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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

First post First post
#161 - 2013-01-21 21:31:30 UTC
The important question: what metrics do you intend to use to determine if this balance pass is successful? Is it going to be completely arbitrary, or are you going to actually look at real numbers? If this balance is demonstrably enemic, or breaks something, what do you intend to do to fix it?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#162 - 2013-01-21 21:40:12 UTC
Rig changes sound good

Plate changes sound good, nice touch with the extra mass reduction on the smaller for ship class plates.

I do not object to new skills but this plus the resistance shifting skill for the RAH seem a lot over the skill requirements for Shield tanking.

Ancillary Armor Repairer.

Could be overpowered, will be the must fit module for PVP just like ASB’s. I do like how you have decoupled this change from the existing reppers leaving them intact for normal use.

Incursus Change

My concern is how this affects the Gallente niche of active armour tanking, there are threads every other day regarding the resistance versus rep amount bonuses, the rep bonuses needs to be 10% for it to maintain a clear advantage over the resistance bonused ships given the other advantages they have, it also nerfs the ship with standard reppers (should still be an option). Have you considered adjusting the AAR rep amount down a touch and giving all Gallente Active Rep Ships a 10% bonus?
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2013-01-21 21:42:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
double post. see below for complete post.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#164 - 2013-01-21 21:44:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Like the idea on the rigs - could give some interesting new dynamics to smaller gang warfare.

Also like the idea of tweaking the sub-1600mm plates to make them more relevant in a different way to the 1600mm plate, especially giving the 800mm plate a new lease of life could inject some fresh gameplay directions.

However not a fan of the skill to reduce the mass penalty - seems like "yet another skill to train up". Personally I'd say that bonus would be better off moved to a per level in ship skill role bonuses on specific ships i.e. the deimos is prettty much crying out for it and a sub-system on the legion with it probably wouldn't go amiss either.

Seems like some good ideas overall for breaking the tired old patterns armor warfare has become.
Atomic Heroes
#165 - 2013-01-21 21:45:17 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

Ancillary Armor Repairer
  • Not the same mechanic as the ASB, please read to the end.
  • Always uses the same cap as a normal (T1/T2/Named) Armor Repper
  • When not loaded with a cap booster, has 3/4 the rep amount as a T1 Armor Repairer
  • Loaded cap boosters triple rep amount (so reps 2.25x a T1 repairer when loaded)
  • Same cycle time and fittings as T1 reps
  • Same capacity, charge restrictions and reload time as an ASB, but the longer cycle time of armor reps means it goes longer between reloads
  • Limited to one per ship

  • A little clarification about the cap usage of the AAR would be helpful please. You say the AAR uses the same cap as a normal armor repper.

    1. Is this affected by anything that lowers cap usage on normal reppers, like the warfare link?

    2. At base stats a small t1 rep uses 40cap, will a cap 50 be completely consumed by the AAR? If so this is 80% efficient.
    At base stats a medium t1 rep uses 160 cap, will a cap 200 be completely consumed by the AAR? If so this is 80% efficient.
    At base stats a large t1 rep uses 400 cap. This is 100% efficient.

    3. If the answer to 1. was yes, then using the warfare link makes the AAR even less efficient in all cases.

    4. When not loaded the ASB reps normally but uses the ship's own cap - why does the AAR suffer a reduced amount of rep once it begins to draw on the ship's cap?

    5. The large t1 ASB reps 2.17x the amount of a large t1 shield booster whilst the AAR reps 2.25x it's standard equivalent. The additional rep is too small to justify penalties that the ASB doesn't get, especially given it is pre-penalised by the one per ship limit.

    Otherwise, I'm a supporter of new skills where they make sense and add more diversity. Older chars like Nik run out of things they want to train and it leads to a sense of being directionless. I think the rig penalty changes were good and will certainly help the active armour tanking fits, though the yawning hole underneath armour buffer fits and the issues with an active local-rep-only bonus still remains. Generally this seems innovative and I welcome it but more needs to be done before active tanking will be in a good place for all ships versus the resist tanking alternatives.
    Garviel Tarrant
    Beyond Divinity Inc
    Shadow Cartel
    #166 - 2013-01-21 21:45:19 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    I updated the OP with something that is connected but that I forgot to put in at first since it isn't a main part of the changes.

    At the same time as these changes we'd be reducing the Incrusus rep bonus to 7.5% to keep things sane.

    Can't you just keep it the same and skip having a small AAR? =<

    BYDI recruitment closed-ish

    Jojo Jackson
    Dead Red Eye
    #167 - 2013-01-21 21:45:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jojo Jackson
    Does not fix the main problems of balance between Shield and Armor tanking.

    It's a big difference, if the boost comes when I need it (ak "need shield NOW!!!") or several seconds later (ak "fuuuu, 0.0001 and my rep had save me :( ").

    It's a big difference, if you can just fit oversiced equip (L-booster @Cruiser/BC and XL-booster @BS) or barly fit intended reps (CPU+PG use is simply not balanced between booster and reps).
    Best excample is:
    Hurrican+med boost (59 shield/s) v Harbinger+med rep (53 armor/s)
    But who fits a MED booster @BCs? IF you fit an active tank then you use Large Booster and get 100 shield/s.
    Ever tryed to fit a Large Repair @Harbinger? It would give you 105 armor/s which is compareble to Large Boosters. It WOULD ... if your power grid wouldn't explode (2300/1875) while trying to fit it :(.

    And finaly on top of all boosters you gain this nice little auto-recharg for shields which can be allready more HP/s then armor repairs do.

    List to fix balance:
    - adjust CPU + PG need to be similar
    - adjust activation time of armor repairs (11.25 seconds for L-rep is a joke compared to 4 sec for L-booster. You are dead befor the rep hits!)

    Difference and alternatives are cool. But sometimes for the love a balance equality is better!

    PS: totaly forgot the Shield Boost Amplifier .... can't find Armor Boost Amplifier :( Please show me where I find them.

    Why the hell can't I fitt capital repairs or shield booster on an Orca ... it's an CAPITAL ship!

    Jorma Morkkis
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #168 - 2013-01-21 21:56:57 UTC
    Looks interesting.

    And just when I thought I was done with tanking skills... oh well.
    Grath Telkin
    Goonswarm Federation
    #169 - 2013-01-21 21:58:44 UTC
    Good changes, 90% of the people in this thread are overlooking obvious answers (and are from my frickin alliance no less).

    Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

    Edward Pierce
    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #170 - 2013-01-21 22:01:36 UTC
    It will be interesting to see a rep/sec comparison between a hull with a 7.5% repair bonus and a hull with a 5% resistance bonus.

    Not sure the repair amount hull bonus is helpful enough even after these changes to active armor tanking. Please don't give both Gallente BCs a marginally useful bonus.
    Liang Nuren
    No Salvation
    Divine Damnation
    #171 - 2013-01-21 22:04:53 UTC
    Edward Pierce wrote:
    It will be interesting to see a rep/sec comparison between a hull with a 7.5% repair bonus and a hull with a 5% resistance bonus.

    Not sure the repair amount hull bonus is helpful enough even after these changes to active armor tanking. Please don't give both Gallente BCs a marginally useful bonus.

    5% resist bonus: 1 / (1-(0.05*5)) = 4/3 = 1.33333. This applies to local repair, EHP, and incoming remote repair.
    7.5% rep bonus: 1 + (.075*5) = 1.375. This applies to only local repair.

    This should remain true for all of the changes in question.


    I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

    Grath Telkin
    Goonswarm Federation
    #172 - 2013-01-21 22:05:08 UTC
    Edward Pierce wrote:

    Not sure the repair amount hull bonus is helpful enough

    On a non bonused hull, 1 AAR and 1 normal rep will give you more reps than a 3x rep set up. Thats non bonused, AND, it'll free up about 15pg that the 3rd rep was eating.

    Considering that a bonused hull will massively outrep a non bonused hull, AND that the newly redone gallent hulls are all agile as hell, AND wont be slowed by their armor parts now, I'd say that they're going to be an absolute terror to deal with .

    Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

    Takeshi Yamato
    Ministry of War
    Amarr Empire
    #173 - 2013-01-21 22:06:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
    Some numbers to help us understand what the changes mean for active armor tanking.

    A Prophecy outfitted with:

    1x Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer
    2x EANM II
    1x DCU II

    1x Aux. Nano Pump I
    1x Nanobot Accelerator
    1x Nanobot Overcharger I

    An overloaded AAR with charges nets us a 550 dps tank which is very respectable. If we go with a dual rep setup, 2x medium armor repairer II nets us a 651 dps tank with half the overload time.

    The Nanobot Overcharger is key here as overloading boost repair/sec by +71%.

    What happens if we put 3x nanobot overchargers in there? Assuming the stacking penalties are the same as for all other modules (1x first, 0.86x second, 0.57x third) we're looking at overload boosting repair/sec by +171%. This would result in 646 dps tanked with the AAR setup.

    Three nanobot overchargers plus overload also reduces the cycle time to less than half its original value. For the medium AAR this would be 4.45 seconds.
    Zansha Expansion
    #174 - 2013-01-21 22:12:55 UTC
    Takeshi Yamato wrote:
    Some numbers to help us understand what the changes mean for active armor tanking.

    A Prophecy outfitted with:

    1x Medium Ancillary Armor Repairer
    2x EANM II
    1x DCU II

    1x Aux. Nano Pump I
    1x Nanobot Accelerator
    1x Nanobot Overcharger I

    An overloaded AAR with charges nets us a 550 dps tank which is very respectable. If we go with a dual rep setup, 2x medium armor repairer II nets us a 651 dps tank with half the overload time.

    The Nanobot Overcharger is key here as overloading boost repair/sec by +71%.

    What happens if we put 3x nanobot overchargers in there? Assuming the stacking penalties are the same as for all other modules (1x first, 0.86x second, 0.57x third) we're looking at overload boosting repair/sec by +171%. This would result in 646 dps tanked with the AAR setup.

    Please, there is never ever a reason NOT to take drugs. I usually am lucky and never get any of the sideeffects anyway using exiles.
    Thing is, you need to burn the reps to as soon as you are commited while you can turn on heat on shield booster somewhat later if you need it.
    It's unsually much better to burn an invuln, because it lasts longer when you burn it then any rep.

    Eve Minions is recruiting.

    This is the law of ship progression!

    Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

    Iris Bravemount
    Golden Grinding Gears
    #175 - 2013-01-21 22:13:04 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    IamBeastx wrote:

    how come you avoid talking about scaleability of active armor rep bonus and how its useless in fleet warfare?

    its an easy fix just make the skill affect external incomming armor RR!

    presto now the bonus is usefull for anything larger then 5 ships!

    And also super overpowered.

    Please elaborate on this. The thread linked in my signature contains a comprehensive debate on the disparity mentioned by IamBeastx. I started this thread the first time the dev blogs mentionned fixing active tanking, asking for community input. Yet, no dev feedback was given so far.

    It would not be overpowered, it would just make active bonused ships usable in fleets without ignoring a bonus (thus leading to using another ship, with either a second weapons bonus or a resist bonus instead of the contextually useless active bonus). If you are thinking about Marauders in tournament matches, that's an extreme edge case and should be adressed separately if at all.

    Without a fix for that disparity, active bonused ships (armor or shield, same issue) will always be at a disadvantage in any and all situation involving RR. With the new logi t1 frigs and cruisers, there are more and more situations involving RR. Please save the active bonused ships from becoming gimmicks.

    I am really disappointed by the proposed changes. The mass reduction is all nice (still won't make a difference against a shield kiter, but it's a start), but the PWG penalty on active fits will further nerf the dps (gunsize) of armor tanked ships, already carrying less damage mods and fitting smaller guns than shield fits in general. I think that a reduction of the speed penalty on all armor rigs (not just the active rigs) would be a better approach.

    The incursus nerf means the following to me: You are reading "the incursus works" as "armor repping just needs more repping amount". It works because it can fit decent dps alongside decent tank, while maintaining decent speed. The proposed changes will ruin it.

    Furthermore, you agree that neut immune active tanking is OP, yet you refuse to:
    1 - Do something about the ASB's neut immunity
    2 - Restrict ASBs to one module per ship.

    Instead you inflict both required nerfs on the armor tanks.

    You are really not making it easy for people to like your ideas this time Fozzie. Straight

    "I will not hesitate when the test of Faith finds me, for only the strongest conviction will open the gates of paradise. My Faith in you is absolute; my sword is Yours, My God, and Your will guides me now and for all eternity." - Paladin's Creed

    ghost st
    Sua Sponte
    #176 - 2013-01-21 22:17:53 UTC  |  Edited by: ghost st
    I think that the speed penalties for armor tanking are much more potent than the signature radius penalties for shield tanking.

    I mean if you look at turret tracking, speed (well Transvaal) is much more important than signature radius. You can have a high sig radius but be relatively unaffected if you can still move. But if you cant move, even a ludicrously small sig radius wont help you.

    Giving armored ships more speed is making armor more like shields imo, but really doesn't make up for the discrepancy.

    My solution would be to make signature radius play a bigger part in calculating hits and damage.

    If not that how about a module that reduces shield recharge/hit points in exchange for a smaller sig radius.
    Iam Widdershins
    Project Nemesis
    #177 - 2013-01-21 22:19:08 UTC
    I approve of these excellent changes wholeheartedly. Raivi, you are a gentleman and a scholar. May you have many strong children.

    Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

    Gallente Federation
    #178 - 2013-01-21 22:40:50 UTC  |  Edited by: fukier
    Garviel Tarrant wrote:
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    I updated the OP with something that is connected but that I forgot to put in at first since it isn't a main part of the changes.

    At the same time as these changes we'd be reducing the Incrusus rep bonus to 7.5% to keep things sane.

    Can't you just keep it the same and skip having a small AAR? =<

    see this is why the aar is a bad idea... you did not need much to make armor reps better (the fact that the incursus looses its new role is proof of this)

    all that was needed was fitting for amor reps to be looked at (just reduce the PG for regular reps)

    the disparity between active tank bonus and resistance bonus (i.e active tank bonus does not count to incoming RR... i can see if you added rig bonus and pills and boosters how this could seem op... but if you just made it ship bonus only it would be balanced)

    but instead of fixing the mods and ship bonus we are getting an aar and a new rig bonus that makes already heavy pg mods even heavier...

    i am going to quote blazing saddles when it comes to AAR
    At the end of the game both the pawn and the Queen go in the same box.
    Karmu Ivanostrov
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #179 - 2013-01-21 22:44:36 UTC
    Sounds great! Is it just me or Sacrilege will become even nastier now? You know, tackling you pretty much forever and now not burdened by rigs.
    Andreus Ixiris
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #180 - 2013-01-21 22:52:25 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
  • Add a new skill to the game called Armor Upgrades. This skill reduces the mass penalty of all armor plates by 5% per level. (Int/Mem, rank 3, requires Mechanics 3) This skill affects all plates (including 1600mm) and is separate from the stat change listed below.
  • Reduce the base mass penalty on all 800mm, 200mm and 50mm plates by 20%

  • Fozzie, are you a woman IRL?

    Because I want you to have my babies. All of them.


    Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

    Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

    Andreus Ixiris > ...

    Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.