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What to invest 1T into? - 1 year afk

AKilla Sunday
EVE Corporation 98582134
#1 - 2013-01-27 19:41:29 UTC
I will be away from eve for about 1 year. I'm holding 785b in ISK atm and will probably hit 1t once I liquidate some assets and some jobs complete.
I'm looking to invest that isk so it will be worth at least the same proportionally when and if I come back to eve.
Good advices will be rewarded.
Claire Coffee
Coffee Inc
#2 - 2013-01-27 19:56:53 UTC
Now that's a lot of money. :-)

I don't see any commodity that would be worth investing into without substantial risk of devaluation except for PLEX which has seen a steady growth over the years, but again you never know what's on CCP's mind.

I would suggest delegating your assets to a secure fund-manager (or even several) that would reinvest and keep an eye on market tendencies. There are several around as I know.

[b]DRINK COFFEE Do stupid things Faster with More Energy[/b]

Illest Insurrectionist
#3 - 2013-01-27 20:03:21 UTC
Tier one battleships would be my suggestion.

In the last several re-balances the mineral costs of ships has gone to the center/high end of the range.

This has been for barges, frigs, cruisers and now battle-cruisers.

While the speculation for battle-cruisers is well underway the speculation for battleships hasn't begun. The battleships are set to be changed in the middle of the year.

Certainly the battleship market would easily allow you to invest a large chunk of that money.
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2013-01-27 20:09:21 UTC
I would normally never do this here, but Mynnna was feeling peckish I guess and linked this in chat. A lot of this depends on how fast you want to liquidate when you return, but in general.

300B in BS, Tier1's
100B into Megacyte
100B into Zydrine
100B in Guidance Systems
50-100 in Planetary Vehicles

Whatever else you liquidate dump into PLEX as a hedge.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Sav Trading
#5 - 2013-01-27 20:52:03 UTC
I'm a good investment... ;-)
#6 - 2013-01-27 21:23:44 UTC  |  Edited by: forestwho
Current battleships speculation is like what? Tier 3 Bs cost like 130 mil? 3 hours of carebearing meh dunno if they increase too much

Buy BPO"s lock them down and get a friend to do stuff with it. If you need such a friend you can send me an eve mail and i will figur out a proposition. Scam proof on your side, and profitable for both.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-01-27 21:26:22 UTC
I'd give my money to Grendell or Chribba or VV, purely based on what i've read as a lurker for the past few years
State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-01-27 22:05:38 UTC
forestwho wrote:
Current battleships speculation is like what? Tier 3 Bs cost like 130 mil? 3 hours of carebearing meh dunno if they increase too much

Buy BPO"s lock them down and get a friend to do stuff with it. If you need such a friend you can send me an eve mail and i will figur out a proposition. Scam proof on your side, and profitable for both.

First off, Tier 3 BS cost ~240mil. And that's 1 hour of carebearing for lots of us. Tier 1 BS cost ~85,90mil. How can you expect to be taken seriously if you don't even know how much basic stuff costs? And why in the world would he ever want your help, if you have proven you are so inaccurate with details?

Now, if he DID use someone like you to research/produce off the blueprints, he is not making as much isk as he can. Most blueprints, people only care about them being researched up to a certain point, and wont pay extra with them being researched beyond that point. With the exception of titan BPOs, I don't believe there is any other BP in the game that would be (profit for resale wise) worth researching beyond 6-8 months. Therefore, to get money out of having them for over that period, copies would need to be produced, or production would need to be done off of them, in both cases, you, or the other party, would be expecting the lions share, claiming to be 'doing all the work'.

More realistically though, what forestwho is offering to do, is have you buy a huge pile of bpos, start a corporation with him, with you as the ceo, then lock down all the bpos. Then, after you not logging in for, about a month, forestwho files a petition that you have gone inactive, and he is either told to wait a little longer, or is granted permission to start a vote for a new ceo. He then takes control of the corp, unlocks all the bpos, and viola, your assetts become his.

No, if you want to do an investment that isn't some knockoff troll trying to scam you, like what was said before;

Battleships, High end minerals, Under-cost PI all seem solid.
Trader CiCi
Jack of all skills
#9 - 2013-01-27 22:16:56 UTC
plex/Aur 100/500/1000 dust 514

Here's how I think of my money -- as soldiers -- I send them out to war everyday. I want them to take prisoners and come home, so there's more of them." - Kevin O'Leary/Shark Tank

Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#10 - 2013-01-27 23:08:26 UTC
Procurers, if you can manage to find them 6M isk or below, AKA, ask around, 10K of them.

wait 3-6 months resale at 10M isk wholesale. or 12-20M isk once the othe 30-60K get used up.

Battlecruiser hulls, whatever is selling breakpoint mineral prices cheep will work.

Faction POS's they dont drop any more.

I have a gut feeling trit may go up in price, by about 20-50%, Its just a gut feeling, might be worth to stock up on a few bill isk worth and then just wait for a Major event of some sort.

Most importantly, Invest a little bit in everything, Diversify diversify diversify, I cannot stress this enough.
Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#11 - 2013-01-27 23:55:59 UTC
Aryth wrote:
50-100 in Planetary Vehicles

Wasn't the goon advice a few months ago to buy GS instead of PV cause PV was much more spread around amongst people? heh

If there's any left at a decent price that's where I'd also put more of my ISK. Plus I'd get to cash in earlier.


Ymir Esubria
#12 - 2013-01-28 00:02:06 UTC
Considering the tiericide, I'd personally go for T1 BS. With the extra mineral addition that came with the tiericide for barges and cruisers and such, it's pretty much guaranteed to rise in price.
Also, T1 BC's might still be a very good investment. While speculation has obviously started already, there will be a finite supply of pre-tiericide BC's which will, inevitably, run out. Considering that you'll be gone for a year and BC tiericide is coming next, I'd say that BC's will have the most time in which to rise in price. T1 BS's on the other hand are still relatively far off.

The tiericide devblog which gives more info.

I'd probably actually go into BS and BC's myself, and not just BS as I said above.

Mineral index dev post, might give you an idea of possible mineral investments.

Personally I'm not convinced with PLEX as an investment. This might be just my relative inexperience, but with prices dropping at the moment and looking at a recent 100 bil investment using PLEX as collateral (See here ) and the discussion there, I'm personally less inclined to favour PLEX.

Pure mineral investment could also be worth a shot, for the long term at least. Quoting from the dev post:
Nocxium, Isogen and Zydrine prices contributed most to the rise in the MPI. The prices of these three minerals rose by 17%, 20% and 26% respectively. The price of Morphite rose by 33% in the period, even though it is not used in the production of the new or modified ships. On the other hand, the prices of Tritanium, Pyerite and Mexallon were very lightly affected. Only Isogen and Morphite show a notable increase in traded volume between months. The increase is 17% for Isogen and 20% for Nocxium. Traded volume of other minerals remains stable or even falls, as is the case for Zydrine and Megacyte.

I'll expand if/when I think of more.

Psychotic Monk for CSM.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-01-28 00:15:59 UTC
Kara Books wrote:
Procurers, if you can manage to find them 6M isk or below, AKA, ask around, 10K of them.

wait 3-6 months resale at 10M isk wholesale. or 12-20M isk once the othe 30-60K get used up.

"Not playing for 1 year"
"Wait 3-6 months then resale"

Why in the world would you give him advice to come back and resale in 3-6 months if he is quitting for a year. You know, hence the 1 year afk part... This makes my brain hurt. It's a good investment, but I fail to see any rational logical reason to come back and resell them in 3-6 months at (8m, if they go that high in that time frame) instead of in a year, when they have risen further.

Kara Books wrote:

Battlecruiser hulls, whatever is selling breakpoint mineral prices cheep will work.

Tier3 battlecruiser hulls are not increasing
Tier 2 are only increasing by 8-12%
Tier 1 are increasing much more, but none are selling at or even close to mineral prices currently.
Therefore, this is not a valid option. Price will drop from what they are currently selling, after patch, then slowly rise back to a bit higher than it is 6-12 months from now. If you want to capitalize, you missed the 'buy a ton cheap boat', and need to hop on the 'build a metric fcukton' boat.

Kara Books wrote:

I have a gut feeling trit may go up in price, by about 20-50%, Its just a gut feeling, might be worth to stock up on a few bill isk worth and then just wait for a Major event of some sort.

Many of us are predicting a decrease in the price of trit. Mineral prices have been bloated for some time, and are finally starting to go down a bit, on the low ends. With procurers, frigates, cruisers, and soon to be battlecruisers, then battleships all not worth building, that means less use for low end minerals. Additionally, in spite of the capital fight yesterday, super capitals are not being destroyed in any significant fashion. I can't see then, why minerals like trit and pyerite would do anything but drop. Especially if CCP ever bothers to act on fixing industry in 0.0, or at least buffing it for the winter expansion.

Cannot in good faith reccomend that you invest in low end minerals. High ends, definitely, low ends, nope.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#14 - 2013-01-28 01:22:48 UTC
Aryth wrote:
I would normally never do this here, but Mynnna was feeling peckish I guess and linked this in chat. A lot of this depends on how fast you want to liquidate when you return, but in general.

300B in BS, Tier1's
100B into Megacyte
100B into Zydrine
100B in Guidance Systems
50-100 in Planetary Vehicles
20b Jerry Pepridge

Whatever else you liquidate dump into PLEX as a hedge.

3000 BS will take a while to sell i think.

Can't fault above advice tbh, bear in mind it would probably take you a year++++ to sell all this crap anyway.

I expect Zydrine to peak at about 1800-1900


Debra Tao
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-01-28 09:12:02 UTC
Arronicus wrote:

Tier3 battlecruiser hulls are not increasing
Tier 2 are only increasing by 8-12%
Tier 1 are increasing much more, but none are selling at or even close to mineral prices currently.
Therefore, this is not a valid option. Price will drop from what they are currently selling, after patch, then slowly rise back to a bit higher than it is 6-12 months from now.

I think your estimate of "6-2 months" is way off. People actuallly fly those ships and will probably fly them even more after the patch. And the get blown up, hence the need to replace them... Not like procurers.

Arronicus wrote:

Many of us are predicting a decrease in the price of trit.

Ah ? I am not sure... I don't think your arguments are good here whereas Corestwo has had much more convincing arguments (old data from CCP, comsumption...) in favor of an increase in trit/pyerite price.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#16 - 2013-01-28 09:31:02 UTC
I am not sure about Zydrine and Mega, at least not on a 100B scale each. Large profits can be made about twice a year but with careful picking of these "windows of opportunity". If the OP wants to buy today and just dump the stock when he/she returns then he might have to wait some months.
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-01-28 11:26:38 UTC
Is it possible to get 1 trillion ISK and knows nothing about what is worth investing etc. ? :D
State War Academy
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-01-28 11:34:48 UTC
P3po wrote:
Is it possible to get 1 trillion ISK and knows nothing about what is worth investing etc. ? :D

Well sure! There a multitude of different ways!
Life-destoying ratting/plexs for years
See above but replace with mining (some people use 10+ hulks at a time in 0.0)

Not that I'd reccomend any of the above. Nor do I think anyone has probably ratted 500b let alone 1tril isk cumulative in their time in eve, but maybe. There are some pretty old bots out there.
Dave Stark
#19 - 2013-01-28 11:47:21 UTC
Arronicus wrote:
Kara Books wrote:
Procurers, if you can manage to find them 6M isk or below, AKA, ask around, 10K of them.

wait 3-6 months resale at 10M isk wholesale. or 12-20M isk once the othe 30-60K get used up.

"Not playing for 1 year"
"Wait 3-6 months then resale"

Why in the world would you give him advice to come back and resale in 3-6 months if he is quitting for a year. You know, hence the 1 year afk part... This makes my brain hurt. It's a good investment, but I fail to see any rational logical reason to come back and resell them in 3-6 months at (8m, if they go that high in that time frame) instead of in a year, when they have risen further.

kara is a sitting on a stash of procurers she can't get rid of. she's posting "buy procurers" everywhere.
just point and laugh.
Zendon Taredi
Tier Four Technologies
#20 - 2013-01-28 12:13:04 UTC
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