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help with fitting a thorax for level 2's?

First post
Cuchulain Spartan
Unlimited 2.0
Infinite Pew
#21 - 2011-10-21 15:48:55 UTC
David Grogan wrote:
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:
For new players to missions the whole concept around their ship fit should be to perma run a tank imo.

On either a vexor or a rax fit a medium repper in your low slot

Then fit on some resistance based on the mission type e.g 2 hardeners. Dont fit a damage control on a mission boat.

i don't agree with you, a damage control II has saved my ass a few times while doing missions

As someone who has run several hundred missions solo, possibly over 1000 missions solo and who solos lvl 5's on a regular basis I must respectfully disagree with you.

If a damage control is saving your ass then you arent running missions correctly, respectfully imo.

Spart o/
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2011-10-21 22:08:47 UTC
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:
David Grogan wrote:
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:
For new players to missions the whole concept around their ship fit should be to perma run a tank imo.

On either a vexor or a rax fit a medium repper in your low slot

Then fit on some resistance based on the mission type e.g 2 hardeners. Dont fit a damage control on a mission boat.

i don't agree with you, a damage control II has saved my ass a few times while doing missions

As someone who has run several hundred missions solo, possibly over 1000 missions solo and who solos lvl 5's on a regular basis I must respectfully disagree with you.

If a damage control is saving your ass then you arent running missions correctly, respectfully imo.

Spart o/

Respectfully respectfully imo imo respectfully, lvl 5's are irrelevant, they are too far removed from other missions for the fits you use in them to bear any resemblance to normal mission fits, so don't try and use them to lengthen your e-peen in this conversation IMO. Respectfully.

IMO, since you've only been playing since 2010, I can't expect you to know that sometimes a damage control can reenforce a shield tank quite effectively, and when shield tanking its often better to use a damage control in the lows and a cap recharger in the mids then an invuln in the mids and a cap power relay or flux coil in the lows.

IMO IMO IMO respectfully.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#23 - 2011-10-22 10:50:47 UTC
Arguments aside there is a simple fact that a thorax is an armours tanker hence it should be fit as such.
You need hardener fit for a specific rat type, this fit is for sansha, also a trhoras is blaster ship thus lacking grid to properly fit larger (medium) railguns.

[Thorax, New Setup 1]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Armor EM Hardener II

Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5
Cuchulain Spartan
Unlimited 2.0
Infinite Pew
#24 - 2011-10-24 16:18:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cuchulain Spartan
Sir Substance wrote:
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:
David Grogan wrote:
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:
For new players to missions the whole concept around their ship fit should be to perma run a tank imo.

On either a vexor or a rax fit a medium repper in your low slot

Then fit on some resistance based on the mission type e.g 2 hardeners. Dont fit a damage control on a mission boat.

i don't agree with you, a damage control II has saved my ass a few times while doing missions

As someone who has run several hundred missions solo, possibly over 1000 missions solo and who solos lvl 5's on a regular basis I must respectfully disagree with you.

If a damage control is saving your ass then you arent running missions correctly, respectfully imo.

Spart o/

Respectfully respectfully imo imo respectfully, lvl 5's are irrelevant, they are too far removed from other missions for the fits you use in them to bear any resemblance to normal mission fits, so don't try and use them to lengthen your e-peen in this conversation IMO. Respectfully.

IMO, since you've only been playing since 2010, I can't expect you to know that sometimes a damage control can reenforce a shield tank quite effectively, and when shield tanking its often better to use a damage control in the lows and a cap recharger in the mids then an invuln in the mids and a cap power relay or flux coil in the lows.

IMO IMO IMO respectfully.

You're a cranky one aren't you, not one for polite constructive criticism or another persons perspective I see. Oh where to begin.

Firstly, if you would care to check my character info (its not very hard to do) you would see that this particular account (which is my main PVP/mission runner account ) is Feb 2008, not 2010. Also a quick check of killboards would confirm this date. Not sure you are one for giving advice seeing as you cant even figure this little simple piece of info out.

Two, seeing as you are ranked 256,000 on battleclinic and I'm ranked 11,000 I think I understand pretty well what a damage control does or does not do.

Three, without checking the stats im pretty sure that a cap power relay in the low is actually counter productive to an active shield tank due to penalty of 10% shield boost.

Four, Epeen, eh no. That fact that I do 5's solo points out that I've had to grind my way up through the lower levels so I should therefore understand a little about missions fits.

Now that's cleared up, lets get back to the point at hand.

The reason I disagree with you on the damage control is that a damage control provides a bonus to shield, armour and hull. IMO and its just my opinion hence the IMO, a mission ship should be either shield tanked or armour tanked, not both. Having a damage control is providing 3 types of tanking. I feel that this low slot can be better served with a dedicated shield mod, armour mod, capacitor mod or a dps mod.

Spart o/
Cuchulain Spartan
Unlimited 2.0
Infinite Pew
#25 - 2011-10-25 02:06:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Cuchulain Spartan
Baneken wrote:
Arguments aside there is a simple fact that a thorax is an armours tanker hence it should be fit as such.
You need hardener fit for a specific rat type, this fit is for sansha, also a trhoras is blaster ship thus lacking grid to properly fit larger (medium) railguns.

[Thorax, New Setup 1]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
Armor EM Hardener II

Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5

Your fit can perma tank when just using the tank and will run a lvl 2's without problems but you have limited the fit variations by putting power rigs on. Your fit is dedicated to fitting an mwd and bigger guns. You can achieve the same results by using powergrids mods in you lows and using CCC rigs instead while leaving more flexibility in future ship fits without having to tare off rigs. Also, most mission ships on contracts for active tanker have 3 X CCC rigs fitted. Trying to sell on a ship with your rig setup will be tougher.

5 X Dual 150mm Railgun II

1 X Y-S8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Afterburner
1 X Cap Recharger II
1 X Free Slot, Fit what ever you want

1 X Medium Armor Repairer II
1 X Armor EM Hardener II
1 X Armor Thermic Hardener II
2 X Free Slots, Fit what ever you want

3 X Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

5 X Medium

This fit when using the tank only will perma tank EM/Thermal damage at 126.7 dps.

If you use one of the free Low Slots to fit a Damage Control Unit 2 the tank increases from 126.7 up to 149.06.

If you use one of the free Low Slots to fit an Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II instead of a Damage Control Unit 2 the tank increases from 126.7 up to 163.13.
Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2011-10-25 03:33:37 UTC
Cuchulain Spartan wrote:

Firstly, if you would care to check my character info (its not very hard to do) you would see that this particular account (which is my main PVP/mission runner account ) is Feb 2008, not 2010. Also a quick check of killboards would confirm this date. Not sure you are one for giving advice seeing as you cant even figure this little simple piece of info out.

I missed the "see more corp history" button on the website, my bad. On the other hand, Since you think this is an e-peen competition, I still pre-date you by 6 months Big smile

Cuchulain Spartan wrote:

Two, seeing as you are ranked 256,000 on battleclinic and I'm ranked 11,000 I think I understand pretty well what a damage control does or does not do.

Only scrubs who've never flown in a decent corp with its own killboards use or care about battleclinic. By submitting data there, you tell me everything I want to know about you. On the other hand, you can only discover what my occasional losses tell about me, which is not much.

My corp history is far too long, but at least contains some decent corps. Your recent history shows one corp reforming as another, which then merged into a third. Got our arses kicked in a few consecutive wars, did we?

Cuchulain Spartan wrote:

Three, without checking the stats im pretty sure that a cap power relay in the low is actually counter productive to an active shield tank due to penalty of 10% shield boost.

That's exactly what I said. Damage control + cap recharger better then invul + cap power relay. I know reading and thinking aren't your strong points, but do at least make an effort to keep up, ok?

Cuchulain Spartan wrote:

Four, Epeen, eh no. That fact that I do 5's solo points out that I've had to grind my way up through the lower levels so I should therefore understand a little about missions fits.

I know at least one guy who has a 10 year old daughter who runs missions in eve, there was a minor forum kerfuffle over it a few months ago. Don't imply that running missions requires some kind of detailed knowledge of the game. You are proof positive that morons can do it by following cookie cutter advice of battleclinic.

Cuchulain Spartan wrote:

Now that's cleared up, lets get back to the point at hand.

The reason I disagree with you on the damage control is that a damage control provides a bonus to shield, armour and hull. IMO and its just my opinion hence the IMO, a mission ship should be either shield tanked or armour tanked, not both. Having a damage control is providing 3 types of tanking. I feel that this low slot can be better served with a dedicated shield mod, armour mod, capacitor mod or a dps mod.

Spart o/

I've bolded the worst of your flawed logic. My god man, do you actually have anything between your ears? If a DC only reenforced armor and hull, then you'd have a point about using it on a shield tank. But it doesn't, it reenforces your shields as well. Which means that its fine on either kind of tank, and provided there aren't better balances of modules for specific setups available.

Your feelings would be wrong on many setups. Not all, but many, and since this is proof by contradiction, I can certainly find at least one scenario where A DC would be better then a cap power relay/flux coil or (you're doing it wrong) a shield power relay/shield flux coil, and if I can find one scenario where it doesn't hold, your blanket statement that DC's are always useless is provably incorrect.

Not that I expect you to understand anything about propositional logic.

And that's it, I'm out. I'm no longer helping the OP with these posts, and I'm definitely not interested in helping you.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#27 - 2011-10-25 11:13:06 UTC
Moved from General Discussion.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Cuchulain Spartan
Unlimited 2.0
Infinite Pew
#28 - 2011-10-25 13:44:42 UTC
Sir Substance wrote:

emo emo emo bla bla emo emo emo

This original post was a question in relation to tanking a thorax for level 2 missions. I gave my opinion on a damage control unit II not being needed (which seems to have set you off). What I was implying with this statement was that based on my experience missioning a mission ship can be more than sufficiently tanked to run any level mission without the need for damage control unit II and that if you are depending on it to save you in a mission i.e. warping out in structure then you aren’t running the mission as efficiently as is possible.

Now, instead of continuing to hijack this thread ill close by saying this.

Ok, I get it, you have a hard on for a damage control unit II. For some reason me saying not to use a damage control unit II on a mission ship has sent you off the emo deep end. That’s fine, I get it, you aren’t getting enough hugs in RL, you have a tough time in school and online forums are the only place that you can safely emo vent without getting ganked by your fellow man. I just hope for your sake that you aren’t over 18 because if this is how you behave and respond emotionally to people when they disagree with you as an adult, then you are in for a tough long life.

If you want to continue this exchange any further, feel free to PM or convo me in game instead of hijacking this thread any further.

Spart o/
#29 - 2011-10-25 15:21:28 UTC  |  Edited by: stoicfaux
It's been ages since I flew a PvE Thorax, but what about the Ye Ole Small Blasters fit? MWD up to the target, web it, turn off MWD, kill it. Rinse and repeat. The raw DPS is about the same as bonused railguns. Straight

You can use an AB and be cap stable.

[Thorax, New Setup 1]
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
N-Type Explosive Hardener I
N-Type Explosive Hardener I
Small Armor Repairer II

10MN MicroWarpdrive I
Cap Recharger II
Stasis Webifier I

Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S
Light Neutron Blaster I, Antimatter Charge S

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

edit: Also, use a Vexor. It's just a billion times easier and faster than flying a Thorax.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

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