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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#721 - 2013-02-11 14:16:46 UTC
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
Yes, and then the CCP employees go on summer break, leaving their customers to deal with whatever untested pile of crap was hoisted on them.

CCP's cycle of "agile" development > vacation > put out the fires is tiresome.

Since you came here only in order to whine and troll, instead of leaving constructive feedback to the topic of this thread, I would like to kindly ask you to change your attitude. I believe you will assert that there a many more productive ways to handle things. Even if it means saying nothing sometimes.


#722 - 2013-02-11 15:14:28 UTC
If i currently have a dedicated alt trained to fly carrier/mothership will I get battleship level 5 reimbursed?
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#723 - 2013-02-11 15:56:11 UTC
Elirel wrote:
If i currently have a dedicated alt trained to fly carrier/mothership will I get battleship level 5 reimbursed?

No reimbursements regarding changed prereqs are being made as evidenced here, here, here and here.

I invite you to lobby in favor of reimbursements.


Reverend Mak
Abh Empire
#724 - 2013-02-11 16:20:52 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Tobin Shalim wrote:
Apologies if this has been asked/answered already:

But for those of us that trained up BS to V to fly capital ships (or any other skill training such as this), are we to get reimbursement for the time/SP trained that you are now nerfing? Because what you're doing is making it easier for new people to get into these ships, while we spent all this time training for them in the first place, so shouldn't we get some form of SP reimbursement/compensation for this? Are we going to see this, or is it only for the racial Destroyers and BC skills?

Only Destroyers and Battlecruisers skills get reimbursed as mentioned in the blog. Racial battleships skills are however useful to have no matter what.

Well, not "no matter what". I have an alt that just trained to carrier. The alt has essentially no gunnery skills and poor missile skills, as they are purely a carrier pilot. Caldari Battleship 5 does nothing for them other than let them train Carrier 1.

Reverend Mak Director, Abh Empire [b]ABH EMPIRE IS RECRUITING:[/b]

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#725 - 2013-02-11 16:32:38 UTC
Reverend Mak wrote:
Well, not "no matter what". I have an alt that just trained to carrier. The alt has essentially no gunnery skills and poor missile skills, as they are purely a carrier pilot. Caldari Battleship 5 does nothing for them other than let them train Carrier 1.

I start to sense that these specialised characters being screwed over are by far no edge case.

I would like to use this chance to plea for some form of reimbursement again.


Quintaar Syes-Khilorn
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#726 - 2013-02-11 17:12:05 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:

I start to sense that these specialised characters being screwed over are by far no edge case.

I would like to use this chance to plea for some form of reimbursement again.

Yep. Which is weird as specialization is the only way to be remotely competitive with the 'vets'. Or so I heard. I got leadership skills, so to help my corpmates I learned to fly an Orca. Never laid my hands on innocent 'roids. Now I am stuck with the very useful Mining Barge 5 - which would be irrelevant for the Orca after the changes. As I said before - in EVE, time is money. I paid for that skill, literally. GIVE IT BACK.
#727 - 2013-02-11 18:09:47 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Onyx Nyx wrote:
I am concerned, and I have heard murmurings, that CCP will not reimburse the current battleship 5 requirement to fly capital ships. I have two characters whose sole purpose is to fly carriers and dreads and once these changes go through, my two characters and everyone else that has characters for dedicated capital roles is going have 1,984,000 SP of wasted training time.

Needless to say, if these changes go through without reimbursement, it is a ****-move and huge loss of goodwill on CCP's part.

If we ever delete the Battleship skills from the game we'll reimburse the skillpoints.

We're not taking a single thing away from you with this change.

For a dedicated carrier alt Battleship is nothing more than a timesink. Timesink that you decided to remove. In other words you are taking one and half months of subscription time.
Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#728 - 2013-02-11 18:36:47 UTC
Elirel wrote:
For a dedicated carrier alt Battleship is nothing more than a timesink. Timesink that you decided to remove. In other words you are taking one and half months of subscription time.

You are an... not so wise person. You dont understand your luck!

Just imagine!

A brand new world...
__Where everyone
____Can fly
______A carrier
________Being a flavor of the month!

No need to plan ahead~
No need to bother with fleet doctrines~
The choice was difficult. Now it's not.
Relax. Take a deep breath. And step into the universe of tedium.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#729 - 2013-02-11 18:46:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Sinzor Aumer wrote:

You are an... not so wise person. You dont understand your luck!

Just imagine!

A brand new world...
__Where everyone
____Can fly
______A carrier
________Being a flavor of the month!

No need to plan ahead~
No need to bother with fleet doctrines~
The choice was difficult. Now it's not.
Relax. Take a deep breath. And step into the universe of tedium.

You are right about that. But that only holds true for future characters. Characters having battleships to 5 already for the sole purpose of being able to fly carrier(s) have their skillepoints already spent, thus sitting on skillpoints they will not ever use. This is why people do not feel well about the plans of CCP to not reimburse those skillpoints, which are no longer needed for the purpose of a given character.

Mostly we are okay with the changes, but we do not like the way the transition is being handled.


Deornoth Drake
#730 - 2013-02-11 21:26:06 UTC
Sinzor Aumer wrote:
Elirel wrote:
For a dedicated carrier alt Battleship is nothing more than a timesink. Timesink that you decided to remove. In other words you are taking one and half months of subscription time.

You are an... not so wise person. You dont understand your luck!

Just imagine!

A brand new world...
__Where everyone
____Can fly
______A carrier
________Being a flavor of the month!

No need to plan ahead~
No need to bother with fleet doctrines~
The choice was difficult. Now it's not.
Relax. Take a deep breath. And step into the universe of tedium.

You are an ... not so wise person. You don't understand the power of BS levels IV and V getting reimbursed for two races in addition to "NOW YOU CAN CROSS-TRAIN CARRIERS IN A WINK!"
Echelon Research
Goonswarm Federation
#731 - 2013-02-12 02:50:18 UTC
I couldn't make it through the first couple pages before i vomited into my mouth with disgust at the crying.


mommy...snif...CCP won't give me back my skills that aren't needed anymore... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Shut Up! these forums are like a cesspool of crybabies and whiners and self entitled jerkoffs. come up with something constructive other than "It's MINE, Give it BACK!" "Time is Money!!!!" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want I Want I WANT!!!"




i'd rather CCP didn't release an expansion than have them give into this crap. YOU EACH PICKED what to train and when. Just because CCP CCP'd doesn't mean you get to take back your decision.

They're letting you know MONTHS in advance that a change will be taking place. If you're dumb enough to train BSV 3 days before this expansion hits, TOO BAD.
For those that say "I already trained it before the announcement was made" that's like going to a TV store that guarantees prices for 30 days and saying - "WAAAAAAAAAAA I bought my TV 6 months ago and now the price dropped, GIVE ME MY MONEY" WAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Do you expect Stores to preannounce price reductions MONTHS in advance, then honor the lower price for both those fools who buy just before the sale, and those that purchased months/years before?


you each also got the benefit of the time you have in your ships right now since you finished your training, after putting in the required training at the time YOU decided to train. Good News!! The next alt you roll will have an easier training time - wahoo!"


CCP - Stick with your position and lock this whinefest thread so that these turds can't poison the forums with this nonsense any longer.

a game that doesn't change it up once in awhile is a game that dies a quiet unnoticed death. monopoly just swapped out an iron for a cat. MONOPOLY! i think we can all agree that these skill changes pale in comparison to the fate of the poor iron. move along people.


Elvis Preslie
NRDS Securities
Apocalypse Now.
#732 - 2013-02-12 04:37:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Elvis Preslie
Chribba wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Whoop whoop

So looking at those changes and the reimbursement... having a number of supercap alts purely trained to sit in supers, that's gonna be one of the "tough" ones at the time of the reimbursement since they have neither BC or DS skills - what happens when these pilots log on without the skills?

Can I assume they will work just as they do today, as long as you got the titan skill, you can fly it regardless if you lost the BS skill or similar (yes has happened to me).

Or maybe that's answered by the last section... if I can fly it..


As said in the blog, as long as you have the titan skill before the change, it doesn't matter what the sub-requirements are. The only exceptions are for the Destroyers and Battlecruisers skill, which is why we are reimbursing them.

Excellent, just have to hope that I never get podded and lose the titan skill then haha

So does this mean the same for sub-titans like people already able to use freighters? They will require advanced ship command 5; so, what happens when you can fly a freighter now with say ASC lvl 4? You are able to keep flying it without training the skill to lvl 5?

I had this question before when losing skill points in a specific skill that is requirement for other skills; i got podded last week and got my answer to that question by losing 250k SP in cruise missiles. Until I trained cruise missiles to lvl 5 again, i wasnt able to use the cruise missile specialization already injected.

Also, since you are increasing the training time for the freighter without giving any improvements on it, how about reducing its signature, give it 1 high slot for a prototype cloak, or give it some kind of slots for tactics. Make a tech II version of it at least OTHER THAN A NOMAD, one that cant jump but CAN haul a **** load , keeping the same slow warp speed and align time BUT giving it ability to cloak, low signature to make lock times of other ship within seconds of the same time it takes to align and warp (45 seconds currently with my skills).

Give it some kind of improvement over standard freighter to where it can go through low "safely" but NOT made for null (not able to jump). With a warp speed of 0.8 not like someone cant figure out what gate its in warp and intercept it before it even lands :)
Mako Al
Forging Industries
Silent Infinity
#733 - 2013-02-12 05:53:01 UTC
Guys, you've gone over the friggin edge. I have a RL life full of revenue targets, staff issues as well as the occassional family hiccups.... so all this rethink on skills is as unwelcomed as another flat tire. This whole "rethink" of ship skills might be exciting for some, but holy crap why do we need to deal with this ****? Its shuffling skills points from one bucket to the next. I just want to play a game a couple hours a day to escape spreadsheets and chat s with kids. I try to get out, they puuuuullll me back in.... Evil

No good deed goes unpunished

liam perrins
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#734 - 2013-02-12 09:29:00 UTC
Why oh Why did i bother training comandships 5?? .. 1`st ccp releases t3 boosts wich allow any nub and his dog to give better boosts... but now .. I HAVE TO TRAIN IT AGAIN?? all very well ccp pandering to the whining noobs who want to be equal(or better than) vet players but sureley this `rebalancing` is going to far.. many t2 ships are virtualy obsolete as their t1 counterparts are almost as good for fraction of the cost (eg legion/ augoror) and skills seem more irrelevant than ever.. thanks for looking after the vets again ccp... good to know our loyalty is valued.. Ugh
A Big Enough Lever
#735 - 2013-02-12 10:16:02 UTC
liam perrins wrote:
Why oh Why did i bother training comandships 5?? .. 1`st ccp releases t3 boosts wich allow any nub and his dog to give better boosts... but now .. I HAVE TO TRAIN IT AGAIN?? all very well ccp pandering to the whining noobs who want to be equal(or better than) vet players but sureley this `rebalancing` is going to far.. many t2 ships are virtualy obsolete as their t1 counterparts are almost as good for fraction of the cost (eg legion/ augoror) and skills seem more irrelevant than ever.. thanks for looking after the vets again ccp... good to know our loyalty is valued.. Ugh

OK - you still keep command ships V, and it should still give you the ship bonuses, if it gets slightly buggy, you're a vet, I'm presuming you're already close to the pre-reqs, (which aren't specaialist link skills, just the doctrine skills, and the general link skill)
I agree that T2 ships are becoming less useful (cov-ops - I'm looking at you, since that's the T2 I mainly fly), but T3's are getting their link nerfed and command ships are getting a re-work, which will hopefully see a balancing so they're better at linking than T3's and at the same time can boast a better gank/tank than the command T3

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Freighdee Katt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#736 - 2013-02-12 10:58:31 UTC
Elvis Preslie wrote:
I had this question before when losing skill points in a specific skill that is requirement for other skills; i got podded last week and got my answer to that question by losing 250k SP in cruise missiles. Until I trained cruise missiles to lvl 5 again, i wasnt able to use the cruise missile specialization already injected.

If by "use it" you mean "load tech II missiles into my Cruise Missile Launcher II," then there is nothing surprising about that. Check the skill requirements for Scourge Cruise Missile II: the item requires Cruise Missile Launcher V. The launcher itself only requires Cruise Missile Spec I and Missile Launcher Operation I, so you could fit the launchers without having CM V. But you can't load the (tech II) ammo until you have it.

What they said will happen, and what is actual behavior in the game, is that if you have the top level required skills trained, then you can sit in the hull or use the item regardless of if you have the prerequisites trained or not. They also said that if a skill is injected, you can train it, regardless of whether you could inject it again or not, based on the prereqs.

EvE is supposed to suck.  Wait . . . what was the question?

Chi'Nane T'Kal
#737 - 2013-02-12 11:04:14 UTC
Elvis Preslie wrote:

I had this question before when losing skill points in a specific skill that is requirement for other skills; i got podded last week and got my answer to that question by losing 250k SP in cruise missiles. Until I trained cruise missiles to lvl 5 again, i wasnt able to use the cruise missile specialization already injected.

That is NOT an answer to the question after patch, because THIS WILL BE CHANGED. If it is injected you will be able to train it further.

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#738 - 2013-02-12 11:29:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant

Thank you for your opinion, I wish you yourself were more constructive and less insultive. But to my point:

Many players are not happy with not getting skillpoints reimbursed, because they skilled something for the sole reason to fly other stuff. Now CCP changes 'something' into completely different skills, and thus making the skillpoints spent completely obsolete. In my eyes your comparison does not fit the situation.

It is more like you buy an Iphone 5 for 800$, because it is the only phone you can have an all-net-flat with. But then Apple releases an Iphone 6 - more usefull, same look, same price, also capable to have an all-net-flat with - and then REMOVES the capability of your Iphone 5 to have an all-net-flat with, if you don't have it activated yet. Also law forbids you to sell your Iphone 5 so that you can buy an Iphone 6 instead. So if you want the new - more usefull - functions you have to pay additional 800$ to get them.

Elvis Preslie wrote:
So does this mean the same for sub-titans like people already able to use freighters? They will require advanced ship command 5; so, what happens when you can fly a freighter now with say ASC lvl 4? You are able to keep flying it without training the skill to lvl 5?

I had this question before when losing skill points in a specific skill that is requirement for other skills; i got podded last week and got my answer to that question by losing 250k SP in cruise missiles. Until I trained cruise missiles to lvl 5 again, i wasnt able to use the cruise missile specialization already injected.

Also, since you are increasing the training time for the freighter without giving any improvements on it, how about reducing its signature, give it 1 high slot for a prototype cloak, or give it some kind of slots for tactics. Make a tech II version of it at least OTHER THAN A NOMAD, one that cant jump but CAN haul a **** load , keeping the same slow warp speed and align time BUT giving it ability to cloak, low signature to make lock times of other ship within seconds of the same time it takes to align and warp (45 seconds currently with my skills).

Give it some kind of improvement over standard freighter to where it can go through low "safely" but NOT made for null (not able to jump). With a warp speed of 0.8 not like someone cant figure out what gate its in warp and intercept it before it even lands :)

To your first question: CCP is going to change it so you can train a skill as long as you have the skillboook injected. Also a previous post explains why you would not be able to use T2 missiles even after the change.

To your other thoughs: If I recall correctly the skill you now need is Adv. Spaceship Command to level 5 instead of 1 and the racial industrial skill to 3 instead of 5. That makes a difference of around 6 days. But since most players train a character dedicated to fly the freighter and nothing else, most players gain having trained a usefull skill instead of one they will never make use of with that character. For me this is not a loss.
I think your other ideas exceed the scope of this topic and are not conductive to the goal of that thread.

Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
liam perrins wrote:
Why oh Why did i bother training comandships 5?? .. 1`st ccp releases t3 boosts wich allow any nub and his dog to give better boosts... but now .. I HAVE TO TRAIN IT AGAIN?? all very well ccp pandering to the whining noobs who want to be equal(or better than) vet players but sureley this `rebalancing` is going to far.. many t2 ships are virtualy obsolete as their t1 counterparts are almost as good for fraction of the cost (eg legion/ augoror) and skills seem more irrelevant than ever.. thanks for looking after the vets again ccp... good to know our loyalty is valued.. Ugh

OK - you still keep command ships V, and it should still give you the ship bonuses, if it gets slightly buggy, you're a vet, I'm presuming you're already close to the pre-reqs, (which aren't specaialist link skills, just the doctrine skills, and the general link skill)
I agree that T2 ships are becoming less useful (cov-ops - I'm looking at you, since that's the T2 I mainly fly), but T3's are getting their link nerfed and command ships are getting a re-work, which will hopefully see a balancing so they're better at linking than T3's and at the same time can boast a better gank/tank than the command T3

I disagree regarding your opinion that T2 ships are less usefull. The Guardian (is what you meant liam?) has much more rep output that the Augoror. And nothing beats the ability to fit a CovOps Cloak, for intel farming. Yes, you can do it with the t1 version, but that makes your live much harder.
Regarding Command Ships, CCP is already in the process of changing those. They will have the same boost bonus, need to be ON grid, be bonused for two different boosts and are intended to be also usefull on grid. Additionally T3 get their bonus nerfed, although needing to be ON grid pretty much makes most fits obsolete anyway. At least that is my last info on that topic.

Liam, you will not need to train anything twice. You do not even bother to train the new prereqs, if you already have command ships injected.


#739 - 2013-02-12 11:39:48 UTC
This whole Battlecruiser skillpoint distribution plan is a disaster in the making.

One of the factors that has led to BC's being dominant at every level of EVE's pvp is the overpowered effect of the race-spanning BC skill (especially BC5).

BC's have already all but invalidated battleships and cruisers, except recons/logistics and other niche roles, at all levels of PVP bar coalition/large-alliance warfare. And even at the coalition/alliance level, it's taken a recent, crude and rather obvious nerf to the Drake/Cane to stop them trumping more expensive compositions through sheer bang-for-buck value.

By choosing not to reimburse the skillpoints for the BC skill, and instead handing everyone with BC5 free racial maximum skill, CCP have missed an opportunity to de-buff BC's.

In fact worse than that, they've handed an incentive to anyone with a brain to train BC5 before the summer. Meaning in the future we'll have a situation where there will be far, far more people in game with every racial BC skill trained to 5 than there are with racial cruiser and BS skills trained to 5, increasing further the pattern of everybody flying Battlecruisers.

I highly doubt this is being done to be 'fair', or for game balance. It smacks of preempting whines.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#740 - 2013-02-12 11:49:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Kalterox wrote:
This whole Battlecruiser skillpoint distribution plan is a disaster in the making.

One of the factors that has led to BC's being dominant at every level of EVE's pvp is the overpowered effect of the race-spanning BC skill (especially BC5).

BC's have already all but invalidated battleships and cruisers, except recons/logistics and other niche roles, at all levels of PVP bar coalition/large-alliance warfare. And even at the coalition/alliance level, it's taken a recent, crude and rather obvious nerf to the Drake/Cane to stop them trumping more expensive compositions through sheer bang-for-buck value.

By choosing not to reimburse the skillpoints for the BC skill, and instead handing everyone with BC5 free racial maximum skill, CCP have missed an opportunity to de-buff BC's.

In fact worse than that, they've handed an incentive to anyone with a brain to train BC5 before the summer. Meaning in the future we'll have a situation where there will be far, far more people in game with every racial BC skill trained to 5 than there are with racial cruiser and BS skills trained to 5, increasing further the pattern of everybody flying Battlecruisers.

I highly doubt this is being done to be 'fair', or for game balance. It smacks of preempting whines.

I personaly have the opinion CCP should just reset skillpoints and leave the amount where it is on patchday (since not only the battlecruiser stuff, but basicly all prereqs change directly or consequentially). So that you have the same SP before and after.

But even if they do that, or even just what you proposed, I doubt that changes anything about your concerns of everybody flying battlecruisers. In my eyes, the ship rebalancing departement is the right way to go to. The changes to the skill requirements have more of a longterm perspective to help players to fit into fleet doctrines or specialise in general.
The way to go here in my view, is to try and change fleet doctrines (eg. make bs more usefull, or nerf bc) instead of preventing players to use battlecruisers.
