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DUST 514 Live on Tranquility - Issues & Feedback

First post
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#81 - 2013-01-11 22:49:54 UTC
CCP FoxFour wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Why can't dust players use "official" chat channels? And by official like the language channels and so on.

I will double check on this but I believe it has something to do with the channels not being real channels and based on your session... or something. Guess I am talking crap now. Either way I will try and get an answer for you.

Any chance I can get some examples of what channels are causing this?
I tried to join the swedish channel named "svenska" joining "svenska" from dust gets you into another channel by that name in dust only.

Inviting from EVE gets you a "you are not permitted to join this channel" message in dust.

However, joining "swedish" in dust, gets you into the channel named "svenska" in EVE. So a translation thing.

Also trying to invite from EVE, channels like EVE-Radio does not show up on the invite list, since EVE-Radio also is some typ of "special" channel in EVE.


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

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CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#82 - 2013-01-11 22:53:54 UTC
Chribba wrote:
CCP FoxFour wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Why can't dust players use "official" chat channels? And by official like the language channels and so on.

I will double check on this but I believe it has something to do with the channels not being real channels and based on your session... or something. Guess I am talking crap now. Either way I will try and get an answer for you.

Any chance I can get some examples of what channels are causing this?
I tried to join the swedish channel named "svenska" joining "svenska" from dust gets you into another channel by that name in dust only.

Inviting from EVE gets you a "you are not permitted to join this channel" message in dust.

However, joining "swedish" in dust, gets you into the channel named "svenska" in EVE. So a translation thing.

Also trying to invite from EVE, channels like EVE-Radio does not show up on the invite list, since EVE-Radio also is some typ of "special" channel in EVE.


Thank you. :)

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#83 - 2013-01-11 23:18:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
CCP FoxFour wrote:
Well that is a big of text... hopefully that answers some questions. It is only the last two pages though but I need to start getting ready to head out tonight. I will try and come back to this tomorrow though.

Take care guys and I shall be back!

o/ FoxFour

I can get you the information and the output of DX diag from my system, however it won't fit into the game's submission form, so here's the relevant part and I'll submit a bug with system name and stuff in game.

I hope this helps

Edit: removed system information, used web based petition and was able to submit the info/attachment.

Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2013-01-12 02:39:32 UTC
CCP FoxFour wrote:
Chribba wrote:
CCP FoxFour wrote:
Chribba wrote:
Why can't dust players use "official" chat channels? And by official like the language channels and so on.

I will double check on this but I believe it has something to do with the channels not being real channels and based on your session... or something. Guess I am talking crap now. Either way I will try and get an answer for you.

Any chance I can get some examples of what channels are causing this?
I tried to join the swedish channel named "svenska" joining "svenska" from dust gets you into another channel by that name in dust only.

Inviting from EVE gets you a "you are not permitted to join this channel" message in dust.

However, joining "swedish" in dust, gets you into the channel named "svenska" in EVE. So a translation thing.

Also trying to invite from EVE, channels like EVE-Radio does not show up on the invite list, since EVE-Radio also is some typ of "special" channel in EVE.


Thank you. :)

To add to this, the DUST514 (no spaces) channel is not reachable. I can reach EVE Radio, but only by joining "EVE Radio" (space instead of dash). In addition, when I do so, the label comes up blank for the channel. - the unofficial forum for everything DUST 514 -** the** blog site with everything else DUST 514 you need

Victor Rive
Magical Unicorn and Friends
#85 - 2013-01-12 07:49:18 UTC
So for some reason whenever i join an instant action game no matter how well i do i only get 50xp but a couple if hrs ago i was getting well above 5000 xp a match wats happened?
Tomiko Kawase
#86 - 2013-01-12 08:06:03 UTC
Victor Rive wrote:
So for some reason whenever i join an instant action game no matter how well i do i only get 50xp but a couple if hrs ago i was getting well above 5000 xp a match wats happened?

There's a daily cap on the amount of SP you can receive. After that point you gain 50 SP per match played.
Thorian Crystal
Amarr Empire
#87 - 2013-01-12 09:01:54 UTC
I too thought that I could get to do some orbital bombardment, but no, I am not in FW. That feels not so good as game developers advertise big things years before release and when it is finally released nothing happens, because the FPS part is only on PS3. Then after some more time, again nothing happens, because the Eve part is on the test server. Then later nothing happens, because it is only in FW.

So far what I have got out of Dust 514 is that first I noticed Dust players can join Eve chat. Now I actually saw one Dust player on Eve chat. That is pretty much it. Then I went back to mining some more ore.

Small improvements over time is good - though even there we got for example round aiming sights to replace the old square ones. Really? What was wrong with the square ones? Were they too square? I think there was more urgent things to improve than the sights, and I even liked the square ones more, so it wasn't even an improvement.
Brother Fox Corp
#88 - 2013-01-12 09:05:45 UTC
Hey CCP FoxFour, I prettied up your Bunny NPC table... wasn't sure of each corp's empire affiliation so I used the station they were housed in... You might give it a gander and see how you like it (and check it for accuracy).
Nightlund Audeles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#89 - 2013-01-12 10:42:00 UTC
Thorian Crystal wrote:
I too thought that I could get to do some orbital bombardment, but no, I am not in FW. That feels not so good as game developers advertise big things years before release and when it is finally released nothing happens, because the FPS part is only on PS3. Then after some more time, again nothing happens, because the Eve part is on the test server. Then later nothing happens, because it is only in FW.

So far what I have got out of Dust 514 is that first I noticed Dust players can join Eve chat. Now I actually saw one Dust player on Eve chat. That is pretty much it. Then I went back to mining some more ore.

Small improvements over time is good - though even there we got for example round aiming sights to replace the old square ones. Really? What was wrong with the square ones? Were they too square? I think there was more urgent things to improve than the sights, and I even liked the square ones more, so it wasn't even an improvement.

and who's fault is that? Not CCP's for your lack of research. Hell I have only been playing EVE now for almost 2 months and I know more about DUST 514 and EVE than most season vets because of one of the many things people fail to do......research. Try it some time.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#90 - 2013-01-12 10:52:12 UTC
Hello. Umm apparently when a Dust player is add to a corp. The dust player brings in a 0 standing to everything the corp is in standing with. Even though their isnt a standing system with Dust players. Can you please make Dust members N/A for standing and not count towards equal member of a corp so that the dust player doesnt bring down the standing average.
BugraT WarheaD
#91 - 2013-01-12 11:15:39 UTC
CCP FoxFour wrote:
BugraT WarheaD wrote:
Eve and Dust players cannot have a voice conversation via eve voice even if Dust Players bought a TVU. It's really annoying because it's working in every other channels of communications Sad

Not sure I follow. You are saying you can have a voice chat in ever other channel, just not... not which ones? Or do you mean the voice chat does not work but other forms of communication like text chat and EVE mail do work?

*** Sorry i'm french and I've not read the text I posted a second time ... So

Dust players and Eve Players can chat via text in communication channels created by both Eve Online players and Dust 514 players even in Corporation Communication Channel (Corp).
Dust players and Eve Players can have a Eve Voice/PS Voice conversation via Microphone and headphone in communication channels created by both Eve Online players and Dust 514 players.


Dust players and Eve Players cannot have a Eve Voice/PS Voice conversation via Microphone and headphone in Corporation Communication Channels (Corp Chan), even if Eve online client is perfectly set and Dust client have a TVU.
Thorian Crystal
Amarr Empire
#92 - 2013-01-12 13:18:28 UTC
Nightlund Audeles wrote:
and who's fault is that? Not CCP's for your lack of research. Hell I have only been playing EVE now for almost 2 months and I know more about DUST 514 and EVE than most season vets because of one of the many things people fail to do......research. Try it some time.

What do you mean by research? No researching is needed, because I already know that it will be PS3 / FW -combo.
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#93 - 2013-01-12 15:06:36 UTC
This is more of a feedback thing, not a bug report.

I preface this with; of course this is only day one, of a long implementation and deployment cycle, but to my mind these are fairly important observations.

1 - The Dust link is disconnected-feeling and the games are only superficially linked. This is pretty unfortunate at this stage, because excitement has transiitoned into disappointment and who-caresitude within 12 hours.

Having invited dust guys in to BUGRY, we were trying to communicate. EVE guys are on keyboard, Dust guys on On-screen keyboards. It makes chat channels a terrible place. So we get onto comms (TS3) and say hi. much better. We try to get things organised, and this is where it falls apart and should be fixed ASAP.

We want to employ the dust guys to shoot up Amarr planets in some fashion. because we can't actually write contracts that i am aware of, it is impossible to actually direct a war effort in FW to any advantage. The Merc corps in, eg, Amo - they don't give a crap about EVE stuff. We don't know them from a box of hammers, nor do I want to - this is the Militia. We have our own objectives, but we cannot get them pushed through, as it is random matchplay - or merc corps accept contracts on planets...just because us? Or what?

So. Our Dust guys in BUGRY find it impossible to direct their efforts toward a Militia or Corp goal. The non-BUGRY Dust guys cannot be talked to (OSK's suck, and Amo Local is busy and wiring the Reichsmarshall your intentions of D-Day a month early). So, i gave up on that immediately.

So. here I am, thinking - we'll follow our corpies around in-game and orbital bombard their enemies. Except - screw that. The guys have no control over where they go. They can end up in Caldari space, shooting random crap up. We could burn 20 jumps through hostile pirate-infested space, with lame orbital bombardment ammo in our hold.

Or a beacon can open up in our system - and we don't have the ammo. Who's making it? If wou are deep in enemy territory you can't dock to buy ammo. if it exists. Which it doesn't. I'm not going 8 jumps to hek to buy crap ammo for shooting planets which leaves me totally vulnerable to being roflstomped by a Daredevil with Loki and Legion boosts installed permanently in a POS nearby who gets to warp in on top of the beacon and teabag me while I reload my stupid ammo back to shooty-spaceships ammo.

So. No one is going around lowsec shooting stuff for the Dusties. Because it blows goat peen - impossible to buy the ammo. Oh an don't crap on about ëve market is automagically going to fix that". There's NO demand. Supply is anemic - 25 hybrid on sale in hek? U joking?

No one is going to test this out because you can't tell where, when, if or what the crap is going to happen with beacons for bombardment. And if it does happen, no way of getting there. With ammo you don't have, can't be stuffed making for a beta test, and half the time can't dock to buy anyway.

Then - why bother? You can't talk with the Dust guys efficiently, so they all end up with an EVE trial account and a computer and TS3, just to get talking - and thats only the guys in your corp. Most are in the NPC merc corps, who we can't write contracts to! So - they don't know anyone from a bar of soap, and I can't care.

This sounds whiny - but it is a frustrating, ridiculously bad way of testing anything.

CCP, you want from the get-go (ie; this week) for a culture to grow between Dust and EVE players where communication is easy, efficient, possible, and dynamic. You want Dust guys to actually need to talk, even on a corp-corp basis, with EVE players and corps, to get stuff happening.

There is currently ZERO point having dust guys in your corp, because its two separate games, running in paralllel, and frustrating everyone who isn't just turning up for a Call Of Duty In Space With Bunnies Crap shooter.

If corps and even Dust players themselves, cannot direct their efforts, right now or very, very soon, no one in Militia will give a crap, and guess what? Dust players will be sold on this idea of having EVE players dropping death rays. But they never come.

Tangentially - why the hell can we makee infantry gear? We can't sell it to Dust guys. What a joke. One of my guys wants to make infantry gear with his EVE toon, for his Dust toon. Poor darling can't be dissuaded. But he's being led up the creek because of the divorcement between EVE and Dust. So, luls, waste of time.


For a start, seed the ******* ammo EVERYWHERE in lowsec. Like, NOW. The market won't bother reallocating it for ***** nor giggles because no one is using it because they CANNOT use it right now. Maybe phase this out in a while. But, seriously.

Maybe we can dump LP's in a hostile hub. or pay TLF ISK (hey an ISk sink!) to write contracts to attack certain systems, or pay bounties to defend systems, and the magic computer then directs Dust matchplay towards those systems, as if my democracy. This would allow Militia to push fights where they want them, which would mean it might - miraculously and unbelievably - be worth deploying cloaky Coercers in certain systems, to actually turn up and do a bombardment.

Without this...what a collossal fuckup and waste of time.
CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#94 - 2013-01-12 15:25:18 UTC
Faulx wrote:
Hey CCP FoxFour, I prettied up your Bunny NPC table... wasn't sure of each corp's empire affiliation so I used the station they were housed in... You might give it a gander and see how you like it (and check it for accuracy).

You based the empire off the faction of the station they are in. This is incorrect. These are mercenaries, they just happen to have an office in whatever station they want. :)

I took your color scheme, applied it to the page, added the wikitable sortable, and added the empire column based on my fancy spreadsheet I have. :)

BlackManTroy DYNAMITE wrote:
Hello. Umm apparently when a Dust player is add to a corp. The dust player brings in a 0 standing to everything the corp is in standing with. Even though their isnt a standing system with Dust players. Can you please make Dust members N/A for standing and not count towards equal member of a corp so that the dust player doesnt bring down the standing average.

I will look into this. EVE players that don't have standings towards corporations/factions just don't have their standings calculated I believe. If this is not the case with DUST players it should be fixed.

BugraT WarheaD wrote:
CCP FoxFour wrote:
BugraT WarheaD wrote:
Eve and Dust players cannot have a voice conversation via eve voice even if Dust Players bought a TVU. It's really annoying because it's working in every other channels of communications Sad

Not sure I follow. You are saying you can have a voice chat in ever other channel, just not... not which ones? Or do you mean the voice chat does not work but other forms of communication like text chat and EVE mail do work?

*** Sorry i'm french and I've not read the text I posted a second time ... So

Dust players and Eve Players can chat via text in communication channels created by both Eve Online players and Dust 514 players even in Corporation Communication Channel (Corp).
Dust players and Eve Players can have a Eve Voice/PS Voice conversation via Microphone and headphone in communication channels created by both Eve Online players and Dust 514 players.


Dust players and Eve Players cannot have a Eve Voice/PS Voice conversation via Microphone and headphone in Corporation Communication Channels (Corp Chan), even if Eve online client is perfectly set and Dust client have a TVU.

Ah OK, I don't know if there is much we can do about that without a lot of work, but I am not a programmer. I shall get a defect filled on it and see what the programmers have to say.

Thank you for pointing this out.

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Umbrella. Corporation
#95 - 2013-01-12 20:56:41 UTC
I have been looking everywhere, and I have found some forum posts but nothing official. If I missed something I appologise.

We want to start adding our bunnies to our eve corp, but we require a api key to do so to work within our ecm system. I have seen information saying that dust uses a crest api system but I cant find anything anywhere about where someone can get there crest api from. Is this something that is not implimented yet, or am i missing something, or does dust not have a api system at all ?

I appologise for wasting your time on something like this, but thanks for the work on the dust system and look forward to shooting them at some time soon.

Oh and also, is there a timeframe in ccp's mind to when dust will effect fw sov, or is it too early to have a rough idea ? Im sure everyone is working hard at bugfixes now anyhow...
CCP FoxFour
C C P Alliance
#96 - 2013-01-12 22:02:10 UTC
deathpain wrote:
I have been looking everywhere, and I have found some forum posts but nothing official. If I missed something I appologise.

We want to start adding our bunnies to our eve corp, but we require a api key to do so to work within our ecm system. I have seen information saying that dust uses a crest api system but I cant find anything anywhere about where someone can get there crest api from. Is this something that is not implimented yet, or am i missing something, or does dust not have a api system at all ?

I appologise for wasting your time on something like this, but thanks for the work on the dust system and look forward to shooting them at some time soon.

Oh and also, is there a timeframe in ccp's mind to when dust will effect fw sov, or is it too early to have a rough idea ? Im sure everyone is working hard at bugfixes now anyhow...


These are all very good questions and not ones that are asked or answered very much on the forums.

DUST uses CREST for talking between the client and TQ. There is no third party access available yet for CREST.

In good theory, we have not tested that I am aware of, if you got a current API key for a DUST users it would work, however there is no way to get those for DUST users. To get the standard API key you obviously need to log in to and DUST users cannot do that.

As for when we will be opening up CREST for third party developers I would point you towards this dev blog from CCP Seagull:

TL;DR: No DUST API for third party developers... yet. :)

As for your second question, DUST already does have an effect on FW sov. In systems with temperate planets in the war zones which ever side controls the districts controls if you need more or less VP to capture the system.

@CCP_FoxFour // Technical Designer // Team Tech Co

Third-party developer? Check out the official developers site for dev blogs, resources, and more.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2013-01-13 00:50:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Boiglio
Two issues for me since DUST hit Tranquility, and I can't be sure if either or both are directly related to the patch.

*First, Eve voice is behaving badly (again). Since the patch, no matter what we do, about 15-20% of our group cannot make intelligible audio commentary within the game. For my part, I run the echo test, everything sounds fine, then I check my audio in the game, and it's poo--breaking up and rendering my contributions useless. Is there a list being kept somewhere of dev-acknowledged "known issues"? (Would love to know how serious I need to be about making contingency plans for a Fleet PvP Basics class I have scheduled for the 26th. Also, I badly miss being able to roam effectively.)

Always my best,

Boig Cool

EDIT: Rorqual is glitched again. When people create jump clones and jump to the newly created clones as part of the process, the clones are still showing in the bay as "phantoms". Last time, after days of doing everything from clearing cache to repackaging and refitting, it suddenly worked again. As of yesterday? Back to the same problem. Remarkably tough to guide new players through the process if I can't tell if they're following directions correctly or not.

New glitch as of 16 January: When someone jumps to their clone, rather than appearing far out in space, the clones appear at zero of the rorqual. When was THAT change put through and notification given? Rapidly running out of ways I can contribute while I wait for functional audio again, CCP. Not happy.
Chip Assaultshakr
Ministry of Bureaucracy
#98 - 2013-01-13 00:56:19 UTC
I have no idea if this is related to the recent patches, or a pre-existing issue that is just now coming to my attention (although it seems to me it wasn't an issue in the past)

I purchased a legion today, and cannot view it in the station, in the ship model viewer in the information tab, or in space. It is the same when trying to click the 'look at' option to view someone else in space when they are flying any T3 cruiser. This leads me to believe my client is not loading the model for any t3 ship. I've tried clearing the settings and the cache, with no results.

hoping someone has had a similar problem, or can offer a solution for me that doesn't involve reinstalling 500gb of eve again.

thanks in advance
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#99 - 2013-01-13 01:25:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova Fox
All my issues are dust 514 side, we re-awoken an ancient evil on the servers. Shudders, I dare not say its name but it starts with D. it has devoured many a capital ship in the past that thought they where safe.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

#100 - 2013-01-13 04:13:41 UTC
Chip Assaultshakr wrote:
I have no idea if this is related to the recent patches, or a pre-existing issue that is just now coming to my attention (although it seems to me it wasn't an issue in the past)

I purchased a legion today, and cannot view it in the station, in the ship model viewer in the information tab, or in space. It is the same when trying to click the 'look at' option to view someone else in space when they are flying any T3 cruiser. This leads me to believe my client is not loading the model for any t3 ship. I've tried clearing the settings and the cache, with no results.

hoping someone has had a similar problem, or can offer a solution for me that doesn't involve reinstalling 500gb of eve again.

thanks in advance

did you assemble the t3 using all of its subsystems?

the subsystems change the visual appearance of the ship and so the ship hull will not display untill it is entirely assmbled, to do this, make sure you have at least one subsystem for each subsytem slot in the items hangar of the same station you have your t3 in.

then when you assemble your t3 it should display, same as always

Aussies are the unicorns of eve... rare and horny