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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Debir Achen
Makiriemi Holdings
#821 - 2013-02-14 02:30:34 UTC
Two step wrote:
It hurts because if your current FOTM ship gets nerfed, you can instantly cross-train into a new race.
Though one could argue that the almost negligible racial skill pre-reqs do this anyway. What might stop you trivially cross-training (for T1, at least) are the weapon skill trees and the actually training time of the hull you're crossing into.

Aren't Caldari supposed to have a large signature?

Icke Himal
IHU Holding
#822 - 2013-02-14 06:48:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Icke Himal
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:

Seems you didn´t get my point. Anyway, in the end, there are always multiple opinions. Besides that, i´d say everything what is to say, has been said, atleast once in that "Threadought" (kinda like that word).
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#823 - 2013-02-14 08:55:25 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

If you just decided out of the blue to train a carrier from a BS, and thus may not have worried about maxing certain now necessary skills, how were you planning on avoiding the multiple attribute sets to begin with, old prerequisites or new?

We're really NOT talking about characters planned from the start to fly carriers. That species probably never sees space before they actually sit in their capital, or do they?

Currently, coming from BS I could simply train the ship command parts of carriers, just in case I ever get an opportunity to sit in one, remap to INT/MEM, train the remaining skills to round out my BS and then train anything i feel relevant for my potential carrier pilot career.

I really can't see that working after the patch.

Bringing up black ops doesn't really help in this discussion, how many people really fly black ops?
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#824 - 2013-02-14 10:22:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
I really do not see why my (super-)carrier alt would even have the weapons skills to make use of the darn battleship skill thus I will not train them off course. That would be pretty much beside the point of training a dedicated alt-char.


Chi'Nane T'Kal
#825 - 2013-02-14 10:46:29 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:
I really do not see why my (super-)carrier alt would even have the weapons skills to make use of the darn battleship skill thus I will not train them off course. That would be pretty much beside the point of training a dedicated alt-char.

That's why I said something along the lines of 'unless it's a dedicated Alt char pretty much trained offline' in my earlier posts.

We're currently talking about regular battleship pilots thinking about taking the next step towards capitals. Natural character progression and stuff (yeah i know it's really not en vogue anymore) , not all that Alt char bull.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#826 - 2013-02-14 11:10:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
I have an alt to fly freighters (lvl 5). That alt has Advanced Spaceship Command 4, the jumpskills to 5 and is in the porcess of training the Jumpfreighter skill to 5. Why can I not get the - never to be used - racial industrial skill reimbursed to (be forced to) put in into either JF 5 or Advanced Spaceship Command 5? It does not have any other skill that requires racial Industral to 5 and there is no ship that requires the skill. Maybe if it was a Gallente freighter, but the requirements get changed after the patch, so even if after the patch a player wants a freighter char making use of an Iteron 5, he is in now way forced to skill the Industrial lvl to 5.

This character could care less about the changes, because it will be able to fly everything in some far away future anyway. But I would like for CCP to agnize that they induced specialised altchars into the game - by design or by fault is for them to decide (in fact they did already, since they started that sidekick campaign) - and to take action accordingly.

Again, I am not voting for reimbursements every time a ship gets it's bonuses changed, but for reibursements because of how the skilltree is changed (giving new characters a definitive advantage in trainingtime spent for the same usability).

Also, I even think it is a by far cleaner solution to force the characters to skill the new prereqs, because in most cases the skillpoints reimbursed would be more than enough to retrain the new prereqs anyway. In the few cases that is not enough (eg. my Freighter-alt),the character would still be rewarded for my additional training time by having to train a very usefull skill and in the end all characters where treated the same and do not have different prereq skills.

Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
That's why I said something along the lines of 'unless it's a dedicated Alt char pretty much trained offline' in my earlier posts.

We're currently talking about regular battleship pilots thinking about taking the next step towards capitals. Natural character progression and stuff (yeah i know it's really not en vogue anymore) , not all that Alt char bull.

I see, but would a character like that not by design have a very hard time to make very good use of the remaps, given that to use a BS it has to have quite a few support skills within 3 different remaps anyway? Given that you actually want to use that char, the new requirements for carriers do not make it particularly harder than it was before.


Katy Lied
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#827 - 2013-02-14 11:37:52 UTC
I must say I'm a bit pis*ed off regarding the about-face on when these skill changes were coming in. In Dev blogs late last year it was said that these changes were coming not with Retribution, but not too long after and "if you want the maximum skill reimbursement from these changes you better move your @ss now." - to paraphrase at least 2 Devs.

So what did I do? Remapped 8+ accounts to Per/Will so I could catch all the racial destroyer and BC skills when they came. I threw away their then-current re-maps, many of which had only been in place a couple months. I trained all the pre-reqs ready for the changes only to find out that now CCP have decided to hold it off until Winter 2013? I'm reading that this is to prevent the huge wave of tears and gnashing of teeth from those who can't be bothered and/or aren't literate enough to read and interpret decent sized blogs as they come out.

Fine... but I threw away 8+ remaps for something that Fozzie said was 'concrete'. My training plans for these toons has now been dictated to me by CCP for at least the next year... unless I blow more remaps to get them back where they were.

Here's hoping for a re-map gift for the tenth anniversary so I can recoup a little... cos I'm a bit mad bro.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#828 - 2013-02-14 11:40:35 UTC
It says summer 2013, right?


Katy Lied
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#829 - 2013-02-14 11:48:25 UTC
Ok so it's Summer 2013 (I should learn to read and interpret.... nvm). Anyway, it's still many months away, I still blew re-maps I didn't have to at the time, so I'm still a bit pis*ed. 8+ remaps dumped after just a couple months at the word of Devs is still heavy sh1t.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#830 - 2013-02-14 12:55:18 UTC  |  Edited by: fenistil
never mind O_o


Sparrowhawks Corp
#831 - 2013-02-14 19:19:29 UTC
My initial understanding of the dev blog was as follows:

I train Amarr Carrier to level 1, as per the current prerequisites. After the change, I still have Amarr Carrier at 1, and all of the prerequisites. So if I did not have jump drive operation to 5, jump drive cal to 3, jump fuel cons to 4, etc, I will have those after the change.

Then, the first post linked to this post, which, although labelled as "clear" is anything but. My new understanding of the change is as follows:

I train Amarr Carrier to level 1, as per the current prerequisites. After the change, I still have Amarr Carrier at 1, but none of the new prerequisites. So if I did not have jump drive operation to 5, etc, I still won't have any of that, however I will still be able to magically fly amarr carriers.

The same applies to all other nested skill requirements. If I have the skill now I will have it after, although I may not have the requirements to have trained that skill. So if I can fly a battleship now and don't have destroyers trained, I can still fly the battleship after but will have a missing destroyer prerequisite.

So, basically I want to know if I'm right in my second understanding of all of this. It seems broken to me to allow people to use ships they have not trained the prerequisites for. It seems much less broken to give them all the prerequisites, although people who trained the appropriate levels already may be a little salty about having others get free skill points (I don't really care about their feelings, because new players are going to have to spend a lot more time specializing than we are with destroyers and battlecruisers, I don't see any reason older players shouldn't have something to whine about too. Not to mention handing out the prerequisite skills would benefit me, and I'm a greedy so-and-so). Alternatively, I don't mind the idea of not letting someone into a ship till they've trained all the prerequisites, "fly it before fly it after" be damned.

Opinions on game design aside, I mostly just want to know which it is so I can adjust my training plans accordingly.
Tairon Usaro
G-Fleet Alpha
#832 - 2013-02-14 20:07:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Tairon Usaro
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Onyx Nyx wrote:
I am concerned, and I have heard murmurings, that CCP will not reimburse the current battleship 5 requirement to fly capital ships..........

If we ever delete the Battleship skills from the game we'll reimburse the skillpoints.

We're not taking a single thing away from you with this change.

This is exactly the attitude that killed sandbox MMOs. Want an example ? Star Wars Galaxies. Sure, let everyone become a Jedi, why not ? Lets make it a starter profession! Who gives something about the stupid nerds, who spent months on unlocking their final goal? we are not taking it away from them, we are just giving it to anybody else also ...... nobody wants to be a moisture farmer, everybody wants to be an iconic hero.... NOT

Giving everybody the ferrari, does not make everybody special, but it just makes the ferrari a mediocre car for anybody, for the ones who had to work hard for it and for those that just picked it up from the birthday box.

I understand that EVE has a legacy problem, but dumbing down existing legacy branches is not the solution. CCP always believed in orthogonal skill branches, allowing newbies to compete with vets by opting for these newly introduced orthogonal branches. Example ? While it does not make sense for a noob to directly go for a titan, it is feasable to skill for a dictor or hictor or neuters, the crucial part in countering supercaps......

Trimming the legacy branches to open them up for noobies will - to my perspective - not solve the problem but even enfore the decay. It nullifies the time investment of veterans, thus it will alienate them from EVE, because CCP obviously shows no repect to their investment. Furthermore, it takes away long time goals from the game, thus in the mid term perspective, it will even alienate all noobies, because they have no long time goal anymore.

CCP should be very very carefull about introducing new or enhancing or extending exsisting legacy branches in the skill tree, because if a new player gets the impression that he will never ever be on a par with a veteran, he will lose interest in the game. Orthogonal skillbranches were and will be the solution. While i reckognize the subcap tiericide programm as such effort, i can not follow with the proposal for caps.

Please reconsider. Caps and supercaps are established and quite well designed (now after years of tweaking) legacy branches. Dont mess with them, just because you think, it would be cool for new player acquisiton to give them an easier access to caps and supercaps. Maybe for one marketing campaign straw fire it will, but the mid term damage will outweigh any benefit. Battleship V should stay integral part of the requirement
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#833 - 2013-02-14 20:07:48 UTC
Vrykolakasis wrote:
I train Amarr Carrier to level 1, as per the current prerequisites. After the change, I still have Amarr Carrier at 1, but none of the new prerequisites. So if I did not have jump drive operation to 5, etc, I still won't have any of that, however I will still be able to magically fly amarr carriers.

This one is correct.

You are quite the greedy one. ^_^

I would prefer to get old prereqs reimbursed, but forced to train new prereqs.


Chi'Nane T'Kal
#834 - 2013-02-14 21:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Chi'Nane T'Kal
Tairon Usaro wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Onyx Nyx wrote:
I am concerned, and I have heard murmurings, that CCP will not reimburse the current battleship 5 requirement to fly capital ships..........

If we ever delete the Battleship skills from the game we'll reimburse the skillpoints.

We're not taking a single thing away from you with this change.

This is exactly the attitude that killed sandbox MMOs. Want an example ? Star Wars Galaxies. Sure, let everyone become a Jedi, why not ? Lets make it a starter profession! Who gives something about the stupid nerds, who spent months on unlocking their final goal? we are not taking it away from them, we are just giving it to anybody else also ...... nobody wants to be a moisture farmer, everybody wants to be an iconic hero.... NOT

Giving everybody the ferrari, does not make everybody special, but it just makes the ferrari a mediocre car for anybody, for the ones who had to work hard for it and for those that just picked it up from the birthday box.

I understand that EVE has a legacy problem, but dumbing down existing legacy branches is not the solution. CCP always believed in orthogonal skill branches, allowing newbies to compete with vets by opting for these newly introduced orthogonal branches. Example ? While it does not make sense for a noob to directly go for a titan, it is feasable to skill for a dictor or hictor or neuters, the crucial part in countering supercaps......

Trimming the legacy branches to open them up for noobies will - to my perspective - not solve the problem but even enfore the decay. It nullifies the time investment of veterans, thus it will alienate them from EVE, because CCP obviously shows no repect to their investment. Furthermore, it takes away long time goals from the game, thus in the mid term perspective, it will even alienate all noobies, because they have no long time goal anymore.

CCP should be very very carefull about introducing new or enhancing or extending exsisting legacy branches in the skill tree, because if a new player gets the impression that he will never ever be on a par with a veteran, he will lose interest in the game. Orthogonal skillbranches were and will be the solution. While i reckognize the subcap tiericide programm as such effort, i can not follow with the proposal for caps.

Please reconsider. Caps and supercaps are established and quite well designed (now after years of tweaking) legacy branches. Dont mess with them, just because you think, it would be cool for new player acquisiton to give them an easier access to caps and supercaps. Maybe for one marketing campaign straw fire it will, but the mid term damage will outweigh any benefit. Battleship V should stay integral part of the requirement

There's some truth in what you're writing, but the thing is: it doesn't really apply to this patch.

For one thing, the intention fo the patch is not making life easier for newbies but cleaning up the mess that skill trees became a little bit.

For another, intentions aside, the effect of the patch for newbs is really not all that spectacular:

- most prominently, the Orca gets a lot easier to train. That thing is REALLY not a typical newbie ship, it's a ship for booster ALTs
- Battleships get easier to sit in. I maintain that a few days PALE in comparison to the almost 200 days it takes to fly a battleship WELL
- capital ships got easier to sit in. Again, the effect pales in comparison to skills needed. Moreover the new skillset is not even useful for ALL capitals in ALL applications. And again the change is catered towards cross-skilling or offline skilling, as there are no useful skills in the prerequisites for flying things while skilling up - as opposed to the former BS V.
DooDoo Gum
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#835 - 2013-02-15 07:44:20 UTC
knobber Jobbler wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
knobber Jobbler wrote:

I wish CCP would answer it with a yes. Reimburse people who have BS - V. Many people only have it because its a prerequisite for capitals. If they're changing the prerequisite they need to reimburse those with more than the prerequisite, especially in this case.

Geez Louise. You aren't losing anything with the prereq changes.

Asking for reimbursement for BS V makes as much sense as graduating from a university, working in your field for a decade and then asking for a tuition refund for a few credit hours when your university changes the prereqs to one of the courses you took.

edit: removed quote spam

You miss the point here. What I lose is all that training time spent on something I no longer need as a requirement. I would never have trained those skills had they not been required.

ummm... did you enjoy flying capitals in the meantime ?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#836 - 2013-02-15 08:58:38 UTC
Can CCP make a poll like the ones before and ask players if they really whant this change or is it allready to late and CCP cannot undo this? Seems a little bit odd this change for me. It was fine as it was and everybody got used to skill training as it is.

I thought CSM allready purposed a massive player vote until now.
Quintaar Syes-Khilorn
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#837 - 2013-02-15 13:13:56 UTC
Okay, 42 pages of arguing... and it seems the 'veterans' are bitter again.

When people are almost crying about how bad is to be a veteran in this game my blood is almost boiling.The 'noobs' will catch up with you? Great. Go suck vacuum. I hate that part of this game. I cry for you really. Flying billion ISK ships, and making tons of money an hour could be sooo hard on you.

I am not a new player, got 20 mill-ish skill points. Problem is, I am not an 'alt'. This is the guy I am playing with, I try to make ISK with and pay to CCP to train. I can not even finish a lvl 4 mission without help yet.

'CCP' said I can compete with the veterans if i specialize on something, so I did. Spent a lot of that train time on leadership skills and a lot on becoming an Orca pilot.

I can fly an Orca, and give leadership bonus. Minmatar ships only, as these many SPs does not give you the luxury to cross train - so the whole destroyer and battlecruiser skill issue is irrelevant for me. The command ship changes will not hurt me, as Weapon Upgrades V (while it was a pain to train) is a ussefull skill. But I do feel sorry for those who trained Logistics V for the other type of command ships...

But 1.024 million skill points on Mining Barge V hurts me. 5% of my whole. On something which will be absolutely irrelevant in the future for me, as I never want to fly an exhumer (or a barge for that matter).

So if I see another smile from a CCP rep, or mod or whoever saying politely but firmly that "screw you we just take your money and hey you got something in return" ... well I might be inclined to take my business elsewhere.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#838 - 2013-02-15 14:49:23 UTC
This is just another clear step towards dumbing down the game (read as "making the game more accessible to a wider audience"). Just wait until Fozzie gets his hands on weapons systems?

At this rate, by 2015, a Titan will have BS IV as the only pre-requisite.

I have no problem with CCP trying to draw in a wider audience to increase the shrinking player base (less players with more alts), but wiping out ship pre-requisites is ludicrous.

Now, FC's will have to have the char's entire skillset examined to see if they are fit to fly the ship the pilot shows up in, because guess what CCP, just because someone can climb into the cockpit of a BS and turn the key, does not mean they have any business near that hull.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#839 - 2013-02-15 17:09:19 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
This is just another clear step towards dumbing down the game (read as "making the game more accessible to a wider audience"). Just wait until Fozzie gets his hands on weapons systems?

At this rate, by 2015, a Titan will have BS IV as the only pre-requisite.

I have no problem with CCP trying to draw in a wider audience to increase the shrinking player base (less players with more alts), but wiping out ship pre-requisites is ludicrous.

Now, FC's will have to have the char's entire skillset examined to see if they are fit to fly the ship the pilot shows up in, because guess what CCP, just because someone can climb into the cockpit of a BS and turn the key, does not mean they have any business near that hull.

Or demand certain certificates? Blink

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Scorpio Mortis
#840 - 2013-02-15 18:49:04 UTC  |  Edited by: JackTheTrade
Well for myself since i mainly live out in High sometimes lowsec. only thing that is kick in b**** is this.
Industrial Command Ship

Mining barge skill requirement removed
Adding ORE Industrial 3 as requirement

Only reason i have Mining barge is because of orca had they made the announcement 1 month faster i would not have it trained to lv5(useless skill in my case) .
Well it would be nice if they could give option when you log in your character, to all who have mining barge skill to lv4/5(if lower than that it can be kept, would not even post here if i had the skill to 4) do they want to keep the skill points(in MB) or not(that case it gets to be converted to free SP).
But if someone has exumer skill book injected he gets that option annulled since of prerequests.
Or add some bonuses having MB skill.