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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Felicia Xavian
State War Academy
Caldari State
#701 - 2013-02-10 21:01:01 UTC
if I could, I would delete all the skills for BC and Command and the skills that support it without compensation, as it is unused and a burden... except what is necessary for the next higher tier.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#702 - 2013-02-10 21:04:24 UTC
If I could, I would just fix clone costs so that this is a non-issue.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Felicia Xavian
State War Academy
Caldari State
#703 - 2013-02-10 21:06:23 UTC
that is an easier answer but a harder solution. Any ideas?
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#704 - 2013-02-10 21:24:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Felicia Xavian wrote:
The training and planning for my solo PvP had nothing to do with command ships. i had miners to fund them... but wait, i can have my PvP account help my miners by givving bonuses with BC's and command ships... seemed right so I started my journey of training for it since he or she was closest to BC and command it seemed a wast to train a new toon for the task... so BC 1-2-3 and now for the mining bonuses mining foreman V leadership V then mining director... and so I end up with a solo PvP toon that has all that and also the module fell under the Skirmish Warefare catagory at the time.. which was 4 more lvles that wern't needed... tada... orca appeard, modules changed and I gotta swallow it whole like i like it... perhaps it is a perspective.... try to see it from here.

I can see now where you are comming from. Basicly, when the circumstances for skills change that drasticly it would seem only fair to reset spent skillpoints in some form or another to allow players to fit their chars back to the purpose they intended them to be for. This is also done regularly in other parts of the MMO industry. CCP themselves are encouraging us to build altchars with regular cheap offers for just that purpose (e.g. Start a Sidekick campaign), acknowledging the need for specialised altchars. They go even further and rebuild the whole skill related gameplay to allow for better specialization into any given role (not just for new players, but also for altchars).

Given all that, CCP's reluctance to do a reset does not seem quite understandable. Especially from those of us who played the game so long and/or have those specialised altchars. I give CCP - or in this case CCP Foozie who I am reffering to here - that e.g. battleship 5 is still a usefull skill. That does not change the fact that we might have skilled battleship 5 for quite a different purpose (e.g. a requirement for our capital character). The pretext of a large amount of skills will change with the summer expansion!

I sympathize with you on that, now that I thought about it a bit more deeply and I think the best course of fairness would actually be to reset the whole thing for once.

I do understand that CCP does not have the ressources to handle this on a case by case basis, which is why the only thing left without punishing many, many players is to reset all the skillpoints. Yes, some players might use the chance to respec their character, giving up skills for a playstyle they do not prefer, but did skill before they knew that. But which is better, having happy people with chars they want them for or players looking at all those (due to a change) wasted skillpoints - wasted training time - and asking themselves what to ever do with a given skill?

In the end everyone would still have the same amount of SP than before the reset, so no one looses or gains anything in terms of training time.


Inkarr Hashur
Skyline Federation
#705 - 2013-02-10 23:42:05 UTC
Complete SP reset is in no way needed if they were just able to implement skillpoint deletion
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#706 - 2013-02-10 23:52:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Inkarr Hashur wrote:
Complete SP reset is in no way needed if they were just able to implement skillpoint deletion

I believe that only holds true for edge cases, when a player actually wants less skillpoints on his clone. But in most cases we are talking about skillpoints - and thus training time - for skills that get their pretext changed as a requirement for something. Changing that pretext basicly makes a skill useless for a specific purpose. By just removing these skills, players will be reaped off their payed training time. And loose something. Some might be okay with that, I believe most won't.


Janitor Corporation
#707 - 2013-02-11 05:38:37 UTC
i haz a quick question, or 2 :P

1) say i am flying a dread now and i DON'T have 1 of the prerequisites learned, do i or will i need 2 learn said prerequisite to fly my ship again? or is it just the main skill that u need to have so can fly said ship... i ask this is i have alot of ships i can fly now but don't have some of the prerequisites trained up that will be needed come the expansion?

2) if i have the main skill 2 fly said ship now and can fly it now are you going to give me the prerequisite skills when you change them or do i need to learn them before i can fly said ship again

i know both questions are asking close to the same thing but it was the easiest way to ask for me to understand all the changes...
if u answer both with one reply that's fine, just so long as i get my god dam thick head around all them changes!

thanks in advance!
Epic Ganking Time
#708 - 2013-02-11 06:49:08 UTC
NenYim wrote:
i haz a quick question, or 2 :P

1) say i am flying a dread now and i DON'T have 1 of the prerequisites learned, do i or will i need 2 learn said prerequisite to fly my ship again? or is it just the main skill that u need to have so can fly said ship... i ask this is i have alot of ships i can fly now but don't have some of the prerequisites trained up that will be needed come the expansion?

2) if i have the main skill 2 fly said ship now and can fly it now are you going to give me the prerequisite skills when you change them or do i need to learn them before i can fly said ship again

i know both questions are asking close to the same thing but it was the easiest way to ask for me to understand all the changes...
if u answer both with one reply that's fine, just so long as i get my god dam thick head around all them changes!

thanks in advance!

1) In this case your best bet is to train your dread skill as much as possible. Once the change happens, you will not be able to train your dread skills any further until you have met the new prerequisites. However, all the bonuses to your dread are going to be based on the dreadnought skill under spaceship command. If you have your dread trained to 5 you can just gellax because you will get a max effective dread w/o those pesky prerequisites. For me, one thing I'll be training is my command ship skill to 5 b/c I don't want to train all of my leardership skills to V.

2) Kind of answered above, but no CCP will not be giving us any of the new prerequisite points. "If you can fly it before you'll be able to fly it after the change". That's what they said. However, since your ship bonuses will be based on the specific spaceship command skill that you have already trained, your ship will be just as effective after the change as it was before. That said, if you want to take it further and continue to train your (I'm guessing) Gallente Dreadnought skill more after the change, you will need to train the prerequisite skills first. tl;dr; no skillpoints will be added to anyone's prerequisite skills.

Now, for a question of my own:

Anyone know WHEN the summer expansion hits? Just planning my day here...

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Deornoth Drake
#709 - 2013-02-11 07:00:44 UTC
Quintaar Syes-Khilorn wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Oh and another thing, I would like to have the time spent training to mining barge V back please since you are removing it and making it way to easy to fly an Orca.

Nope, sorry P Mining Barge V is useful to get Exhumers however. Don't you like the soft, hypnotizing hum of Strip Miners? Dssssshh dssssshhh dsssssssh dssssssshhhh dsssssssshhhh.

Well ... ****** ****** ****** ***** ****** ***** your smile. i trained that skill as a prereq for something else. It toke time. Time is money. GIVE IT BACK!

With the introduction of the orca, CCP used a similar argument, saying that e.g. Gallente Industrials V opens the way to Gallente Freighters and Transport ships, and not caring about the fact that all you are interested is a big ore hauler.

Now, they will try to use it again. However, this time it's not only the haulers who are affected, but alsothe freighter and capital pilots who trained long to achieve there goal. Incontrast to the orca introduction, this is not due to a new ship but the changes in skill requirements. Hence, I'm hoping that more people stand up and fight for the skill points the put into something thats not required any more.

Time is money. GIVE IT BACK!
Epic Ganking Time
#710 - 2013-02-11 07:04:13 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Jonas Sukarala wrote:
what i found odd about the blog is that all the command ships require training the skills for the 4 main links...
when they are only going to be bonused for 2 links so surely they should only require the 2 links skills they will need

e.g. vulture will be bonused towards

  • siege warfare link
  • information warfare links

    The Command ship skill requires the training of the skills for exactly 0 links. Note that there is a big difference between "Armored Warfare" and "Armored Warfare Specialist".

    The skills that are being added to the command ship skill prereqs all give bonuses to your fleet even if you don't fit any warfare links, and are therefore all very valuable for any character that wants to sit in a squad command position, command ship or not.

    Hay I just thought of a potential problem. If someone doesn't have "Logistics" trained to V they can still train command ships. They can only fly half of them right now, but once this change goes live if someone has command ships at V they are going to actually be able to fly all the command ships w/ max bonuses... amiright? You dig what I'm layin' down there?

    Signatures should be used responsibly...

    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #711 - 2013-02-11 07:26:30 UTC
    What about skillbooks? Will people be able to choose a dessy skillbook in the SOE Epic Arc?

    And should I bet that the generic Battlecruiser Skillbook will be split into 5 (Jovian, even if not public? :) ) but the price will not be reduced to about 1/4?
    Serith Ellecon
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #712 - 2013-02-11 07:46:34 UTC
    For what I can see, there are no ships that will be useable at level 1 of the Capital Ships skill. Would the devs be kind enough to put something there please?

    Inappropriate signature added.  CCP Notarealdev.

    Sinzor Aumer
    Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
    #713 - 2013-02-11 08:47:33 UTC
    I had a thorough look at the new skill tree once again, and found a little awkwardness - here, I marked it for you, in the corner.
    Dont bother correcting it though. It only concerns a small portion of the playerbase.
    ako ako
    I.C.E Initiative
    #714 - 2013-02-11 08:58:52 UTC
    NenYim wrote:
    i haz a quick question, or 2 :P

    1) say i am flying a dread now and i DON'T have 1 of the prerequisites learned, do i or will i need 2 learn said prerequisite to fly my ship again? or is it just the main skill that u need to have so can fly said ship... i ask this is i have alot of ships i can fly now but don't have some of the prerequisites trained up that will be needed come the expansion?

    thanks in advance!

    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    Alrigh folks, good news.

    We'll change the way training works so that you can still train the skills you have after change, even if you don't meet the prerequisite anymore.


    You have Amarr Freighter 1 after the change but not Advanced Spaceship Command 5. You can still fly the Providence and you will now still be able to train Amarr Freighter past 1 as long as you have the skill injected.

    Hope that's clear - trying my very best Sad

    So yes you can fly the ship after without the new prereq and continue to train it
    ako ako
    I.C.E Initiative
    #715 - 2013-02-11 09:11:34 UTC
    Gogela wrote:

    Now, for a question of my own:

    Anyone know WHEN the summer expansion hits? Just planning my day here...

    CCP RubberBAND wrote:

    We cannot announce exactly when this is happening. But you have many months yet before this goes live.

    CCP dont know yet but previous 'summer' expansions have tended towards late april or late may:
    Savira Terrant
    Native Freshfood
    Minmatar Republic
    #716 - 2013-02-11 09:56:08 UTC
    Gogela wrote:
    Hay I just thought of a potential problem. If someone doesn't have "Logistics" trained to V they can still train command ships. They can only fly half of them right now, but once this change goes live if someone has command ships at V they are going to actually be able to fly all the command ships w/ max bonuses... amiright? You dig what I'm layin' down there?

    You are correct in your assumption, that if you can fly two command ships now, you will most likely be able to fly all command ships after the change (given you have trained ALL racial cruiser skills to 3).

    If that is a problem, remains to be evaluated. Fact is, everytime CCP changes something about skilling or skilltrees, there seems to be a way to game the system to gain either SP or abiities you did not have before. In this case, both.

    I stand by my opinion that the course of action with the most fairness involved, is to reset the spent skillpoints without adding additional points to the pool.
    I would really appreciate to hear arguments from CCP about their reluctance to do such a thing, especially catering to my 'change of pretext argument'. I know they don't have to argue anything with us, but in my opinion feedback can only be constructive, if being catered to by the receiving end of such feedback.


    Chi'Nane T'Kal
    #717 - 2013-02-11 09:58:54 UTC
    Gogela wrote:

    1) In this case your best bet is to train your dread skill as much as possible. Once the change happens, you will not be able to train your dread skills any further until you have met the new prerequisites. However, all the bonuses to your dread are going to be based on the dreadnought skill under spaceship command. If you have your dread trained to 5 you can just gellax because you will get a max effective dread w/o those pesky prerequisites. For me, one thing I'll be training is my command ship skill to 5 b/c I don't want to train all of my leardership skills to V.

    Could we please agree on not spreading misinformation?

    That has been clarified to: If the skill is injected you can train it.
    A Big Enough Lever
    #718 - 2013-02-11 11:26:28 UTC
    I have a question - if you're removing unnecessary skills as prerequisites - Industry V for mining barge - since a lot of miner alts just mine, and there's a main who does all the refining and production
    and if you want something to replace it with - refining - since at least that can be put towards mining crystals, or maybe mining upgrades... or ice harvesting - just not a productions skill, it's like having controlled bursts (reduction in gun cap usage) as a prereq for a minmatar ship

    For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

    Savira Terrant
    Native Freshfood
    Minmatar Republic
    #719 - 2013-02-11 11:36:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
    Xe'Cara'eos wrote:
    I have a question - if you're removing unnecessary skills as prerequisites - Industry V for mining barge - since a lot of miner alts just mine, and there's a main who does all the refining and production
    and if you want something to replace it with - refining - since at least that can be put towards mining crystals, or maybe mining upgrades... or ice harvesting - just not a productions skill, it's like having controlled bursts (reduction in gun cap usage) as a prereq for a minmatar ship

    I support this! Mh - Mining Upgrades - what a great idea! Much more so than our idea to use Refining, since you cannot only use Mining Barges for Strip Miners.


    Hakaru Ishiwara
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #720 - 2013-02-11 14:07:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaru Ishiwara
    ako ako wrote:
    Gogela wrote:

    Now, for a question of my own:

    Anyone know WHEN the summer expansion hits? Just planning my day here...

    CCP RubberBAND wrote:

    We cannot announce exactly when this is happening. But you have many months yet before this goes live.

    CCP dont know yet but previous 'summer' expansions have tended towards late april or late may:
    Yes, and then the CCP employees go on summer break, leaving their customers to deal with whatever untested pile of crap was hoisted on them. What CCP should be saying is that players have ~90 days to get their **** in order before the mega skill changes are implemented.

    CCP's cycle of "agile" development > vacation > put out the fires is tiresome.

    +++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.