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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
Vespa Milz
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#1601 - 2013-01-18 00:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Vespa Milz
Since normal carriers are virtually only used for ratting now thanks to Sentry drones, I propse modules and rigs to add speed/damage/hp/tracking bonuses to fighters much like the ones for regular drones. No one uses fighters anymore.

Also, some kind of Tachyon probe to detect afk cloakers. The way it would work is the longer a cloaked ship sits still, its tachyon signature starts a very slow rate of course. Meaning you would have to not be moving for at least an hour before you could be probed. The higher the tachyon signature, the easier it will be for probes to get a warpin on you. Similar to probing down complex sites like 10/10s. The only way to prevent an increasing tachyon signature is to be warping around every half an hour or so.
Sir Dragon
Einherjar Yggdrasils
#1602 - 2013-01-18 07:54:48 UTC
Topic: Drones
Subject : Drones function of returning to ship.

Change: Return in anyother way but a straight line (added option to...).

Context: They are very easy to hit; should they fly in a straight line.

Which way should the drone turn?
Up, relative to a line between their home ship and location they are coming from;
It is math, trust me, that vector is clear.

Pantera Home Videos:  ; ; .
True Ace
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1603 - 2013-01-19 19:24:38 UTC
Module Idea: Heat

Tech 3 module
Hi slot
Dont matter what you call but its pretty much a microwave.

The item does very little damge to shields, armor, and hull.
What it does is overheat all active modules. Over time you will leave a ship completely defenseless.
Should come in the standard Small, meduim, large and xl sizes.
Even though it would be a form of ewar it still should work on all cap ship types. (super carriers and titans).

Defense against module. We already have thermopaste. You could add a low slot heatsink as well.

Another thought. once all modules on ship are fried it could trigger the death clock in which the pilot itself is the next thing to die leaving a perfectly intact ship. Low sec would love that.Twisted

Could lead to a new ship type aswell.
Lord Leftfield
#1604 - 2013-01-19 22:06:55 UTC
I have one;

Mobile deployable turrets that need to be anchored. They should have a weak tank and take 5 minutes to anchor. Target range of 50 km, and cannot be anchored closer than 15km from another object. Their damage/tracking could be equal to the same as a small pos gun, and require t1 medium ammo.

Life is just a 420 all the way home :) Please give me more of that chocolate brew!!

Anna Karhunen
#1605 - 2013-01-20 23:24:23 UTC
Not a module, but ship idea since I did not notice any ship idea thread.

Pirate Freighter "Asp"

It looks like Badger from distance, it moves like Badger, it shows up as Badger on the overview and "show info", but unless you use ship scanner, you won't notice that it's actually a pirate vessel. It would have less cargo space, but added drone capacity, weapons and such, allowing it to lure unaware targets close and then finish them.

As my old maths teacher used to say: "Statistics are like bikinis: It's what they don't show that's interesting". -CCP Aporia

Aleksandr Vishnevsky
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1606 - 2013-01-21 03:53:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Aleksandr Vishnevsky
keyword: Heat

Haven't read through all 1600 posts but... I'd really like to see heat-sink modules that could fit in either a low, mid or hi-slot (or all 3?) and that would reduce the heat generated by overheating modules.

I'm thinking, for example, on something like a vaga that has a free hi-slot: I usually fit a small neut but a 'heat-sink" module that could allow me to overheat my guns much longer would be nice.

Globally, overheating seems to need some work; it'd be nice if it was more predictable.
Anstard Armory Inc.
#1607 - 2013-01-21 17:12:17 UTC
Actual Mining Rigs.

Like, Ore Hold Rigs, Mining Laser Yield/Cycle Time/Range Rigs, Foreman rigs, etc.

"I find mining to be an incredibly relaxing thing to do after work. It's like fishing without waking up early. Or cold. But the beer, the beer is the same." - arramdaywalker

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1608 - 2013-01-22 05:17:22 UTC
I didn't even realize there was a dedicated sticky thread for module proposals. GG, me. Oops

Anyone who has flown a mining barge probably knows the pain of spending a full three minute cycle on an asteroid bearing just a fraction of ore. Asteroid scanners are useful tools for avoiding this problem, giving you a precise count of the amount of material remaining in each asteroid. However, it's not easy to translate the remaining ore counts in an asteroid scanner table into an optimal cycle cutoff time.

To solve this problem, I propose adding a new midslot module, the asteroid cycle marker. When activated, this module will mark the moment when an asteroid will be depleted in the current mining cycle. The cycle marker would only work on asteroids being actively harvested, and would not leave a marker if the asteroid will not be depleted within the current activation cycle.

The already run Cycle Marker showing the cutoff point for a pair of Kernite asteroids.

Occupying a mid-slot, players making use of this module would have to choose how to configure their ships to achieve an ideal balance of tank and yield. This should help keep the module balanced.

By providing the ideal moment to deactivate a module, miners everywhere will be able to enjoy increased yields when paying attention to their activities, but simultaneously making themselves more vulnerable to attack; a module to the benefit of everyone, in my book!
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1609 - 2013-01-22 21:12:42 UTC
Update the cloaking device so it requires some form of manual input after a certain (long) time period.

Also, would love an "I WIN" module

_ _

#1610 - 2013-01-24 08:47:51 UTC
A remote repair disruptor

A module that allows you to shield your enemy from receiving remote repair effects, lowering the Effect of remote reps on target by X %
This would provide an alternative to alpha strike forces to overcome enemy logistics and favors local tank.

And yes, changes to cloaking mechanic/device would be great.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1611 - 2013-01-24 11:06:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ribikoka
Cynosural generator jammer. High slot item. When activated on other ship, that can't use cynosural field generator.

Normal cloak disruptor (no effect on recon cloaks). Mid slot item and need Electronic Upgrades skill. Increase the ship decloak ability range with 500 meter/skill lvl (increase the ship main 2500m decloak range to 5000m at lvl5 skill) and decloak normal cloak in range.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1612 - 2013-01-24 16:17:50 UTC

Armor tank FOR BS: Remote Armor hardner,
Shield tank FOR BS: Remote Shield hardner,

This Add a new layer to the what logistics can do, giving the possibility to prevent damage instead of healing the wounds...

Armor tank FOR LOGISTIC BS: Remote Armor Nanolink, by sharing nano-assemblers that constitute the armor in real time, it is possible to have the damage taken by a ship distributed.
Shield tank FOR LOGISTIC BS: Remote shield distributor, By shaping the shield emission it is possible to cover both ships with a single shield sustained by both, making all income damage that would be taken by a ship distributed.
Restrictions: Really short range module. Can only fit 1. Most 2 ships in the pool.

This would be interesting, this would add another layer to the role of logistics.The ships linked this way would share they strong and week points.
- Since the range of the module would be short, it would cap the speed of the group to the slowest.
- As this don't share resistances for the damage calculation, the weaker tank would be target, consuming faster the pool.
- As a ship already damaged gets linked, it would gain an instant buff to the HP, but would drastically lower the HP of the logistic ship.
- Good way to protect smaller ships. (Cover it with a BS shield, but it will not move far....)
- Good way to get protected. (Links to a capital, but if it enters triage/siege, you are at your own, and if it takes a DD...)
- If 1 Tank fail, both will. leaving the 2 linked ships unprotected
- Can make Interesting team combinations, (EA+Logi) (Full dps + Logi) (Logi+Logi)....
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1613 - 2013-01-24 21:36:38 UTC
Chanina wrote:
A remote repair disruptor

A module that allows you to shield your enemy from receiving remote repair effects, lowering the Effect of remote reps on target by X %
This would provide an alternative to alpha strike forces to overcome enemy logistics and favors local tank.

And yes, changes to cloaking mechanic/device would be great.

They are called ECM, SD, Neuts, and alpha volleys. Learn how to use them to combat logistics ships. You would be surprised how little ECCM, and SB are used on logistics. Neuts and alpha simply take coordination and numbers, respectively. Now go and play smart.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Ner Vod Fleet Systems
Goonswarm Federation
#1614 - 2013-01-25 22:33:58 UTC
Two Ideas which people keep asking for...

carriors which can jump full support fleet with it
dreads which can fit powerful capital size smart bombs
Kagan Storm
#1615 - 2013-01-26 04:28:26 UTC
1: Faction warp core stabs that give +2.... If sansha(iadn serpentis and khanid and republic fleat) can have a -3 why cant we have a +2?

2. Improved Drone AI something midslot..... Gives additional drone optios like "always split targets" and anything else that you thinks its extra fun and drones should do but your idea has been killed on account of "drones are stupid" I do agree people ask to much of drones... but seriosuly i think a drone should be able to return to drone bay by itself if it goes into hull....... on a basic account of lag.... Its ok if the drones are to stupid to auto shut down like most laptops today on lov power bar.... but i think hte dudes in Creodrone can make something.... If their product is stupid dosent have to mean the entier develepment department is....

3. Bounty link glink fink....... Why do i in this modern day and age have to visit my locator agent to have him find something for me? Im gonna send him money drought the spaceweb anyways.... so why does he want to se me in person? we like talked 50 times over coms when i was telling him i finished his mission.... that his stuff was delivered and so forth....

4. Not a module... but i want flip flops in AUR store... and it has to say on them "Made in Minmatar" (little political humor here Bear

My ego is the the size of my carriers jump range.

Saul Elsyn
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1616 - 2013-01-26 05:18:43 UTC
Anna Karhunen wrote:
Not a module, but ship idea since I did not notice any ship idea thread.

Pirate Freighter "Asp"

It looks like Badger from distance, it moves like Badger, it shows up as Badger on the overview and "show info", but unless you use ship scanner, you won't notice that it's actually a pirate vessel. It would have less cargo space, but added drone capacity, weapons and such, allowing it to lure unaware targets close and then finish them.

This is what is known as a Q-ship, designs like these were used in World War I and II to act as traps for submarines and fast attack craft. I could see some potential of a ship like that as a counter-piracy platform as well as a pirate ship.

Modules... How about a Hi-Slot Heat Sink or Cooling unit to let us run those guns hot for longer? Nice idea for a 'utility' high slot.
Celestial One
Militant Miners
#1617 - 2013-01-26 19:12:37 UTC
I want a module that hides all the wall of text replies to this thread by nova fox.

A high slot module for repairing drones only out to drone control range would be great seeing as they are expected to tank now days.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1618 - 2013-01-26 20:42:35 UTC
Local jammer
Function like a cyno,
Except: while active local turns into something similar to wormhole space.
Uses fuel 10 mins per cycle, ship can't move shows up o the overview, and Shows up on the Galatic map depending on preferences.
Effects all ship in system.
Making the scout work a bit more of a challenge on the other hand knowing one is being scouted becomes a challage

Help protect active mining ops, on the other hand hampers Afk mining ops in null sec.
Helps hide a size of a flee fro prying eyes, on the other hand prevents a fleet from knowing they may be jumped

It is allowing players to modify the battle field dynamics

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1619 - 2013-01-26 21:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Gevlin
Mining Carrier

Fighter sizes mining drone awesome at mining low value ore, but supper suck ate the more valuable ores so a max skilled carrier can not out perform a hulk when coming to ABCs

Allow ore to directly go into the fleet hang, to make carrier mining practical

This should help increase supply of low ends minerals like trit in null sec, allowing a carrier to hit several low end asteroids at once in a belt, so cycles are not wasted in quickly popping low asteroids in null sec

Also increase the frequency of slow to warp ships in the Asteroidea belts to catch.

Will allow the return of the Epeen Mining mining super carrier ship

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1620 - 2013-01-26 21:32:59 UTC
Module and drone

A bad idea but

And ability for a carrier pilot to fit a ship from his ship maintenance hold with a remote control drone unit module so he can control those ships after being spit out of the ship

Carrier controlling 10 BlackBirds

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships