some of the leveling irregularities compared to other activities.

If Jester is wrong, its because Gankers have it too easy, with only needing a low amount of SP before they can successfully gank.

You do know that according to the CSM minutes, ganking of barges is at historic lows? Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same EVE, but I guess you would expect someone who doesn't gank and only gets their information from "elite pvp" blogs like Jesters to have such a misinformed opinion.

I almost care, but I think Bumping is at an all time high though.

But I am not the ganking CSM candidate and not sure if Jester is either. You should bring those problems of low rate of ganks, to James 315 and see if he has any ideas to help you out.

Besides it should be at all time lows, since before it was too easy to gank barges. With it not being way too easy, its easy to see the rate going down.

But like I said, I am not your official CSM. I do know some people gank since the AFK annoys them or the bot like behavior. But I don't know if that is your cause though.

Seems you like the action from it really, and its just more boring not be able to gank so easily. But as a miner, its more fun for me to blue ball you, so I probably won't be a good source for information.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne