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WH Should be Nerfed!

Merciless Reckoning
#121 - 2013-01-25 02:21:35 UTC
As has been said many times in this thread, OP hasn't ever been in a wormhole enough to know any facts about them. Also, no risk? Has the OP seen WH Kills?

ma perke wrote:
WH has too much advantage over k-space and too low risk to live in.
Suggestes steps:

- The number of WH connecting K-space should be increased in order to increase pvp.
- Player induced closing of a WH should be not possible.
- WH should be more accessible.
- POS mechanics in WH should be changed, so that it can be killed in a single day as long as a WH lasts.

So...he wants the following fixes?

  1. Add more wormhole systems (C1-C3,C5-C6) or increase the number of statics these wormholes have, adding to the number of opportunities for "riskless ISK".
  2. Remove mass restrictions from wormholes, allowing any number of ships to pass through making logistics (damn you, ice!), invasions, and retreats have no limit other than time.
  3. See #1 or make Sleepers easier to kill and do less damage so we can earn "riskless ISK" even faster.
  4. Which "WH" will be tied to the POS keeping it vulnerable? All statics and K162? Just the static? Both statics for a C2? Do wormhole players not have timezones to worry about? We are so populous that we cover all times all days and have no family or friends we might want to hang out with? Perhaps work thrown in now and then?

All of his suggestions make wormholes easier to make money or more onerous to live in than any other system. Oh wait, they already are more onerous, so their onerouser(?)(est?).

OP, please, get a clue before you post. "Good troll", if so.
Sith1s Spectre
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#122 - 2013-01-25 02:50:43 UTC
Lolmer wrote:
As has been said many times in this thread, OP hasn't ever been in a wormhole enough to know any facts about them. Also, no risk? Has the OP seen WH Kills?

ma perke wrote:
WH has too much advantage over k-space and too low risk to live in.
Suggestes steps:

- The number of WH connecting K-space should be increased in order to increase pvp.
- Player induced closing of a WH should be not possible.
- WH should be more accessible.
- POS mechanics in WH should be changed, so that it can be killed in a single day as long as a WH lasts.

So...he wants the following fixes?

  1. Add more wormhole systems (C1-C3,C5-C6) or increase the number of statics these wormholes have, adding to the number of opportunities for "riskless ISK".
  2. Remove mass restrictions from wormholes, allowing any number of ships to pass through making logistics (damn you, ice!), invasions, and retreats have no limit other than time.
  3. See #1 or make Sleepers easier to kill and do less damage so we can earn "riskless ISK" even faster.
  4. Which "WH" will be tied to the POS keeping it vulnerable? All statics and K162? Just the static? Both statics for a C2? Do wormhole players not have timezones to worry about? We are so populous that we cover all times all days and have no family or friends we might want to hang out with? Perhaps work thrown in now and then?

All of his suggestions make wormholes easier to make money or more onerous to live in than any other system. Oh wait, they already are more onerous, so their onerouser(?)(est?).

OP, please, get a clue before you post. "Good troll", if so.

Really, you felt the need to dig this up and post in it. Can't it just be locked and let this thread die...

Resident forum troll and fashion consultant

Utsen Dari
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#123 - 2013-01-26 02:50:01 UTC
I agree OP, wormspace is much more amazing than other places in New Eden. In fact it's so good that lots of folks should move in right away, and take advantage of this fabulous opportunity. There's plenty of extra space to set up in! We are always looking for new neighbors who aren't tumbleweeds!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#124 - 2013-01-26 10:10:13 UTC
ma perke wrote:
you jump a carrier through in and out and close the WH.

Doesn't know that it takes more than a single carrier round trip to collapse any hole that a carrier can fit through.
ma perke wrote:

Suggestes steps:

- The number of WH connecting K-space should be increased in order to increase pvp.

Allow me to rephrase his request: "We need constant instatravel routes all over non wormhole space to make eve smaller"

ma perke wrote:

- Player induced closing of a WH should be not possible.

Allow me to rephrase again: "You should either not know if a wormhole is about to collapse, and them have random mass amounts that cannot be planned for"

"Wormholes should allow unlimited mass within x time frame"

ma perke wrote:

- POS mechanics in WH should be changed, so that it can be killed in a single day as long as a WH lasts.

"You should be able to lose your home and all your stuff all at once, if you weren't the first person on the field, even though it isn't that way anywhere else in the game."

Haven't heard someone this mad in a while. Jimmies rustled so hard it was on the news.
Harry Inskipp
Jupiter Roughriders
White Sky.
#125 - 2013-01-30 01:19:48 UTC
K-Space has local. Nullsec denizens can float around lazily and farm stuff, and Local protects them from any bad guys while they rat away in their faction battleships and 5Bil Tengus.

Wormholes do not have Local. Real men don't need Local. Wormholes require vigilance and a skill set. Nullsec would be cooler without Local, but CCP can't remove it because then Nullsec would require attention and people could not play Eve will surfing YouTube and playing other games at the same time. And it wouldn't be really, really, really easy to detect threats.

Nullsecers outgun wormholers 100:1 because it's 100 times easier to blob and farm Nullsec. Wormholers, by way of comparison, are like the brave pioneers of the Wild West. Nullsecers are like entitlement-minded inner-city gang-bangers.

Anyway, I hope that answers your questions about all the stuff you don't understand. Perhaps one day you can man-up and fly around a wormhole, without 300 of your friends and Local.

Best regards.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#126 - 2013-01-30 03:55:46 UTC
Ok... what moron necroed THIS of all threads??
give yourself an uppercut...

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#127 - 2013-01-30 04:00:55 UTC
7 pages alredy , unebelievable.Shocked
thread should have been closed righter after opening
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#128 - 2013-01-30 11:49:32 UTC
Bumping this thread again to remind people that we should stop bumping it.
Taz Edenrunner
#129 - 2013-01-30 14:28:37 UTC
thought this had been locked a while ago...or was that one of the other 100 pointless !!!!NERF WH!!!! threads by nubs who dont live in WHs
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2013-01-30 14:43:51 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Ok... what moron necroed THIS of all threads??
give yourself an uppercut...


Whoever necro'd this thread should get a bounty from everyone, killed repeatedly, and their hole found and sieged.
Herb Men
#131 - 2013-01-30 15:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: StonerPhReaK
ma perke wrote:

do you do upgrades in WH? - NO
can you close WH if you dont like it - NO
do you fight soverenity wars for a WH - NO
can anyone come chalenge you in a WH - NO

in comparison in 0.0 answers to all above question are YES, YES, YES, YES

in WH you have less risk and win more ISK compared to 0.0, which should be nerfed!

do you do upgrades in WH? Yes, you start out in smaller ships and oyu build up your arsenal.
can you close WH if you dont like it - Yes collapse it with mass
do you fight soverenity wars for a WH - Yes Please google some of the more notable WH invasions.
can anyone come chalenge you in a WH - Yes, See my above answer to the SOV question.

Do wh's constantly generate new sites to run like SOV making isk easy to acquire without the need of scouts and probing and collapsing wh after wh? - No
Do wh's have local providing intel on the baddies in your system like sov - No
Do wh's have gates that take you merrily to anywhere to sell your goods - No

Wh's are riskier than you think they are. Maybe you should hop in one for a few weeks and get some actual knowledge.

P.S. CCP moderator please delete ma perke topic as he lacks the actual knowledge to speak on this subject and is generally not constructive, but just emotional.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#132 - 2013-02-02 01:32:24 UTC
I'd be inclined to give a decent responce if the OP had posted with his main.

As its an alt, i'll just settle for "completely disagree".

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

State War Academy
Caldari State
#133 - 2013-02-03 06:31:17 UTC
Harry Inskipp wrote:
Wormholes do not have local.

Um, yes, yes they do. Every system in the game has local. The key difference is that the local chat window in wormhole space does not update the current present members list.

You're welcome.