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[Retribution 1.1] Armor Tanking 1.5

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Qaidan Alenko
Eezo-Lution Inc.
#121 - 2013-01-21 20:22:48 UTC
OT I know.... But...

What about a skill to reduce the Sig Radius penalty from Shield Extenders?

OK... Back to your regularily scheduled Armor tanking buff.... *slips back into the shadows*
Go ahead... Get your Wham on!!!
Enta en Bauldry
Gallente Federation
#122 - 2013-01-21 20:22:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Enta en Bauldry
Is the 1 per ship limit on the module "we just want to see" kind of decision?

You would need more cap boosters in your hold because you'd need boosters in the mids anyway for say, a Hyperion. Since the AAR reps as much as 1.68 T2 reppers(no skills) is the limit really necessary given that you'll run out of boosters faster? Not that I have much experience with active armor tanking but the booster amounts seem like enough of a hurdle and it would add to the problem if you added more AARs on to your ship.
Anshu Zephyran
Knavery Inc.
#123 - 2013-01-21 20:24:00 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The rig penalties for trimarks and resist rigs are staying the same..

Callic Veratar
#124 - 2013-01-21 20:27:27 UTC
Anshu Zephyran wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The rig penalties for trimarks and resist rigs are staying the same..


Because a sheet of metal is heavy and doesn't need power to be heavy.
Amarr Empire
#125 - 2013-01-21 20:29:15 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

The PG penalty is actually very mild and much easier to get around than the speed penalty.
The rig penalties for trimarks and resist rigs are staying the same.

And the AAR has less burst rep and more cap use than the ASB with the benefit of significantly better sustainability. If we need to tweak the stats after playtesting we definitely can.

i think im more getting at at hat the new aar mechanic makes alot more since than the current asb mechanic.
also whith the aar atm your going to need to use some of the rig slots for buffing the aars rep while the asb your free to fit other rigs and have same rep. this lets an asb based ship[s use there rigs for more reists/fiting ect. add on top of that that these are amour ships were its verry much a direct trad eoff of damage mods to tank mods.

that all said with some testing i think the aar might work out well for ships like the new brutix(ie the ones that already have the rep bonus so might get away without rep rigs) but be comply usless for ships like the gimped new harb.
Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#126 - 2013-01-21 20:30:21 UTC
The fitting requirements of ASB were very gentle compared to their T2 counterparts. I'm hoping that the AAR follow the same model.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#127 - 2013-01-21 20:32:10 UTC
I also echo the concern that balancing could have been more easily done by

- reducing armor rep cycle time (reps happen at the end of cycle anyway)
- reducing armor rep fitting costs
- reducing armor rep cap usage
- increasing armor rep hull bonuses to 10%

This proposed solution forces armor tankers to learn another new skill (we just had to train RAH skill), increases the already massive fitting cost imbalance even further while doing nothing to the cap issue or making the 7.5% hull bonus any more worthwhile.


Miranda Bowie
#128 - 2013-01-21 20:33:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Miranda Bowie
CCP Fozzie wrote:
xo3e wrote:

so :ccp:
are you even playing your own game?

armor is so bad not because reps rep nothing or because buffer is insufficient.

the problem with armor is generally because majority of armor boats cant do shet against kiting
and it follows that you cant escape shet when you need to. and all your super-slaved-buffers-with-bonus-legion will not help you.

im talking about solo-to-small-scale warfare.

If only we were letting you reduce the mass penalty of all your plates by 25%, and for active tankers remove the speed penalty on the rigs? That would be great maybe we should do that. Lol

If only a 25% reduction changed anything the OP said in any significant way. What OP said would still be true if you reduced it by 75%. It's still way too huge a disadvantage compared to what shield buffer tanking gets in a game where range dictation is so powerful. Ultimately, this makes armor tanking suck less massively, but it still sucks massively in comparison...
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#129 - 2013-01-21 20:33:37 UTC
Most cap fleets are either armor tank only or armor tank biased. Most subcap fleets are moving from shield to armor.

The meta is changing, and I think you are behind rather than in front of it.

Anshu Zephyran
Knavery Inc.
#130 - 2013-01-21 20:35:26 UTC
Callic Veratar wrote:
Anshu Zephyran wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
The rig penalties for trimarks and resist rigs are staying the same..


Because a sheet of metal is heavy and doesn't need power to be heavy.

Haha. I was asking why from a design perspective.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2013-01-21 20:35:34 UTC
Aglais wrote:

And then the balance of what is functional and what isn't either waffles from shields to armor, or everything becomes equally useless, which is a pretty screwed up definition of 'balance'.

So yes your proposition will probably run Minmatar into the ground in one way, and then do the same to Caldari in another way because then they'll all have the speed of plated battleships, when plated battleships are now moving faster than them given that Caldari base speeds are already lower than everything else by quite a bit.

Actually on topic:

This is an interesting update to plates. The problem however is that I'm still not convinced that people will use plates that aren't 400 or 1600s on anything. (There's also the fact that there's no 'shield equivalent' to the 1600 plate, the 'Large shield extender' is closest to the 800, IIRC.)

I'm not proposing to equalize their speeds - just making gap between them smaller from both sides. Caldary have longer reach and more tank than minmatar - so it makes sense that they are a bit slower. Thats balance and you can win if you exploit your strong sides and weak ones of your enemy. But there is nothing to exploit if your hostile have similar tank + 200-300 m/s speed and twice your optimal range. That is the reason why armor tanking is so rarely seen - there are a lot of ships so fast and with so much reach, that you cant do **** to them in most armor tanked (and mostly short range) platforms. unless ofcourse you start and end at 10-20 km range - then you have some chances.

tl/dr speed boost is good but imo not sufficient. Passive sield tank should have similar penalties becouse right now sigboost is nowhere near as important as speed-reducing one. And no amount of plate mass boosting would let them be as efficientand pleasant as shield extenders. Please, if you really care about balance of shield and armor tanking dont do fast jobs - change them together and with much cosideration.

also i would like to note that no armor (or shield) changes should go without looking on racial active and resist bonuses. Why the hell they are still not divided in three bonunes - amount, remote rep, local rep? it is clear as day that resist bonus would make ship better with active, passive and remote repping, while bonus on local reps only helps you in one way. Now you have different roles - give diferent bonuses to hulls and please forget about outdated racial ****. Remember hics for the love of quaffe!
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#132 - 2013-01-21 20:38:17 UTC
Roime wrote:
I also echo the concern that balancing could have been more easily done by

- reducing armor rep cycle time (reps happen at the end of cycle anyway)
- reducing armor rep fitting costs
- reducing armor rep cap usage
- increasing armor rep hull bonuses to 10%

This proposed solution forces armor tankers to learn another new skill (we just had to train RAH skill), increases the already massive fitting cost imbalance even further while doing nothing to the cap issue or making the 7.5% hull bonus any more worthwhile.

This would make it too much like shield tanking and there is a definite aim to keep things from getting too homogenised.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#133 - 2013-01-21 20:41:49 UTC
Is this going to be the same cap booster madness as ASBs, where you want the smallest one possible?

I'm not sure if this comes up during 'playtesting' or whatever, but on a solo roaming ship, I like to not have to dock up loads. My active tanking setups are generally the kind that don't use cap boosters. This is mostly a frigate thing and sometimes cruisers. There's value in being able to just engage, win/escape, then continue roaming. It really sucks when after every engagement, you have to go stock up on two different types of cap boosters (as the other guy just said), repair your modules because your rig tells you to overload all the time, and get more heavy drones for your cruiser because people explode them within seconds of them being launched (gallente aren't allowed spares).
I guess I'm saying the appeal of buffer shield tanking for me is the convenience. Pure buffer armour tanking sucks because you have to go rep in station (as well as all its other flaws), and this non-hybrid type of cap boosted active tanking is about as bad. You need a station with repair facilities, and one with the right cap boosters for sale.

I don't think any thought goes into this when deciding how to make whatever gallente ship 'good at solo', or fixing active tanking. I'll probably continue just kiting with a MSE kestrel/thrasher/whatever. All I need is ammo and a little stack of paste and I can roam until I die. Sucks that there aren't any rep-bonused t1 cruisers, btw. I don't really get that decision.
Callic Veratar
#134 - 2013-01-21 20:41:56 UTC
WNT TK wrote:
Passive sield tank should have similar penalties becouse right now sigboost is nowhere near as important as speed-reducing one.

Hopefully, the Black Ops buff will encourage more people to start running bombers at shield fleets.
Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#135 - 2013-01-21 20:41:59 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
You completely free to not use the AAR on ships with small cargoholds, I give you permission.

Do you have any plans to take a look at the Proteus' cargo bay with the armor tanking subsystem? It doesn't have enough space for normal cap boosting, let alone AARs. IIRC there are several other Gallente ships that are expected to active tank and have relatively tiny cargobays.


We're taking a look at cargoholds and making adjustments as we move through the classes. It's no coincidence that the Brutix gained cargohold in the BC changes.

I hear a lot of unhappiness about the cargohold changes, but two questions about the AAR's

a) Can you load at least one load of cap charges into the AAR in station? So just like ASB's, a loaded AAR takes no additional cargo space.

b) While reloading the AAR, does it have to be inactive like the ASB?

Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#136 - 2013-01-21 20:42:05 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
fukier wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
IamBeastx wrote:
So your screwing over active tanking armor ships by limiting there PG for weaponry: Or are you changing the PG requirements of reppers?

I see no changes to buffer fits, are we gonna still be fat and slow when we fit trimarks/resists, why aren't you changing buffer?

This over complicated AAR does not entice me to active armor tank anything with a small cargohold., what calculations have you done in reference to increased cap booster cargo space needed?

It's far easier to get around a slight PG reduction than the speed reduction.

There's a whole section entitled Plates you should probably read it.

You completely free to not use the AAR on ships with small cargoholds, I give you permission.

how come you avoid talking about scaleability of active armor rep bonus and how its useless in fleet warfare?

its an easy fix just make the skill affect external incomming armor RR!

presto now the bonus is usefull for anything larger then 5 ships!

And also super overpowered.

On every ship with the rep bonus?
Goonswarm Federation
#137 - 2013-01-21 20:42:23 UTC
Fozzie, can we please get the armor rep to occur at the beginning of the cycle, or the shield rep to occur at the end of the cycle? One or the other, but right now, Armor tanking and shield tanking become further and further unequal the larger the fight gets, and once TiDi kicks in, shield tanking has a massive advantage with shield logi getting their reps in almost instantly.

If TiDi is here to stay, and I think its a great addition, than something needs to change with the armor reps and shield reps occuring at opposite ends of the cycle.

What is your opinion of this? I can show some pretty interesting evidence as to why shield tanking is just massively overpowered compared to armor tanking whats TiDi kicks in, especially at high TiDi levels.
Il Feytid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#138 - 2013-01-21 20:48:09 UTC
progodlegend wrote:
Fozzie, can we please get the armor rep to occur at the beginning of the cycle, or the shield rep to occur at the end of the cycle? One or the other, but right now, Armor tanking and shield tanking become further and further unequal the larger the fight gets, and once TiDi kicks in, shield tanking has a massive advantage with shield logi getting their reps in almost instantly.

If TiDi is here to stay, and I think its a great addition, than something needs to change with the armor reps and shield reps occuring at opposite ends of the cycle.

What is your opinion of this? I can show some pretty interesting evidence as to why shield tanking is just massively overpowered compared to armor tanking whats TiDi kicks in, especially at high TiDi levels.

I don't want the tank types to be the same too, but having to wait to the end of the cycle sucks hard. I say we change it where armor reps at the start of the cycle and shield at the end.
Maximus Andendare
Rote Kapelle
#139 - 2013-01-21 20:48:28 UTC
Roime wrote:
I also echo the concern that balancing could have been more easily done by

- reducing armor rep cycle time (reps happen at the end of cycle anyway)
- reducing armor rep fitting costs
- reducing armor rep cap usage
- increasing armor rep hull bonuses to 10%

This proposed solution forces armor tankers to learn another new skill (we just had to train RAH skill), increases the already massive fitting cost imbalance even further while doing nothing to the cap issue or making the 7.5% hull bonus any more worthwhile.

People need to click "Like" on this guy!

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The Initiative.
#140 - 2013-01-21 20:48:54 UTC
Thank you for removing the speed penalty on armor rigs!!! Big smile