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Tom JBrokaw
#21 - 2013-01-24 17:28:40 UTC
ZionShad wrote:
DUST 514 will be bringing with it droves of New EVE Accounts once Merc’s see firsthand the link DUST has to New Eden.

many players think dust has a long way to go before it's got a meaningful link to eve. as you should know with your self described deep understanding of its effects, the current dust/eve link fw is literally meaningless to the ~96% of the game that doesnt participate in fw and even to that ~4% its an optional perk to make their lives a little easier - merc participation is not a requirement. please justify why you think such a trivial connection is worthy of dedicated csm representation.

with regards to eve itself:

your platform can be succinctly described as "everything in the game" so would you care to elaborate so as to address the concern that you're simply naming everything in the game as a shallow attempt to give yourself depth? you say that there is so much you can bring to the table. how about tell us? what kind of expertise do you have? what sort of experience do you have in hisec and losec and nullsec and wormholes?

thank you.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-01-24 17:44:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
No, I honestly think that hardly anyone will vote for these people. It's my first CSM, but am I not right that you generally get a bunch of very weak candidates posting their threads too soon, and then the better candidates show more restraint and post their threads later?

You will typically get some of the weaker candidates trying to find some way to make themselves stand out from the crowd, and one of those ways is to start their campaign well in advance of everyone else.

The main problem here, as already stated, is that the Dust-Eve link currently appears way too flimsy for anyone to get excited about, and basing a run at the CSM on it is optimistic at best. Zion's mention of other issues are expicitly tacked on as an afterthought - he's a Dust candidate first and foremost, which might be a winning strategy if Dust accounts got to vote on the CSM, but they don't.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Ashra Miner
Click Red
#23 - 2013-01-24 19:29:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ashra Miner
ZionShad wrote:

@Ashra Miner You may want to click on a profile and see for yourself how old a Player is before making false claims (EVE Class of 2007 here).

Like I said. I wasn't sure, and asked you to correct me if I was wrong.


On the other side of this you don't see everything. Here is some of the stuff I have helped the DUST 514 community with:

Tools for running an External DUST Corp (Free way)


Recruitment Forums

From May 2012 to October 2012(5 month’s) there was no Corp support for DUST 514. So we had to create External Corporation. With all the consol player’s in DUST not knowing what tools were out there on PC to help them organize and build, I had made this list and used this list while sitting in Skype with several now CEO’s teaching them about the history of EVE and helping them put together their new Corporations. Once their External Corps were up and running I created a place for them to recruit as well as pushing CCP to create a recruitment section of the forum for us. Once this Finally took place I edited the Post, but all the reply’s are still there

Since you suggested I do some sleuthing, how's this?

You were not the first person to plug the enjin clan system on the dust514 forums. That honor actually goes to PDIGGY22, even if your post was a bit more thorough. Your old recruitment thread here was edited sometime after June 9th to include the enjin link.

While, you weren't trying to take credit for that, it is implied. You even plug your own corp in the telling about enjin. Again like I said in my first post : I can't blame you for that. A good recruiter is no stranger to shameless plugs. But let's be clear here : The only claim to helping the community in this thread you linked, is the consolidation of information already easily available elsewhere.

Moving on:

Suggesting that console gamers didn't have out of game methods to manage corps/clans is laughable at best. Clans have been around for decades, and game companies have never given them pretty much any support at all. The entire console clan community has been out of game since clans first became a thing! While you might've helped some up and coming CEO's with your prior experience in this, you can't lump inexperienced wannabe CEOs with 'all console players not knowing what tools are out there'. At best you used your leadership experience to give advice to a few up and comers (Which is good. I'd stick with that story tbh.) Do not make it sound like you were the guiding light to the console community though, please!


The War Room Forum Section

I know this came about because I chatted with CCP CMDR WANG and asked him for it for the community

This quote right here is what gets me. I'm sure CmdrWang talks to a lot of people. That's (an unfortunate) part of his job.. being a buffer for those of us who are persistent enough to spam CCP, and hearing us out. I say us here, because I make no secret of the fact that I harass CCP constantly, the same as you. The difference between us? You'll never see me say something like "Oh I had this steamy backdoor chat with X Dev and now we have Y feature". I'm quite certain that the both of us probably annoy CCP more than anything. That said, you cannot take credit for something like this without actually being given credit by CCP. It'd be like me taking credit for Tiericide because I may or may not have talked to Ytterbium that one time. (I'd use a dust reference but seeing as this is the eve forum and all...) If it's true, that's great. I'd thank you for it. But this is a terrible thing to say because it's something you can never back up with proof. Even if you were to share chat logs, you can't say it's because you specifically said "Hey make this forum." A lot of people were pushing for things like this. People were spamming the forum for months about it! How could you say that this came about as a result of some chat you might've had? That's just silliness.

Same goes with the pushing for the recruitment thread mentioned earlier.



I have been bringing together DUST CEO’s & Players to meeting since June to talk about the Closed beta and compiling issues players had with different mechanics, physics, balancing and much more and then presented this feedback to CCP.

Despite all of the above...This one is my favorite. Shouldn't you edit this post to say "I was bringing CEO's and players to meet in June"? Because you haven't logged into this site since June 24, after looking at your account into on it and seeing your last login. The site is dead and has not been used for several months. No CEO I've poked about this has been to any UniCon meeting in months. Your c3 channel only has a total of 143 hours logged by any and all concurrent users. This thing was used maybe a couple times and then allowed to rot and die.

Do not tote something you let wither and die around as an accomplishment to be proud of, Shad.

Let me be clear to anyone reading.

I like this guy a lot. He's a great guy and he really does mean well. I'm not posting this to tear him down for the sake of it. He's ambitious, and that's to be admired. But sometimes he can be a little too ambitious and get carried away, biting off more than he can chew.

This is one of those times.

You're not ready for this Shad. Should the day come that you are, I'd happily support you.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#24 - 2013-01-24 19:32:29 UTC
Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#25 - 2013-01-24 21:33:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Cerebral Wolf
What a tool.

Why would anyone at all openly vote for someone who's attempted to abuse an exploit in game for their own advantages? CSM members need much more integrity and much less arrogance than you have Shad, not to mention that the Dust community wouldn't vote for you based on the light you shine on Dust with your article. You're painting the very community and game you're attempting to campaign for in a very negative light.

School boy error right there along with the others, such as your BURN NEW EDEN movement bullshit ( ) and the fact that you had to hide behind your Nameless 514 persona to speak your mind because you was too afraid to post your actual opinions on your main for fear of reprisal. Some backbone for politics eh?...
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-01-24 22:12:31 UTC
Tell me more about this exploit abuse.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#27 - 2013-01-24 22:16:35 UTC
He's attempted several times to set matches up in Dust and to pay the other side to not show up or lose the match intentionally so that he can manipulate FW in EVE, it's been confirmed as an exploit by CCP several times and anyone caught doing it will get banned, they are changing the system in the next build.

So what did ZionShad do? Set up a thread on the beta forums publicly asking people to help him do it for some reason. :iiam:
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#28 - 2013-01-24 22:18:14 UTC
Somehow I don't think that this man is going to Iceland.
Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#29 - 2013-01-24 22:40:47 UTC
Kainotomiu Ronuken wrote:
Somehow I don't think that this man is going to Iceland.

For the last 6 months he's been telling everyone in Dust how important it is that Dust gets a CSM rep right away, before it's even launched and they all have to vote for him.

This is much, much more about his Ego than what's best for either community, it's been his sole reason for everything in Dust thus far unfortunately because he's done some quite good stuff in the beta community wise but every time he did something good he did 5-6 things terrible.

The thread about him going for CSM on the beta forums is pure gold and can be found right here: Even the Dust community thinks he's terrible.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#30 - 2013-01-24 22:44:46 UTC
Cerebral Wolf wrote:
The thread about him going for CSM on the beta forums is pure gold and can be found right here: Even the Dust community thinks he's terrible.

Thank you for that link. I especially liked this response:

xprotoman23 wrote:
Zion Shad wrote:
Well the day is here and I have announced that I’m running for CSM8 in hopes DUST 514 has at least one representative on the counsel this year. I am asking for the support of every merc in this community to back me in my decision and make sure we have enough votes to get one of our own through.

Please take the time to log on your EVE Account (if you happen to have one) and place a “LIKE” along with your support for DUST on my thread found here

Thank you for your time and support


Nobody is going to vote for you dirt bag Evil
Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#31 - 2013-01-24 22:52:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Cerebral Wolf
The best bit is, i've not even had to play any of the cards i have up my sleeve yet. I knew he was planning this and how terrible an idea it was but because the community's taken such a dislike to him and his antics recently i've not had to dish any real dirt yet, i can save that just in case this does by some god forsaken miracle gain some type of traction.

You should check out the link i posted in my first post about the BURN NEW EDEN thing. A couple of months ago Zion was 100% sure he could turn the entire Dust community against EVE and move the balance of power from EVE, to Dust even though Dust is designed to be reliant on EVE and play the part of EVE ISK sink.

If you check his corp history you'll see he's been around EVE for awhile but never actually really played the game till recently, what's interesting though is that all his Corps in EVE/DUST and his alliances are named after himself.. that's quite the ego.
Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#32 - 2013-01-24 23:01:54 UTC
Oops, he just got banned on the Dust forums too for posting private communications between CCP staff and himself.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#33 - 2013-01-24 23:02:34 UTC
Ahahahah will this never end?
Cerebral Wolf
N.A.G.A Too
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#34 - 2013-01-24 23:27:08 UTC
Safe to assume this attempt at election is now over i think. Back to trolling the Dust forums i go as it's now going to be free of Zions terrible posting.
#35 - 2013-01-24 23:59:03 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
No ASCII art, please. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Part of Beta testing is pointing out the exploits. The FW system really needs to be fix. This isn’t anything along the lines of the Goon exploit. Cerebral wolf has it all wrong to be honest and it’s just a smear.

From Han's Jagerblitzen's Alt

Though I haven't had the time (but will this weekend) to try out Dust on Tranquility, already the community is out problem-solving and brainstorming and coming alight with insight about the direction this grand experiment needs to head, and I'm proud. I'm well aware of the issue with no one showing up for a defense contract meaning the district doesnt switch hands, and as I discussed, the lack of money transfer** or ability for my EVE Alliance to control / pay for your contracts means that Hans has no ability to influence your game. And Hans really really wants to.*** Especially since you can influence his. Zion Shad nailed it – functionally, to an EVE capsuleer, the sum of all Dust 514 merc battles (as a whole) could be replaced by a dice-rolling mechanic (but it still impacts our sovereignty), it really is that randomized in the absence of capsuleer intervention. I was quite clear with CCP at the summit that gambling is not a sustainable model to build the FW game around. We need to get our grubby paws in much deeper.

I will have a full Write up on about the system within a week or two.

Here is the first part of it now  Co-Host "Podside" Podcast on iTunes DUST 514 Beta Tester  

State War Academy
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-01-25 00:42:35 UTC
Here's something that's not a smear, then.

The tie in between EVE and DUST is such that DUST impacts EVE, and very little the other way around. In the eyes of many EVE players (full disclosure: that includes myself) that makes someone's credentials or lack thereof in DUST irrelevant, because as far as DUST is concerned, the tie in is largely a "reason to fight". The metagame aspects may be of interest to you ground-pounders, but outside that, at the end of the day the only difference between (for example) a battle over a planet in FW space and a far off future where maybe mercs help take stations is the scenery.

As a result, many people have been arguing about whether DUST should have representation at all. But that's the wrong argument, frankly. The right argument to be having is whether about any notional DUST representative's qualifications, because 99% of the time they'll be concerned with eve, and a good majority of the time related to DUST will be on how EVE is impacted by DUST. And that's an argument that you play a very big role in, and should care about very much, because it's the EVE players who will or will not elect you. And we EVE players? Most of us don't give a damn about DUST.

So. Convince me - or rather, as I'll be casting every last vote I have for myself, convince everyone else - that you actually play EVE, that you know a thing or two. And do a good job, because that "Tom JBrokaw" alt up there is right - you've laid claim to knowing something about everything in the game, but Cerebral Wolf is equally right. You may have had an EVE character since 2007, but there's little in your corp history (or other things I've looked at) to suggest that you have actually played the game the way you claim.

In short, your EVE credentials are what matter here. Time to put up or shut up.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Primus Fortune
Legion Ascending
#37 - 2013-01-25 01:09:48 UTC
I understand that a lot of eve players think dust should not or does not need a seat on csm. I disagree.

Also I don't see what harm one dust/eve candidate can do. It would be no worse than a inactive or joke candidate. Which has plagued past CSM's.

Just saying.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#38 - 2013-01-25 01:53:31 UTC
Primus Fortune wrote:
I understand that a lot of eve players think dust should not or does not need a seat on csm. I disagree.

Also I don't see what harm one dust/eve candidate can do. It would be no worse than a inactive or joke candidate. Which has plagued past CSM's.

Just saying.

Thank you for your input, even though you clearly misunderstood my point. I am not saying that there should not be a representative with DUST experience. I am saying that any representative with DUST experience also needs to be knowledgable about EVE, so that they'll be useful. The fact that there have been useless representatives in the past is not a good excuse to have a DUST representative who knows nothing about EVE and so is mostly useless. If Zion wants to get himself elected, he needs to convince us that, evidence to the contrary, he actually is the knowledgable EVE player he's trying to sell himself as.

I await a response from Zion himself.

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Frying Doom
#39 - 2013-01-25 02:48:22 UTC
Welcome to politics, EvE styleSmile

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#40 - 2013-01-25 04:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
ZionShad wrote:
From Han's Jagerblitzen's Alt

Though I haven't had the time (but will this weekend) to try out Dust on Tranquility, already the community is out problem-solving and brainstorming and coming alight with insight about the direction this grand experiment needs to head, and I'm proud. I'm well aware of the issue with no one showing up for a defense contract meaning the district doesnt switch hands, and as I discussed, the lack of money transfer** or ability for my EVE Alliance to control / pay for your contracts means that Hans has no ability to influence your game. And Hans really really wants to.*** Especially since you can influence his. Zion Shad nailed it – functionally, to an EVE capsuleer, the sum of all Dust 514 merc battles (as a whole) could be replaced by a dice-rolling mechanic (but it still impacts our sovereignty), it really is that randomized in the absence of capsuleer intervention. I was quite clear with CCP at the summit that gambling is not a sustainable model to build the FW game around. We need to get our grubby paws in much deeper.

So Two step was the Nice Secretary, and helped you with some clerical tips for your campaign. But now I must be the Vice Secretary, and help you with some things you need to know about the rough-and-tumble side of EVE Politics.

Rule #1.) Don't break Forum Rules. You just trampled all over number 3 - Posting images and ASCII art on the forums is prohibited with the following exceptions: (and no, you did not qualify for one of the exceptions.) Breaking forum rules is akin to spreading your legs wide and inviting someone to kick your campaign in the nuts with a steel-toed boot. Posting private communications in public forums is akin to handing them a baseball bat to do the honors instead. Its essentially broadcasting either a lack of knowledge or lack of respect for protocol, instantly giving your enemies a chance to severely question whether you can be professional enough to last an entire term without violating rules that will cause you to be stripped of the privilege.

Rule #2.) Non-consensual endorsements, implied or otherwise, are a no-no. Granted, you weren't being SO crass as to declare my comment an endorsement of your campaign, but your emphasis in the quotation paired with a link to your article suggests that I am giving you credit for this description of the mechanic, as supposed to saying I simply share the same perspective. Your enemies will be smart enough to pick up on this right away (just as they did when you took credit for a feature implementation by not clarifying that many people had shared that idea with CCP)*. Its incredibly tempting to try to look your best during election season, but you'll want to avoid these traps.

Rule #3.) If someone asks to see the length of your ****, unzip and show them your ****. In the course of running for CSM, you'll be asked for your real name, you'll have to give it. You'll be asked for a passport, you'll have to give it. You'll be asked questions about embarrassing past mistakes, you'll need to answer them to their satisfaction. Mynnna here is asking politely for your EVE credentials, which you'll need to give in order elected to the CSM. You cannot afford to be shy, or to hesitate on any of these common inquiries. The lazer-mounted chainsaw wielding barracudas-on-crack that swim these waters will test you to the limit. And you must smite each of them down with wit, charm, and fistfuls of unadulterated truth if you hope to make it in the top 14. Pirate

I like you, Zion. You're enthusiastic, and I truly believe you have the community's best intentions at heart.** But its game time, my friend, time to step it up or step aside. Best of luck to you. o7

*One CSM8 candidate in particular is a master at this sort of political play, but he is so good that most people don't ever notice it when it occurs. There's no need for me to elaborate right now however, I'll save that for another post. ;-)

**Yes, this comment is indeed a test. Don't let me down.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary