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What was actaully said

#1 - 2011-10-25 23:58:01 UTC
From: sukmanobov
To: **coalition mailling list**
Moar Tears Declares War Against The 0rphanage
Sent: 2011.10.13 16:45

Moar Tears has declared war on The 0rphanage. Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.

Feel free to dec them if you want :)

Re: Awwww
From: Kai86
To: sukmanobov
already doing it

From: sukmanobov
Sent: 2011.10.14 00:18
To: **,

Moar Tears Declares War Against The 0rphanage
Sent: 2011.10.13 16:45

Moar Tears has declared war on The 0rphanage. Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.

Feel free to dec them if you want :)

I never ask for help form anyone else other than my actaul alliance members.
So as i mentioned to techprime i respect -END- there good at what they do, i Respect AWWWW there also good at what they do even if it does reek of snatch tactics some times :)

So i thought i'd paste the mails and replys let you deside for your self.

Sivor talked to me Via his alliance voice coms. the outcome was the same. I was asked if we would like there help. I said "its upto you dude"

Now CCP feel free to lock this thread to quit the trolling :)
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#2 - 2011-10-26 00:16:41 UTC
sukmanobov wrote:
Now CCP feel free to lock this thread to quit the trolling :)

Too late.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

#3 - 2011-10-26 00:24:58 UTC
Kitty McKitty wrote:
sukmanobov wrote:
Now CCP feel free to lock this thread to quit the trolling :)

Too late.
Muhahahahaha Lol
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#4 - 2011-10-26 00:25:50 UTC
Cool. Next time post with something interesting.


#5 - 2011-10-26 00:31:37 UTC
trying but best i could come up with is "test suck"
Angry Onions
League of Angered Gentlemen
#6 - 2011-10-26 00:33:23 UTC
still better than the first post in this thread :)


Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#7 - 2011-10-26 00:39:35 UTC
sukmanobov wrote:
trying but best i could come up with is "test suck"

It's usually a sign that you shouldn't post anything at all.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Paladin Kor-Xebar
#8 - 2011-10-26 00:40:56 UTC
My good sir i would like to inquire you for the return of the moments of my life that you have so carelessly wasted.

This forum post that might have contained highly insulting elements amongst other things been brought to you by yours truly: Paladin Kor-Xebar.

#9 - 2011-10-26 00:43:07 UTC
Paladin Kor-Xebar wrote:
My good sir i would like to inquire you for the return of the moments of my life that you have so carelessly wasted.

No Refunds
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#10 - 2011-10-26 12:49:28 UTC
With the char name the OP has I suspect EULA age violation

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2011-10-26 12:59:59 UTC
Snatch tactics...heh.
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#12 - 2011-10-26 13:02:46 UTC

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Dungar Loghoth
ImperiaI Federation
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2011-10-26 22:54:53 UTC
sukmanobov wrote:
i Respect AWWWW there also good at what they do even if it does reek of snatch tactics some times :)

I normally don't post, if ever, but seriously Suk?!! Snatch Tactics!!! Ugh I almost spilled the water
out of my mouth as I read this lol.

Anyways, keep us out of these forum wars ya have going on here, we don't care for the publicity plus it
wouldn't be beneficial for adopt to pick a fight with us here in the forums just cause ya can't beat us in-game Blink

Plus this is Internet Spaceships! Why so serious? Let people say what they will, nothing new for adopt to
get so much publicity in forums right? Cool

Snatch Tactics!!! Really?!! You have hurt my pride my friend Cry

Soraya Nilaighan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-26 23:10:27 UTC
Docked in station at 15 dollars a month. Ouch should send it to me so i can go to engrish class.
Freight Club
#15 - 2011-10-26 23:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Istyn
sukmanobov wrote:

Re: Awwww
From: Kai86
To: sukmanobov
already doing it

From: sukmanobov
Sent: 2011.10.14 00:18
To: **,

Devils Embrace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2011-10-27 00:11:54 UTC
Soraya Nilaighan wrote:
Docked in station at 15 dollars a month. Ouch should send it to me so i can go to engrish class.

As soon as you get a kill let me know..... K THNX!

It's like they usually say about fantasy MMO's and men playing female characters: "If I'm going to spend alot of time watching this character, it might as well have a good looking ass".

Herb Men
#17 - 2011-10-27 00:46:11 UTC
I de-side to not pick a side but in fact laugh at bothsides.
#18 - 2011-10-27 06:01:44 UTC
Kitty McKitty wrote:
sukmanobov wrote:
trying but best i could come up with is "test suck"

It's usually a sign that you shouldn't post anything at all.

But, test do suck? What?

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

#19 - 2011-10-27 14:53:39 UTC
Dungar Loghoth wrote:
sukmanobov wrote:
i Respect AWWWW there also good at what they do even if it does reek of snatch tactics some times :)

I normally don't post, if ever, but seriously Suk?!! Snatch Tactics!!! Ugh I almost spilled the water
out of my mouth as I read this lol.

Anyways, keep us out of these forum wars ya have going on here, we don't care for the publicity plus it
wouldn't be beneficial for adopt to pick a fight with us here in the forums just cause ya can't beat us in-game Blink

Plus this is Internet Spaceships! Why so serious? Let people say what they will, nothing new for adopt to
get so much publicity in forums right? Cool

Snatch Tactics!!! Really?!! You have hurt my pride my friend Cry

Lol dungar this was really a reply to Techprimes "adopt asked for help thread and kai86's Adopt asked for help.
Do me a favour keep your team OFF the forums also then. if your so inclined look at techprimes char on evegate and read back through his previous posts.

AND were ALL use Log of's at time and yes i know you do it as you tryed anf failed on me more than once with it. The post was no a personal attack at AWWWW as i said with most of you being Ex ADOPT i respect most of you as good fighters great on coms extra but check your alliance before you start the please keep our alliance of the forums Wussy were first to post the "Smack at adopt" crap. I happy to stay of forums.

we don't care for the publicity plus it
wouldn't be beneficial for adopt to pick a fight with us here in the forums just cause ya can't beat us in-game

I haven't seen 1` AWWWW member in about 2 months. im a rens baby.
Zixie Draco
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2011-10-27 14:59:56 UTC

Are you mad? Kittens help in times like this.

Would you like a kitten?

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