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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#1121 - 2013-02-01 13:42:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Maeltstome wrote:
Captain Semper wrote:
Few minutes ago i tested AAR...
Is it ok that AAR still need cap for use even if it charged? What a point make one more simple armor repair if 1 neut counter you "mega burst armor tank"?

Pretty much hit the nail on the head, i made a post highlighting this but received no reply. Instead, standard CCP 'quote the guy who asked a stupid question that's already been answered' tactics where employed.

We already have a form of tanking that does not require cap, it's called buffer tanking.

Making ASBs cap-free was a fundamental mistake that shouldn't be repeated. If true active tanking (and I don't regard ASBs as true active tank mods here) is too vulnerable to neuting, then making Nos more powerful and easier to fit would be sensible, along with introducing a module that offered some degree of immunity to neuting. Cap batteries have this, but they're far too hard to fit, in terms of both slots and PC/CPU, and the effect is not strong enough anyway.
Mike Voidstar
Voidstar Free Flight Foundation
#1122 - 2013-02-01 13:59:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Mike Voidstar
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Captain Semper wrote:
Few minutes ago i tested AAR...
Is it ok that AAR still need cap for use even if it charged? What a point make one more simple armor repair if 1 neut counter you "mega burst armor tank"?

This is the whole point of the AAR, as stated clearly in the OP.

It modulates rep but not cap use, because we're at or past our limit for "game mechanics that other players cannot influence".

If this is the case, you are past it with the ASB modules. Unless all ships are made equally capable of sheild and armor tanking, making it a choice of style over substance, then the 2 styles need to be equivalent. Making shields capable of being both cap free and massive repair and leaving armor in the cold isn't balanced unless you want to make the HP bonus of plates equal to what an ASB puts out during one full load of charges. Then you can swap that repair bonus on Gallente ships for a similar %HP bonus to give parity on the % resist of Amarr hulls. Even at that, you would need to have the plates auto-repair themselves after a minute to make up for the ASB's ability to reload. That would actually make a pretty cool plate... One that gives its HP bonus and can be loaded with paste, activated for one cycle and fully refreshes at the end of that cycle, in need of reload.

I honestly think making the Ancillary modules repairers in their own right is the wrong way to go. You disrupt less in the balance of current tanking by making them boost regular booster/repairers. You gain flexability by making them a sort of amplifier because then the boost scales with current modules, you can better control the burst tank timeframe, better manage fuel cost, and you allow for logical use of an emergency ancillary system rather than forcing us to replace our current tank with the new one.

If the issue the ASB is supposed to address is lack of mids for tackle and ewar, then address that. Give extra mids, or better yet give us better tactical weapons to cover those needs, like missles that disable warp drives for a set time (reducable by skills), scriptable targeting computers (highslot version?) that add ewar/tackle effects to turret fire to simulate direct fire on propulsion or sensors, improve ewar drones to usability, move most projected ewar to high slots (mids were supposed to be close or local effects) or other things to relieve pressure on midslots, rather than dirupting the balance of tanking.
CCP Fozzie
C C P Alliance
#1123 - 2013-02-01 14:06:30 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Fozzie
Just so you all know the Sisi update today put the AARs on the market and fixed all the outstanding defects and bugs we have had reported up to now.

Feel free to go play with them and continue to provide whatever feedback you have.

Game Designer | Team Five-0

Twitter: @CCP_Fozzie
Twitch chat: ccp_fozzie

Freighdee Katt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1124 - 2013-02-01 14:20:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Freighdee Katt
Gypsio III wrote:
Making ASBs cap-free was a fundamental mistake that shouldn't be repeated.

This is a great point. They made a mistake. SO UNMAKE IT. There is this unstated premise in every CCP post here about the ASB / AAR that the mistakes made with the ASB can't be undone. It's your game. Change it. People told you neut immunity was a problem when the module came out. Now you admit neut immunity is a problem, and you say you're not going to go down that road with the AAR. Fine. No problem. Good move. Achievement Unlocked: Learn From Your Mistakes.

So when are you going to fix the problem you created by making the mistake in the first place?

EvE is supposed to suck.  Wait . . . what was the question?

Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1125 - 2013-02-01 14:31:59 UTC
Freighdee Katt wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Making ASBs cap-free was a fundamental mistake that shouldn't be repeated.

This is a great point. They made a mistake. SO UNMAKE IT.

It's not in the development schedule.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#1126 - 2013-02-01 14:35:28 UTC
Freighdee Katt wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Making ASBs cap-free was a fundamental mistake that shouldn't be repeated.

This is a great point. They made a mistake. SO UNMAKE IT. There is this unstated premise in every CCP post here about the ASB / AAR that the mistakes made with the ASB can't be undone. It's your game. Change it. People told you neut immunity was a problem when the module came out. Now you admit neut immunity is a problem, and you say you're not going to go down that road with the AAR. Fine. No problem. Good move. Mission Accomplished: Learn From Your Mistakes.

So when are you going to fix the problem you created by making the mistake in the first place?

I do not think cap free ASBs are a total mistake. it is all but impossible to fit any kind of a cap booster on to Shield ships. Armor gets enough mids for prop full tackle and a cap booster on most ships. I think the main disparity comes into play when you realize that armor ships under heavy neut pressure basicly are completely shut down. They cannot shoot they cannot tank and they cannot move. While most shield ships can still tank and shoot under heavy neuts. These days neuts are less of a problem since the 1 cookie cutter ship that everybody has been flying no longer has the ability to fit 2 neuts(Hurricane). We should see less neuts overall in space so it should limit the perceived weakness some. CCP should look into lowering the fitting requirements of nos and maybe cap batteries right now they are challenging to fit to most ships.


I am not sure if I am going to log in anymore.......

Sinzor Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#1127 - 2013-02-01 14:53:25 UTC
Wivabel wrote:
I do not think cap free ASBs are a total mistake. it is all but impossible to fit any kind of a cap booster on to Shield ships.

Dont you find it amusing that you can fit 2 kinds of boosters, and it operates equally well with both?
Sure, merging shield booster with cap-booster is a matter of survival for PVP. But I'd expect the following implementation (example of X-L variant):
1) Activation cost without charge = 1000 GJ.
2) Activation with 800 boosters = 200 GJ.
3) Activation with 400 boosters = 600 GJ.
And that 1 minute recharge... so contrived.
Anyway, what's done is done. It's really not that awful, also it could be better.
Lili Lu
#1128 - 2013-02-01 15:21:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lili Lu
Maeltstome wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Captain Semper wrote:
Few minutes ago i tested AAR...
Is it ok that AAR still need cap for use even if it charged? What a point make one more simple armor repair if 1 neut counter you "mega burst armor tank"?

This is the whole point of the AAR, as stated clearly in the OP.

It modulates rep but not cap use, because we're at or past our limit for "game mechanics that other players cannot influence".

Respect lost. You opened pandora's box and now you're trying to shut it without destroying what came out.

Until Bhaalghorhs, Talisman's, egress rigs and passive tanking are totally overhauled, nothing you trying to impliment will take off.


I pay to play this game, and reserve the right to be a d*ck on the forums of my peers. You on the other hand get payed to develop this game and communicate with it's playerbase, and everything you say reflect on CCP as a whole - with that in mind i'd like to point out this is the second time you resorted to under-hand and borderline insulting comments against it's players. No one is ever 100% happy with changes or addition, get over it or get a new job.

Maeltstome, I think you have misinterpreted Fozzie's statement. I think he was making an oblique and grudging admission that they understand that ASBs have presented a problem. In light of that I think your verbal dressing down is misapplied and inappropriate in itself. I do not see an intended insult in what Fozzie posted.

Now you may get more hackles and decide to dismiss me as a Fozzie fanboy. But I agree with you that ASBs (as well as the continuing existence of op BC passive shield regen) have created a problem for cap warfare in small scale engagements. As another poster has requested, we hope they will review the nos mechanics. Neuting can shut off resist modules but yes if the hp regenerating modules and mechanics of ASBs and passive shield regen can be set up to out tank a hefty incoming dps without any worry what so ever about cap there is a still a problem.

As for being a Fozzie fanboy I was elated to see the long overdue HM nerf. I was mostly pleased with the work Fozzie, Ytterbium, and the team have done with frigates and cruisers. However, I would not call myself an uncritical responder to their work. They have left some missile and mid slot blessed frigates with an advantage through the use of TDs that neuter turrets but still can't affect missiles. At that level missiles remain without a counter, while there is a single module that can counter turrets quite well without needing any ship bonuses. Also, the BC changes and these new active armor additions leave me unconvinced that shield BCs (drakes, feroxes, and cyclones) won't still be preferable, and that the Gallente active armor rep bonuses have any utility, still. And I've said so in some possibly dickish posts, although I try not to be. But I think accusing Fozzie of insulting players and suggesting he quit his job is over the top. Straight
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1129 - 2013-02-01 16:10:43 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Just so you all know the Sisi update today put the AARs on the market and fixed all the outstanding defects and bugs we have had reported up to now.

Feel free to go play with them and continue to provide whatever feedback you have.

Fozzie, I don't know much about programing but after all the frustration of trying to get an AAR on sisi I must ask what kind of effort is required to put a new module on the market?

Also can you please stop seeding limited edition ships? I have had five to many adrestias warp on top of me. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

Thallius O'Quinn
The Suicide Kings
#1130 - 2013-02-01 16:50:10 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Captain Semper wrote:
Few minutes ago i tested AAR...
Is it ok that AAR still need cap for use even if it charged? What a point make one more simple armor repair if 1 neut counter you "mega burst armor tank"?

This is the whole point of the AAR, as stated clearly in the OP.

It modulates rep but not cap use, because we're at or past our limit for "game mechanics that other players cannot influence".

Atomic Heroes
#1131 - 2013-02-01 16:58:22 UTC
Well, having fitted and flown the brutix round sisi briefly I can confirm that it does handle better with the altered rig penalty, but I'd also agree with the other posters that the pg is way too tight. It's difficult to fit a dual rep tank with ions, neutrons are totally out of the equation. Given that this means you either go lower dps and range and get a tank that's decent but not fantastic, or you go with a tank that's still subpar even with the maar to try get neutrons on, or you go with the asb as so many already do. I'm still going ASB I suspect. The continued vulnerability to neuts is such a major drawback with the maar that it really is still a no-brainer.

So if Fozzie thinks the capless active tanking is a step too far he needs to remove the asb. I've said it already, so have others. It was part of the reasoning behind the way ccp was seeding bpcs from rat drops rather than bpos on the markets. It's time to change the asb to use cap or get rid of it. I don't want the aar buffed to be cap-free, i just want a level playing field.
Perihelion Olenard
#1132 - 2013-02-01 17:22:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
The reasons given above are why I don't consider the brutix to be ideal for an active tank. It doesn't have the mids or PG to do triple rep. You have to drop the guns down from ions to electrons to fit a third repairer and drop a rig to fit an ancillary current router to fit another cap booster on. Then, you don't have a mid for a web to hold targets to close range so you must go down to null ammo on electrons to reach further out. Even if the target stays close the target may have too much transversal to hit without a web.

I think it would perform better as a plater with a different defensive bonus, or even a second offensive bonus similar to the megathron.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#1133 - 2013-02-01 17:36:57 UTC
The Myrm and Brutix are different play styles. The Myrm is the tanker. The Brutix is mostly gank with some tank mitigation.
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#1134 - 2013-02-01 17:50:07 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Just so you all know the Sisi update today put the AARs on the market and fixed all the outstanding defects and bugs we have had reported up to now.

Feel free to go play with them and continue to provide whatever feedback you have.
So you're still going ahead with yet more skillbooks for armor tankers to be effective as well as two gimped Gallente BCs??

Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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Captain Semper
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#1135 - 2013-02-01 18:06:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Captain Semper
CCP Fozzie wrote:

This is the whole point of the AAR, as stated clearly in the OP.

It modulates rep but not cap use, because we're at or past our limit for "game mechanics that other players cannot influence".

What point? To be unbalance?
Ok. This is my point:
Burst tanking gives you high quality survival at extremely situations. What is extremely situation? It is:
You taking a tonn of dps from 3-4 source. You rappidly lose your cap because of neuts---> your active resists will going down and your tank will be instantly parish.
"But armor tank could fit cap boosters to their mid"
Cap boosteries just support armor reps for be cap stable. When you lose capa because of neuts - cap boosters cannot help you.

So what we finaly have?

ASB immune to neuts and this why its totaly cool. Yeah your tank will be less w\o capa if you use active resist (let be honest - all shield ships mostly uses active res) but you still have great survival thing - ASB.
AAR get neuts and you die because cant do anything. You rep cycle will be equal to cap b. cycle (cap b. cycle> then rep cycle so...). Why? Because you will have capa for use your AAR only when cap b. give you it. For heavy - 12 sec (or 9,6 overheat, and I still at all didn't mention about fit problems with heavy cap b.).
Today i were killd like 3-4 times at Sisi only because cap b. was reloading and i cant use AAR.
And ofc dont forget perfect thing. That shield boos bonus ships are matars that use art\auto that dont need cap for shoot.
So even totaly neuts and 0 capa cyclone still have his full dps and full tank.

"Balance!" ©©P
Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#1136 - 2013-02-01 18:41:26 UTC
This armor changes should've been done before the ship rebalance started, it looks like it's back to square one.

The Tears Must Flow

Perihelion Olenard
#1137 - 2013-02-01 18:48:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Perihelion Olenard
Maximus Andendare wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Just so you all know the Sisi update today put the AARs on the market and fixed all the outstanding defects and bugs we have had reported up to now.

Feel free to go play with them and continue to provide whatever feedback you have.
So you're still going ahead with yet more skillbooks for armor tankers to be effective as well as two gimped Gallente BCs??

If they're gimped you must not be fitting them right. They seem OK to me, and not overpowered or underpowered. Now the cyclone is probably gimped.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#1138 - 2013-02-01 19:28:14 UTC
The capacitor batteries at the medium level actually slide in pretty nicely compared to cap boosters. Is there any chance of further buffing to make them worthwhile?
Ten Thousand Days
#1139 - 2013-02-01 19:39:39 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
The capacitor batteries at the medium level actually slide in pretty nicely compared to cap boosters. Is there any chance of further buffing to make them worthwhile?

You're entirely missing the point. Cap battery's dont help against neuts.

"But hey they reflect neuts"

Yea they do, but when a neut boat filled with cap boosters makes it their goal to pump 400m³ of cap 800's into some nuets, cap battery's only delay the process by a few cycles at most.

p.s. i also agree with taking limited edition ships off of sisi. It achieves nothing other. Also faction ships. I enjoy the vindicator and machariel to fly, but how can you ever test re-balanced ships if there is no reason to fly something that isn't faction or pirate. of course you will loose to them, they are designed to be superior.
David Laurentson
Laurentson INC
#1140 - 2013-02-01 20:15:41 UTC
Sinzor Aumer wrote:
Wivabel wrote:
I do not think cap free ASBs are a total mistake. it is all but impossible to fit any kind of a cap booster on to Shield ships.

Dont you find it amusing that you can fit 2 kinds of boosters, and it operates equally well with both?
Sure, merging shield booster with cap-booster is a matter of survival for PVP. But I'd expect the following implementation (example of X-L variant):
1) Activation cost without charge = 1000 GJ.
2) Activation with 800 boosters = 200 GJ.
3) Activation with 400 boosters = 600 GJ.
And that 1 minute recharge... so contrived.
Anyway, what's done is done. It's really not that awful, also it could be better.

I kinda like that it works best with the smaller charges. It creates an interesting market dynamic, since you almost never want to down-scale what you load in a cap booster mod.