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Dev blog: The great ship skill change of summer 2013

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Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#581 - 2013-02-09 04:32:47 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The Command ship skill requires the training of the skills for exactly 0 links. Note that there is a big difference between "Armored Warfare" and "Armored Warfare Specialist"

I think "big difference" may be overstating it somewhat, no?

Skills wise (which is what we're talking about here) the difference between them is a grand total of 3 hours and 1.5 million ISK.
Cpt Bogus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#582 - 2013-02-09 04:47:18 UTC
This all seems pretty reasonable...when destroyers and BCs were added they were somewhat of specialty ships which (especially on the BC side) became the new standard due to game mechanics. Converting BC/Destroyer level X to 4x level X racial skills is good, it gives people 'free SP' but what's important is that it doesn't penalize people who trained BC 5 and moved on becuase that was all to train.

One question on the EAF/Interdictor change that's likely already been covered in this threadnought I'm not reading all of, if someone has the ship skill but not the new prerequisite skills will they still be able to fly the ship or must they train the new prereq? If so, does the same apply to further training of the skill?
ako ako
I.C.E Initiative
#583 - 2013-02-09 05:07:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ako ako
For the new Command ship prereqs:

Freighdee Katt wrote:
[quote=Jonas Sukarala]Well a shield fleet doesn't need the armoured warfare skill or necessarily the bonus from the skirmish and information warfare.

Take Sleipnir as this is a 'shield' ship you would fly after training CS:
Think about the times it can dip into armor before logi / local reps catch on, Armored Warfare bonus helps with a little more buffer before the ship explodes.
Consider that it is a bc, so Skirmish Warfare bonus helps it get into, around and out of a fight faster.
Contemplate that faster locking generally means faster application of DPS, so Information Warfare helps here.

A better negitive arguement to this would have that the Siege Wafare skill does not match the armored CS. However, I find I like those few seconds that a tiny shield buffer will give me before I need to be worried about my armor tank, so Siege Warfare is beneficial here. Also the shield/gank Astarte would like to say hi. And btw, the Damnation / Absolution enjoy that agility bonus.

As Freighdee Katt said "Shield fleets "don't need" Hull Upgrades, Signature Analysis, or Evasive Maneuvering either"

To agree and add to this solid line of thinking, there are many skills that have a indirect positive effect on a ship which are not 'needed' but very helpful. They could have used other skills that did not really enhance the ship. In the removal of the Cruiser / Assault / Heavy Assault / Logi skills which had no direct positve effect on the ship and replacement of skills that do have a positive effect, I believe that the Dev's have decided on the correct course of action for Command Ships.
Cordo Draken
ABOS Industrial Enterprises
#584 - 2013-02-09 05:40:58 UTC
Command Ships

Racial Cruiser 5 requirement swapped for racial Battlecruiser 5
Generic and old Battlecruiser skill removed from the Command Ship skill
Heavy Assault Ships skill requirement removed from Field Command Ships (Absolution, Nighthawk, Astarte, Sleipnir)
Logistics skill requirement removed from Fleet Command Ships (Damnation, Vulture, Eos, Claymore)
Information Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill
Armored Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill
Siege Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill
Skirmish Warfare 5 skill added as requirement for the Command Ship skill

So wait, to fly any of the Command ships you'd have to train up all the Base Leadership skills to 5?

Wouldn't it make more sense for it to only be to 5 for the bonuses of that ship?

Not a complaint, it just doesn't make much sense.

Whomever said, "You only get one shot to make a good impression," was utterly wrong. I've made plenty of great impressions with my Autocannons 

MuraSaki Siki
#585 - 2013-02-09 05:51:31 UTC
Cpt Bogus wrote:
This all seems pretty reasonable...when destroyers and BCs were added they were somewhat of specialty ships which (especially on the BC side) became the new standard due to game mechanics. Converting BC/Destroyer level X to 4x level X racial skills is good, it gives people 'free SP' but what's important is that it doesn't penalize people who trained BC 5 and moved on becuase that was all to train.

One question on the EAF/Interdictor change that's likely already been covered in this threadnought I'm not reading all of, if someone has the ship skill but not the new prerequisite skills will they still be able to fly the ship or must they train the new prereq? If so, does the same apply to further training of the skill?

CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Alrigh folks, good news.

We'll change the way training works so that you can still train the skills you have after change, even if you don't meet the prerequisite anymore.


You have Amarr Freighter 1 after the change but not Advanced Spaceship Command 5. You can still fly the Providence and you will now still be able to train Amarr Freighter past 1 as long as you have the skill injected.

Hope that's clear - trying my very best Sad

having ship skill u can fly the ship, and learn the EAF/interdictor skill pass lvl 1.
Cid SilverWing
#586 - 2013-02-09 06:43:43 UTC
CCP, what you are doing here is adding a heap of training time unto new players who haven't trained Destroyers and Battlecruisers.

This will pad out the gameplay longer than it has to be and subsequently drive away new players.

Do NOT go through with this change. There are enough skills to train without us having to train even more separate sub-caps.
JN Jarvis
State War Academy
Caldari State
#587 - 2013-02-09 07:48:57 UTC
So lets say I have BC at 5 with all racial cruiser skills at 3, same for destroyers at 5 and all racial frigates at 3, will CCP automatically assign me the racial BC and destroyer skills at 5 each or will they just give me skill points so I can allocate them?
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#588 - 2013-02-09 08:29:35 UTC
Jonas Sukarala wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Jonas Sukarala wrote:
what i found odd about the blog is that all the command ships require training the skills for the 4 main links...
when they are only going to be bonused for 2 links so surely they should only require the 2 links skills they will need

e.g. vulture will be bonused towards

  • siege warfare link
  • information warfare links

    The Command ship skill requires the training of the skills for exactly 0 links. Note that there is a big difference between "Armored Warfare" and "Armored Warfare Specialist".

    The skills that are being added to the command ship skill prereqs all give bonuses to your fleet even if you don't fit any warfare links, and are therefore all very valuable for any character that wants to sit in a squad command position, command ship or not.

    Well a shield fleet doesn't need the armoured warfare skill or necessarily the bonus from the skirmish and information warfare.

    Perhaps since it is a specialist command ship it should need the specialist skills for the links it would be bonused for it would make more sense and be more race specific and more relative toward the race's ship.

    Get Out.


    Icke Himal
    IHU Holding
    #589 - 2013-02-09 08:54:16 UTC
    I like the way of thinking like "no low specialism to fly a big tech II ship" . personally for me, that is fitting my trained skills very well and besides, it really makes sense.

    But i ask myself, how about the pilot who decides to fly a tech II Battleship with according firepower. What i try to ask is, if this changes are planned to set accordingly to wepon specialisations? what absolutly would make sense as well, since a artillery operator doesn´t have to be a pro in Handguns. (something like "/small turret III / medium turret III / heavy turret V", and if the loss in training time is to much, add " /motion prediction III / Rapid Fireing III / sharpshooter III ... " to it. Is something like that in plan?

    I also got somewhat "made interested" into the Command Ship Changes. I also like the idea here, to take out the whole tertiery skill. But lvl 5 in all link specialisations is a bit to much of the good. No "specialisation rquireie argument" and than force every Command ship commander to Lvl 5 the different boosts? Lvl 3 or 4 for each, and say Warefare link specialist to lvl 5. That would cover the "all arround boost argument" for "the specific Roll of this particular command ship" ass well. Remember it can fit 3 Boost modules,and each cathegory of Link specialisition has 3 Modules availeble. And if this isn´t enough training time yet, you could always add a Wing Command level, since these is a COMMAND Ship - in the end.

    Industrials.. to fly an Iteron 5 with aprox 35km³ Cargo (with rigs and hullupgrades) sounds pritty nice, but besides a few Pilots who want the slightly difference in speed, there would be not much use anymore for all five Itron Versions. Not to speak about the hole between Industrial I (Iteron clases) and Industrial V (Blockaderunner). Basically i´d say if between the Iterons is a bigger difference in speed/Armor/Shield/whatever, then it makes sense. Also Maybe a new ship class/lvl on Industrials Lvl 3 wich lies somewhere in corgo capacities of, dunno 50-100 Km³ (what also would be another change to the "Orca Transport Ship thingy"). I can only talk out of the sight of Gellente ships, but i´d say this (maybe) somehow could be aplied to other races, ass well. Besides there is a big hole between "Industrial Class Haulers" and "Frighter class Haulers" anyway. Especially when the Frighters get the need for Advanced Spaceship Command V, then !

    What i see so far is that the basic abylity to use more ships with smaller time effort is a good way to give new Player a faster "i got a shiny new toy" effect and therefore more ambition to stay in the game. thats basically a good - and maybe a necessary thing, given the complexity of EVE. I have to admit, that this kind of achivement also was the reason, why i looked further into the game, in my beginnings.
    On second sight, i don´t know what a aged pilot really get out of it. For me, it looks a bit like, fast abylity for new ships and therefore a longer stay of new players, and either they find their playstyle in that time or they quit when the next achievement gets to far away.
    So if my guts are right, and that would be the real reason behind that particular reballance, then i would see a lot of other (and/or) additional ways to archieve that goal with other (possible) game mechanics rather than make Navy Issue Battleship Available after 3 Days of Playing (instead of 7 Days). And much of them would be much more interesting for Newbies. Atlest it would have been for me, at that time.
    Cyaron wars
    Academia RED HOT Corporation
    #590 - 2013-02-09 08:58:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyaron wars
    Dear CCP,

    First of all I would like to thank you for all those marvelous changes with BCs and new armor mods you are going to release soon. Now I would like to ask something about capital ships.

    So after Battleship skill re-balancing capital ships will no longer require racial Battleship 5. This will make it faster to train for. But I as one of your customers, person that pays money, I feel a bit sad.

    Let's transfer all this stuff to RL cash that we pay you.

    I have spent ~$15 per month and 40 days for each Battleship lvl 5 just to be able to fly all capital ships. This is roughly $90 and 6 ~5.5 months of training. Now you say that this requirements are going to be reduced and somebody else will get same product that I got ,but only for $15 and 2-3 weeks of training.
    I feel myself like an idiot who payed 6 times more for something others are getting. And this is not something like damn cell phone that you buy for 1k USD today and in 1 month it's cost is reduced to $500, because newer models are released.

    I would like to know if CCP ever thought of this approach (because your final goal is to earn money for something you do), and if you ever planned to give people who already wasted 6 months on that something as benefit just to compensate those expenses?

    So you basically give benefit to new customers but nothing to old ones :(
    Craven More
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #591 - 2013-02-09 09:25:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Craven More
    After having read through this thread, its clear that there is allot of confusion over the basic principal, of :

    Having the skills to fly a ship is one thing, having the support skills to be able to run / fly it effectively is another.

    Please dont bur the lines between should be support skills & skills that are actually needed to be able to fly different ships.
    If your going to say a certain ship now has this role or that role, thats fine, but leave the rest to the players to choose how they intend to make use of it, instead of incorporating skill requirements into the ships prerequist's.

    Its each individual's players choice as to what support skills they choose to train, in order to run the ship the way they want to, for the purpose they intend to use it as opposed to the use you say it should be. Regardless if thats a good or bad choice.

    I also question the removal of racial BS5 from capitals. Having BS 5 is nice granted, but with the intended changes there is clearly now no way, anyone would bother to train it and those that have, given a choice wouldnt have bothered either because its not needed. So they rightly so, can feel ripped off having spent time trainning and earning skillpoints that they could of applied elsewhere.
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #592 - 2013-02-09 09:30:13 UTC
    Nevyn Auscent wrote:
    Akturous wrote:
    Merouk Baas wrote:
    Command Ship prerequisites made sense to me. You fly Command Ships in order to provide boosts / buffs to your fleet. And to install links. Just like nobody will take your Logi ship to an incursion or PVP fight without good skills for it, nobody will want your command ship unless you have the Leadership skills trained and the appropriate boost modules installed.

    Leadership takes a long time and sucks because it's Charisma primary. It wouldn't be so bad if CCP made it Willpower primary. But, that's their choice.

    You do realise there's an entirely separate line of CS called Field Command right?

    They're basically T2 BC's which just happen to get a bonus to links, no one actually puts links on them. They do lots of dps, have great tank and great resists.

    You do realise CCP months ago said that 'line' distinction was vanishing as well. And all the Command ships are being set up to allow for three links, as well as to allow for DPS on all of them when not fitting links.
    The two different CS for each race will now fit different weapon systems instead. Trading on the two primary weapon systems for each race.

    Does matter what they're doing with them, the vast majority of people who fly one never put a link on it and ccp are making people train useless skills. At least AF's HACS and Logi are all very useful skills for everyone to have.

    Vote Item Heck One for CSM8

    Lord Purifier
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #593 - 2013-02-09 09:40:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Purifier
    CCP Two Questions:

    1) So If applying JCD & JFC requirements to carriers, then why isnt it being applied to dreads and titans ?
    And on what basis did you determine that JDC3 & JFC4 were appropriate when you know full well JCD4 & JFC4 are the basic requirements for low/nul sec alliances. WH space alliances/corps are another story again, may not even use need/use these skills.

    Something thats always puzzeled me is:

    2) Why dose the Jump Portal Generation skill, only effected Titan bridge fuel usage and not Black Ops jump portal fuel usage/consumption ?
    Makes sense that it should effect both right, but dosent in reality, when it should.
    MuraSaki Siki
    #594 - 2013-02-09 09:50:37 UTC
    JN Jarvis wrote:
    So lets say I have BC at 5 with all racial cruiser skills at 3, same for destroyers at 5 and all racial frigates at 3, will CCP automatically assign me the racial BC and destroyer skills at 5 each or will they just give me skill points so I can allocate them?

    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    ORCACommander wrote:
    You need a blurb in there about where to apply for reimbursement and when you want us to apply.

    No need to apply, the new skills will be done and placed in your head automagically.

    skills will be appeared at u sheets automagically, no free SP
    JN Jarvis
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #595 - 2013-02-09 10:52:58 UTC
    And what if I'm flying a Charon around right now with Advance Spaceship Command 4, and according to the blog I'll need it at 5, will I still be able to fly it after the implementation?
    Solomunio Kzenig
    Incursions Missions and Mining
    #596 - 2013-02-09 10:57:27 UTC
    StarStryder wrote:

    Also, for the Command ships, why not remove the Warfare skills (except Warfare Link Specialist) from Command Ships and add two of them to each Ship and a tertiary requirement?

    As a player with 2 differentially specialised CC/OGB alts in training I like this.
    Solomunio Kzenig
    Incursions Missions and Mining
    #597 - 2013-02-09 10:58:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Solomunio Kzenig
    JN Jarvis wrote:
    And what if I'm flying a Charon around right now with Advance Spaceship Command 4, and according to the blog I'll need it at 5, will I still be able to fly it after the implementation?

    Yes you will be able to fly your Charon, you will just not be able to train the Freighter skill up any further until you get ASC to V.

    Overall I like the skill changes, CC skills could do with some tweaking imho. 1st thing I did after reading the Dev Blog was get Mining Frigate Skill Books and trian them to III on all my chars.
    Jungleland Roy
    #598 - 2013-02-09 11:27:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Jungleland Roy
    Solomunio Kzenig wrote:
    JN Jarvis wrote:
    And what if I'm flying a Charon around right now with Advance Spaceship Command 4, and according to the blog I'll need it at 5, will I still be able to fly it after the implementation?

    Yes you will be able to fly your Charon, you will just not be able to train the Freighter skill up any further until you get ASC to V.

    Overall I like the skill changes, CC skills could do with some tweaking imho. 1st thing I did after reading the Dev Blog was get Mining Frigate Skill Books and trian them to III on all my chars.


    IF you have the skill then you can train it further - even if you don't satisfy the requirements after the skll changes go through.

    Decision announced Friday. Check the backpages.

    _if you could fly it before, you can fly it now. _ Read the Blog.

    Flying Apocalypse
    #599 - 2013-02-09 12:08:05 UTC
    I am amazed ccp even reads these forums anymore...Or haven't sold their brains yet...I am definitly considering selling mine after following this thread since the blog released.Roll

    The dev blog is pretty clear(Sure it has some vague points, but all of that has been answered by devs) Blink

    If you got the skills to fly a ship right now, you can fly it after the change and can still train the relevant ship skill up even if you no longer have the prerequisited skills.(As long as you got the skill injected you can train it)

    The Command Ship changes are for the NORMAL boosting skills, NOT the LINKS. So as a boosting character, you should have them anyway.

    They will be rebalancing the industrials, so don't be too worried about the Iteron's till atleast a month before release since we have no idea what they will consist of once tiericide hits.

    And it was your choice to train for a capital with the current skill prereqs, you can now fly it so why do you even care if that changes? It wont affect you anymore since you can already fly your capital. And if you ever step inside a shiny BS once again, you will be glad with that lvl 5 skill I'm sure.

    I'm not saying that the prereqs for carriers are perfect with what CCP has in mind. But just raging about it won't help, give some real feedback about it.

    For some reason I can't delete my signature o.o

    Deornoth Drake
    #600 - 2013-02-09 12:13:14 UTC
    knobber Jobbler wrote:
    This is all great but...I trained BS V on three races to fly the capitals. If that isn't a requirements any more I'd like those skill points back as I would never have trained them to that degree. That's 100+ days of training another player doing the same thing after these change won't have to do.

    I know somebody with a similar problem but with freighters.

    Oh, yes, I do know the counter-arguments:
    Now you're able to fly each and every industrial and transport ship!

    As if I would care about them when I'm able to fly all freighters and jump freighters.
    Ok, maybe the transport ships of one race, but not all!