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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Darth Felin
Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#561 - 2013-01-23 12:27:38 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
On tech1 and on non pimped T2 ships up to certain size, cargohold full of nanite paste will cost several times more than ship + fittings. Are you really certain you'd like that?

It won't be a problem as most ships won't use AAR in current fit anyway. It is still inferior to shield/buffer tanking. I bet that AAR will found its use in plex running as reserve module to help tanking new NPC respawn while you are reducing incoming dps to manageable level.
Amarr Empire
#562 - 2013-01-23 12:29:49 UTC
I like the changes proposed.

Perhaps I can finally start flying some Navy Omen's again rather than SFI's for FW... Now if I could also fit a MWD without the cap penalty I might even be able to use Lasers...
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#563 - 2013-01-23 12:32:18 UTC
Dzajic wrote:
On tech1 and on non pimped T2 ships up to certain size, cargohold full of nanite paste will cost several times more than ship + fittings. Are you really certain you'd like that?

No one is saying that it should consume cans full of the stuff, SAAR could perhaps load 100 and use up 25 per cycle, MAAR loads +50% and LAAR another +50%, at 20k per unit that is 2M per reload for frigs, 3M for cruisers/BCs and 4.5M for BS which is well within reason considering that it is used on a PvP god-tank.

There are loads of numbers to tweak, if it goes south (which is will, because this is Eve Smile), then CCP can manipulate market value by changing the relevant PI numbers
Azn Empire
#564 - 2013-01-23 12:35:59 UTC
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
On tech1 and on non pimped T2 ships up to certain size, cargohold full of nanite paste will cost several times more than ship + fittings. Are you really certain you'd like that?

No one is saying that it should consume cans full of the stuff, SAAR could perhaps load 100 and use up 25 per cycle, MAAR loads +50% and LAAR another +50%, at 20k per unit that is 2M per reload for frigs, 3M for cruisers/BCs and 4.5M for BS which is well within reason considering that it is used on a PvP god-tank.

There are loads of numbers to tweak, if it goes south (which is will, because this is Eve Smile), then CCP can manipulate market value by changing the relevant PI numbers
Not only that, but all ships could have a nanite paste hold. This would limit amounts you're able to carry.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#565 - 2013-01-23 12:37:28 UTC
Darth Felin wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
On tech1 and on non pimped T2 ships up to certain size, cargohold full of nanite paste will cost several times more than ship + fittings. Are you really certain you'd like that?

It won't be a problem as most ships won't use AAR in current fit anyway. It is still inferior to shield/buffer tanking. I bet that AAR will found its use in plex running as reserve module to help tanking new NPC respawn while you are reducing incoming dps to manageable level.

Because being able to tank 500 dps in a sacrilige without sacrificing any mobility isn't good for soloing at all..

The AAR as it is currently proposed (while i dont' really like the whole adding a new module thing) isn't bad. With it you will be able to fit a significant tank on an armor ship and still move fast enough to catch shield kiters. Brutix will be pretty epic.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#566 - 2013-01-23 12:41:31 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Dzajic wrote:
On tech1 and on non pimped T2 ships up to certain size, cargohold full of nanite paste will cost several times more than ship + fittings. Are you really certain you'd like that?

No one is saying that it should consume cans full of the stuff, SAAR could perhaps load 100 and use up 25 per cycle, MAAR loads +50% and LAAR another +50%, at 20k per unit that is 2M per reload for frigs, 3M for cruisers/BCs and 4.5M for BS which is well within reason considering that it is used on a PvP god-tank.

There are loads of numbers to tweak, if it goes south (which is will, because this is Eve Smile), then CCP can manipulate market value by changing the relevant PI numbers
Not only that, but all ships could have a nanite paste hold. This would limit amounts you're able to carry.

I like inherent evil-ness of that plan .. have the AAR fuel cut into generic after-math module repair .. more choices/sacrifices \o/
The Dead Rabbit Society
#567 - 2013-01-23 12:45:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Moonaura
So, time to rattle the cage.

The common theme in this thread is that some how 'Armor tanking' sucks. Given the agility, speed and signature bonuses incoming, that is one problem often stated, but this is being reduced dramatically in these changes and armor still has a much reduced signature and the mid slots to be able to do something about being slower.

There is this perception that active Armor tanking is inferior to shield tanking in terms of raw numbers, and that simply isn't true. There 'is' an issue of scalability, where I think shield tanking wins the more ISK you spend on it, but most players will never get that far or risk that much, certainly not solo.

And still - shield tanking takes a big big hit in the midslots, reducing functionality that benefits solo armor players, that shield fits simply can't manage.

One of the best ships in the game for Shield Tanking, is the Rokh. Many consider it to be a demon.

But lets compare it to the Hyperion.

A well fit tripple rep Hyperion - with a +3 pwg implant to fit, reaches 1332 peak hp a second tank. Its capacitor, and this fit can fit two cap boosters in the mid slots, can run technically for 41 minutes cap stable. Now naturally this doesn't happen because of the cargo hold limitations - but the Hyperion has a larger cargo hold than the Rokh to compensate. Overall it will run its tank for far longer, and has the option of not using all three repairs all the time.

The Hyperion has the ability to fit propulsion mods, including the new Micro Jump, a Web, and a Point.

The Rokh cannot do that. There is only room for one point - no propulsion or web.

Here are the Rokh's numbers:

Peak HP tank is 965.

Its capacitor lasts a whole 2 minute 16 seconds.

Heck, if anything I could argue that if anything, shield boosters should have a capacitor usage reduction. The Rokh has a smaller cargo hold to boot.

Now, you can't argue with the numbers here, the Hyperion can tank 400 more dps before any sort of drug boosters.

Now, the Rokh pilot can start getting fancy. Lets say we decide to spend half a billion isk on the low-grade crystal implants.

You'd think this would help, and it does, and it something the Hyperion pilot can't do.

This take the numbers to 1272 on the Rokh tank. Still not as good. We just spent 500m and its still no where near as good.

The Rokh can overload better, and for longer, but this takes the tank up to 1800 hp a second for around one to two minutes depending how lucky you are.

The Hyperion can overload as well, and reach 1656 hp a second. Not bad, but for a little less time.

But consider it has more capacitor potential, it will certainly have better odds on the field. The DPS is less on the Hyperion, and that is also a factor. The Rokh can reach further, but can't hit anything like as well without the web module fighting against smaller ships.

Overall, I would say, there is a balance here. And while this is a specific example, you can look at many fits from the Incursus, Thorax and Myrmiddon, and draw a similar set of results.

With the agility, mass and rig changes, Armor pilots can not really complain now. There are far more fitting options and choices compared to Shield pilots, with several different module choices, without the real pain of losing midslots, that makes for some hard choices when using Caldari and Minmitar ships.

If you want further proof that being Armor isn't all that bad, Armor doesn't have a Dread Guristas faction invul that costs 440m ISK to buy. Armor has seven faction module suppliers, reducing prices on faction modules by massive margins. Shield tanking faction suppliers - only has three - and one of those is typically worse than T2 and just there for fitting.

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Freighdee Katt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#568 - 2013-01-23 12:55:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Freighdee Katt
You know, the current UI has a full however many degrees unused for "tabs" on each module. It would make sense to add a blue tab, 180 degrees opposite from the current green heat tab, that means "burn charges." This blue tab would not apply to things like guns that only work when charged, but it would function on modules like the ASB and AAR. So you can run the module in "normal" or "empty" mode as long as the blue tab is not lit, and it will only burn the loaded charges (for the burst effect), if you have the blue tab lit. People would probably never run an ASB with the blue tab not lit, but they might want to keep the AAR loaded and ready, and run it with the blue tab off much of the time. This avoids the problem that, as it stands now, the AAR can only really be used as a normal repper when it is empty, which completely defeats the way you have designed it.

EDIT: Actually I'm not sure now if the thing even runs while it's reloading, which means you might only be able to use it as a gimp normal rep when it's dead empty; and if that's the case then it's just plain broken, because it would take 60 seconds to load charges when you need the burst rep out of it, which is pretty much bass ackwards from how burst rep is ever needed. So in order for it to work at all sensibly, it needs to both run in normal mode while reloading AND give you a tab to turn the burst rep on at will, leaving you free to run it in gimp mode while it's loaded (and not burning the loaded charges) most of the time.

EvE is supposed to suck.  Wait . . . what was the question?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#569 - 2013-01-23 12:57:05 UTC
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.


Allow me to simply and plainly ask you this question:

Do you, yourself, on ANY of your toons, consistently or with any frequency actually fly any active armor tanked ships?

If answer is no, you have just show in that alone that you are one of the reasons that armor tanking needs a buff.

Next, please link the fits that you gave us these numbers with, as spewing numbers is something anyone can do.
Either way, that argument will be moot.

The point is, I fly active armor with a large number of ships, with and without implants or boosts. I fly them with great frequency as well.
I do it so often I invested 4billion isk into a single hull for active armor tanking!
I can tell you, these buffs are in a ******* dire ass need, and much more is needed to bring active armor tanking on par with shields.

Try comparing a Hyperion to a Maelstrom. Honestly, go ahead.
A rack of Electrons on a Hyper is probably the most crippling thing you can do to a battleship. It's like cutting the legs off a kitten.

You sir, are delusioned. Fly the ships, in EvE, in real time, against real opponents.
Then come back here, I'll have a tissue box for just you when you get back.
Ironman Inc.
#570 - 2013-01-23 13:04:50 UTC
Freighdee Katt wrote:


As many will probably point out the issue is not that much in hp/s but rather in fitting requirements . Having to fit electron blasters on gallente is what kills active armor tank.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#571 - 2013-01-23 13:05:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.

If you honestly think that armor tanking is on par with shield tanking then you have not assessed the situation correctly.
The Dead Rabbit Society
#572 - 2013-01-23 13:08:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Moonaura
NetheranE wrote:
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.


Allow me to simply and plainly ask you this question:

Do you, yourself, on ANY of your toons, consistently or with any frequency actually fly any active armor tanked ships? - You will need to copy and paste this to make it work.

I can fly Armor and Shield. At the moment we are focusing on Shields in my corporation and plan to use some fun stuff based around the Rokh. One of the key challenges we've had is getting a gang to work because of the lack of midslots on the Rokh.

I flew armor for a long time with Moonaura and an alt when I was in Rooks and Kings, typically in the guardian on an alt, sometimes the Legion or Typhoon with Moonaura.

And take a peak at how well the Hyperion tanks and fights here. The numbers I have given are from this excellent fit by are34, who is a top pilot with skills on show here:

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

chris elliot
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#573 - 2013-01-23 13:13:41 UTC
Hey Fozzie, call me a prick man, but it seems like you are putting an awful lot of work and thought into something that really isn't going to do all the much to the landscape of pvp once its out there, except maybe give old bittervets something new to train.

Resists and buffer tanking with remote reps are still going to be the name of the game when it comes to armor. None of these mods, bonus's or skills show any sign of being any sort of improvement over the status quo, which is, fit oversized ASB, receive killmails. Or just fit shield buffer and nano out the lows all day long.

I know you are catching a lot of flack on here for trying to make things better for the poor armor tankers but it really does seem from all your updates that these modules are not going to be worth much of anything because they offer no visible improvement over what already exists.

Giving out lots of resist bonus's to every race but gallente, and then socking the gallente with an admittedly measly rep bonus is kinda sad to see as well to be honest. Add in that its possible to fit over sized shield mods and not be able to do that with armor mods and you really have begun to make a recipe for a pretty profound nerf of the gallente race again.

Vapour Holdings
#574 - 2013-01-23 13:14:48 UTC
Since when does training for Armour tanking require more SP than Shield tanking? Last time I checked, Shield tanking was a full rank 1 skill, plus Tactical Shield Manipulation IV (rank 4, 181,020 SP) more than armour tanking... and that's if you pretend like you never need a Damage Control II to shield tank (Hint: you do) which adds another rank 2 skill to IV (90,510 SP).

Realistically though, you should be able to do both.

These changes seem like they'll be very nice for armour tanks. Don't make them too over the top, or we'll be back to how things were when I started back in 2009... armour tank or GTFO. And for the record, I mostly fly armour, so any buffs they get will make me stronger.
The Dead Rabbit Society
#575 - 2013-01-23 13:14:53 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.

If you honestly think that armor tanking is on par with shield tanking then you have not assessed the situation correctly.

Cage rattled then. Good. Cool

I think Armor needed to be faster, more agile. It's got that and more to boot with these changes. I have already said thats good news. What shield tanking gets, it loses in mid slots. Functionality cannot be ignored, and having more mid slots opens up a lot of options for armor tankers.

"The game is mostly played by men - 97%. But 40% of them play as women... so thats fine."  - CCP t0rfifrans 

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#576 - 2013-01-23 13:18:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
Moonaura wrote:
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.

If you honestly think that armor tanking is on par with shield tanking then you have not assessed the situation correctly.

Cage rattled then. Good. Cool

I think Armor needed to be faster, more agile. It's got that and more to boot with these changes. I have already said thats good news. What shield tanking gets, it loses in mid slots. Functionality cannot be ignored, and having more mid slots opens up a lot of options for armor tankers.

Please, entertain us with the fits that you referenced earlier on. I want to see your triple rep Hyperion and Rokh fit.

I might also note that you're sidestepping the real issue by citing battleships: oversized shield tanking mods.
Guardians of the Dodixie
#577 - 2013-01-23 13:22:54 UTC  |  Edited by: TehCloud
Moonaura wrote:
TehCloud wrote:
Commander Ted wrote:
Nanite paste instead of cap boosters for the AAR please? I mean on a douple rep myrm having two modules eating cap boosters is bad enough, but for a triple rep its crazy. Escecially if I end up using two different sized boosters for each module that could be terrible to manage. Also nanite paste makes more sense for this job.

This, a thousand times this.

You cannot have three AAR fitted... only one. As mentioned, Cargo Holds are increasing in size.

You have 1 or 2 Normal Reps + AAR fitted.

You need Cap Boosters to have your reps running plus additional cap boosters to have the AAR running, that's just plain ********. Different sized Cap Boosters & huge need for Cap will make you run out of cap really really soon.

Making the AAR run with Nanite Repair Paste would make it still an expensive thing to do but at least it wouldn't cripple you completely.

Edit: Also why make the rigs increase PG need? Electron Blasters are horrible.

My Condor costs less than that module!

Zyella Stormborn
Green Seekers
#578 - 2013-01-23 13:23:39 UTC
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.

The common theme in this thread is that some how 'Armor tanking' sucks. Given the agility, speed and signature bonuses incoming, that is one problem often stated, but this is being reduced dramatically in these changes and armor still has a much reduced signature and the mid slots to be able to do something about being slower.

Most of the Amarr engineering groups, who seem to have a pathological fear of mid slots, would like a word with you concerning a great number of their ships. Blink

There is a special Hell for people like that, Right next to child molestors, and people that talk in the theater. ~Firefly

Darth Felin
Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#579 - 2013-01-23 13:31:16 UTC
Fozzie, you did a great job on AAR. Maybe it is more logical to use nanite paste instead of cap booster, maybe it is better if it will consume charges only in overheating mode instead of heat generation but those are minor tweaks. Rig changes are good to even if inconsistent with bonuses for other rigs. Maybe it is better to have separate pass on rig balancing for all rigs at once?

But there is a problem. AAR is interesting module and it have its strong and weak sides if we will compare it to usual AR but the problem is that AAR is more or less on same "power level" as usual AR and it will be its doom. It is not worth usually to active armor tank and new module won't change anything. You need to boost to armor active tanking as a whole, especially MAR and LAR are lacking. They have crazy PG requirements now. You need 4 times more PG to install single meta 4 LAR than meta 4 1600 Armor plate and it takes 5+ cycles of rep just to catch in hp.
Nova Satar
Pator Tech School
#580 - 2013-01-23 13:31:22 UTC
Moonaura wrote:
So, time to rattle the cage.

One of the best ships in the game for Shield Tanking, is the Rokh. Many consider it to be a demon.

But lets compare it to the Hyperion.

A well fit tripple rep Hyperion - with a +3 pwg implant to fit, reaches 1332 peak hp a second tank. Its capacitor, and this fit can fit two cap boosters in the mid slots, can run technically for 41 minutes cap stable. Now naturally this doesn't happen because of the cargo hold limitations - but the Hyperion has a larger cargo hold than the Rokh to compensate. Overall it will run its tank for far longer, and has the option of not using all three repairs all the time


Had to cut your post out a bit as it was too huge for a quote :)

Yes, this is true, but the point to consider is it is requiring THREE very heavy fitting based modules to make this happen. There's a trade off ofcourse, as the Rokh needs to drop something to fit a scrambler but the trade off is far from balanced. Which is why i agree in theory with the AAR using up one slot to finally allows for more variation in fits.

The part i don;t agree with though is the short but sharp burst system it's going to use. Crazy tanking for short periods of time. If the Rokhs tank was all used up in 40 seconds, it wouldnt be used, you'd just use a buffer mega instead. The AAR changes need to make sure the same doesnt apply to Myrms/New Brutix/Hype