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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

76 million SP player looking for something new

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-02-05 16:22:14 UTC  |  Edited by: ABS220
I have been only semi active as have been mostly in Empire running missions when I get free time. I am looking for something in the South still, most of my things are there and can't be asked to go to Venal. My current corp is in Venal and I just don't have the time or inclination to move there again. Looking for a place where I can maybe get back into pew pew when I can and make a little isk when things are slow. Other than wh0ring on some mails while doing my epic arc in Curse I haven't pvp'd for a while.

Work has me playing late into the US timezone evenings.

Please write a response here, I will happily contact you.
Thank you for your time.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-02-05 16:29:21 UTC
You, sir, are in dire need of escaping the land of nullbears. Join us in CLDMN PUB for a chat to discuss your new life as a wormholer.

L33roy J3nkins
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-02-06 03:39:25 UTC

Whats up man. This is an alt so dont be alarmed, but Im Looking for more UStz pilots, even west coasters?! Id love to get you in a convo ingame to ask or answer initial questions about joining us. We do it all, and we have great space to do it in. Pvp is our primary focus but we mine, rat, plex etc everything except for FW.

You wont be sorry you contacted us. Please join SynergyRec to say hi or get more info. Invite only corp.Twisted
BlackLight Sr
Corbulo Academy of Navel Science
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#4 - 2013-02-06 08:49:49 UTC

- Open Recruitment -

We are currently seeking active pilots - Recruitment Information

Recruitment Channel In-Game: Nova.Pub
Lord AbrahamStern
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#5 - 2013-02-06 14:47:10 UTC
The 4th Legion is a pvp corporation based in the south, catch and querious we offer regular pvp as well as opportunities to make iskies through various means.

We have a ship replacement policy that keeps the stress off your iskies.

would love to speak with you on possible inclusion in our corp.
DeT Resprox
#6 - 2013-02-06 17:38:55 UTC
Hey - please see our full recruitment post details at

We are a top Minmatar FW corp operating out of lowsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are running top in kills for the Minmatar faction :)

We also have the only player-run Agency system in EvE which is has been covered by ISD/CCP and in EON magazine, all details of which can be found in our recruitment link above Big smile

We are primariliy a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 30-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness Blink

For further information, join our ingame channel TRIAD AGENCY

Some key points about T.R.I.A.D
Arrow Top 1000 PVP Corp - See BattleClinic
Arrow Leading Minmatar Faction Warfare Corp - See Minmatar Killboard
Arrow The Only Corporation in EvE with our own missioning system and LP Item Store - See EveWiki
Arrow Led by a founder of Ushra'Khan and based upon deep backstory RP ethics of the Minmatar
Arrow LIVE EVENTS campaign system with coverage by CCP/ISD and EON Magazine

Ushra'Khan Leader + Founder // T.R.I.A.D CEO // EVEPANDORA.COM

Decimat Draconia
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2013-02-06 21:51:12 UTC

We are experienced pilots with an active small corp. we've got everything we need and are now keen to recruit bigger numbers to stand up against bigger corps and enemy alliances.

If your interested in joining jump into our public channel "225 Open".


Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-02-07 01:14:50 UTC
Hard Knocks would like a chance to speak with you.

EVO Forum Post
Public Channel: Hard Knocks

o7 - Sorany
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-02-07 23:07:57 UTC  |  Edited by: ABS220
I am still looking over all the offers.

Lets just be clear.
Wormholes = NO
Lowsec = NO
Faction Warfare = NO
South = YES

I will start contacting people in a few days.
Giand Amazone
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2013-02-07 23:17:03 UTC
»»» KOTOC is recruiting.«««
Knights of the old code [KOTOC] is a growing 0.0 corporation wich came back after a few month break from 0.0 space.
But the members are missing it's roots and the PVP .... high sec is just not satisfying for us.

We're a group of 'older', like minded gamers from all over the world who play online games for many years together, We realize real life > eve life and that 'stuff' happens. Cats catch on fire, your significant other insists it's time to go, you run out beer. Stuff happens.. And it's O.K....... we don't run a 23/7 policy.
KOTOC main bussiness is PVP, but all professions are welcomed (EXCEPT for PIRATING in high sec.) as we all have to make iskies to maintain our PVP habbits. To relieve our PVP addiction and to get rid of the PVP energy, we will be joining one of the best 0.0 alliances there is right now.

What does KOTOC offer you as a pilot:
  • A good group of mature/adult gamers to hang out with
  • Daily PvP/CTA operations in deep 0.0 space
  • Daily Small and Big roams
  • POS bashes
  • Capital fleet engaments
  • Black ops
  • Hot drops
  • Bomber runs
  • Full CTA ship replacement
  • Group of long time friends to fly with
  • A drama and blame free environment
  • TeamSpeak3, (when in EVE be on TS !)
  • Jump freighter and Carrier support to haul your stuff from and to 0.0
  • A well organized and stable corporation/alliance (if you have been around, you know how rare that is).

If you are looking for an easy life in 0.0 – you are knocking at the wrong door. Being with KOTOC and our alliance means fights with numerous enemies, it means high morale, it means non-stop wars, and it means brothers in arms who never leave corporation and alliance like the rats leaving a sinking ship. And finally, it means a challenge for you, for your soul. Are your balls big enough to be with us???

So ... what are the requirements to join up:
  • We don't really have any, except that pvp experiance is required.

But we can tell you when you don't need to apply .... and that is when:
  • You are NOT mature with an age from about 24 years or older.
  • You are NOT pvp minded.
  • You don't have atleast about 10 mil skillpoints.
  • You can't be on TS when your logged into EVE.
  • You can't be online for a good amount of time each week.
  • You are not self sufficient.
  • You are not intrested in PVP and all SOV warfare aspects.

Don't take it very strickt, like said, we don't really have requirements, but we keep this as guide line for our recruitment.
Don't expect to be accepted within a day ... our recruiting takes time

If your still intrested to join up the send me a message ingame or here on the forum.

Giand Amazone - ceo KOTOC
ToKev - recruiter KOTOC

For who ever is intrested in some history of the corporation you can click this link

Real Life is an RPG you just can't quit.

CEO, Diplomat and Recruiter for Space Fire inc. [SPI.]

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-02-08 23:24:26 UTC
eve mail sent
The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort
Deepwater Hooligans
#12 - 2013-02-09 22:37:20 UTC
Apathy Unleashed might be to your liking. Mostly small to medium gang warfare. Based in Stain and primarily eastern US TZ, although our alliance has a significant EU TZ. Contact me or join AP.U Public if interested.
Chemical Pigs
#13 - 2013-02-10 01:44:04 UTC
Insane Asylum est. 2009

We are a smaller non-SoV holding alliance consisting of 0.0 PvP / WH / Mission runner / Industrialist and Miner corporations. We can place you in a corporation for the type of fun you want to have in Eve.
Our Certified Insane pilots have a range of skills and experience that come together to make a crazy, fun and mature Eve experience. We strive for efficiency but not before enjoyment. Reasonable mistakes can be forgiven as we consider it a learning experience for improving efficiency.

About the Corporations:
Our PvP corporations usually run 5-15 man gangs most nights and successfully reside in some rather hostile 0.0 areas of Eve
Our WH corporation offers corp owned WH with high end mining opportunities.
Time zones range from EURO, UK, and US respectively. (We are actively seeking to increase our late night US tz)
We are NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) and we have very few blues!
We do not endure idiots, elitists or drama queens.
We do not want people who are not sociable and will not use comms (Team Speak.)
We do not want people who sit in stations all day.
We do not want people who go into rage quit mode when they lose a ship. Accept your loss, learn from your mistakes and get back out there.

Why lose your mind and join Insane Asylum?
We offer people who are dang fun to play with and who are just crazy enough to think you are normal.
We offer a 0.0 environment without CTAs or endless hours of PoS bashing.
We offer fighting on your doorstep
We offer Corp activity based competitions and events that will leave you intoxicated with delight.
We offer experienced FCs and the training up of those who want to FC.
We offer areas where you can rat or mine to make the isk you want to make to fund what you want to accomplish.
We offer roqual boost support, low-sec PoS with neighboring NPC system, low and hi-sec mining as well as C3 Wormhole.
We offer ship replacement for miners (due to pvp) and our pvp pilots are offered ships at reduced rates.

25 mill sp minimum for PvP and WH pilots
(pvp pilots that have lower skill points but 0.0 experience will be evaluated on a case by case basis)

10 mill sp minimum for Miners and Industrialists.

Working microphone
Team Speak 3 installed
Mature person
Active player (extended departures from the game are tolerated with prior notification or will be kicked.)

Contact Information:
Go to recruitment channel: Got Meds
Eve mail: Randyo , MrBarbarrino , Silverstone
Amaj Zalta
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-02-10 02:38:22 UTC
If interested in coming out to Geminate possibly check us out.
Dependable Delinquents
#15 - 2013-02-12 10:17:41 UTC
Pelican is looking for active pvp'ers, We hold no sov atm, we're a small but very active Corp. We are based in immensea alongside the rest of the n3 Coalition, we aint pets or renters but full members of the coalition.

What we offer:
- Small gang PVP
- Med gang PVP
- Fleet fights
- Cap pew pew (slowcats)
- Close knit group/community
- Quality over quantity
- Reimbursement program
- TS3
- Killboard & Forum
- All Timezone
- Good corp that has something to offer

What we ask from you:
- Active
- Self sufficient
- A killboard with a record pvp
- No fees or any of that crap
- willing to pvp ALOT

We're a close knit group of players who don't take things too seriously..We fight smart, we dont fail fit our ships, and most importantly we play to have fun.

Contact me ingame to discuss more

PELICAN_PUB our ingame public channel
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2013-02-12 23:11:35 UTC
Hey Man,

First off, most of our players are on late US timezone so you'd be a perfect fit for us!

Just to lay it out for you, no bull ****. Were a decent low sec pirate corporation currently at 14 members. We wanted to stay small for a while and become better in what we do, and now were looking to expand. All of us have around 50-100m SP, and each of us has about 1-2 logistics/hauler alts to assist in any occasion we engage in. We are a tight group of guys who love to screw around and say jump into a 25 man gate camp with 2 super tanked maelstroms (Which we did it last week :) ) We're the type of guys who if you lose a ship we will congradulate you and not get on your case about it. When it comes to the ships we fly it varies a lot. Lately we've been running talos gangs (Flippin Amazing) each talos gets about 1k dps and with 4 or 5 can destroy about anything. We are starting to get more into the shiny business, speaking of which I just bought 2 machariels yesterday (One for me one for the alt)

If your worried about getting ships or anything like that, we live in low sec 3 jumps from Amarr trade hub. This not only allows us to get our ships easily (Note we have 2 freighter alts and other cloaky haulers) but also a steady stream of pilots jump in and out. We are considering joining an alliance that lives in our home system (Ami) We are currently blue with them and run fleets/camps with them daily. Just another note, were all from the US so we should fit your timezone :)

If your interested feel free to convo me or join channel "BS Lounge" !

Best Regards,
Stradivarius Antollare
The New Federation
Shadow Ultimatum
#17 - 2013-02-12 23:53:02 UTC
East India Privateers is currently recruiting towards strengthening our fleets for mining and PvP/PvE. We operate mostly in EU and US timezones, but are open to all pilots.

You will get:

ArrowPvP/PvE training in our local system defense fleets and in remote system roams
ArrowMining operations and training both individual and in fleets.
ArrowSeveral planned operations of mining and PvP/PvE on a weekly basis
Arrow30 day military and industry training plans if you are low on skill points
ArrowTraining from experienced pilots that have lived in null for a long time
ArrowSocial interaction with mature well-organized capsuleers with a great sence of humor

We offer:

ArrowCorporation office on a nearby station in our null sec region
ArrowAccess to jump bridges in the area
ArrowOwn sovereignty systems with POS’es, Alliance currently has 3 systems
ArrowMembership of our alliance, currently counting 9 corporations
ArrowOre buy back programme: You mine – the corp buys it.
ArrowOrca and Rorqual boosts for mining operations
ArrowTeam Speak Server
ArrowAlliance website with forums
ArrowAlliance Jump Freighter service between high sec and null sec

We require

ArrowBe willing to move to our null space
ArrowBe willing to follow a skill plan, if necessary
ArrowMature motivated pilots who are willing to take part in corp and alliance operations
ArrowA full API key (Ask in game for help)

Additional profiles wanted
We are also looking for experienced players for both mining and PvP. In particular we could use some covert ops pilots for some exciting future projects.

For questions – join channel “EIPVT public” in game or contact:
Xandra Salome

Regards and fly safe...