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Why does CCP hate armor tanking?

First post
Ankles McGlashan
#61 - 2013-02-18 18:19:51 UTC
awesome, this will be great for the rifter esp with nos
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2013-02-18 18:22:26 UTC
Roime wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
The one thing I have found odd with the design of both Ancillary modules is the cap usage.

the ASB uses no cap. And is prevalent on shield tanked ships (obviously). The 2 races the do the best shield tanking by design, happen to have their primariy weapon systems also be capless (missiles and projectiles).

The traditionally armor tank heavy races get a module that still uses cap. and their primary weapon systems also require cap (lasers and hybrids).

Not sure if it means anything but I always found that somewhat interesting. Seems like it should have been reversed.

Shield and armor tank are different

It's not enough that they occupy different slots, shield tanking has to be cheaper, use less slots, be neut-immune, rep more, faster and at the beginning of cycle, otherwise they wouldn't be different.

Yea no S**t Sherlock. I didn't say they needed to be the same. I'm not even saying its bad (too early to tell). It just seems interesting that with the shield tanked ships and ASB, no cap eqauals ASB boost and guns (capless weapons). While the traditionally armor tanked ships and AAB, no cap equals no tank and no guns.

now obviously its not that cut and dry. Which is why i wasn't saying its necessarily good or bad (till it gets some actual play time). Just interesting.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#63 - 2013-02-18 18:29:39 UTC
Gotta admit, these repers look very expensive to run and on paper not a good as active sheild fits.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#64 - 2013-02-18 18:38:56 UTC
"Not particularly struggles to read" lmao
this thread is Tippia's Buster Douglas
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#65 - 2013-02-18 18:42:24 UTC
Roime wrote:
Tippia wrote:

Cost IS a factor
No. Never. Largely because it can't be balanced to begin with, but also because it means that that kind of balancing requires costlier to be better, and that only ever causes imbalance. Cost was attempted as a balancing factor once in EVE. This left us with the never-ending headache that is supercaps.

Cost is indeed a balancing factor, on Tranquility and according to CCP balancing team themselves.

Selective quoting FTW. Cost is also not a balancing factor, on Tranquility and according to CCP balancing team themselves.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#66 - 2013-02-18 18:43:41 UTC
Nicolo da'Vicenza wrote:
"Not particularly struggles to read" lmao
this thread is Tippia's Buster Douglas
…in the sense that the OP is stunningly upset (to borrow the phrase from google) that he has to prove his point, yes.

But then, had he actually provided something that needed reading, who knows what might have happened.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#67 - 2013-02-18 18:51:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Liang Nuren
baltec1 wrote:
Gotta admit, these repers look very expensive to run and on paper not a good as active sheild fits.

This thread seems to be full of people who insist on filling their ASBs with normal T1 cap boosters. Refresh my memory - how much does it cost to fill an XL ASB? IIRC it was 13 cap boosters * 175k ea, not including the cost of hauling them down in bulk separately from the ship you needed to put them in?

IMO the improved fittings and improved mobility more than make up for any lacking in the AAR.


Ed: This thread also seems to be full of people who believe that Eve PVP is accurately represented by fleets of sieged dreads shooting each other.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Joran Dravius
#68 - 2013-02-18 18:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Joran Dravius
Tippia wrote:
But then, had he actually provided something that needed reading, who knows what might have happened.

Me not saying anything isn't the same thing as me saying something and you pretending I didn't. An AAR costs more than an ASB, heals less and uses cap while the ASB doesn't. You have yet to name a single advantage for AARs, much less show that they're equal. You have yet to address a single thing anyone has said to you with something relevant. All you've done is change the subject and/or strawman. Talking to you is pointless and this is the last time I'm doing it.

Liang Nuren wrote:
IMO the improved fittings and improved mobility more than make up for any lacking in the AAR.

'Not penalized' and 'improved' aren't the same thing. Even without a penalty for an active armor tank a shield tanker still has more mobility anyway. How does that make up for anything?
Danny John-Peter
The Congregation
#69 - 2013-02-18 19:11:40 UTC
So much mad, in this thread, its insane.

Also unsure what you guys are bitching about, the AAR is still being tested on Sisi so stats and mechanics aren't final, if you take issue with it post your constructive opinions somewhere non ********.

Also people who think Amarr are bad are really bad at this game, people who think armour is bad are also bad at this game.
#70 - 2013-02-18 19:13:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Tippia wrote:
It's not meant to be fair.

Of course it is!

His problem, and that of many others, is that he sees some kind of competition going on between armor and shield tanker where there is none. These are two different technologies for different slots and anyone can use either of them or even both at the same time.

Shield tankers have the higher boost rate and they have the DPS modules working on their side. Armor tankers have e-war and propulsion mods working for them.

But many players have this misconception that tank'n'gank should be a tactic available to both types of tanks, not only to shield tanking, and to allow them to reduce their fitting choices down to a choice of colours - like girls in a dress shop deciding over which colour makes them look more sexy; is it the red dress or the black dress?! Roll

It is childish. They either need to grow up or get out.

What they ignore is that there is more than tank'n'gank and that it has e-war. For example... projectile weapons consist mostly of a long fall-off and posses little optimal range. A single tracking disruptor will reduce the fall-off by 50% and thereby reduces the effective DPS by just as much. What takes an armor tanker here a single mid-slot in order to do requires two low-slots on the shield tanker to counter for it.

Minmatar shield tankers have figured this out a long time ago and so they always fit TEs next to gyros.

If everyone knew how to fit their ships right and how to fly them then we had no explosions in EVE.

It is fair. HTFU.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#71 - 2013-02-18 19:14:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Joran Dravius wrote:
Me not saying anything isn't the same thing as me saying something and you pretending I didn't.
Indeed. To bad that it's the former that has happened.

You have not demonstrated any kind of balance problem. You have offered no repping comparisons, no cap comparisons (and no "one uses cap, the other does not" is not a comparison, nor strictly true), no fitting comparisons, no sustainability comparisons… nothing. Just vague complaints without context or meaning about the unspecified workings of two drastically different types of modules.

You have yet to name a single advantage for AARs, much less show that they're equal.
Setting aside for a moment that it's not actually true, the reason for that is because it's not my place to do either. The onus is on you to prove that they're unequal, since that's what you're claiming. I have addressed plenty of what people are saying by asking the simple question "in what way?" — i.e. by requesting some kind of proof. I have not changed the subject or made any strawmen — asking you to provide some kind of proof for your claims is neither. You going off against me because you don't want to (or can't) provide said evidence is, however…

Talking to you is pointless
No, it really isn't. Trying to cry foul about the balance of a new module without showing where the imbalance lies is, and the problem is that you're trying to talk to me without backing up your assertions.

I'll give you a simple one, since it's been so hard for you:
Provide two reasonable and comparable fittings, one AAR-based and one ASB-based, and show us what the problem is in terms of EHP, repping power, lasting power, and ability to maintain the overall functioning of the ship under different circumstances.
Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2013-02-18 19:16:15 UTC
Tippia wrote:
You said that I already knew, just like you did, which means you don't know since I don't.

I said you already knew. Which meant I didn't need to tell you, but nevertheless did. My saying that you knew it would not be linked to MY not knowing it, even if I didn't know it. Which I don't, because I know it. And so do you.

I am very busy but I can keep at this all day long. And while I hope there is a very special and uncomfortable place in hell for those who try and pass unconnected consequences as logical steps and conclusions of their arguments, you still haven't tackled any of my points other than value.

Oh, and saying that the Proteus has not completely substituted the Thorax because of "availiability" instead of COST is so stupidly stupid that I can't figure out why a good poster such as you has come up with that bull****.

Availiability has NOTHING to do with it. It's PRICE. It's COST. Is there a lack of Proteus SELL ORDERS as of lately that the player base has not detected somehow? Tippia seems to suggest that people fly Thorax instead of Proteus because there are not enough Proteus around.

Heavily neuted ASB provides no benefit, since the ship can't do anything, and the ASB itself is operating at half efficiency since it has no hardeners. The AAR does not, since it can keep itself cap injected with the booster that it fits and that, according to you, the ASB does not… oh, and it's an armour-tanking ship — it sports EANMs. Should it want to go for active hardening, those hardeners live on the same cap injection as the AAR itself.

Again, you fail. If the AAR can keep itself injected, SO CAN THE ASB, which incidentally will have more mids and surprise! If you have no charges but still have cap, the ASB works just the same. Not the AAR though.

Also, armor tanking ships use active hardeners just as much as shield tanking ones. Shield tanks just happen to love extenders, which (unlike plates) allow them to keep their speed and agility.

Ships like Shield gank Brutix, cookie cutter Vagabond, 425mm shield Hurricane, X-ASB Sleipnir, Cyclone, Cynabal, and a LONG etcetera don't ever come near the vicinities of active shield hardeners. Again, you take a problem and try to pass it for "specially crippling" to shield tanks, which is false.

and thus you kind of disproved your own claim. So yes, armour tankers do indeed fit multiple modules.

LOL. Is that what you have to say? Armor tankers cannot fit more than one of the module in question, the AAR. So their burst tank capabilities are not even remotely comparable to those of a ship equipped with multiple ASBs.

Also, you deliberately ignore oversized ASBs in smaller ships.

Yes you are. Otherwise, you have no point. You are making claims without supporting them with any kind of stats or performance figures.

On the contrary. I am making claims based on actual EFT and combat stats, and supported by other users noted for their understanding of combat mechanics, like Liang Nuren.

You are dismissing those claims WITHOUT supporting your opinion with stats. Because you cannot, simply as that.

Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-02-18 19:16:40 UTC

You're making claims in a vacuum about modules that are designed to be different.

I'm claiming that armor and shield tanking should perform equally, or that the drawbacks of one are compensated by other advantages. Actually, we see the situation is exactly the other way round: armor tanking bonused ships perform BETTER with shield tanks, and the introduction of these new AARs is not likely to change that.

You are extrapolating from two stats and saying that this results in “unfairness” without filtering them through all the bonuses and modules and fitting space and that you'll encounter on an actual ship, and you go on to make claims about balance without showing how this (unproven) unfairness translates into any kind of balance issue.

ASB is capless. Tippia's reply for armor tankers: go fit a cap booster. Could you please point out how you are "extrapolating" jack at all? There is no balance "issue" because I can just pick a shield tanking ship if it performs better.

We're just discussing CCP's admitted FACT that armor tanking needs balancing, and whether the AAR will bring more of it. I think it won't, while at the same time I consider that the mass skills and changes WILL.

You are the one with unsupported claims.

You are not asking for anything, as yelling "figures nao!" does not constitute a valid request. Want figures? Go fit a couple of Myrmidons as I suggested. Dual ASB and triple deadspace repper costing ten times more. See which one performs better. Which one has top speed? Which one has more burst tank? Which one is more vulnerable to cap warfare? Which one is more expensive?

My "lack of figures" is secondary to your lack of any sense.

Also, CCP IS part of the discussion, since they specifically mentioned armor tanking was to be taken care of. The forum cries of excessive speed/agility penalties have been answered. The forum demands for a similar module to the overpowered ASB have been met. The thing is: is this good enough?

I think it's not. Not because I consider that both tanking flavors have to be equal. But they have to be equally VIABLE and comparable in terms of performance.
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#74 - 2013-02-18 19:21:43 UTC
Alot of themeparkers in this thread. They think this is blizzard forums.

The Tears Must Flow

Vilnius Zar
SDC Multi Ten
#75 - 2013-02-18 19:21:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Vilnius Zar
Tippia wrote:
Vilnius Zar wrote:
Tippia, you make tons of good posts but sometimes you're just trolling, like now.
Now, like always, I don't troll. I simply ask the OP to provide some actual reasoning, evidence, backing, or other substance to his unspecified whinging. Some numbers, a use case, competing fits… anything would do, but no, instead we get “waah, it uses cap and costs ISK to run”.

Yes you ARE trolling using semantics, you have a habit of digging in like that. The "issues" are obvious; it can't burst tank as much an an ASB (mostly due to fitting oversized or not), it's much more expensive to run and it still is susceptible to neuting. So as a sort of "counter" to the ASB it fails on all fronts and it IS a counter. No "it's not supposed to be fair" nonsense or "show me the math" evasion, it's clear cut for anyone who does a quick check using the updated EFT; it's just not on par.

It's not on par for various reasons and it's too expensive to run, the whole "use repair paste" was an afterthought anyway, something Fozzie came up with in an "oh ****, quick think of something!" moment. It's not well thought out, logical or balanced in any sort of way. It's chosen because he saw now other option that could be implemented asap. You can't defend that, not if you want to be taken serious.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#76 - 2013-02-18 19:22:02 UTC
Joran Dravius wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
IMO the improved fittings and improved mobility more than make up for any lacking in the AAR.

'Not penalized' and 'improved' aren't the same thing. Even without a penalty for an active armor tank a shield tanker still has more mobility anyway. How does that make up for anything?

Hey, so I realize you've been arguing with Tippia and want to score meaningless pedantic points, but let's try to have a reasonable conversation ok? You're splitting a pedantic hair for no ******* reason. Armor mobility IS improved over historic levels. Saying that (active) shield mobility is superior is a dubious claim and relies on far more than simply what style of tanking someone chose.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Darius Brinn
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#77 - 2013-02-18 19:22:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Darius Brinn
Tippia wrote:

I'll give you a simple one, since it's been so hard for you:
Provide two reasonable and comparable fittings, one AAR-based and one ASB-based, and show us what the problem is in terms of EHP, repping power, lasting power, and ability to maintain the overall functioning of the ship under different circumstances.

No. I'll make it easier for you. Take a Brutix, Myrmidon or Hyperion (ships with active bonus to armor tanking) and provide a fitting which will be more staying power than a similar ASB fit, for us to evaluate. We'll check cap life, GTFO capabilities, etc.

We saw ASBs in EVERYTHING, from Atrons to Myrmidons.

By the powers of your logic combined, we'll start seeing people fitting AARs to everything as well, even to ships not meant to be armor tanked, amirite?

After all, there is no lack of balance.
Exploration Frontier inc
#78 - 2013-02-18 19:23:04 UTC
Why are you complaining ? You now have an AAR, AND the Reactive Armor Hardener, you are not limited by cargo space like for cap charges. Your AAR doesn't empty your capacitor in two cycles as it does with the ASB if you forget to turn it off when it runs out of ammo...

Armor tanking is receiving a lot of buffs tomorrow, stop complaining and enjoy the game.

You sound like babies : Never happy, always you want more, more, more...

Signature Tanking Best Tanking

[Ex-F] CEO -

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Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#79 - 2013-02-18 19:25:52 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Gotta admit, these repers look very expensive to run and on paper not a good as active sheild fits.

This thread seems to be full of people who insist on filling their ASBs with normal T1 cap boosters. Refresh my memory - how much does it cost to fill an XL ASB? IIRC it was 13 cap boosters * 175k ea, not including the cost of hauling them down in bulk separately from the ship you needed to put them in?

IMO the improved fittings and improved mobility more than make up for any lacking in the AAR.


Ed: This thread also seems to be full of people who believe that Eve PVP is accurately represented by fleets of sieged dreads shooting each other.

Im still working out if its going to be usefull on the megathron.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#80 - 2013-02-18 19:28:37 UTC
Darius Brinn wrote:

I'm claiming that armor and shield tanking should perform equally, or that the drawbacks of one are compensated by other advantages. Actually, we see the situation is exactly the other way round: armor tanking bonused ships perform BETTER with shield tanks, and the introduction of these new AARs is not likely to change that.

I don't know if this is realistically true anymore. The biggest down side to active armor tanking has always been the rig penalties that slow you down. The buff to fittings and the ability to burst tank like a triple rep setup is pretty boss too. You're making mountains out of molehills.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.