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[CSM8] Ripard Teg for CSM8

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Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#81 - 2013-02-20 08:37:41 UTC
Andreas Fiore wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:

Lastly, I didn't say this before, but Ripard's explanation for using sexual assault as a metaphor for ganking was ****-poor and very dishonest.

Funny that you should say that, because from what I see, Jester is the only one so far who had the honestly and the proverbial pair to call a spade a spade. The point of the analogies wasn't to equate ganking with sexual assault or slavery. The point - as I read it anyway - was to call attention to two things: extreme imbalance of power in the game and the propensity of those who have the power to blame their victims when bad things happen.

Your argument is invalid, as I've already shown. Ripard needs to get his facts straight and stop insulting "newbies" by insisting that they are all somehow weak, helpless and constantly victimised.

What Ripard's ideas for "fixing" highsec would mean, is that players like me won't be able to work with other players to inflict losses on the older and more experienced.

If that's what you and he really want, then at least be honest about it, don't hide behind this sham "we care for the newbies" nonsense.

Yet between those, accumulated ISK and a bit of experience, I have the power to completely ruin a newbie.

Not this newbie you don't.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Rote Kapelle
#82 - 2013-02-20 10:23:06 UTC
You have my vote.
Night Epoch
Caldari State
#83 - 2013-02-20 11:11:37 UTC
Absolutely voting for Ripard.
Primary Me
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#84 - 2013-02-20 11:29:27 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
My default will be to present the opinion of the players. If that's not immediately possible, on contentious issues, I'll pull in player opinion through surveys, EVE-O forum posts, blog posts, and other means.

Sounds nicely political, representing whatever opinion anyone expresses, leaning in all ways at once.

So in the case of a contentious issue such as non-consensual PVP in hi-sec, if the 'survey' you take of hi-sec residents results in a majority against non-consensual PVP would you advocate removing this from hi-sec, regardless of its detriment to the game as a whole?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#85 - 2013-02-20 12:14:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Wescro
Primary Me wrote:
Ripard Teg wrote:
My default will be to present the opinion of the players. If that's not immediately possible, on contentious issues, I'll pull in player opinion through surveys, EVE-O forum posts, blog posts, and other means.

Sounds nicely political, representing whatever opinion anyone expresses, leaning in all ways at once.

So in the case of a contentious issue such as non-consensual PVP in hi-sec, if the 'survey' you take of hi-sec residents results in a majority against non-consensual PVP would you advocate removing this from hi-sec, regardless of its detriment to the game as a whole?

A person who stands for everything really stands for nothing in my opinion. And given that Ripard has clearly taken sides on several contentious issues its just hard to believe his assertion that he is everyones representative. I'd much rather Ripard put his cards on the table, even when they are disagreeable as was with his anti-ganking post, than to sidestep his controversial positions and pretend no one has heard of them.
Fractal Muse
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#86 - 2013-02-20 14:34:05 UTC
Andreas Fiore wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:

Lastly, I didn't say this before, but Ripard's explanation for using sexual assault as a metaphor for ganking was ****-poor and very dishonest.

Funny that you should say that, because from what I see, Jester is the only one so far who had the honestly and the proverbial pair to call a spade a spade. The point of the analogies wasn't to equate ganking with sexual assault or slavery. The point - as I read it anyway - was to call attention to two things: extreme imbalance of power in the game and the propensity of those who have the power to blame their victims when bad things happen.

Oh, so it's okay to be derogatory if it is to 'call attention' to something?

Do you really believe that?

You believe that it is okay to act in a despicable manner because everyone else is doing it?

The words that Ripard uses are censored out on these forums. A member of the CSM needs to uphold a higher standard according to CCP. This means that Ripard is not a suitable candidate and is just a ticking time bomb before he gets removed by CCP from the position if he were to actually win.

But, seriously, someone who treats things like sexual abuse, the attempted genocide of an entire race, and slavery like display ads for a shop is someone who has their real life priorities messed up. These issues are real and there are real people behind them. To make light of millions of deaths or lives ruined by sexual assault is wrong at some many levels. But, worse than that, to treat these highly charged issues as mere cards to be played in an EVE meta-game to get people to talk?

Think about it.

A guy who does this on purpose... what else is he capable of?
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#87 - 2013-02-20 15:50:54 UTC
Fractal Muse wrote:
Andreas Fiore wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:

Lastly, I didn't say this before, but Ripard's explanation for using sexual assault as a metaphor for ganking was ****-poor and very dishonest.

Funny that you should say that, because from what I see, Jester is the only one so far who had the honestly and the proverbial pair to call a spade a spade. The point of the analogies wasn't to equate ganking with sexual assault or slavery. The point - as I read it anyway - was to call attention to two things: extreme imbalance of power in the game and the propensity of those who have the power to blame their victims when bad things happen.

Oh, so it's okay to be derogatory if it is to 'call attention' to something?

Do you really believe that?

You believe that it is okay to act in a despicable manner because everyone else is doing it?

The words that Ripard uses are censored out on these forums. A member of the CSM needs to uphold a higher standard according to CCP. This means that Ripard is not a suitable candidate and is just a ticking time bomb before he gets removed by CCP from the position if he were to actually win.

But, seriously, someone who treats things like sexual abuse, the attempted genocide of an entire race, and slavery like display ads for a shop is someone who has their real life priorities messed up. These issues are real and there are real people behind them. To make light of millions of deaths or lives ruined by sexual assault is wrong at some many levels. But, worse than that, to treat these highly charged issues as mere cards to be played in an EVE meta-game to get people to talk?

Think about it.

A guy who does this on purpose... what else is he capable of?

Fractal Muse says it so much better than I can.

The only other thing I'd add is that serious discussion and debate don't start with blatant sensationalism.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Jimmy Rustler
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2013-02-20 16:32:59 UTC
Listened to the interview. Facepalmed.

Any CSM candidate who blatantly disregards published facts regarding HS ganking being at an all time low and perpetuates the myth that high SP veterans are chasing away new players by blowing up their expensive newbie ships with cheaper, overpowered ships is just silly. Seriously, anyone who says "we play a dark game" and then advocates for only good fights where the aggressive and defending sides have equal ISK investments seems detached from the playerbase and overall theme of the game. I don't want a CSM who wants to make Eve fair. I cannot vote for Ripard.
Dyvim Slorm
Coven of the Morrigan
#89 - 2013-02-20 19:46:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Dyvim Slorm
These are a few questions I put to Malcanis and I would be interested in your response to them as well:

I was wondering as to your view regarding the balance between high, low and null.

It's my *perception* (and I use that word advisedly) that null and low have almost swapped places. Back in the "good old days" we used to have a clear path for training new pilots, start them in highsec, then move them to low to harden them up and then to null once they had proved their worth.

It does seem now that the path is more high -> null -> low as it certainly appears that null is a better environment to train rookies in the next stages rather than low.

Do you have a view on how the balance would be corrected, or the perception changed if this is incorrect, or if it even needs changing?
Plus 10 NV
#90 - 2013-02-20 20:25:34 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:

What changes or issues will I champion?
You can learn more about this on my blog. However, my first duty is to represent you to CCP, bringing them your concerns and suggestions. The first job of a CSM member is not to be a junior game developer. The first job of a CSM member is to represent EVE's curent players, and to bring those concerns to CCP and to represent EVE's players when CCP asks about changes they should and should not make to the game. I will hold CCP accountable to see that changes you want are made to the game, changes you don't want are not, and that CCP's agreements with previous CSMs are honored.

As far as I can tell from the minutes, CSM almost exclusively talks to CCP about how the game is designed. How then can you avoid being a junior game designer and still fill your roll?

You indicate that you are going to represent players about changes. The most organized (although imperfect) way players traditionally gave input on game design issues was through the assembly hall. It has been all but abandonned since CSM5 left office.

Are you going to visit that or will we have people who visit your personal blog get more of your time than those who use the official channel ccp set up?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Orar Ironfist
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2013-02-21 00:30:42 UTC
Supportin' this
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2013-02-21 00:43:04 UTC
Anyone who supported me last year, should definitely support Ripard. Rote 4 lyfe.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#93 - 2013-02-21 01:22:15 UTC
Look at all the Rote Kapelleians coming out to support Ripard! Clearly he is the candidate for all of the EVE playerbase, just like he claims. =)
Angry Mustache
Goonswarm Federation
#94 - 2013-02-21 01:32:52 UTC
Wescro wrote:
Look at all the Rote Kapelleians coming out to support Ripard! Clearly he is the candidate for all of the EVE playerbase, just like he claims. =)

Ripard Teg's positions resonate with more players than you think. It only takes a handful of blueballs and 70 jump no kill roams through hostile territory to convince someone something is terribly wrong with null-sec.

TBH, polling the eve playerbase on issues worked out very well for Trebor Daehdoow. What the CSM needs is a liason between players and CCP, not backseat game designers, we have plenty of those one the forums. I would not mind at all if a candidate pushed for the issues and viewpoints favored by his/her constituents than their personal opinions.

An official Member of the Goonswarm Federation Complaints Department.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#95 - 2013-02-21 01:43:02 UTC
Angry Mustache wrote:
Wescro wrote:
Look at all the Rote Kapelleians coming out to support Ripard! Clearly he is the candidate for all of the EVE playerbase, just like he claims. =)

I would not mind at all if a candidate pushed for the issues and viewpoints favored by his/her constituents than their personal opinions.

I disagree with this, but it is a matter of opinion. I think a candidate chasing after what he believes people want is going to at some level have to lead from a viewpoint he doesn't fully agree with. I'd call such a candidate a chameleon, as they change their colors to match whichever way the political winds blow. I find this approach to lack the requisite integrity of a public official, and that is steadfast commitment and consistency.

I'd much rather the community elect someone who himself truly agrees with the positions that poll well with the community, as this removes any conflict of interest or threats to integrity.
Heath Major
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#96 - 2013-02-21 01:54:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Heath Major
Wescro wrote:
Angry Mustache wrote:
Wescro wrote:
Look at all the Rote Kapelleians coming out to support Ripard! Clearly he is the candidate for all of the EVE playerbase, just like he claims. =)

I would not mind at all if a candidate pushed for the issues and viewpoints favored by his/her constituents than their personal opinions.

I disagree with this, but it is a matter of opinion. I think a candidate chasing after what he believes people want is going to at some level have to lead from a viewpoint he doesn't fully agree with. I'd call such a candidate a chameleon, as they change their colors to match whichever way the political winds blow. I find this approach to lack the requisite integrity of a public official, and that is steadfast commitment and consistency.

I'd much rather the community elect someone who himself truly agrees with the positions that poll well with the community, as this removes any conflict of interest or threats to integrity.

Go listen to James 315 is an idiot, if people don't play the way he thinks we should play then we should be encouraged to quit.
Tie Fighters Inc
#97 - 2013-02-21 05:07:45 UTC
Fawn Tailor wrote:
Andreas Fiore wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:

Lastly, I didn't say this before, but Ripard's explanation for using sexual assault as a metaphor for ganking was ****-poor and very dishonest.

Funny that you should say that, because from what I see, Jester is the only one so far who had the honestly and the proverbial pair to call a spade a spade. The point of the analogies wasn't to equate ganking with sexual assault or slavery. The point - as I read it anyway - was to call attention to two things: extreme imbalance of power in the game and the propensity of those who have the power to blame their victims when bad things happen.

Your argument is invalid, as I've already shown. Ripard needs to get his facts straight and stop insulting "newbies" by insisting that they are all somehow weak, helpless and constantly victimised.

What Ripard's ideas for "fixing" highsec would mean, is that players like me won't be able to work with other players to inflict losses on the older and more experienced.

If that's what you and he really want, then at least be honest about it, don't hide behind this sham "we care for the newbies" nonsense.

Yet between those, accumulated ISK and a bit of experience, I have the power to completely ruin a newbie.

Not this newbie you don't.

This post is pretty funny. You are not a new player. You are a player who plays their main like an alt, or you are just alts. Just a specialized character who keeps their SP at low lvls, then cons people to say hey look at my low SP I must be a noob.

What is worse, is that you clearly seem to just be a ganker and nothing more. Already Jester's thread is polluted with gankers giving their position on Jester's hi sec ideas. Just go vote for James 315 and be over with it.

I feel bad for James 315 the most really. He was suppose to help gankers out and show them the path. Apparently they are still angry, and haven't found salvation and hope still. Will the gankers ever get a CSM candidate who can lead them to the promise land?

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Fawn Tailor
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#98 - 2013-02-21 07:11:50 UTC
rodyas wrote:
This post is pretty funny. You are not a new player.

You have as much concern for getting your facts straight as the candidate you support, on what facts do you base your assertion?

None, you talk about things as if they were facts based merely on your desire to have something be the way you think it should be so that it fits in with your own preconceived ideas.

Offer your proof or take back what you wrote.

Highsec Mining Permits - Ask me How! Salvaging Permits also available!

Agnar Volta
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#99 - 2013-02-21 07:33:22 UTC
Mate, we get it, CCP gets it, Ripard get its as well, if you read his his blog or listen to his interview you would have get it as we'll.

You like ganking barge, lots of people do, nobody is telling you to stop or advocating it to be made impossible.

Now if you care to stop with these boring post pretending that your play stile is at danger so we can discuss more significant matters we would all appreciate.
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#100 - 2013-02-21 07:58:58 UTC
Sorry for the lack of replies today. I will reply to everything tomorrow. But we did chicken fleet tonight and it was amazing and I didn't want to miss it. Cool

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.