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How EVE Became Obsolete (And why CCP hasn’t noticed)

First post
0asis Group
#361 - 2013-01-31 09:08:10 UTC  |  Edited by: TharOkha
unidenify wrote:

in my view, EVE online probably is one of those game that can be played on tablet without need to overhaul UI interface
EVE online don't require you to have AWSD to move around. since touch screen suppose to replace mouse. In paper theory, EVE online is playable on touchscreen tablet.

EVE is controlled mostly by pixel accurate mouse pointer, while your fingers are bulky and inaccurate.

That means that EVE UI would need overhaul (probably everything larger to fit finger inaccuracy) = larger icons = less information/settings on the screen.

And what about keyboard shortcuts? Inevitable in combat.

Simple said, while Tablets are crippled by the player imput (two inaccurate fingers and maybe gyro) PCs have perfect player imput (Keyboard+mouse) You are using both your hands and all fingers= huge response time, fast imput, 10 fingers= perfect multitasking etc..

But what I would like to see is separate EVE related game on tablets/smartphones, some WiS offshoot or text game. Like "Jita 4-4" (everything that was presented in first ambulation trailer like cassinos, pubs, board games, interaction with jita 4-4 players etc)
#362 - 2013-01-31 09:19:59 UTC
You can take your ipad and iphones and shove it, hipsters. lol what the christ

Kosa Vaz Omaristos
Prosperity and Pride Incorporated
#363 - 2013-01-31 09:22:22 UTC
#Ageck Kalenia

Those numbers are economical predictions, wich means that at best they are imprecise. The number are proberly calculated with numbers, based solely on how the sales of the productgroups in question, and how that sales have evolved during the last couple of years. Which means that they does not include expected human behavior, because that would include a margin of error, that would be to great.

Based on what have happened before(PC vs. Consoles), the sales of the different products will find a new and steady level of sale.

These numbers could possibly be as misunderstood, as when someone comments on how many years olie there left, what that amount of years implies, is how long it will be economicaly sound and profitable, to use olie(or fossile fuels in general) in stead of other energy sources.

Sorr, if this have been pointed out before,.

My 2 cents.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#364 - 2013-01-31 10:14:04 UTC
Oh lal, this kind of thread is hilarious. If mobile gameplay is the future, then gaming is ****** true story.

Empyrean Warriors - Recruiting now.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#365 - 2013-01-31 11:02:12 UTC
You do realize that an ARM cpu can hardly do any of the things x86 cpus can, they are mainly made for low power requirments and a set system OS, even intel is realesing ULV cpus to improve the tablet market and ultrabook market.

And Linux is still the worse gaming OS out there, sure its used alot, but thats for devices like routers, servers, phones, etc etc. wish have not even close to the performance power of a x86.

And that Steam is releazing recoded native games for linux is becuase they are releasing a console called STEAM BOX, wish is gonna run a linux kernel and be the cheap version of gaming, basicly its a HTPC prebuilt for games that VALVE releases and ofc they will all be compatible, but game engines like the source and unreal is almost linux native thats why they could port games so fast, it hardly needs any recompiling.

So no ARM will not be the future and x86 will only grow bigger, with haswell around the corner using a very improved intergated GPU, notebooks and ultrabooks will be very powerfull and for devices like phones and tablets you have tegra 3 to thank^^

Fabio Bittar
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#366 - 2013-01-31 15:38:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabio Bittar

I am not reading the whole thread, but I did read his obnoxious wall-of-text pile of bull. OP is ********. I am a commercial pilot flying regularly in company of my trusty iPad. For those few of you who don't know, iPads are extremely popular in my profession - manuals, route maps, GPS, weather forecast, all in one convenient touch screen.

And that 'bout sums it up. A gimmick. Touch is not a substitute in any way. I own a desktop PC (Windows 7), and two macbook pros (selling a 13" Late 2011, if anybody's interested).

The future is, by definition, uncertain. Maybe one day consoles will come with keyboards & mouse, plus your run-o-the-mill gamepads, and people will do their boring office stuff in a PS5 or Xcircle720. Who knows? One thing is certain: people don't write 10+ pages reports in the iPad. It's just awful typing anything beyond a simple message.

You mentioned Linux. Do you have ANY idea for how long it's been advertised as the OS of the future? I am 32 years old on February 10, and I don't have enough fingers in my hands and feet to tally up the TV commercials and magazine articles covering this age-old fallacy.

One last thing: you should stop smoking Crack. It's damaging your brain.
Infinate Horizon
#367 - 2013-01-31 16:06:03 UTC
Its all gonna be thought controlled in the future. Thats how you fly your ships ingame, thats how you will fly in the future. Wont even need fingers, we will just all evolve and our fingers will drop off. Pretty much like anything that doesnt get used any more *Selotapes my winky on*

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly..........

Din Chao
#368 - 2013-01-31 16:27:28 UTC
Posting in deja vu threadnaught.
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#369 - 2013-01-31 16:40:06 UTC
Incindir Mauser wrote:
Tablets are not the "future".

Anyone that thinks so spends too much time sipping over-priced coffee and feeling smug about owning an iPad.

They are a market driver right now because idiots with more money than sense will vomit cash at Apple for whatever gee-gaw they bully component producers into making for them. Which in turn Apple pats itself on the back for "inventing", when they haven't invented ****, just put stuff currently on the market together in a thin white plastic shell.

Like lemmings to a cliff, other companies parrot Apple in some twisted version of a technological Chinese firedrill to suck up the remaining tidbits of cash from PBR drinking hipster fashion victims who are too cool and independent (read: unemployed) to own a Mac. These will buy the off-brand gee-gaw and feel equally as smug as the Apple douche.

The rest of us who either, want to get some real work done, or want to play a game without boogers, spittle, or whatever other organic effluvium covering the screen, will pay half the money, get twice the power, and the ability to feel smug about other things.

Do you have the same opinion of every person that uses a laptop?

My iPad is an underpowered, touchscreen laptop.

In a few years we'll see "traditional" laptops start to be phased out, and replace by a "new" laptop that's just an overpowered tablet.

Toshiba already makes them.
It's a laptop, with a touch screen, and a keyboard that just folds under so that it looks like a tablet.

I make my own coffee, or I get a cup from the Wawa (like a 7-11, or a large gas station/ conveience store/ sandwich shop).

And I have an iPad, iPhone, and an Apple TV.
They're handy, great for media, are extremely fluid in thier use, and are very user friendly.

Hating on apple products doesn't make you any more a member of cool guy club than owning one does. It just makes you as lame as the people that belittle consoles and think that gamers only play PC games.

Critical Mass Inc
#370 - 2013-01-31 16:44:41 UTC
I work in IT, have for 15 years now, and the touch toy devices are not there yet. Every year someone wants a new toy, only to find out it isn't any better.

I want a Palm Pilot - Two months later requests a laptop instead.
I want an iPaq - Two months later requests a laptop.
I want a tablet PC - Two months later is using it always unfolded so they can type because the 'short hand' with the stylus is a pain (or they lost the stylus)
I want a laptop - never takes it home because it is too much hassle without the extra monitor they are used to.
I want a iPad - finds that the applications they ported over are slow and too hard to control, they also miss a keyboard. They also are sick of forgetting to charge it, they drop it, etc..
I want my apps on my smart phone - screen too small of requested data, goes back to PC.
I want and all-in-one computer with a touch screen - soon orders a keyboard and mouse.

PCs are not dead, they are 'overall' still a better solution for anything other than a quick email, tossing birds at pigs, or allowing people to cheat their way through life without the basic skills like how to read a flippin' map or plan their life more than 15 minutes in advance.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

#371 - 2013-01-31 16:52:31 UTC
Man I just love that new lightning port. lol what the christ

Dalmont Delantee
Gecko Corp
#372 - 2013-01-31 17:10:10 UTC
You sir are an idiot.

I thank you.
Jace Errata
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#373 - 2013-01-31 17:12:19 UTC
You keep citing how many more mobile devices are owned than PCs. Do you know, though, how many of those mobile owners also own a PC? I know I do.

Mobile devices are increasingly popular, but they are popular for a different reason, and have a different purpose.


One day they woke me up so I could live forever

It's such a shame the same will never happen to you

Ginger Barbarella
#374 - 2013-01-31 17:18:10 UTC
I'd be curious to know (and no, I haven't searched or Google'd for it) how many UNIQUE subscribers there are. I, for example, currently have five (5) active accounts (let one lapse because I don't have a plan for the toon I'm training on it to sell), but I'm sure CCP calls this "5 subscribers" for marketing purposes.

How many uniques, CCP?

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Posta Wifda Mosta
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#375 - 2013-01-31 17:24:22 UTC
Ageck Kalenia wrote:
CCP recently indulged in a bit of self-congratulation following widespread media coverage of their 450,000th paid EVE subscription. Mainstream news outlets, including Forbes, actually remarked on the game’s success despite its venerability and outdated subscription model. EVE is proving unexpected staying power, growing steadily while other MMOs such as WoW have struggled to retain monthly customers.

All this attention might suggest the future of EVE is rosy and bright, but consider:

- The future of traditional x86 and x64 PC architecture is increasingly vague. Laptops have been outselling desktop systems for years, but tablet sales are gaining exponentially. A whopping 122 million ARM-based tablets and smartphones sold in 2012.

- Within two years, ARM devices will account for more than half of all personal computer sales.

- 97% of those devices will employ touch as their primary input. A full 50% will support gesture input and 10% will natively display stereoscopic 3D.

- The PC gaming industry has little appetite for Windows 8, as evidenced by leaders such as Valve Software. Valve is currently backing an aggressive transition to Steam for Linux, with a repository of 40 games and counting already available to open-source users. Valve is also throwing support behind Oculus Rift, a revolutionary developing virtual reality system.

All this points to something CCP isn't admitting: their flagship game title could soon become too damn inconvenient to play if it remains bound for all time to traditional PCs.

For the moment, EVE’s subscribers are loyal and (on the whole) pleased with the status quo. CCP just completed their 18th successful expansion, filling EVE with upgrades and goodies ranging from simplified combat functions to baffling trading cards. Players are heavily invested in EVE, emotionally, financially, and otherwise.

But ARM and other mobile technologies are maturing fast, with multi-core processors, dedicated GPUs, and beautiful multi-touch displays claiming long-established PC territory, both in performance and sales. As our PCs age, we will replace them with touch-based multipurpose tablets, hybrid smartphones, and lord-knows-what other concoctions of techno-wizardry. Those who do choose a traditional PC may find Windows taking a backseat to Ubuntu and other platforms. The fact that these devices refuse to run EVE-Online will not deter us from choosing the device suited to our increasingly busy and mobile lives.

What’s troubling is that, to date, CCP has offered almost no interest beyond traditional PCs. They pulled official support for Linux in 2009, citing low usage. Fanfest attendees went wild last spring when CCP purportedly demonstrated EVE being tested on Android. But nearly a full year later, with no updates, no announcements, and no beta, we’re no longer convinced. It’s become clear CCP will never support many of the bleeding-edge technologies we most covet – mobile computing, open source operating systems, stereoscopic 3D, touch and gesture input, and virtual reality.

I predict a tipping point, perhaps one to two years in the future, where EVE fans, torn between a device that suits their needs and a device that runs EVE, will inevitably cancel their subscriptions and embrace a new era of personal computing. CCP will trumpet new expansions, drop all the tweaks and player content their little hearts desire, and even lower subscription prices, but the damage will be done.

CCP has time to pull it together, but it’s understandably harder and less interesting than designing new battlecruisers or tweaking mining yields. Bringing internet spaceships to a new generation of devices demands a complete interface overhaul, perhaps even a full-scale client rewrite. But in EVE’s greatest challenge lies also its greatest opportunity. Mobile and open-source gaming platforms are bringing accessibility and exposure to untouched masses. If CCP can’t get excited about retaining existing gamers, maybe the prospect of millions of potential new subscribers will whet their appetite for the job at hand.

This means nothing except the fact that smart phones and tablets are replacing PC's for normal everyday use. People who game will still have and buy computers and those computers will be properly powered for gaming. Serious gaming is done on a PC, not a console, smartphone or tablet.
Goonswarm Federation
#376 - 2013-01-31 18:03:05 UTC
Considering PC sales were up 8% last quarter and Lenovo's profit rose 34% (source) I suspect the thread creator might want to check some facts, post some sources to those facts and not base this whole thing on his opinion and start a troll fest.
Kat Bandeis
Trinity Industries Corp.
#377 - 2013-01-31 19:05:07 UTC
addelee wrote:
Considering PC sales were up 8% last quarter and Lenovo's profit rose 34% (source) I suspect the thread creator might want to check some facts

Bwahahahahahahaa!!! LolLolLol

Post some facts!! Ah, that's awesome, thanks for the laugh!! :)
Ageck Kalenia
Development Holdings
#378 - 2013-01-31 23:48:07 UTC
addelee wrote:
Considering PC sales were up 8% last quarter and Lenovo's profit rose 34% (source) I suspect the thread creator might want to check some facts, post some sources to those facts and not base this whole thing on his opinion and start a troll fest.

Last quarter was the holiday season! PC sales should have been up 30%. Lenovo's profits rose because they took market share from competitors, not because the traditional PC market grew.

What good are facts if you can't apply some logic?
Dewa Cinta
Horrible Mining Corp
#379 - 2013-02-01 02:06:16 UTC
Go play angry birds on your tablet.

I'll play EvE on my PC.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#380 - 2013-02-01 02:23:40 UTC
This topic is quite honestly a load of BS. Lol

EVE is actually a perfect example of why games won't move to touch devices until they come up with some sort of revolutionary input device that provides tactile feedback while using a touch device. A keyboard and mouse, tactile inputs; will never be entirely replaced in the gaming sphere by a "touch-glass" input and for that very reason will likely continue to drive traditional PC development for the next 10-20 years (if you don't think games have driven PC technology research for the last 10-20 years, do your f*&king research). Gamers are notorious in the hardware industry for DEMANDING top notch responsiveness and tactile feedback in their input devices. A large reason for the current state of keyboard technology is a direct result of gaming uses.

I may be playing EVE on a tablet in a year or two but it will be a tablet with a full keyboard and mouse attached in some fashion or it will have a revolutionary new interface and I honestly find the suggestion that it will be on a touch device laughable.