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DUST 514 Live on Tranquility - Issues & Feedback

First post
Fenris Wolff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2013-01-26 18:48:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Wolff
Personally having played this game for a bit now I think CCP is shooting themselves in the foot with DUST 514 at the moment. Beta graphics and glitches aside, you have no clue how to transition this game to console. Console players have A.D.D. and the moment you **** them off or lose their attention your game is going to collect DUST.

The learning curve is a bit big for a console game (I have played EVE for years and I understand it). A lot of players left EVE Online due to the way the training skills work and the level of the learning curve. DUST 514 takes the brutality one step further and will place a brand new Merc into battle situations where they can not possibly win by pitting them against Mercs with much higher SP and who are much better geared. Nothing like chewing through someone's shields and realizing you can't chew their armor up, while they take you out easily.

There is no high sec for new players to start out in. The action starts out brutal and unforgiving immediately. Without a system that at least "recommends" an arena to start in and gain SP and ISK, I'm afraid DUST 514 is going to go the way of EVE. It will start out with a lot of players willing to give it a try and end up with about 30k players from possible millions who would have enjoyed it.

Please take full heartedly into perspective that you as a company decided o sell out to Sony and make this a CONSOLE game and the brutality of EVE that we adults have come to love is not going to work there at all. The vast majority of Console players are under the age of 18 and you are catering again to an audience of 30+ who will take the time to learn.

The PS3 in retrospect has far far less multiplayer numbers than XBOX Live. You NEED to attract all of the fans of this game as early on as possible. You are competing with the COD series and Battlefield series and just about every other FPS game out there. I understand you may consider yourselves a "stand-alone" game because of the MMO experience, but you are kidding yourselves. The entire genre of FPS games has come a long way and you have a LOT to fill in with those shoes. Right now I just do not see DUST 514 as a hit or anything that is really going to bring new life back into EVE ONline. More than likely it will be the 30k players from Eve Online (the other 270k players are all alts) playing DUST without attracting too much more attention from FPS gamers.
Fenris Wolff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2013-01-26 19:17:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Wolff
Also I wanted to comment on the "Skirmish" mode. You need to remove the clone reinforcement pts from this mode completely. Let it remain a capture the flag style mode of play and not just an ambush game mode in disguise. Too many times I have either been on a team or opposed a team that lost their numbers and probably could have won because they had the majority of the silos. It really makes that mode frustrating. You should just rename it "Ambush 2" and not doll it up by making it seem like it is a Battlefield 2142 style Titan game.
Fenris Wolff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2013-01-27 03:04:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Wolff
As I go along I find more that I should discuss. The equipment system needs a complete tear down and overhaul. Do not consistently make Mercs pay for their equipment every single time they die. Make the equipment single infinite use and price based on Meta Level and SP to use just like in EVE. Vehicles on the other hand you should have to pay for each and every time they get destroyed. But leave the infantry alone. Make this game easier to get into and enjoy. If you wanted an EVE clone you should have kept this title PC.
Fenris Wolff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2013-01-27 09:26:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Fenris Wolff
Alright seems that as of last night's downtime DUST 514 took a few serious nerfs. Passive SP gain has gone from 1SP every 2 secs to 1 SP every 5 secs. SP gain on the battlefield has gone from roughly 1500-3k SP per battle depending on participation to 50 flat or 75 with Boost. ISK gain on the battlefield has gone down a percentage and salvage is now harder to obtain. What happened?
CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#145 - 2013-01-27 23:16:20 UTC
These DUST specific comments and suggestions would be best posted on the DUST forums themselves. They are most likely to be read and discussed over there. :)

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Fenris Wolff
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#146 - 2013-01-28 06:20:01 UTC
My mistake FFS I posted on the wrong forums What?
Cryptologix Inc.
#147 - 2013-02-04 05:08:39 UTC
Hi as a struggling new trader I have come up against what I perceive to be a glitch with EVE statistics that is caused by the incorporation of DUST into the EVE server.

When I look at the statistics in the Star Map, specifically how many 'Pilots are docked in station' I took that statement at face value. I planned a strategy which took time and the gathering of materials based on the idea that the far flung stations to which I would be travelling had EVE Pilots in them.

Imagine my dismay when I get to my first station and find it full of DUST players with whom, to the best of my knowledge, I cannot interact. Perhaps more experience with EVE would have saved me making the error I did, but I am sure I am not alone in being the only EVE player who has no interest in DUST (at the moment) and believes it doesn't impinge on my game play.

The last conception is a mistake while the statistics in the Star Map obviously include DUST players under the heading of "Pilot".

I have to wonder how skewed the other stats included in the Star Map are with the inclusion of DUST.

Would it be possible please to clarify the statistics.. at the very least to state: "people/characters" rather than "Pilot" where the two games interact please?

CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#148 - 2013-02-04 11:22:37 UTC
Lil'Blue wrote:
Hi as a struggling new trader I have come up against what I perceive to be a glitch with EVE statistics that is caused by the incorporation of DUST into the EVE server.

When I look at the statistics in the Star Map, specifically how many 'Pilots are docked in station' I took that statement at face value. I planned a strategy which took time and the gathering of materials based on the idea that the far flung stations to which I would be travelling had EVE Pilots in them.

Imagine my dismay when I get to my first station and find it full of DUST players with whom, to the best of my knowledge, I cannot interact. Perhaps more experience with EVE would have saved me making the error I did, but I am sure I am not alone in being the only EVE player who has no interest in DUST (at the moment) and believes it doesn't impinge on my game play.

The last conception is a mistake while the statistics in the Star Map obviously include DUST players under the heading of "Pilot".

I have to wonder how skewed the other stats included in the Star Map are with the inclusion of DUST.

Would it be possible please to clarify the statistics.. at the very least to state: "people/characters" rather than "Pilot" where the two games interact please?


I have started a mail internally to discuss this and how we should proceed. Thank you very much for your feedback! :)

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Willco Inc.
#149 - 2013-02-04 20:07:14 UTC
The turning off of dust players in local chat is still broken. You can set a setting to block them but it does not hold. Annoying.

Also why are dusties showing up in the station lists? Very annoying and no way I can see to turn it off. Why are they even showing since they will NEVER be in a station in the first place?

Thanks in advance.
CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#150 - 2013-02-05 10:30:30 UTC
gargars wrote:
The turning off of dust players in local chat is still broken. You can set a setting to block them but it does not hold. Annoying.


Just for some clarification: Do you mean the option "Show Infantry" is broken? And if so what is it not doing? The purpose of the button is to show or hide infantry members from the chat list. It does not hide what they actually say and it is not a global block button. It is for that channel and just shows/hides them from the members list.

You should still be able to block any DUST player just like blocking any EVE player.

Hope that helps. :)

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Lost True
Caldari State
#151 - 2013-02-07 06:01:31 UTC
My feedback:
I don't give a damn about all of this.

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?