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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Militia Federation
#661 - 2013-02-10 06:56:02 UTC
Dan' Ehr wrote:
You do this without coughing up the skill point difference, I will pod you; you do this and take away ship commands we already possess, I will pod you twice. I demand you cover and compensate older players who have given so much, without who's support these past years you would have no game to change to suit newer players. I agree that these changes provide a streamlined cleanliness, but don't make all the time and effort your benefactors have put into this game for so long amount to waste.

That always seems to be the case..... they always forget who and what gave them so much.. they always **** on the people, I love this game but it's slowly getting "streamlined" till it is so streamlined that there is no bumps left to overcome......

Asking to have more then one ( Option From CCP is like asking a chicken to cook it-self. )

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#662 - 2013-02-10 08:21:50 UTC
Bubbleboylol wrote:
Dan' Ehr wrote:
You do this without coughing up the skill point difference, I will pod you; you do this and take away ship commands we already possess, I will pod you twice. I demand you cover and compensate older players who have given so much, without who's support these past years you would have no game to change to suit newer players. I agree that these changes provide a streamlined cleanliness, but don't make all the time and effort your benefactors have put into this game for so long amount to waste.

That always seems to be the case..... they always forget who and what gave them so much.. they always **** on the people, I love this game but it's slowly getting "streamlined" till it is so streamlined that there is no bumps left to overcome......

Uh, I think you guys are missing something.....

The fact you can still train any skill you already have.
And the fact you can fly any ship you have the skill for.

The 'pre-requisits' are only needed to inject the skill.
So there is no 'Taking away' of anything. Only gaining.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#663 - 2013-02-10 09:13:06 UTC
Bubbleboylol wrote:
Radius Prime wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

We are considering changing this so you can still train the skill even after the prerequisites are changed, we'll keep you posted as soon we have an answer.

When will we have answer on that one? It is most important issue in your whole blog.

Correct. that is cool training after the prereq are met but that wont help the ship at all if i'm reading it right so it's like a false sense of security?

What are you even talking about? Of course it will help the ship, that's what skill bonuses do...

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Militia Federation
#664 - 2013-02-10 09:51:36 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Bubbleboylol wrote:
[quote=Dan' Ehr]You do this without coughing up the skill point difference, I will pod you; you do this and take away ship commands we already possess, I will pod you twice. I demand you cover and compensate older players who have given so much, without who's support these past years you would have no game to change to suit newer players. I agree that these changes provide a streamlined cleanliness, but don't make all the time and effort your benefactors have put into this game for so long amount to waste.

That always seems to be the case..... they always forget who and what gave them so much.. they always **** on the people, I love this game but it's slowly getting "streamlined" till it is so streamlined that there is no bumps left to overcome......

"The fact you can still train any skill you already have.
And the fact you can fly any ship you have the skill for."

lol, but then what is the point of training the skill for something that does not need it?
the whole point is that they are starting to give things and make things easier for all the people complaining that they have to do some work and have some patience, all the while doing that they screwed up the ship skills by giving shortcuts. Now they have to change all the ship skills to follow along with the shortcuts because people are getting ahead faster then the originally great planned out skill set. you follow?

Asking to have more then one ( Option From CCP is like asking a chicken to cook it-self. )

Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#665 - 2013-02-10 10:21:44 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
You know what, I thought this should make you really happy, I have added another 300M.


Now bounty: 338,322,891 ISK.
Yes, I just received a message from Concord that someone has claimed 11M...

I can assure you that had nothing to do with my bounty.
Honestly you just seemed like the type to get angry over even a small bounty amount. Judging by you dumping 350 million isk on mine it would seem I succeeded. :P

I don't think so, you have placed a bounty on me for no reason, just because you didn't like my response in the forum. What if you knew my real credentials, would you stalk me in real life?
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#666 - 2013-02-10 10:24:08 UTC
Ubat Batuk wrote:
Savira Terrant wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
Savira Terrant wrote: is where I answeared to your concerns. Please this carefully.

thank you for that, however this means that you get one racial BC skills at level 5. What about the rest? I can fly all BCs at level 5 now.

// It is noteworthy to point out that if you don’t have a racial Cruiser at 3, then you won’t receive the corresponding racial Battlecruiser skill. It is thus worthwhile to train all Racial Cruiser skill at 3, then focus on maximizing Battlecruisers before the reimbursement happens. //

This part is especially for you: It tells you to train all racial cruiser to 3 in order to get all battlecruiser skills.

If you honestly don't understand that from the devblog, all that's left for me is to ask you to voice concerns in a more productive (and nice) behavior next time around. You will get less annoyed answears then.

OK, many thanks for this. I really appreciate your time and effort to help. I hope you are right and for now I am going to stick to your explanation. Are you saying that my posts are disrespectful?

I think (hope) she's trying to say your posts are both, dumb and disrespectful.And even if she didn't, I'll volunteer.
Chi'Nane T'Kal
#667 - 2013-02-10 10:32:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Chi'Nane T'Kal
Xe'Cara'eos wrote:

I would love to say I've read the lot looking for my answers, but I got as far as page 19 and gave up
at that point - CCP were going to get back to us regarding:

You realize that at EVERY CCP post there is that BLUE arrow, which when you click it takes you to the NEXT CCP answer (if such exists)? Just a few clicks would have taken you to your answer, and it would surely not have taken as long as browsing 19 pages.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#668 - 2013-02-10 10:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: James Amril-Kesh
Ubat Batuk wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:
Ubat Batuk wrote:
You know what, I thought this should make you really happy, I have added another 300M.


Now bounty: 338,322,891 ISK.
Yes, I just received a message from Concord that someone has claimed 11M...

I can assure you that had nothing to do with my bounty.
Honestly you just seemed like the type to get angry over even a small bounty amount. Judging by you dumping 350 million isk on mine it would seem I succeeded. :P

I don't think so, you have placed a bounty on me for no reason, just because you didn't like my response in the forum. What if you knew my real credentials, would you stalk me in real life?

Of course not. I just felt you deserved a little trolling, as it were. I have no desire to do you or anyone else any kind of worldly harm, physical or psychological.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#669 - 2013-02-10 10:48:17 UTC
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
Xe'Cara'eos wrote:

I would love to say I've read the lot looking for my answers, but I got as far as page 19 and gave up
at that point - CCP were going to get back to us regarding:

You realize that at EVERY CCP post there is that BLUE arrow, which when you click it takes you to the NEXT CCP answer (if such exists)? Just a few clicks would have taken you to your answer, and it would surely not have taken as long as browsing 19 pages.

VERY NICE! I did not know that. That's awesome!


Chi'Nane T'Kal
#670 - 2013-02-10 10:53:32 UTC
James Amril-Kesh wrote:

Of course not. I just felt you deserved a little trolling, as it were. I have no desire to do you or anyone else any kind of worldly harm, physical or psychological.

You're a saint.

After being subjected to so much stupidity i DO feel a certain desire to do the offender some minor physical or psychological harm, comparable to the pain inflicted to me. Being civilized, I'm just suppressing that desire.
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#671 - 2013-02-10 10:56:40 UTC
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
James Amril-Kesh wrote:

Of course not. I just felt you deserved a little trolling, as it were. I have no desire to do you or anyone else any kind of worldly harm, physical or psychological.

You're a saint.

After being subjected to so much stupidity i DO feel a certain desire to do the offender some minor physical or psychological harm, comparable to the pain inflicted to me. Being civilized, I'm just suppressing that desire.

I would like to ask you both nicely to get back to topic.


A Big Enough Lever
#672 - 2013-02-10 11:48:36 UTC
Chi'Nane T'Kal wrote:
Xe'Cara'eos wrote:

I would love to say I've read the lot looking for my answers, but I got as far as page 19 and gave up
at that point - CCP were going to get back to us regarding:

You realize that at EVERY CCP post there is that BLUE arrow, which when you click it takes you to the NEXT CCP answer (if such exists)? Just a few clicks would have taken you to your answer, and it would surely not have taken as long as browsing 19 pages.

actually, no, I didn't know that, feel like a right prat now...

For posting an idea into F&I: come up with idea, try and think how people could abuse this, try to fix your idea - loop the process until you can't see how it could be abused, then post to the forums to let us figure out how to abuse it..... If your idea can be abused, it [u]WILL[/u] be.

Alec Freeman
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#673 - 2013-02-10 12:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Alec Freeman
Changes look great. My only major concern is the battleship skill for the capitals, I really wish it would stay as level 5 requirement (even WITH the other changes). By removing the level 5 requirment your pretty much removing the sub-par capitals from the battlefield because it will now be so easy to crosstrain into the best ones, no more nidhoggurs :[.

With battleships 5 and the other jump skills as capital pre-reqs it really makes them a little more special once you get into them. It also cuts down on the "I can sit in the ship but cant fly it for another 2 months" feeling you get well training your first cap.
Icke Himal
IHU Holding
#674 - 2013-02-10 13:44:55 UTC
Flying Apocalypse wrote:
I am amazed ccp even reads these forums anymore...Or haven't sold their brains yet...I am definitly considering selling mine after following this thread since the blog released.Roll

The dev blog is pretty clear(Sure it has some vague points, but all of that has been answered by devs) Blink

If you got the skills to fly a ship right now, you can fly it after the change and can still train the relevant ship skill up even if you no longer have the prerequisited skills.(As long as you got the skill injected you can train it)

The Command Ship changes are for the NORMAL boosting skills, NOT the LINKS. So as a boosting character, you should have them anyway.

They will be rebalancing the industrials, so don't be too worried about the Iteron's till atleast a month before release since we have no idea what they will consist of once tiericide hits.

And it was your choice to train for a capital with the current skill prereqs, you can now fly it so why do you even care if that changes? It wont affect you anymore since you can already fly your capital. And if you ever step inside a shiny BS once again, you will be glad with that lvl 5 skill I'm sure.

I'm not saying that the prereqs for carriers are perfect with what CCP has in mind. But just raging about it won't help, give some real feedback about it.

If you awnser on parts of my feedback, i would prefer, that you don´t mix it up with statements of other people or quote it correctly, thank you.
Quintaar Syes-Khilorn
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#675 - 2013-02-10 14:10:18 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
Oh and another thing, I would like to have the time spent training to mining barge V back please since you are removing it and making it way to easy to fly an Orca.

Nope, sorry P Mining Barge V is useful to get Exhumers however. Don't you like the soft, hypnotizing hum of Strip Miners? Dssssshh dssssshhh dsssssssh dssssssshhhh dsssssssshhhh.

Well ... ****** ****** ****** ***** ****** ***** your smile. i trained that skill as a prereq for something else. It toke time. Time is money. GIVE IT BACK!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#676 - 2013-02-10 14:22:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Ser'kele
Quick question (not complaining) - sorry edited once more without using neural remaps

Right now I am 22 days away from flying Astarte (according to evemon) (17 using a remap)

After the change I will be 42 days away (using my bonus remap) (59 without using my remap) with the requirement of:

Skirmish Warfare V
Information Warfare V
Armored Warfare V
Siege Warfare V
Warfare Link Specialist IV
Leadership V

These are the remaining skills I lack from flying Astarte:

Leadership V
Warefare Link Specialist IV
Command Ships I
Assault Ships IV
Heavy Assault Ships IV

Do I have time to finish off the remaining skills to get to Astarte? or should I just use my remap now for the booster skills and start training those up?
Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#677 - 2013-02-10 14:26:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Savira Terrant
Ser'kele wrote:
Quick question (not complaining) - sorry edited once more without using neural remaps

Right now I am 22 days away from flying Astarte (according to evemon) (17 using a remap)

After the change I will be 42 days away (using my bonus remap) (59 without using my remap) with the requirement of:

Skirmish Warfare V
Information Warfare V
Armored Warfare V
Siege Warfare V
Warfare Link Specialist IV
Leadership V

These are the remaining skills I lack from flying Astarte:

Leadership V
Warefare Link Specialist IV
Command Ships I
Assault Ships IV
Heavy Assault Ships IV

Do I have time to finish off the remaining skills to get to Astarte? or should I just use my remap now for the booster skills and start training those up?

No, finish the 17 days (and inject the command ships skill) before changes hit and you are golden.

Explanation: In the future prereqs are only checked for injecting skillbooks. So if you inject the command ships skill before the changes you "skip" around the requirements of those leadership skills.

On the other hand if you feel you do not want the Assault Frigate and Heavy Assault Cruiser skills AND want to train the fleetboost skills anyway AND don't feel pressured to fly the Astarte in the near future (yet unknown changes to command ships are looming anyway), you can start training the boosting skills already and just wait for patchday in summer (no specific date yet as far as I know) to inject command ships skill.

At the moment we are in the lucky position to have freedom to choose what skills we want. Nice, right? Big smile


Critical Strike
Nuclear Confusion
#678 - 2013-02-10 14:49:49 UTC
Savira Terrant wrote:

. So if you inject the command ships skill before the changes you "skip" around the requirements of those leadership skills.

On the other hand if you feel you do not want the Assault Frigate and Heavy Assault Cruiser skills AND want to train the fleetboost skills anyway AND don't feel pressured to fly the Astarte in the near future (yet unknown changes to command ships are looming anyway), you can start training the boosting skills already and just wait for patchday in summer (no specific date yet as far as I know) to inject command ships skill.

At the moment we are in the lucky position to have freedom to choose what skills we want. Nice, right? Big smile

command ships V, long time ago, does that mean I don't have to worry about a thing?

Savira Terrant
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#679 - 2013-02-10 14:59:52 UTC
Cytherion wrote:
Savira Terrant wrote:

. So if you inject the command ships skill before the changes you "skip" around the requirements of those leadership skills.

On the other hand if you feel you do not want the Assault Frigate and Heavy Assault Cruiser skills AND want to train the fleetboost skills anyway AND don't feel pressured to fly the Astarte in the near future (yet unknown changes to command ships are looming anyway), you can start training the boosting skills already and just wait for patchday in summer (no specific date yet as far as I know) to inject command ships skill.

At the moment we are in the lucky position to have freedom to choose what skills we want. Nice, right? Big smile

command ships V, long time ago, does that mean I don't have to worry about a thing?

Yes. You won't be getting the new prereqs for the command ships skill, but you will still be able to fly it as always and even if it was not lvl 5 you would still be able to skill it to 5 even without the new prereqs. This goes for all other ships as well.


Critical Strike
Nuclear Confusion
#680 - 2013-02-10 15:02:16 UTC
Bubbleboylol wrote:
Dan' Ehr wrote:
. I demand you cover and compensate older players who have given so much, without who's support these past years you would have no game to change to suit newer players. I agree that these changes provide a streamlined cleanliness, but don't make all the time and effort your benefactors have put into this game for so long amount to waste.

That always seems to be the case..... they always forget who and what gave them so much.. they always **** on the people, I love this game but it's slowly getting "streamlined" till it is so streamlined that there is no bumps left to overcome......

bored CCP devs need something to do right? Changes are inevitable...

games nowadays are so fickle to changes that the essence of a pure honest game has now evaporated. You just cant have the same "emotional bond" with one game anymore.

I employ a "use and throw" tactic.. change **** too much for no rhyme or reason? np plenty of other games out there.

moral of the story: dont get attached to any game you play, sooner or later the devs find ways to screw it all up.

Eve was one game that I respected the stability and the consistency. Heck I used to log in after several months, i trusted them with my time invested. Whether or not that faith will be shaken, only time will tell.

Again, plenty of fish in the sea..