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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Returning player LF PVP-corp

Luna Centauri
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#1 - 2013-02-09 20:37:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Luna Centauri
I am a returning player now looking for a nice corp to get me back into the game, and pvp, preferably small-gang kind, but fleet works too.

I've been away for almost 2 years now, but before that I've played since launch, this character since 2007, and I will bring my alt from 2009. Got carrier, a bunch of faction-bs's and some other nice things, but not very much funds. But I can liquidate whenever I need cash so I'll be fine.

So what am I looking for? A roaming corp in european timezone that also has a place to call home now and then, for some moneymaking. VOIP is an absolute must (mumble much prefered, but doesnt matter that much).
I've got a fulltime job and a girlfriend, so dont expect me to be online every single night, but if I'm enjoying myself I'll be sure to be on quite often.

I used to fly alot in providence, my main character used to not be this one, but Stella Centauri. Unfortunately I sold her in a weak moment, which I regret, but dont know how to get in contact with the buyer (who have stopped playing) to get her back.

For whomever that was around for this time I used to fly with RedElite, Zyer, Hyllex and the Spiers brothers, wreaking havoc wherever we went.

Do I sound at all interesting? Send me an ingame-mail or chat me up some other way and let's talk!

Oh, and I'm a swede!

Dont waste those precious layers on your CTRL-key, nor your V-key, I'm not interested in people with lesser keys like that.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#2 - 2013-02-09 23:19:01 UTC
Brimstone Tactical members of Covert Intervention

Recruitment is OPEN



++++Join Covert Intervention Alliance++++

No Better Friend... No Worse Enemy.

- Active Alliance, Active Fleets, Active Team!
- All Time Zones for EVE & DUST514
- Free ships for Pilots on FC Ops
- Competent Alliance FC's
- Solid Ground Support in DUST514
- Quality PvP training
- Professionally managed Teamspeak 3
- New Player Friendly
- API Required
- Join VTS Pub Channel for Details to Apply at Brimstone Tactical !!

Your group inactive? Your team mates not team players? Your corp unable to find direction? No one is helping you learn?

We can help with all of this and more. Join our Public Channel "VTS PUB"
Destroyer of Souls
Life. Universe. Everything.
#3 - 2013-02-09 23:27:49 UTC
Hello Luna Centauri! Serenity Prime [SEPR] would be glad to have you join our family. We currently reside in Insmother and hold sovereignty and an outpost. We operate on an NBSI policy and our aim is to make money, blow things up and have a good time.

You can check out our recruitment thread here and our killboards here. If you are interested, don't hesitate to join our public channel, SerenityPublic, or talk with one of our recruiters (I would recommend Aramu5 as he is EU TZ).
Vasper Conran
East India Ore Trade
#4 - 2013-02-09 23:28:45 UTC
]East India Ore Trade is an US/EU TZ Industrial Corporation based in null sec space. We are currently recruiting active
miners, industrialists, PvE, PvP Pilots to further grow our Corp and yourselves.

IdeaOur Goals:

First and foremost, our number one goal is to become an industrial powerhouse that fuels the war machine that is Eve
Online whilst being a corporation to be reckoned with on the battlefield.. Everyone knows that Internet Spaceships is
serious business, and we are no exception as we strive to dominate our enemies. However, we also understand that
our pilots have real lives and families, so we won't bust your chops for missing an op. We have a very fun and friendly
atmosphere, and prefer to keep things light. It is this attitude that allows our pilots and projects to excel. Have you ever
felt you did not belong to a place, or maybe searched for a place to belong to? A place to be yourself, a place to grow
and develop. A place where everyone is treating you as one of the family, were no one is better or worse than the
next. A place where the Corp is there for the members, and not the members slaving for the Corp? Welcome Home,
We're seeking everyone. From the complete newbie to the most hardened veteran. Just as long as you know how
to have fun. It won't be easy, it won't happen in a week. But we can make it work together and be proud of it, having
a lot of good fights in the process.

What We Offer:Attention

ArrowRelaxed Environment
ArrowAccess to Hauling
ArrowTeamspeak 3
ArrowLarge Max Boosted Rorqual Mining Fleets
ArrowA Fully Functional Ore Buyback Program Which Includes PI and Ice.
ArrowCapital Ship Construction
ArrowPvP protection and operations.
Arrow3 Systems to make isk in(for now)
ArrowHidden belts with ABC
ArrowShip Replacement Program
ArrowPvP Training Ops(With Experianced Fc's Who Will Help Guide and Train)

What we require in return:Attention

ArrowLimited API Key
ArrowBeing Active On Our Coms and Forums(Mic is Required)
ArrowDrake,Hurricane, or Stealth Bomber Skill Ability(or willingness to train)
ArrowActive (No Trial Accounts please; pilots that are inactive for longer than a month without prior notice will be kicked).
Arrow10 mill sp minimum
ArrowThe Ability to have Fun

What We Don't Want:Attention

ArrowDouche Canoes/Griefers

If this interests you, then join our public channel EIOT PUB and speak to one of our friendly recruiting specialists.

You can also choose to contact one of our recruiters:
Blink Vasper Conran (CEO)
Smile RJshsr (Recruitment Director)

We are currently recruiting corps that have 40+ members.
Any Corporation with an Interest in this Alliance Needs To Speak With:
Blink Vasper Conran (Alliance CEO)
Cool Apollyon Qrr (Alliance Head Diplomat)
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#5 - 2013-02-10 00:09:43 UTC
You should consider FW is you have less time and might need to isk on a slightly contrained budget. Would be great to have a vet on board. Check out our ad and see if it might be something of interest. Main comms are TS3 but we also fleet with allies that use Mumble.

Good luck in your search, Taka.

Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

Amaj Zalta
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-02-10 02:45:12 UTC
Both Yarrfleet [NO..U] and our Alliance Corcoran State [-AZZ-] are recruiting new members/corps to join us out in 0.0.

Yarrfleet is small a PVP corporation in Corcoran State who currently owns SOV in a Germinate Pocket. We are looking for pilots looking to come to 0.0 for PVP and Iskies. We are a laid back corp with no strict rules about what you do and don't do and RL always comes first.

We primarily are involved in small - medium gang pvp 5-30 man fleets. Large Scale available through allies.

Our Recruitment Channel is "Yarrfleet Recruitment" Or Mail Amaj Zalta / Kira Ranuk if interested.
Arch Raptor
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-02-11 12:15:04 UTC
Hello Pilot, Aegis Coalition & logistics is a multiprofession corp that likes to have fun and do all things that makes EvE fun. We are looking for like minded pilots to join us to do PvE, Mining, PvP, Incursions, Ratting, Plexing, and more.
Come be part of the coalition to forge new friends and have fun.

- Corp with over a year history including 0.0
- Experienced corp members
- Orca and freighter support
- Corp ore buy programs
- new pilot friendly w/ training programs available
- Family and RL friendly
- Mature attitude in corp (5 yr olds need not apply)
- Self Sufficient build programs
- Strong high sec operations for learning pilots
- Frequent Mining Ops
- Fleet mission and site running
- small gang and fleet warfare
- great organization and evolving corp roles
- 0.0 NPC space available
- We have goals and planned future that you can be a part of
- PvP options and smaller ops available

Check out our website at http:// for more information

API back ground check required for all pilots when joining
we are Anti-high sec pirating

Come join the fun and be part of a corporation that is active and has a purpose.

See link for corp to the left or join channel 'recruit acl'
Chemical Pigs
#8 - 2013-02-11 12:25:23 UTC
We have a good Euro tz and a couple Swedes as well

Insane Asylum est. 2009

We are a smaller non-SoV holding alliance consisting of 0.0 PvP / WH / Mission runner / Industrialist and Miner corporations. We can place you in a corporation for the type of fun you want to have in Eve.
Our Certified Insane pilots have a range of skills and experience that come together to make a crazy, fun and mature Eve experience. We strive for efficiency but not before enjoyment. Reasonable mistakes can be forgiven as we consider it a learning experience for improving efficiency.

About the Corporations:
Our PvP corporations usually run 5-15 man gangs most nights and successfully reside in some rather hostile 0.0 areas of Eve
Our WH corporation offers corp owned WH with high end mining opportunities.
Time zones range from EURO, UK, and US respectively. (We are actively seeking to increase our late night US tz)
We are NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) and we have very few blues!
We do not endure idiots, elitists or drama queens.
We do not want people who are not sociable and will not use comms (Team Speak.)
We do not want people who sit in stations all day.
We do not want people who go into rage quit mode when they lose a ship. Accept your loss, learn from your mistakes and get back out there.

Why lose your mind and join Insane Asylum?
We offer people who are dang fun to play with and who are just crazy enough to think you are normal.
We offer a 0.0 environment without CTAs or endless hours of PoS bashing.
We offer fighting on your doorstep
We offer Corp activity based competitions and events that will leave you intoxicated with delight.
We offer experienced FCs and the training up of those who want to FC.
We offer areas where you can rat or mine to make the isk you want to make to fund what you want to accomplish.
We offer roqual boost support, low-sec PoS with neighboring NPC system, low and hi-sec mining as well as C3 Wormhole.
We offer ship replacement for miners (due to pvp) and our pvp pilots are offered ships at reduced rates.

Twisted25 mill sp minimum for PvP and WH pilots
(pvp pilots that have lower skill points but 0.0 experience will be evaluated on a case by case basis)

Bear10 mill sp minimum for Miners and Industrialists.

Working microphone
Team Speak 3 installed
Mature person
Active player (extended departures from the game are tolerated with prior notification or will be kicked.)

Contact Information:
Go to recruitment channel: Got Meds
Eve mail: Randyo , MrBarbarrino , Silverstone
Luna Centauri
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#9 - 2013-02-12 08:10:34 UTC
As I said in my edit of the post a couple days ago, had you actually taken the time to read it:

copy-pastes neednt apply.

Anyway, I've found my home. Thanks for your "interest"
United System's Commonwealth
#10 - 2013-02-12 11:44:04 UTC
Hi Luna,

if you become interested in w-space and a corp mostly active in EU time zone maybe have a read here:

Angry Anarchists
#11 - 2013-02-12 11:53:38 UTC
My alliance lives in a c5 wormhole with a static c5 and are looking for some more able bodies to roam around with.
We are geared more toward pvp. When we pvp its mostly WH's, null roams, low sec roams
WH pvp means armor (think shiny t3's with logi support and complementary ships), we roam null/low in the same setup or fast shield, kitchen sink or specific doctrines that are usually discussed well in advance.
ISK wise we run sites with shield fitted bs's, tengu's and basi's for repping. escalations can be either shield or armor BS
Apart from that we have a active and working gas market in WH, and you can mine/run industry at your own leisure
My corporation has just opened up recruitment and are looking for pilots who are decently active (on at least twice a week). Our public channel is Homies looking for WH .

- Willing/capability to learn, wormholes means a new environment to a lot of pilots and we are happy to facilitate in that but the dim witted and slow don't last long with us.
- A history of pvp is a strong plus, but as long as you're willing to learn and not scared to field your stuff when required we are lenient in that regard.
We require members to fit into the home defense setup, meaning fitting a t2 fitted loki, proteus, legion or armor supporting ship at a minimum, bling it up as desired (highly recommended)

not a requirement but for your own benefit:
- An armor and shield BS for PVE
- Gas harvesting skill and mining frigate (venture)
- Astrometrics 4
- Astrometic support skills at 3
- Covert ops frigate capable
- Some basic hauling skills
For further info please contact myself (Setsune Rin), Mick Fightmaster or join our channel "Homies looking for WH" and ask if there are any recruiters available or simply have a chat with any present members
BlackLight Sr
Corbulo Academy of Navel Science
#12 - 2013-02-12 14:04:17 UTC

- Open Recruitment -

We are currently seeking active pilots - Recruitment Information

Recruitment Channel In-Game: Nova.Pub