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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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PvP pilot looking for a new home

Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-01-14 15:30:26 UTC
Hi there,

I'm looking for a new corp to reside in. I have been off and on with EvE for quite some time not really finding a home except some nullsec corps that I really liked, but got tired from the nullsec politics and stuff.

About me, I am a 24 old male from the Netherlands. All I want is having a good laugh on TS ventrilo whatever, fly around a bit and shoot stuff. Just having some fun, no you must do this or you must do that kinda stuff. I want to play with humans not pilots.

I prefer to fly with EU people, not that I don't like other parts of the world but it is just a matter of TZ.

About my character:

40mil SP mostly in minmatar PVP stuff, t3, hac, sb that sort of stuff I can't fly a carrier YET.

If interested shoot me an ingame mail or reply to this topic!


Sergeant Clangers
Golden Vanguard
#2 - 2013-01-14 16:09:49 UTC
Hey man, DBAM is a lowsec pvp corp. Check us out!

Sergeant o7

Being a pirate is for life, not just for Christmas.

Krax As
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-01-14 16:14:07 UTC

the Corp Death or Glory is actively looking for EU pilots right now. We live in Null and try to stay out of mteagmaing and politics as much as possible.

Contact "jamesoverlord", he´s our CEO.

This bunch of guys is fun to fly with, they know what they are doing and are mature in game and on TS3.

Contact us , maybe we are a good fit.

have fun and fly deadly
DeT Resprox
#4 - 2013-01-14 16:23:05 UTC
Hey - please see our full recruitment post details at

We are a top Minmatar FW corp operating out of lowsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are running top in kills for the Minmatar faction :)

We also have the only player-run Agency system in EvE which is has been covered by ISD/CCP and in EON magazine, all details of which can be found in our recruitment link above Big smile

We are primariliy a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 30-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness Blink

You'll probably be particularly interested that we have a few Netherlands pilots with us too!

Ushra'Khan Leader + Founder // T.R.I.A.D CEO // EVEPANDORA.COM

#5 - 2013-01-14 16:36:22 UTC
Sons of 0DIN

Come and speak to us. Twisted

War Crime Syndicate are recruiting!

Sun Gods
#6 - 2013-01-14 17:01:42 UTC
Ill shoot you a Convo in an hr or 2 and u can come play in lowsec with my friendly bunch of slightly perverted corpies
Mortis Angelus
#7 - 2013-01-14 19:25:29 UTC
ingame mail sent

Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-01-14 19:38:23 UTC
Thanks for all the replies I will look into them, I will be online in a few!
Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2013-01-14 20:34:31 UTC
I am online right now if people wanna shoot me a convo
Vasper Conran
East India Ore Trade
#10 - 2013-01-15 00:02:55 UTC
Hey there,

I've copied and pasted our recruitment thread for you have a look at and see what you think. I hope to see you within our ranks sometime soon.

East India Ore Trade is an US/EU TZ Industrial Corporation based in null sec space. We are currently recruiting active
miners, industrialists, PvE, PvP Pilots to further grow our Corp and yourselves.

IdeaOur Goals:

First and foremost, our number one goal is to become an industrial powerhouse that fuels the war machine that is Eve
Online whilst being a corporation to be reckoned with on the battlefield.. Everyone knows that Internet Spaceships is
serious business, and we are no exception as we strive to dominate our enemies. However, we also understand that
our pilots have real lives and families, so we won't bust your chops for missing an op. We have a very fun and friendly
atmosphere, and prefer to keep things light. It is this attitude that allows our pilots and projects to excel. Have you ever
felt you did not belong to a place, or maybe searched for a place to belong to? A place to be yourself, a place to grow
and develop. A place where everyone is treating you as one of the family, were no one is better or worse than the
next. A place where the Corp is there for the members, and not the members slaving for the Corp? Welcome Home,
We're seeking everyone. From the complete newbie to the most hardened veteran. Just as long as you know how
to have fun. It won't be easy, it won't happen in a week. But we can make it work together and be proud of it, having
a lot of good fights in the process.

What We Offer:Attention

ArrowRelaxed Environment
ArrowAccess to Hauling
ArrowTeamspeak 3
ArrowLarge Max Boosted Rorqual Mining Fleets
ArrowA Fully Functional Ore Buyback Program Which Includes PI and Ice.
ArrowCapital Ship Construction
ArrowPvP protection and operations.
Arrow3 Systems to make isk in(for now)
ArrowHidden belts with ABC
ArrowShip Replacement Program
ArrowPvP Training Ops(With Experianced Fc's Who Will Help Guide and Train)

What we require in return:Attention

ArrowLimited API Key
ArrowBeing Active On Our Coms and Forums(Mic is Required)
ArrowDrake,Hurricane, or Stealth Bomber Skill Ability(or willingness to train)
ArrowActive (No Trial Accounts please; pilots that are inactive for longer than a month without prior notice will be kicked).
Arrow10 mill sp minimum
ArrowThe Ability to have Fun

What We Don't Want:Attention

ArrowDouche Canoes/Griefers

If this interests you, then join our public channel EIOT PUB and speak to one of our friendly recruiting specialists.

You can also choose to contact one of our recruiters:
BlinkVasper Conran (CEO)
Smile RJshsr (Recruitment Director)

We are currently recruiting corps that have 40+ members.
Any Corporation with an Interest in this Alliance Needs To Speak With:
BlinkVasper Conran (Alliance CEO)
CoolApollyon Qrr (Alliance Head Diplomat)
Denu Vajet
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-01-20 11:35:59 UTC
I still haven't found the right corp to join, also I got a puppy since yesterday so im not too much online.