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Worlds Collide Lvl 4 Serpentis faction spawn

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Jozen Allier
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-01-19 21:52:08 UTC

Just trying to make sure I understand. In the second room of the serpentis side is the Overseer which spawns immediately. I notice his bounty varies. Sometimes after he is dead the wreck will say Shadow wreck and sometimes not. Is he the faction spawn for that room or is there another shadow ship that has a chance to spawn later on after a bit? Reading Eve Survival it states that after a bit there is a chance for a faction spawn. Is this info outdated?

Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#2 - 2013-01-19 22:29:50 UTC
I have seen the faction spawn once (probally unlucky) in 3 years, durring salvaging 10 to 15 minutes after clearing the room. I have friends that say they have gotten it more than a few times. The bounty on the one I got was 5mil and it relenquished a decent haul of T2 salvage and some faction ammo.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

Archa4 Badasaz
#3 - 2013-01-19 22:37:10 UTC
If I'm not confusing anything - they Did change the spawn mechanics:
earlier - there was a chance when warping to the room, that it would spawn. Varying bounties, could drop nothing, could drop def stuff and very high bounty could drop faction stuff.
now - Overseer always will spawn, same varying bounties, same drops. Maybe.
Flakey Foont
#4 - 2013-01-19 22:50:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Flakey Foont
Just did it this morning and no Overseer on either side for me.
Allota Lovin
#5 - 2013-01-19 23:12:16 UTC
Going through the gate into the second room used to be the trigger for the faction spawn. So you could eventually get a faction spawn in both second rooms if you kept running through the gates.
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-01-20 00:22:30 UTC
This has been a topic on the forums for over 7 years that I know of.

Sometimes when you enter the 2nd room the Faction spawn will already be there other times it will spawn 10-20 min after you have finished the mission.

Short answer is of Faction spawn not there when enter 2nd room finish mission warp back after 20 min, If stll not there clean mission and go about your business. Hope this helps

"Soldiers don't die, they just go to hell to regroup"

-Im a anti anti pirate with a carebear side-

piecakes's brother
Assasinated Zombies
#7 - 2013-01-20 08:24:06 UTC
I have done worlds collide approx 30 times over the last month. "supervisor" always spawns on both sides. Sometime they are faction version.. Seems to run about 50% on guristas side and 10% for sepertis side as far as faction rats. Drops this month were

Shaows sepertis tracking computer ---300ish
Vindi BPC ----1.3ish
Dread guristas amp ---100ish

I do not farm these over and over... I just did a lot of missions.. I dual box 2 machs and my brother salvages.
piecakes's brother
Assasinated Zombies
#8 - 2013-01-20 08:25:30 UTC  |  Edited by: piecakes's brother
Hambonie wrote:
This has been a topic on the forums for over 7 years that I know of.

Sometimes when you enter the 2nd room the Faction spawn will already be there other times it will spawn 10-20 min after you have finished the mission.

Short answer is of Faction spawn not there when enter 2nd room finish mission warp back after 20 min, If stll not there clean mission and go about your business. Hope this helps

you are wrong it changed with incarna.... Overseer got renamed to supervisor... They always spawn as soon as you enter sometime they are faction and sometimes not... Rarely drop anything good though
piecakes's brother
Assasinated Zombies
#9 - 2013-01-20 08:27:38 UTC
Allota Lovin wrote:
Going through the gate into the second room used to be the trigger for the faction spawn. So you could eventually get a faction spawn in both second rooms if you kept running through the gates.

Since incarna this is incorrect
Utassi Security
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#10 - 2013-01-20 08:30:57 UTC
Mostly what people have said sometimes they're there right away sometimes they appear later. I have not run missions for a while though (just started again) so if the spawn mechanics have changed I can't confirm.

As for the faction loot just look at the wreck name if it has the commander spawn name (Shadow, Dread etc.) then there may be a chance of faction loot inside. Don't forget to salvage for that T2 stuff as well!

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Jaxem Rau
Spatial Anomalies
#11 - 2013-01-20 14:05:43 UTC
Spawn mechanics seem to have changed. "Supervisor" is always there now at warp in at each side. Haven't gotten a faction drop from him since change though.

#12 - 2013-01-20 15:52:46 UTC
Three days ago i got a faction drop....some ammo...
Flakey Foont
#13 - 2013-01-20 16:22:44 UTC
I had an Angel Supervisor in the second room when I warped in. Dropped nada.
New Miner's Union
#14 - 2013-01-21 09:37:12 UTC
The supervisor can be a faction spawn, check the bounty prior to killing him, or the wreck after. A high bounty would suggest faction spawn, confirmed with the "shadow" prefix on the wreck if he was.
Ronan Connor
#15 - 2013-01-21 10:10:29 UTC
One week ago me and a friend had an Overseer spawn of 3.5 million - it had only standard modules in it (even only standard scrap metals).
The same mission we had a 4,7 million faction spawn at the guristas side. It had 100 faction missiles in it. But at salvaging it didnt drop anything, not even normal salvage (wtf!)

As I get it, the spawn and what it contains are two different things.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#16 - 2013-01-21 12:23:29 UTC
It also depends on where you mission. More likely to get Shadow spawns in Gallente space, Dread Guristas in Caldari, and so on. I've gotten a total of 3 Shadow spawns in WC worth between 3.5-5mil since Incarna, while running missions in Gallente space. Best drop was a Shadow Serp Warp Disruptor. Haven't gotten nothing since Retribtution.
Mostly they come out at night
#17 - 2013-02-19 02:58:21 UTC
The naming convention for the Supervisor seems a little bugged. For the Angel/Sansha version the Supervisor can be called Domination, but have standard BS loot and bounty. I had been using the hacker card to get through to room 2 on each side without shooting the initial spawns. It appears that the naming is correct however, if you shoot the NPCs and open the A gate that way.

A Supervisor has always been present on warp in for each side and from experience is a faction ship maybe 15% of the time. I have never seen a True Sansha and a Domination in the same mission. Six days ago a Domination BS dropped faction 100MN MW with 60m in t2 salvage.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2013-02-19 03:17:50 UTC
Flakey Foont wrote:
Just did it this morning and no Overseer on either side for me.

They changed the name to Serpentis Supervisor.

Life is short and dinner time is chancy

Eat dessert first!

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2013-02-19 03:27:29 UTC
Jozen Allier wrote:

Just trying to make sure I understand. In the second room of the serpentis side is the Overseer which spawns immediately. I notice his bounty varies. Sometimes after he is dead the wreck will say Shadow wreck and sometimes not. Is he the faction spawn for that room or is there another shadow ship that has a chance to spawn later on after a bit? Reading Eve Survival it states that after a bit there is a chance for a faction spawn. Is this info outdated?


First of, they are now called: X Supervisor. Examples: Sansha Supervisor, Angel Supervisor.

As far as figuring out the faction rat or regular rat. You have two choices:
Choice 1
Kill the rat. Look at the name of the wreck. Faction wrecks would have Shadow for Serpentis faction rat.

Choice 2
In your overview you have column labeled: Type. Look in that column. Example: The Name column would say Serpentis Supervisor. The Type column would show you the "true" name of the rat, if you see Shadow something in the Type column, then you know that the rat is faction rat, no need to kill it to figure it out.

I use Choice 2. If I see regular rat, I just kill it and move on. If I see faction rat, I kill it, go loot it, might coime back with salvager later. In my limited experience, faction rats with bounty less than 1 mil isk don't drop anything interesting. 1-2 mil isk usually don't drop anything interesting either, but at least there is a chance they might.

My last L4 WC was against Sansha and Angels. I had on Sansha side: name Sansha Supervisor, type True Centus Slave (faction rat), bounty 656250 isk, crap loot even though faction rat, see my bounty observations above. On Angel side: name Angel Supervisor, type Gist Saint (not faction rat), bounty 712500 isk, I did not even bother looting it since it is not faction rat.

Life is short and dinner time is chancy

Eat dessert first!

Hyena Capital Management
#20 - 2013-02-19 05:07:55 UTC  |  Edited by: hiporiko
Had a Dread Officer with a 3.5m bounty spawn last week. Dropped a Dread cloak and some faction ammo. (T2 salvage)

As others have said it didn't show up on my overview. Thankfully the gate wouldn't activate until he was killed.
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