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Dev Blog: All Hail The Info Panels!

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Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#81 - 2013-01-25 15:25:52 UTC
I have 1 suggestion for the "info panel"... make it moveable also, (unlock, and move, then lock again) and perhaps at a later date, for those who prefere it, make an option to make it horizontal.

by making it moveable, you suddenly increase the costumization of the UI by 20% (number taken out of a certain hole)

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#82 - 2013-01-25 15:28:44 UTC
Looking good, guys! Cool

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Syrkos Technologies
#83 - 2013-01-25 15:31:44 UTC
I love the changes - but what really caught my attention was being able to see your route in space. This gives a route a whole new meaning, and I think it could even make it possible to get a real feeling of where you are in space. I can just imagine looking around me, and being able to pinpoint where my current home system is by looking at the nebulae and stars.

From there, picking out a star in space and right-clicking on it to travel there would be more awesome than I can describe in mere words. It adds a whole new level of immersion to the game just by knowing that the stars we see are not just little specks of light added randomly.

Thanks for the preview, will wait patiently to see this live.

Lone wolf and nomad extraordinaire.

Exploration Frontier inc
#84 - 2013-01-25 15:39:28 UTC
Sweet !

Now about the POS thing... No, kidding :p
I'll keep to the "good work !" as it's not the same dev team ^^

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Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#85 - 2013-01-25 15:39:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
I tried them, good work!!!

I liked everything! It wasn't expected!

no revamp POS UI to something modular as sugested here : ) and here:

Alx Warlord wrote:
Ok, I will re-post one possible solution here, I hope that there is a team following up things here. (Also I hope that they already got to this conclusion)

Eve have many problems now.. one of them is POS and the Item management in there. This is also attached to the corporation management issues. As you guys noticed when fixed the orca and the carriers Cargohold division, It is impossible to fix the current System so the solution lays on taking the feature out of the corporation management and then fix them out of it, creating a solid and simpler system.

For the rest of the corporation Inventory (Including the POS inventory) you have to do the same thing, Take the access management and remove it from the corp management( Soon it will make sense), HOW:

First: Remove the corporation tab divisions making it a single inventory that have access from everyone.(changing 1 problem to other)

Second: You have to create a new Item, "Secure Hangar", It should be like a container, that once unpacked will work like a Tab, having the same volume as the content. (At this point if you want split things, put a password to open it.)

Third: Create a new UI to manage the access of containers, in this UI should have options like "allow corp", "Allow corp - Director", "Allow corp - miner", and other options like adding a player name, corp name or alliance name. Also, It would be interesting if was possible to change ownership of the container.

Fourth: this same UI solution may be applied to the pos management. Setting to it a Owner, (the ceo orr other player) that can allow individual "tab acces" like the hangar access. solving also one of the biggest player nightmare.

This is the most simplistic way to escape from the old game code. I hope it helps, and if this don't help, please tell me why, i'm curious.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#86 - 2013-01-25 15:44:44 UTC
OMG I totally love an idea of interactive stars (click -> set destination -> route plotted) and system locations panel with belts and planets would totally limit number of right clicks in space or switching tabs in overview.


Oh, and current changes are neat too :)

Invalid signature format

Mhax Arthie
#87 - 2013-01-25 15:47:42 UTC
As a smuggler there is one thing that I really miss on the map.. the multiple route planner. Right now any route planner start from point A that is my current location. What I would love to see is a multiple route planner in different colors, so I can start a route plan from point D to X, also from E to Z. Multiple routes is very helpful, is how can you see where 2 routes intersect or you can make a plan B if things goes bad like gate camps &stuff. That also means I can save &load my routes.

Short version: give us google map in EVE. We have it in RL, more than sure that the Jovians invented this in EVE too. We have jump gates but no gps or the most basic orientation tools :/
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2013-01-25 15:58:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Liner Xiandra
Sparks Inc
#89 - 2013-01-25 15:59:50 UTC
I'm liking this a lot, thanks!

Also, minor request:
You could combine the functionality of the horizontal aligned icons with the vertical aligned ones, so you could get rid of one set of the icons. Having two of the same icons on screen, one with very limited functionality (hide/unhide) irks me a bit.
#90 - 2013-01-25 16:18:26 UTC
I want the "later" "now"Shocked
Sheena Tzash
#91 - 2013-01-25 16:18:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Sheena Tzash
Any info on what the missions one looks like or is that one going to be pretty much unchanged?

Also one thing that has always bugged me about auto pilot is the highlight on the jump gates in the overview when you have a route that goes through the system more than once.

Say for example I go from Hek to Rens and back to Hek again its a straight route but each system will highlight TWO jump gates, one of the 'to' route and the other for the 'return' route.

At a glance you can't always be sure that you've clicked the right jump gate and end up following a route to go backwards!
Caldari State
#92 - 2013-01-25 16:33:10 UTC
Is there a list which Solar Systems will be moved to where and how the security changes?
Vincent Athena
#93 - 2013-01-25 16:43:35 UTC
GKO wrote:
Is there a list which Solar Systems will be moved to where and how the security changes?


List start

List end

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Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#94 - 2013-01-25 16:45:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Bienator II
awesome stuff!

feedback so far:
just wondering if you fixed the bug of the FW sov bar which disappeared for everyone in system every few plexes. The animation also slowed the client down for some reason (had the same problem as mail notifications during a fight). Why having this kind of animation in the first place? It makes it hard to see what actually happened, all you see is that the sov bar "reloads" but not the direction it changed (incursions have a much better implementation).

dust influence:
could you show us instead of the percent value the number of temperate planets controlled by the current sov holding faction? For example instead of displaying "12%" display something like "2/3" and show the influence value on mouse over.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Caldari State
#95 - 2013-01-25 16:53:39 UTC
You, guys, sometimes just amaze me.

I encorage you to develop on the interaction on the stars. Seeing the route in space just made my Friday day a lot more better.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#96 - 2013-01-25 16:54:09 UTC
Since you added optimize waypoints, why didn't you add an "avoid space controlled by [faction]" button. It is fairly difficult to determine currently if your current route will get you blown up by faction police.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#97 - 2013-01-25 16:55:32 UTC
I want 'align to solar system' from the AP panel :)

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#98 - 2013-01-25 17:00:49 UTC
Great improvements!
Marcel Devereux
Aideron Robotics
Aideron Robotics.
#99 - 2013-01-25 17:03:19 UTC
Another suggestion for the system info panel. In the mock up with the celestials, can you add distance to the celestials?
Cynthia Nezmor
Nezmor's Golden Griffins
#100 - 2013-01-25 17:08:05 UTC
Radgette wrote:
Cynthia Nezmor wrote:
Jackie Fisher wrote:
Current Location: Hek 0.3

Am I reading that correctly from the screen shot?

Let's hope Amamake will become highsec in turn, and Rancer a system with only 1 stargate. Bear

Also seems Hek moved from Metropolis region into Heimatar.

Perhaps they plan to relocate entire jumpgate networks and rework the regions :p

Cynthia what would you do tho without Hek 8-12 to sit outside camping all day long ;)

Camp Eszur.