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Why do people do missions in hisec?

Ryuji Takemiya
#101 - 2013-02-19 04:43:13 UTC
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Hello folks I am sort of confused, why do so many people do missions in hisec?
I have been told that the ISK/hour of ratting in nullsec (which is more fun) is higher than missions in safe systems—and if you do nullsec missions or exploration you can make far more ISK.
So please tell me why do so many people (not beginning players) do missions in hisec? Do they offer some reward I don't know about?

Standings for a High Sec POS is my motivation. Get the POS, set up a Tech 2 manufacturing alt, and I can let that baby crank out the iskies while I venture forth into the galaxy for glorious acts of stupidity and adventure. Because more isk = more stupidity possible.

The Whispering
#102 - 2013-02-19 07:30:53 UTC
Joran Dravius wrote:
Kestrix wrote:
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
You need to include the cost of a ship loss when in low-/null-sec, which can occur far more often. You also cannot just do complexes or go ratting whenever you want when in low-/null-sec, but have to make yourself available for corp and alliance duties, which cuts into your available time.

Of course, if you are currently living in a blue zone ... *cough* ... then it might appear like a peaceful haven and you'd be probably right.

But the constant safety is no fun at all. Doing hisec missions, nothing interesting ever happens. AND the isk/hour is lower.
I guess what im trying to ask is: "In a game like EVE Online, why do people so covet a ridiculous level of safety?"

Never risk your primary income. I have vessels that make me isk... Hulks/battleships ect these vessels make the bulk of my ISK and so I expose them to as little risk as I can manage. I also have vessels that are disposable. The Disposable ships/items are only available when I have a secure income.

Running missions in Hi-sec when compaired to Null sec ratting/exploration my seem lacking but they are never ending and predictable and do generate large sums of ISK easily.

One alt makes ISK the other spends it.

Hint: You can make plenty of money in ships that aren't fit with 5 billion ISK of faction bling. My ISK making ships usually don't cost much more than my PvP ships and I probably make more than you.

It's not a compition, I make enough so I really don't care if others can/do make more than me.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#103 - 2013-02-19 10:32:58 UTC
NightCrawler 85 wrote:
DrunkenNinja wrote:

First of all, if you're in blue space, it's not that dangerous. If you're in a group it's even safer—but seriously, check the "ships destroyed in the last hour" and you'll see how safe nullsec is.

Correct me if im wrong but wasent one of your arguments that high sec was so safe that it is "boring"? So i guess you can answear your own question.. Going from your own statment saying that 0.0 is safer then high sec, why do you enjoy being in 0.0?

DrunkenNinja wrote:

But the constant safety is no fun at all. Doing hisec missions, nothing interesting ever happens. AND the isk/hour is lower.
I guess what im trying to ask is: "In a game like EVE Online, why do people so covet a ridiculous level of safety?"

That's not what I said at all.
Nullsec is much more dangerous then hisec, but it's not as dangerous as many people seem to think.
Dante Uisen
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#104 - 2013-02-19 10:37:53 UTC
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Nullsec is much more dangerous then hisec

yeah.. if you are really bad at eve...
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#105 - 2013-02-19 11:55:28 UTC
Dante Uisen wrote:
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Nullsec is much more dangerous then hisec

yeah.. if you are really bad at eve...

As someone else said, safety in nullsec is from the effort of your corps/alliances, it is not "free" like in hisec.
Even then, enemies slip the net all the time. In fact in most cases there is no net. Just look at the "average pilots in space."
Josef Djugashvilis
#106 - 2013-02-19 13:16:00 UTC
Dante Uisen wrote:
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Nullsec is much more dangerous then hisec

yeah.. if you are really bad at eve...

That'll be me then...

This is not a signature.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#107 - 2013-02-19 13:41:42 UTC
Emily Natalios wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

The cut-down of that is that some people just shouldn't be playing certain types of games, like sandboxes. Alos a perfect example of why one game can't be for "everyone". "Everyone" doesn't have the same brain chemistry. EVE is a game for the people who find "cold/dark things" to be "fun".

Am I the only laughing at this statement?

Does this person even know what a sandbox is? The whole point of a sandbox is to give you an open world in which a variety of activities can be enjoyed, including those for both the conflict-averse (miners, builders, crafters, etc) and those prone to conflict (combat).

Yep, you're the only one laughing at you inability to read words and put them in context. I never said anything about conflict averse activities. i'm a PVe mostly player myself.
The guy I was replying to always suggests that key elements of EVE make some people physically ill. They are dumb for playing eve if so. Same for the people who really really don't like "unstructured" play. The problem with high sec is it fools player into believing its a safe themepark area (look in this thread, more than one poster has actually used the term "pvp area" when talking about space outside of high sec.....).

EVE has a basuic nature, a key set of features at it's core that defines it. If (like me) you can deal with the "bad" with the good, EVE is a good choice for you. If those elements have the potential to make you actualy ILL, it's just dumb to play, period. People will do dumb things so if they want to torture themselves, fine with me.

Or is this too hard to understand?.
Lady Ayeipsia
#108 - 2013-02-19 14:06:46 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Lipbite wrote:

P.S. I could be rich spacewoman if I got 1 ISK each time when I hear "I spent year(s) in null and now I'm broke - it was big mistake" from mission runners.

Really? o_O

I never thought that possible, I spent only a few weeks in nullsec, but it earned me enough isk for a fully fitted Golem and enough to replace all those battleships destroyed during CTA's.

The ability to make isk in nul is entirely dependant on the needs of your corp and alliance. If you are in a laidback corp/alliance, not in a sov/territory fail casscade, on constant cta redeployment, and have good support/Intel, you can make isk.

On the other hand, if your alliance is struggling, you face constant ctas, lose many battleships with no replacement program, and there are never people willing to help on larger ded sites, you will lose isk quickly.

The truth of the matter is, eve is a sandbox. People will play as they enjoy. The trick is to not worry about understanding the mentality, but rather to ensure changes and such do not bring unnecessary limitations to tge sandbox, but only improve it in all directions.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#109 - 2013-02-19 14:12:07 UTC
DrunkenNinja wrote:
But the constant safety is no fun at all. Doing hisec missions, nothing interesting ever happens.

Then I suggest you don't do it.

Here's one for you: Why do people pretend to ask questions when they're uninterested in answers?
Vigil Catharsis
Sessrumnir's Chosen
#110 - 2013-02-19 14:51:51 UTC
Doing missions for jump clones, can't wait to stop doing it. But if I skipped it I would feel dumb for not having jump clones always available for me.
l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#111 - 2013-02-19 15:32:46 UTC
Well, i do mission with an alt that also is my scout in lowsec/0.0 roams.
Thus he can't be in an big 0.0 alliance without being kicked out.

With a good LPshop item you can make 80 to 150 mio ISK/h in Highsec. I don't need to read the intel channel, i can go afk whenever i want and i can do it with a hangover after a night out in town.

Don't get me wrong, 0.0 ratting is nice, but not a possibility for me if i want to use the same char for 0.0 roams. Would suck if i met some dude i can't shoot because my alt is blue to them.

@Vigil Catharsis
Why not use a jumpclone service?
THere are free ones where you just join a corp for some hours.
And there are some Rorqual one where you pay some money but you don't need to switch corp.

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Din Chao
#112 - 2013-02-19 15:50:10 UTC
What's all this talk of "permission" to rat in nullsec?
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2013-02-19 15:54:17 UTC  |  Edited by: minerboob
Hello folks I am sort of confused, why do so many people rat in null?
I have been told that the ISK/hour missioning in highsec (which is more fun) is higher than having your ship blown up in null—and if you do highsec missions or exploration you can make far more ISK as you dont get blown up every hour.
So please tell me why do so many people (not beginning players) rat in null? Do they offer some reward I don't know about?
Mao Cat Tung
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2013-02-19 15:55:43 UTC
Vigil Catharsis wrote:
Doing missions for jump clones, can't wait to stop doing it. But if I skipped it I would feel dumb for not having jump clones always available for me.

Estel Arador Corporation

^Join them temporarily to use their standings for free Jump clones if that is the only reason you are standings grinding.
Din Chao
#115 - 2013-02-19 15:57:57 UTC
minerboob wrote:
Hello folks I am sort of confused, why do so many people rat in null?
I have been told that the ISK/hour missioning in highsec (which is more fun) is higher than having your ship blown up in null—and if you do highsec missions or exploration you can make far more ISK as you dont get blown up every hour.
So please tell me why do so many people (not beginning players) rat in null? Do they offer some reward I don't know about?

You assume everyone gets "blown up every hour." This would be incorrect.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2013-02-19 16:00:44 UTC
Din Chao wrote:

You assume everyone gets "blown up every hour." This would be incorrect.

and here is the reason. OP asked.
Din Chao
#117 - 2013-02-19 16:06:28 UTC
minerboob wrote:
Din Chao wrote:

You assume everyone gets "blown up every hour." This would be incorrect.

and here is the reason. OP asked.

Ha! It's been a while since I read the OP, so I missed your point. Apologies.
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2013-02-19 16:11:21 UTC
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Hello folks I am sort of confused, why do so many people do missions in hisec?

High profit, low risk.

DrunkenNinja wrote:

I have been told that the ISK/hour of ratting in nullsec (which is more fun) is higher than missions in safe systems

"Fun" is purely subjective. What is fun to one person is boring to another.

Are you adding in the amount of time you can't run your null anoms because there is a cloaky non-blue in system just waiting to pop a cyno?

DrunkenNinja wrote:

—and if you do nullsec missions or exploration you can make far more ISK.
So please tell me why do so many people (not beginning players) do missions in hisec? Do they offer some reward I don't know about?

Because, despite the claims of a few, most people that play EVE don't have a desire to be constantly trying to ruin someone's day, nor are they interested in dealing with a bunch of people that are trying to ruin their day.

Most people log in for an hour or two, meet up with friends, go do something productive, then log out. They don't want to log in, find that cloaky red is still in system, then log back out. They don't want to pad someone's kill board stats. They don't want their games to ba a hassle.

Toku Jiang
Jiang Laboratories and Discovery
#119 - 2013-02-19 16:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Toku Jiang
DrunkenNinja wrote:
Whitehound wrote:
You need to include the cost of a ship loss when in low-/null-sec, which can occur far more often. You also cannot just do complexes or go ratting whenever you want when in low-/null-sec, but have to make yourself available for corp and alliance duties, which cuts into your available time.

Of course, if you are currently living in a blue zone ... *cough* ... then it might appear like a peaceful haven and you'd be probably right.

But the constant safety is no fun at all. Doing hisec missions, nothing interesting ever happens. AND the isk/hour is lower.
I guess what im trying to ask is: "In a game like EVE Online, why do people so covet a ridiculous level of safety?"

Why do some people prefer chocolate ice cream to vanilla? Why do some people like beets? Why do some people like to ride their bike to work? Why do some people prefer the company of the opposite sex and other the company of the same sex?

I'm sure once you have come to a resolution on these questions it will answer your original question.
#120 - 2013-02-19 16:18:15 UTC
DrunkenNinja wrote:

I have been told that the ISK/hour of ratting in nullsec (which is more fun) is higher than missions in safe systems—and if you do nullsec missions or exploration you can make far more ISK.

I've done both, (though I don't do much of either these days). Personally I find missions more fun than ratting. Also, ratting doesn't really lend itself to group activity as much as missions do. I suppose it comes down to personal preference which, after all, is one of the things I love about this game.

No good deed goes unpunished