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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Naomi Anthar
#1301 - 2013-02-09 18:10:34 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Oversizing is fine as long as it represents a conscious and preferably hard choice .. cramming a 400 plate onto frigs for instance costs a lot in terms of fittings/performance .. that is the problem with ASB's and shield mods in general, too damn lax fittings with inconsequential downsides, extenders should blow the sig way out for instance and not by the measly handful of points presently.

Forcing arbitrary restrictions is un-Eveian so should never be considered, the problem would have been non-existent had there been some kind of cap consumption involved as is planned or the AAR. Sure you could fit the M.ASB on your frig no problem, but you'd cap out after two cycles! Smile.

"Forcing arbitrary restrictions is un-Eveian so should never be considered" - but there are restrictions mostly for Armor users.

1. You can oversize ASB but you cannot oversize AAR.
2. You can put multiple ASB but there is diffrent story with AAR
3. ASB is capless usually with capless weapons thus no need for capbooster often but AAR users better have one at least.
i could go on but why ? Everyone knows changes are not enough , stuff is broken. Some just wont admit for diffrent reasons(some of which i understand like personal gain).
Atomic Heroes
#1302 - 2013-02-09 18:13:29 UTC
Simply double the pg needs of the ASBs, leave the cpu as it is. That would sort a lot of the issues with the imbalance they create. Still leaves the cap immunity, but we'll worry about that after oversizing ceases to be a thorn in the side of armour tanking.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#1303 - 2013-02-09 18:25:14 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
Some numbers about the armor amount an AAR will rep in 8 cycles :
SAAR : 60 * 2,25 * 8 = 1080 hp
MAAR : 240 * 2,25 * 8 = 4320 hp
LAAR : 600 * 2,25 * 8 = 10800 hp

400mm reinforced steel plate II : 1200 hp
800mm reinforced rolled tungsten plate I : 2100 hp
800mm reinforced steel plate II : 2400 hp
1600mm reinforced rolled tungsten plate I : 4200 hp
1600mm reinforced steel plate II : 4800 hp

Coucou armor plates, AAR will just take your place ; thx bye.

Not convinced yet ? MAAR is 3 times easier to fit than a 1600mm plate, and with one or two rigs, it will provide as many hp as this 1600mm plate, but without killing your mobility.

Someone said a shield ship would never armor tank ? I doubt it, or I think at least the possibility arise. With so many mid slot, a shield ship could be like a hookbill, with many EWAR, speed, and still some tank.

One small issue with directly comparing active tanking with buffer tanking like this. Buffer amount * 1.25 for mechanics V (25% increase to armour HP, applies to plates when attached), no cap cost for buffer, large cap cost for 8 full cycles of a rep. When you add rigs
Bouh Revetoile wrote:

and with one or two rigs, it will provide as many hp as this 1600mm plate

you can also include trimarks for the buffer tank increasing the value by 15% (4800*1.25*1.15*1.15=7935) making the 1600 plate (with 2 rigs) substantially better than a MAAR with 2 rigs. The only good trade here is fitting cost and higher speed/agility, at the cost of lower HP (unless you get through the reload) and large cap need.

Oh, and the rigs are even more skewed in the buffer tanks favour due to not recieving stacking penalties on trimarks, versus the stacking penalties on nanobots and such.
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#1304 - 2013-02-09 23:24:08 UTC
Indeed, I exagerated a little, though the drawback of active armor tank will now be far less damaging than the one of a plate or the rigs.

By the way, you can also compare those numbers to a shield extender :
LSEII : 2625 hp
with lvl 5 skills : 3281 hp
With 2 CDFE rigs : 4339 hp
With a third one : 4990 hp
Awoken Disintegration Fleet
#1305 - 2013-02-09 23:26:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Ikshuki
thank you ccp for ******* my drones in the ass in pve, and making preparations of serial **** pve, going to be nice to have another incarna expansion, i'm sure all the machriel artillery pilots are going to blow you kisses if you make them hybrids, i think ccp fails to realize an mmo is not an mmo if players can't play any portion of the game solo occasionally, thing is players will leave if the gameplay environment becomes anti-pve/anti-new players, it sets itself to fail, yes even eve can fail if they do this
Perihelion Olenard
#1306 - 2013-02-09 23:47:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
I'm looking forward to plated fits + a single AAR. The medium provides about as much HP as a 1600mm plate for far less PG further increasing the HP on a BC. The medium AAR + a 800mm plate on a cruiser will also give a decent amount of HP for the PG used, assuming you live long enough to go through all the cycles.

The large provides far more HP than a plate for using a single slot, although its PG requirement is much higher than 1600mm plates. On the megathron there's enough PG for one and some plates, a large cap booster, MWD, and neutron blasters.

If you do last long enough to get through all the loaded paste it can be run without paste giving even more HP to last a little longer. It should be overloaded to get the most out of it while it does have paste loaded, though.
Arkenai Wyrnspire
#1307 - 2013-02-10 07:13:31 UTC
Ikshuki wrote:
thank you ccp for ******* my drones in the ass in pve, and making preparations of serial **** pve, going to be nice to have another incarna expansion, i'm sure all the machriel artillery pilots are going to blow you kisses if you make them hybrids, i think ccp fails to realize an mmo is not an mmo if players can't play any portion of the game solo occasionally, thing is players will leave if the gameplay environment becomes anti-pve/anti-new players, it sets itself to fail, yes even eve can fail if they do this

Uh, what?

Perihelion Olenard wrote:
I'm looking forward to plated fits + a single AAR. The medium provides about as much HP as a 1600mm plate for far less PG further increasing the HP on a BC. The medium AAR + a 800mm plate on a cruiser will also give a decent amount of HP for the PG used, assuming you live long enough to go through all the cycles.

The large provides far more HP than a plate for using a single slot, although its PG requirement is much higher than 1600mm plates. On the megathron there's enough PG for one and some plates, a large cap booster, MWD, and neutron blasters.

If you do last long enough to get through all the loaded paste it can be run without paste giving even more HP to last a little longer. It should be overloaded to get the most out of it while it does have paste loaded, though.

I'm looking forward to this for sure! I have a bunch of incursii ready to go once I get them AARs, and I'm stocking up on cruisers now too. The LAAR on battleships will be nice as well.


Fon Revedhort
Monks of War
#1308 - 2013-02-10 16:26:13 UTC

This page says:

Armor Repairers – Powergrid usage of Armor Repairers has been reduced by 10% for medium modules and 20% for large modules.

Original message here is:

Armor Reps:New:
Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Medium Armor Repair units by 20%
Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Large Armor Repair units by 10%

CCP Fozzie, which one is correct?

"Being supporters of free speech and free and open [CSM] elections... we removed Fon Revedhort from eligibility". CCP, April 2013.

Mund Richard
#1309 - 2013-02-10 16:40:01 UTC
Good find.
Make both 20% just to be sure!

"We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

The Scope
#1310 - 2013-02-10 18:58:38 UTC
Because NRP is so much smaller in volume than cap charges won't Armor reps have the advantage of being able to carry *significantly* more NRP than the analogous ASBs fits?

Atomic Heroes
#1311 - 2013-02-10 20:31:11 UTC
YuuKnow wrote:
Because NRP is so much smaller in volume than cap charges won't Armor reps have the advantage of being able to carry *significantly* more NRP than the analogous ASBs fits?


Ships yes, the repairer no. Good luck getting through a reload cycle with only 1 aar fitted and maybe a standard rep to try to fill the gap.
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#1312 - 2013-02-10 22:00:23 UTC
YuuKnow wrote:
Because NRP is so much smaller in volume than cap charges won't Armor reps have the advantage of being able to carry *significantly* more NRP than the analogous ASBs fits?


Longer cycles, cap requirement, harsher fittings and most will need injector - remember those from before ASB's made active shield tanks laugh at cap?

Personally think the requirement of first cap charges, now paste, is purely so that CCP can dictate how much and for how long by using the reload mechanic .. when it comes to the AAR, paste (price/size) is so distant as to be barely noticeable with regards to balancing.
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#1313 - 2013-02-11 02:33:41 UTC
Fon Revedhort wrote:

This page says:

Armor Repairers – Powergrid usage of Armor Repairers has been reduced by 10% for medium modules and 20% for large modules.

Original message here is:

Armor Reps:New:
Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Medium Armor Repair units by 20%
Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Large Armor Repair units by 10%

CCP Fozzie, which one is correct?

This thread is correct, the feature page is a typo which we are in the process of fixing. Sorry for the confusion.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1314 - 2013-02-11 07:02:31 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
WOW ! We will now have CHOICE !

Maybe you should consider what this module will allow to do instead of what it will not allow to do. It's called positivism.

This module will NOT obsolete plates or shield.
This module will NOT give your armor ship all advantages of a shield one.
This module will NOT make any ship a solopwnBBQmachine.

Please, stop seeing armor as a bad shield. It's *different*. Start thinking another way, a way where armor strength can be used.

1. It obsoletes all normal reps, to a great extent.
2. It mimics shield feature, which is "burst" tanking. It reduces *difference*.
3. SoloBBQmachine is not a bad thing, if it comes at cost. Here, you dont have a choice - you only fit this standard cheap module, like everyone else.
4. It comes with a strained limitation of 1 per ship.

Still, I insist that all these issues can be easily fixed.
Ris Dnalor
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#1315 - 2013-02-11 07:06:08 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
:Largeish reply to some questions and comments posted on Jan 22nd here:

Decided that the title was probably being less than helpful by raising expectations and suggesting that we wouldn't continue iterating after these changes. So I adjusted it.

We've got the resources all properly committed so I'm now ready to share with you all our initial plan to fix some of the biggest problems that face armor tanking in this game. Sorry for the extended period of teasing, hopefully the happy ending will make it all worthwhile.

I was going to go into this big spiel about all the problems with armor tanking in general and active armor tanking in particular, but you all know this so I'll jump straight to the interesting bits.

Here's what we're looking for feedback on:

    Armor Rigs

    UPDATE: Overheating Rig is pulled while I re-evaluate the method used to apply the bonus.

  • Change the penalty on all active armor rigs (Aux Nano Pump, Nanobot Accelerator, and the new Nanobot Overcharger) to increase the powergrid use of local armor reps by 10% instead of reducing ship velocity. Note this is increasing the PG use of the reps by 10% (or 5% at Armor Rigging V) not decreasing the total PG of the ship.

  • Plates
  • Add a new skill to the game called Armor Upgrades. This skill reduces the mass penalty of all armor plates by 5% per level. (Int/Mem, rank 3, requires Mechanics 3) This skill affects all plates (including 1600mm) and is separate from the stat change listed below.
  • Reduce the base mass penalty on all 800mm, 200mm and 50mm plates by 20%

  • Armor Reps:New:
  • Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Medium Armor Repair units by 20%
  • Reduce the Powergrid requirements of all Large Armor Repair units by 10%

  • Ancillary Armor Repairer
  • Not the same mechanic as the ASB, please read to the end.
  • Always uses the same cap as a normal (T1/T2/Named) Armor Repper
  • When not loaded with Nanite Repair Paste, has 3/4 the rep amount as a T1 Armor Repairer
  • When loaded with Nanite Repair Paste triples rep amount (so reps 2.25x a T1 repairer when loaded)
  • Same cycle time and fittings as T1 reps
  • Smalls use 1 paste per cycle, mediums 4, larges 8. Can hold 8 cycles worth of paste at a time. Reload time is 1 minute just like an ASB, but the longer cycle time of armor reps means it goes longer between reloads
  • Limited to one per ship

With these changes we're looking to reduce the Incursus rep bonus from 10% to 7.5% because otherwise it would be wtfbbqop. Forgot to mention that initially :mybad:

Quick Q&A about the AAR:
  • Why limited to one per ship?
  • The longer time between reloads is a big part of the playstyle we wanted to give the AAR, but that with multiple copies would completely negate the burst tanking ideal. In addition, there is more of a tradition of lowslot tanking modules restricted to one per ship so I made the call that in this case the restriction would be worthwhile. The ASB debate is a separate issue unconnected. Please note that nothing is preventing current dual or triple rep fits from swapping one of their reps into an AAR.
  • Why keep the cap use consistent?
  • The elimination of cap consumption when loaded is a huge advantage of ASBs, but we decided with the AAR to build the strengths in another direction, focusing on greater stability instead. In addition, one downside of the ASB's zero cap use is the inability of one player to influence the tank of another through neuts. This works ok for the ASB but I am not inclined to expand that mechanic further.
  • Why not just buff all armor reps?
  • One of the aspects I really like about the ASB is that it allowed CCP to decouple burst tanking from sustained tanking in a new and interesting way. Burst tanking is key for most PVP active tank scenarios while sustained tanking is more common for PVE. We wanted to carry that aspect over to armor tanking, allowing us to create new burst tanking gameplay without making current sustained tanking gameplay overpowered.

    So we are very interested in hearing your feedback on this proposal. Expect at least most of these changes to make it into the next Sisi build for playtesting (the AARs might not catch this upcoming build but they should at least be in the one after that).

    It's interesting. These modules are almost like combining more than one module into one slot. ASB sound like Cap Booster + Shield Booster.... sort of. And the AAR is kind of like having 3 armor reppers... 1 that you can run continuaously, and 2 more that you can cycle on as needed for a boost.

    Stuff like this is interesting, and allows for a greater variety in ship fitting.

    I am glad the AAR's still use capacitor, because I do love the Energy Neutralizers. speaking of energy neutralization, why can't we use VOID and LOCKBREAKER bombs in lo sec?

    EvE = Everybody Vs. Everybody

    • Qolde
    Sinzor Aumer
    Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
    #1316 - 2013-02-11 07:07:59 UTC
    Nikuno wrote:
    Simply double the pg needs of the ASBs, leave the cpu as it is. That would sort a lot of the issues with the imbalance they create. Still leaves the cap immunity, but we'll worry about that after oversizing ceases to be a thorn in the side of armour tanking.

    There are ways to treat cap-immunity as well, but I simply dont see any intention to change it from CCP. Of course, fixing wardec system is more important.
    Mund Richard
    #1317 - 2013-02-11 08:53:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Mund Richard
    Ris Dnalor wrote:
    It's interesting. These modules are almost like combining more than one module into one slot. ASB sound like Cap Booster + Shield Booster.... sort of. And the AAR is kind of like having 3 armor reppers... 1 that you can run continuaously, and 2 more that you can cycle on as needed for a boost.

    ASB: Oversized shield booster WITH shield boost amplifier and an oversized cap booster.

    AAR: T1 armor booster with two "armor boost amplifiers" as long as it's loaded (that x2.25 sounds nice, but it's less than twice of a T2, or what a single oversized would be for BCs), but only for this module, not the other one or two you will still probably be fitting on a Myrm.
    And once the charges are gone, you are left with a module that does less than a T1, almost half of what a T2 could do.

    The burst isn't a bad thing, but on a tripple rep, it's an extra 23% if the other two are T2.
    ( (( (240/320)*2.25) +2) / 3 = 1.22916, hope not mistaken.)

    "We want PvE activities to require active participation and mirror PvP more closely." Stacking penalty for NPC EWAR then? Lock range under 9km from over 100 in a BS is not fun. Nor is two NPC web drones making me crawl 10m/s. PvP SW-900 x5: 75m/s.

    Atomic Heroes
    #1318 - 2013-02-11 13:01:11 UTC
    Well, it's apparent that Fozzie is still reading these this thread and that for battlecruisers (from his recent responses) so it seems we can assume that the decisions have been made and what we see now is what we'll be getting. I have to admit to being greatly disappointed at this stage with both sets of changes.
    Hakan MacTrew
    Konrakas Forged
    Solyaris Chtonium
    #1319 - 2013-02-11 16:59:07 UTC
    Veshta Yoshida wrote:
    YuuKnow wrote:
    Because NRP is so much smaller in volume than cap charges won't Armor reps have the advantage of being able to carry *significantly* more NRP than the analogous ASBs fits?


    Longer cycles, cap requirement, harsher fittings and most will need injector - remember those from before ASB's made active shield tanks laugh at cap?

    Personally think the requirement of first cap charges, now paste, is purely so that CCP can dictate how much and for how long by using the reload mechanic .. when it comes to the AAR, paste (price/size) is so distant as to be barely noticeable with regards to balancing.

    It was originally to be field by cap charges, just like ASBs. The player base put forward a valid argument that with the need for cap charges to run boosters already, Armour ships would be at a disadvantage with balancing charges for tank, cap
    and ammo.

    Nanite paste was suggested and many people agreed, barely anyone, (if at all,) complained.
    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #1320 - 2013-02-11 17:48:36 UTC
    Fozzie i hope some one has implemented the current SISI build wrong, cuz all inactive (passive hardening 1% boni) on all hardeners (Armor and Shield) are gone.
    Plz make clear, if this is intended?