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Do many EVE players fear consentual PvP?

Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#221 - 2013-01-26 09:02:40 UTC
Not Politically Correct wrote:
Sarah Schneider
Few things...
[list wrote:

  • There has been no correlation whatsoever between PVPer and bots, infact, pure miners/industrialists are more likely to bot than your average null/lowsec PVPer. So unless your statement is backed up by CCP statistics, it has the same weight as random rambling.
  • Without PVPers nowhere is dangerous, unless you're dying to rats, which is stupid.
  • You're underestimating the importance of "ships" in Eve. Ships are the center of Eve's economy, most of the things produced are directly or indirectly related to ships in some fashion. Industrialists makes profit from building ships and ship related items solely because ships kept being blown up everywhere in Eve. Nullsec contributes over 50% of these losses and PVP contributes over 90% of these losses. This keeps demand high, especially due to the fact that most ships being used in null comes from hisec. So no, you take PVPers away, the market will crash.
  • If you're referring to "we" and "they" as industrialist carebears (those who doesn't/refuses to do PVP at all) and PVPers, then you're dead wrong. You see, while Eve needs balance between both creation and destruction (industry and combat), player-wise, if viewed by mentality, Eve can lose it's industrialist carebears just fine and the economy will correct itself in time due to the fact that PVPers do or can do industrial stuff if needed (some already does) but not the other way around (I can't count how many times I've seen carebears stated that they rather quit than do PVP). So again, no, you take PVPers away, the market will crash.
  • [/list]

    First, you should have started this with 'IMHO' unless you have information that the rest of us don't have.

    The rest? Same as the first.

    Please point out which one in my list that's inherently "wrong" or that the information isn't logical or available from CSM minutes, devblogs or fanfest presentation.

    "I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

    Violet Talie-Kuo
    Garoun Investment Bank
    Gallente Federation
    #222 - 2013-02-08 01:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Violet Talie-Kuo
    Just my opinion here. I think this would be a welcome addition to EVE. If it was controlled and constrained to high-sec in the form of tournaments/grudge matches/duels or whatever you want to call them, for these reasons.
    1. Gives carebears a chance to whet their PvP appetite with a fair playing field.
    2. They should create a neocom panel for tourny's that shows an almost EFT type stat readout for each ship that would allow players to bet on fits. Then either take their money or give it to them based on the odds/outcome. (Or you/corp could bribe the favored to lose Pirate)
    3. If its Tourny play they could tier pilots based on SP/ship type.
    4. Tourny competitors could win cool ships/isk and still fly them into a low sec gatecamp and get blowed up.
    5. Creative Tourny contenders could make use of the more niche ships that everyone has forgotten about.
    6. Nothing about a Tourny (Consensual PvP) in this aspect breaks the game. The only thing it could do is lessen the steep PvP learning curve.
    7. Pilots can warp out but forfeit. Scrams are not PvP they are a tool that prevents those afraid of death from leaving. So a lot more strategy can come of this I think.
    8. Tourny Pilots will do this for the "Fame and Glory" such as K:D ratios and the increased theorycrafting that will come of this. Incentives could be special ships for tier winners and ISK for everyone else.

    Also I think the Tourny location should be open to everyone willing to watch/interrupt, but have to answer to concord as per the norm hi-sec space rules. Also I think each pilot should somehow have to pay the total cost of his fit "buy in" each round. Should he win he gets it back + winning bonus (which could be other dueler's buy in). Should he lose he gets another ship fitted exactly like the one he lost so he can get right back in the action *note* he would have to buy in again. Should he warp away he just loses his "buy in" but keeps the ship.

    *Edit* Also wanted to say we should call these Tournaments not Arenas for the same reasons we don't call missions quests.
    Corey Fumimasa
    CFM Salvage
    #223 - 2013-02-08 02:11:08 UTC
    Its important for potential PvP pilots who can't make a SS or initiate combat without getting Concorded. Those guys are going to get a lot more fights. The thing is they still wont know how to fight in Eve, so it will be something different than PvP. More like missions vs another player.

    I think it could be fun, be neat to try out little tactical exercises 3 on 3 with racial tactics and ships, or blockade running scenarios.
    This is coming out soon isn't it? Will it include a way to see your opponents fit and SP level to verify an equal match?