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Bulk Trade Mailing List Ban Scam

4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#61 - 2013-01-29 17:53:47 UTC
♥ XR

Alex Grison
Grison Universal
#62 - 2013-01-29 18:36:03 UTC
This will kill the man.


Quay Industries
#63 - 2013-01-29 18:50:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Teibor
W3370Pi4 wrote:
Check your mails Teibor

checked and tbh, im not bothered about been unbanned after all this time.

edit: yea i would agree with the next post, the list can be useful and most of the bans i would say could be accurate, but with my case, not all.
Claire Coffee
Coffee Inc
#64 - 2013-01-29 18:53:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Claire Coffee
Subscribed to the list to check it out.
Unsubscribed the next day.

not interested in low-margin item dumps. Roll

For justice: There are some decent offers now and then from some major names.

[b]DRINK COFFEE Do stupid things Faster with More Energy[/b]

Leopold Jakuard
State Of Unrest
#65 - 2013-01-29 19:21:51 UTC
Claire Coffee wrote:
Subscribed to the list to check it out.
Unsubscribed the next day.

not interested in low-margin item dumps. Roll

For justice: There are some decent offers now and then from some major names.

Cool story..
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#66 - 2013-01-30 07:28:48 UTC
Claire Coffee wrote:
Subscribed to the list to check it out.
Unsubscribed the next day.

not interested in low-margin item dumps. Roll.

did you subscribe with the gimmick account?


Rebecca Cairn
Imperial Corrections Service.
#67 - 2013-01-30 09:27:32 UTC
Rustled Jimmies Mailing List
shar'ra matcevsovski
#68 - 2013-01-30 14:07:15 UTC
XrayZII wrote:
the rules are simple to follow. If u cant follow the rules then we get rid of u.
u will always be welcome back, but for a price...
the time we keep monitoring the mails that come in is a full time job, and we wanna keep it nice and clean for everyone that follows the rules and uses the ML frequently.

For all the people that come here whining about getting banned or whatnot, u've done something wrong and we banned u.
If we were to send mails to the ppl that did something wrong (wich i usually do) we would need to mail every sucker, every time with a "this is why". When this player should know what the rules are and follow the simple, described rules on the wiki page.
This "this is why" would take up sooooo much time, and i, for one, aint gonna be doing that for free. And neither would any of u ;)

So please! send me or w33 a mail before u come to the forums and go all "j'acuse!" (spelling?).

-I dont think anyone bothers that your making isk with the mailing list, BUT its annoying that your still trying to hide it.

-usually rules should help to imrove the big picture.... your rules only help your personnel wallet.
Come on, you guys ban people for typo kinda stuff (wich happen to you two folks aswell,just fyi)... srsly who cares if somebody types "Want to sell" or "WTS" ?

-you keep having people in your legit trade channel even tho you got warned they are scammers, wich doesnt help your reputation either

shar'ra phone home

4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#69 - 2013-01-30 14:23:29 UTC
Im not hiding it and the service itself is free i've never hidden the fact that there were fines to pay

you see it at least 3 times when joining the mailing list unless you don't read which i find appealing to your common sense because the mailing list is usually advertised with the evelopedia link or the forum thread which redirects to the evelopedia.

the moderation of the mailing list is a lot lighter now but people who show no effort into their emails redaction are banned and asked for a fee which as been reduced from a random amount to a 25m isk set fee.

A lot more reminders are sent to people now instead of pure bans because in the end it motivates activity and doesn't disrupt user increase (e-peen and so on )
Congrats to my new admin/friend imsone wbicantmine

I make a lot more isk selling advertising spaces than i do with the fines actually player donations are more rewarding than the fines themselves.

My logic on the mailing list is a little effort from yourself will save several 100 people to pricecheck or to email you if you are selling or buying - most people will actually have trouble selling if their goods are not highlighted because people cant be hassled to make the effort

Eve is very time consuming its only smart to try to save time on a large scale if you disagree with my opinion and have constructive criticism I'm glad to listen but quite frankly most of the users agree with me considering a careful analysis of the rules reveal that it is in their interest and to save them a lot of time. I'm just cashing in on stupidity because there is no shortage of these its like they are supplied by NPC market orders.

If you let me help you i will if you don't well you can just airlock yourself or rage and make a new mailing list out of spite and anger

Life is not about what you say but what you can prove.

Fly Safe