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Do many EVE players fear consentual PvP?

Bob Killan
Dzark Asylum
#181 - 2013-01-24 11:55:09 UTC
Peter Powers wrote:
PvP in EVE is consentual.
Whenever you undock you consent to PvP.

Exactly do not fly what you cannot afford to Lose, High Sec included. I think a change to the duel system would be welcomed.

CCP Please flag both parties as outlaws for fighting in concorde controlled space, concorde should not allow school boy squabbles to go unpunished.
Kryss Darkdust
The Skulls
#182 - 2013-01-24 11:55:09 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Not Politically Correct wrote:

Sorry, Tippia. I only decided to drop this on you because you are annoying. Non-consensual PvP may hve been a part of the game since the 1890's, when you started playing, but was it ever a good idea? Sometimes I wonder.

Most players DO NOT consent to non-consensual PvP when they log in. They spend the whole time they are logged in hoping that no 1%ers find them.

You understand this is like entering a vegetarian restaurant and ordring an hamburger, right? And insisting "why not? meat is better".

beside, this is not about non consensual PvP, is about accepting a game model developing from open interactions among players (competitive/conflictual interactions or not). Open PvP is a mere consequence of this setting, negating it means negating the interaction model as well.

The kind of game based on this are also the only one able to develop a meaningfull crafting, market, industry, trading. Is not a coincidence, there are a reasons.

Its quite accurate. Nothing in Eve functions in a vacum. You can trace even the most insignificant interactions to dozens if not hundreds of players no matter where in the cycle you start.

A guy gets blown up... another guys mines, his resources are bought, which another guys uses to build, using BPO's another guy researched using another guys datacores, who got them from grinding missions, which the guy that got originally blown up was ninja salvaging and has gone back to the market to buy a new ship, built by the guy who built it, bought and traded by another guy that trades, hauled to the station by a guy that hauls, which is hunted by pirates who hunt the haulers..... so on and so forth.

Everything is interconnected and none of these professions or play styles can exist without the competative interactions of these various Eve professions and players. Without PvP this game simply can't function on any level whatsoever. Every profession would immediatly be nullified.

The reality of Eve is that, if you don't love it like it is today, you should probobly go ahead and unsub. 

Hemmo Paskiainen
#183 - 2013-01-24 12:14:43 UTC
Bane Necran wrote:

Why do so many people think that's a bad thing?

Greed.... People prefer materialism above fun

Apply that to psycological stuff, world wide cultural differances combined with 0.0 politics and you see why tech moons are destroying eve (it is the same reson why the global crisis started in that 1 particular country ;)). Were the north is all about farming for ISK & Plex the south was for pew pew and fun, ppl didnt care about isk soo much. Unfortualy this died this year due the butterfly affect of ccp's incompetence.

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#184 - 2013-01-24 20:17:07 UTC
Bob Killan wrote:
Peter Powers wrote:
PvP in EVE is consentual.
Whenever you undock you consent to PvP.

Exactly do not fly what you cannot afford to Lose, High Sec included. I think a change to the duel system would be welcomed.

CCP Please flag both parties as outlaws for fighting in concorde controlled space, concorde should not allow school boy squabbles to go unpunished.

Why treat ship to ship PvP so unfairly? Looking for a moment beyond combat PvP, why should 2 people in a consensual duel be treated differently from 2 people selling the same item in Jita? Should you be treated as an outlaw if you have market orders open? Should you get a flag when mining since even if you use your own minerals that's another miner not getting a sale? Why do duelist need to be MORE vulnerable to outside interference than anyone else?

Also there is that same rhetoric again. Just a question: Can you expand on the statement, "Whenever you undock you consent to PvP?" So far as I can figure by my own understanding of "consent" the only people in highsec who are really living up to it are bait ships with suspect flags.
Not Politically Correct
#185 - 2013-01-24 20:36:53 UTC
Bane Necran wrote:
Roime wrote:
The value people get from PVP is only made possible by the presence of real risk, uncontrollable events.

But through planning ahead and picking your fights to make sure you're going to win, things become very controlled and lack risk.

I agree. Fly a Tengu into a hatchery. Drop a yellow can in front of someone 5 hours old and Label it 'Goodies'. That certainly maximizes your chances. But he's a human being, too. What sense of satisfaction does he get?

Oh. I forgot. It's all about you.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#186 - 2013-01-24 22:28:22 UTC
Drop a yellow can in front of someone 5 hours old and Label it 'Goodies'. That certainly maximizes your chances.

This doesn't work so easy as it was before the "green point security". UI is dramatically intelligent this times.
Bob Killan
Dzark Asylum
#187 - 2013-01-25 10:37:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Bob Killan
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

Also there is that same rhetoric again. Just a question: Can you expand on the statement, "Whenever you undock you consent to PvP?" So far as I can figure by my own understanding of "consent" the only people in highsec who are really living up to it are bait ships with suspect flags.

Eve is a cold dark place where you are never truly safe. CCP designed it this way, they wanted a safer area for people to train in but allowed enough mechanics for violence to occur wherever you are.

Thats why there is a time delay for Concorde punishment that increases as the security of a system decreases.

If CCP wanted people to be completely safe in certain areas they would of implemented the same anti-PvP method employed by most other MMO's that want safe PvE areas, and that is nobody can attack you unless you specifically flag yourself as open to PvP.

This is not the case in eve and is not the intention. For instance someone could attack you in high sec for annoying them on the forums whilst no PvP or duel flags are in place, Concorde would destroy them but if they can kill you first they are quite welcome to do so and apart for the Concorde action nothing further would happen. However CCP may frown upon someone who repeatedly attacked you in this manner at every opportunity but that would be verging on harassment.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#188 - 2013-01-25 11:16:31 UTC
I, for one, would be a lot happier with consensual PvP being formalized. Let the 1%ers go out and blow each other up. I can't see a downside. You serve no real purpose in the game, and you definitely don't have an impact on the economy, no matter what you think.

What impact do you think you have on the economy Lol


Felicity Love
#189 - 2013-01-25 11:29:20 UTC
Bane Necran wrote:
Throughout the history of this game, PvP has mostly revolved around attacking people who are unprepared for PvP, or simply outnumbering your opponent.

Well, yeah. Basic warfare concepts. One is called an "ambush" and the other is called "overwhelming force".

Perhaps not what some on the receiving end would call "fun", but at least it's realistic at the concept level.

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

House Amamake
#190 - 2013-01-25 12:18:11 UTC
I hope some Devs are reading this thread... Roll

Loyal servent to Mother Amamake. @EVE_Tetsel

Another Bittervet Please Ignore

Nyla Skin
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#191 - 2013-01-25 12:22:34 UTC
Whats there to be afraid of? It just turns everything boring. Without threat, there is no excitement.

In after the lock :P   - CCP Falcon

Stellar Production
#192 - 2013-01-25 16:10:21 UTC
I don't see anything fearful about this feature. In all honesty if you want to challenge someone to a fight and they decline you can still shoot them, granted you will be concorded...

Consensual PvP will not replace non-consensual PvP. Take a hypothetical group for instance. Lets say 100 people want to fight, 10 just want to gank other (not really fighting), 45 wish to team up and go on a roam surprise raping pilots, and 45 wish to fight on even terms. Without this system in place only 55/100 are actually satisfied with their gameplay style. Non-consensual PvP does not hinder anything, it enhances it. Wishing to fight someone in an honorable fashion is NOT being a carebear. Not wanting to fight period and stay docked up when challenged is lol

The nice thing about EvE is that it is a large enough game to allow different styles of play and combat. If you still wish to do the old fashioned butt-**** fleet then this feature is not inhibiting it.
Plus 10 NV
#193 - 2013-01-25 16:33:29 UTC
Bane Necran wrote:
Throughout the history of this game, PvP has mostly revolved around attacking people who are unprepared for PvP, or simply outnumbering your opponent. You make sure you're going to win before you even engage, and there is little risk involved if you plan ahead. This is what your average EVE PvP player has grown accustomed to, and some are quite good at it.

Reading the negative comments on the so-called 'arena' system, you hear a lot of people saying it's more suited to carebears or something, but what could be more hardcore than a 1v1 fight between two ships fitted for PvP, with no friends to save either of them? You are on an even footing with your opponent, and only your personal ability and intelligence can save you.

Why do so many people think that's a bad thing?

I agree there should be more avenues for people who want to actually be challenged in pvp. Therefore there should be ways to frequently find fights with others who are prepared to fight. But arenas are not the way to do it. It's too contrived.

FW plex fighting is a start to do this but it still isn't great. If they gave us notices of where plexes are being run people could quickly find fights and have some controls but not so draconian as an arena. Fighting in an artificial arena is no substitute for working at creating a game mechanics where good fights happen naturally in the actual sandbox.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#194 - 2013-01-25 20:23:06 UTC
Bob Killan wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

Also there is that same rhetoric again. Just a question: Can you expand on the statement, "Whenever you undock you consent to PvP?" So far as I can figure by my own understanding of "consent" the only people in highsec who are really living up to it are bait ships with suspect flags.

Eve is a cold dark place where you are never truly safe. CCP designed it this way, they wanted a safer area for people to train in but allowed enough mechanics for violence to occur wherever you are.

Thats why there is a time delay for Concorde punishment that increases as the security of a system decreases.

If CCP wanted people to be completely safe in certain areas they would of implemented the same anti-PvP method employed by most other MMO's that want safe PvE areas, and that is nobody can attack you unless you specifically flag yourself as open to PvP.

This is not the case in eve and is not the intention. For instance someone could attack you in high sec for annoying them on the forums whilst no PvP or duel flags are in place, Concorde would destroy them but if they can kill you first they are quite welcome to do so and apart for the Concorde action nothing further would happen. However CCP may frown upon someone who repeatedly attacked you in this manner at every opportunity but that would be verging on harassment.

I can't equate people being able to attack you and consent for PvP no matter how much I try. That being the case you missed the point of the question. I'm aware of the mechanics, and I'm aware those mechanics can be used to help avoid PvP. So if there are mechanics that enable PvP avoidance how can logging in or undocking be considered consent for combat? Dwelling in highsec is one of those means, so unless you are giving up your eligibility for concord retaliation it doesn't seem you are giving consent to aggressors.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#195 - 2013-01-25 21:26:37 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

So if there are mechanics that enable PvP avoidance how can logging in or undocking be considered consent for combat? Dwelling in highsec is one of those means, so unless you are giving up your eligibility for concord retaliation it doesn't seem you are giving consent to aggressors.

Isn't so.
High-sec do not prevent anyone to attack. Concord mechanics simply sanction "illegal" aggression, do not prevent it.
Open PvP in EVE is enabled everywhere in the same identical way. What can change are the possible effects/ consequences of it (security status, cocncord intervention and so on).

The only mechanics preventing direct PvP engagment is, indeed, docking. This is where the say "when you undock you consent" come from.
Not Politically Correct
#196 - 2013-01-25 21:35:49 UTC
Roime wrote:
I, for one, would be a lot happier with consensual PvP being formalized. Let the 1%ers go out and blow each other up. I can't see a downside. You serve no real purpose in the game, and you definitely don't have an impact on the economy, no matter what you think.

What impact do you think you have on the economy Lol

Oh, I have a very small impact on the economy. See, I'm one of the ones who produces things for ship construction and POS refueling. I know it is a pretty weird thing to do, but I enjoy it a lot more than blowing things up.
Not Politically Correct
#197 - 2013-01-25 21:41:54 UTC
Nyla Skin wrote:
Whats there to be afraid of? It just turns everything boring. Without threat, there is no excitement.

Let me go back to my famous 'jump off the roof' example.

Jumping off a roof is vaguely threatening, and might provide excitement, but, for some reason, I don't do it very often.
Not Politically Correct
#198 - 2013-01-25 21:46:50 UTC
Octoven wrote:
Wishing to fight someone in an honorable fashion is NOT being a carebear. Not wanting to fight period and stay docked up when challenged is lol

Honorable? You're saying shooting fish in a barrel is honorable? Throwing a hand grenade into a class of first graders is honorable? Glad I didn't grow up where you did.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#199 - 2013-01-25 21:47:31 UTC
Not Politically Correct wrote:

Oh, I have a very small impact on the economy. See, I'm one of the ones who produces things for ship construction and POS refueling. I know it is a pretty weird thing to do, but I enjoy it a lot more than blowing things up.

Cool. And don't you see as if your gameplay is viable and you can enjoy building things is just because someone else blow those things up and need to rebuy?

Is not abstract theory, has be experimented:

In Ultima Online (another game known for his open brutal PvP setting and in deepth crafting system and player driven economy) at some point they decided to make everyone happy to split the game world in two:

Trammel (only consensual PvP) and Fellucca (open PvP)

This totally destroyed the game economy, most of the players found more convenient to stay in the "consensual PvP" world also if the open PvP one was far more ritch as resources. Soon everyone farmed safe till becoming dirti ritch, had everything and there was no more need of crafting, the igame economy collapsed under the inflaction and the game died fast.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#200 - 2013-01-25 21:51:45 UTC
Sura Sadiva wrote:
Not Politically Correct wrote:

Oh, I have a very small impact on the economy. See, I'm one of the ones who produces things for ship construction and POS refueling. I know it is a pretty weird thing to do, but I enjoy it a lot more than blowing things up.

Cool. And don't you see as if your gameplay is viable and you can enjoy building things is just because someone else blow those things up and need to rebuy?

Is not abstract theory, has be experimented:

In Ultima Online (another game known for his open brutal PvP setting and in deepth crafting system and player driven economy) at some point they decided to make everyone happy to split the game world in two:

Trammel (only consensual PvP) and Fellucca (open PvP)

This totally destroyed the game economy, most of the players found more convenient to stay in the "consensual PvP" world also if the open PvP one was far more ritch as resources. Soon everyone farmed safe till becoming dirti ritch, had everything and there was no more need of crafting, the igame economy collapsed under the inflaction and the game died fast.

I miss Ultima Online so much :(

Carebears themeparkers ruined all other great sandbox mmo-rpg's, now they want EvE.

The Tears Must Flow