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The Tuskers Present - Frigate FFA Tournament ROUND 2 - 5th January - 18:00 to 24:00

First post
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#161 - 2013-01-07 19:25:24 UTC
Johann West wrote:
Like I say for most it was a great success, but I would suggest in future you simply don't offer logistics support if you can't take care of it. If I had ANY idea that you were not going to be able to shift the gear for me that you offered to I would of sorted out my own transport, no problem.

Ok so whine over. Thanks again for putting on the event, and cheers to the Tuskers who handed me a few free frigs so I could get out a couple of times earlier on in the evening. Also well played on the policing of the event, there was a few occasions when I warped to a planet only to think "Oh crap, there's a Cynabal here!!" On the third or fourth occasion I realized it was indeed "Officer Shouaa's" ship, it's threatening presence there as a warning to those who may choose to not abide by the spirit of the evening.

Due to the feedback, we're not going to offer Logistics to the fight system. Instead, we'll announce it a bit more ahead of time so people have more time to move their own stuff there. We will still provide free ships however.

I think the policing went quite well - only a few people actually shot at us and most seemed to realise what we were doing.

ALUCARD 1208 wrote:
sule i was on my own fighting a slasher so ya did read the rules u guys just needed excuses for a blap fest i get it so dont talk **** others from my corp may have been in a gang but it was evident i wasnt is easy to say theres more than 1 of u from ur corp ur ganging up now we blap u

Your corpmates were definitely in a fleet, hence your entire corp/alliance were valid targets for our policing force. If you want to complain about this, complain about your corpmates that brought Basilisks + Tier3s to top belt, as well as running around in frigate gangs.

Also, I am laughing at the suggestions that I did this for a blapfest. I got 62 kills during the entire event and seeing as I was there for the entire 6 hours, that works out to a kill every 6 minutes. Hardly a blapfest with the number of potential targets running around. Not to mention that the vast majority of those kills were SP-DR and FIGL, both of which were flying around in gangs as I mentioned before.

Ang Min wrote:
Suleiman Shouaa: I didn't see any dedicated alt boosters in the form of command ships or anything, I was referring to those like the Talwar gang that fleeted up and primaried people...just being in a fleet gives a boost (provided the fleet booster has the skills), even without off grid boosters. I did see you guys policing this quite actively though, and appreciate that. In fact, I think you killed the guy who podded me. :)

I was thinking it might be good to hold this type of event in wormhole space instead of low sec, if you can find a good host. A C2 system with a static high sec exit (B274) would do nicely. You could bring ships in using Orcas or haulers (no worries about having to travel through low sec), and set up a friendly POS for refitting (Orcas can also be used for this). Fights could take place outside the POS, since registered participants would be set to blue...that way if any outsider showed up, or if someone broke a rule, they could be set to red and would be blasted by the POS guns. The wormhole can be cycled and will last 24 hours before collapsing (if B274 or similar), plenty of time to announce the location and get everyone in.

Some folks have previously suggested holding it in null sec, for the same reasons, but I think a w-space system is much easier to control, as far as access and security. Another advantage of both null sec and w-space is people won't lose security status for fighting.

If any interest in that idea, let me know - I can probably get the w-space system.


There's pretty much nothing that we can do to stop people forming fleets unless if we had everyone in one big fleet so it was even.

As for running them in a wormhole, sorry but no. The Logistics would be much, much harder for getting ships in. Not to mention how much more difficult reshipping would be. Also, shoving 250+ pilots into a single wormhole with all of them in Frigates / Destroyers with a few haulers in them is a very tempting target that can't massively defend themselves...

Null sec is still being considered, but I haven't found a null sec system that is

A) Very small, so everything is in d-scan range (makes it easy to get fights as well as spot boosting alts)
B) Is very close to low/high sec.
C) Entrance is not camped
D) Has no major entities living in that system

Also, bombs + bubbles make null sec very dodgy to hold frigate FFAs in.
Team Obvious
#162 - 2013-01-08 15:54:55 UTC
This was so much fun! got 7 confirmed killed and had my name on 24 Kill mails!

Not really done PVP in a couple years so was nice to dust of some old frigate skills!

Thanks Tusker and everyone that turned up!

Mangala Solaris
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#163 - 2013-01-08 16:02:28 UTC
I am thinking that the KB has all the kills its gonna get, even evekill only has 250 or so more than the event KB does.

Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#164 - 2013-01-08 23:41:40 UTC
Yeah I'll work on getting prizes sorted in the next 24 hours. A Memory of Light just came out so no promises though Smile
University of Caille
#165 - 2013-01-09 01:02:15 UTC
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
Yeah I'll work on getting prizes sorted in the next 24 hours. A Memory of Light just came out so no promises though Smile

Take your time, we're in no particular hurry.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#166 - 2013-01-09 03:27:28 UTC
I had alot of fun. I wouldnt change nothing. The Tuskers did a great job. I was very impressed with the way they handled the event. They had a big job ahead of them and i was impressed. Congrats to all of you : )
Ghanar Drraba
Royal Guard of Anacreon
#167 - 2013-01-09 16:48:47 UTC
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
Yeah I'll work on getting prizes sorted in the next 24 hours. A Memory of Light just came out so no promises though Smile

I get it bro...great books.Cool
Dolmite Cornerstone
#168 - 2013-01-11 23:35:42 UTC
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:

Null sec is still being considered, but I haven't found a null sec system that is

A) Very small, so everything is in d-scan range (makes it easy to get fights as well as spot boosting alts)
B) Is very close to low/high sec.
C) Entrance is not camped
D) Has no major entities living in that system

Also, bombs + bubbles make null sec very dodgy to hold frigate FFAs in.

Maybe time to move up to cruisers?
Also, I don't see the problem with D, given a bit of relationship and diplomacy.

For my own, I had fun learning, I had no fun 1v5, I had no fun when I misinterpreted rules(notice not your fault), and I had fun putting more mails on my board than I usually have RL time to do. Next time, I come better prepared and with my harddrive ready to fraps all of that, I'll have an even better time(I hope.)
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#169 - 2013-01-12 12:37:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Suleiman Shouaa
After considering the cost of prizes and how much money we have left for future events from the original sum that Legionnaire gave us, I've decided not to hand out prizes as otherwise we wouldn't be able to afford the 3rd FFA. Apologies for how long it took to reach this decision, but I would rather have a proper 3rd FFA rather than prizes + half a FFA.

EDIT: I've just received an donation from someone who wishes to remain anoymous in order to fund prizes. They will be contracted out within the next 24 hours.
#170 - 2013-01-13 04:37:14 UTC
Bantara wrote:
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:

Null sec is still being considered, but I haven't found a null sec system that is

A) Very small, so everything is in d-scan range (makes it easy to get fights as well as spot boosting alts)
B) Is very close to low/high sec.
C) Entrance is not camped
D) Has no major entities living in that system

Also, bombs + bubbles make null sec very dodgy to hold frigate FFAs in.

Maybe time to move up to cruisers?

Not to put foot potentially to mouth, but moving this up to cruisers would be a gigantic cluster.
All told I spent roughly 5billion ISK on hulls, prize money, and the two event ships. Bumping this event up to cruisers would easily increase costs five-fold if not more. This doesn't even take into account how much more of a pain the logistics would be.

The one suggestion I would make to Sulei and co is to show what ship setups will be available to people, and letting them sign up for batches of five or so in a ship. Then corp contracting the stuff to people on the day of, this should significantly cut down on the volume of trades that has to happen and would leave you with less leftover ships that no one wanted.
Ghanar Drraba
Royal Guard of Anacreon
#171 - 2013-01-14 02:03:05 UTC
What about a list of the lucky capsuleers that got the prizes? Some fame would not do them any harm.
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#172 - 2013-01-15 00:01:18 UTC
Prize list is up at

First batch of prizes will be contracted out from Jita in the next 24 hours.
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#173 - 2013-01-15 00:30:32 UTC
Great job with the prizes. They're an integral part of any such event and you obviously put some thought and effort into them. That you were willing to forego prizes entirely might indicate a more worthy recipient of the "Lacks honour, must find it" prize, though.
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#174 - 2013-01-15 01:07:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Suleiman Shouaa
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Great job with the prizes. They're an integral part of any such event and you obviously put some thought and effort into them. That you were willing to forego prizes entirely might indicate a more worthy recipient of the "Lacks honour, must find it" prize, though.

Perhaps I should refrain from handing out free ships & prizes to people who are ungrateful to the hours that I (and my corpmates) selflessly put into events such as this for no reward.

Or perhaps I should just ban those people from attending outright?

Also, I explained clearly what drove me to withdraw prizes originally - a lack of funding. We had a finite pot of money, we spent more on the last FFA than we expected and so it came to whether we would have a 3rd FFA of the same size but with no prizes or for a scaled down 3rd FFA but with prizes for the 2nd.

Luckily two people stepped up and we'll be running a very lively 3rd FFA, hopefully with prizes, but I would like to note that neither of them were you. If you want prizes that badly, donate some ISK rather than simply turning up, taking free ships & then proceeding to stay at 100km, sniping away.
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#175 - 2013-01-15 01:59:13 UTC  |  Edited by: AkJon Ferguson
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Great job with the prizes. They're an integral part of any such event and you obviously put some thought and effort into them. That you were willing to forego prizes entirely might indicate a more worthy recipient of the "Lacks honour, must find it" prize, though.

Perhaps I should refrain from handing out free ships & prizes to people who are ungrateful to the hours that I (and my corpmates) selflessly put into events such as this for no reward.

Or perhaps I should just ban those people from attending outright?

Also, I explained clearly what drove me to withdraw prizes originally - a lack of funding. We had a finite pot of money, we spent more on the last FFA than we expected and so it came to whether we would have a 3rd FFA of the same size but with no prizes or for a scaled down 3rd FFA but with prizes for the 2nd.

Luckily two people stepped up and we'll be running a very lively 3rd FFA, hopefully with prizes, but I would like to note that neither of them were you. If you want prizes that badly, donate some ISK rather than simply turning up, taking free ships & then proceeding to stay at 100km, sniping away.

If refraining from giving me my noobships will allow you to hold the next event, then please, by all means, do so.

As for the rest of your rant, my word means something in this game, if yours doesn't, that's up to you. Let me refresh your memory: "A multitude of prizes will once again be available, ranging from Tech 1 Frigates to Faction Battleships, as well as a few oddballs thrown in there for good measure. " People showed up because the Tuskers is a respected corp in this game. If you want to tarnish that legacy by making excuses and welching on pledges you've made when people would have been glad to step up with logistics help or donations (Sindel is practically begging to find worthy causes to donate to and Somer is ridiculously philanthropic fwiu) if you had only asked (not that any reasonable person would consider a 4.333B ISK budget for a frigate FFA (including prizes) insufficient,) that's on you.
#176 - 2013-01-15 05:30:29 UTC
As for the rest of your rant, my word means something in this game, if yours doesn't, that's up to you.

The fact that these FFAs are even being held is a testament to Sulei's word. He was handed thirteen billion ISK and asked to make something happen. Seriously, how many people in this game can you trust with that kind of ISK?

Ghanar Drraba
Royal Guard of Anacreon
#177 - 2013-01-15 14:36:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghanar Drraba
This was a great event and even if problems were bound to appear given the complexity, big number of people attending/logistic issues, Suleiman and his crew handled things very well and i am sure they deserve every bit of gratitude from the players that participated and had lots of fun there. Even CCP would have had a hard time organizing and handling such an event better.
In the end it was a crazy event(good kind of crazyTwisted) where we all managed to have fun and enjoy piloting/shooting internet spaceships(Bear) and it would have been the same even without prizes, although for sure they add a fine touch to the overall picture. So props to Suleiman and the Tuskers for their hard work and see you at the next FFA.Pirate

IdeaPS: even with the occasional logistic trouble, the idea of offering freighter transport for player ships is great and should not be discarded easily;how else would i have brough in system all my 40 ships without your help? worst acceptable case scenario would be that you Tuskers, as event organizers speak to the people at Red/Blue/whatever color Frog and get them to give some attention to the people attending the event, so we can get ships in system in a timely manner without too much trouble/responsability on the side of the Tuskers(so no more people mad at you for Red Frog people fuckups) - i and probably many more players would not mind paying for ships being moved to the staging system;

Big smilePPS: now expecting my prizes like a child waits for Santa's giftsCool
AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#178 - 2013-01-17 00:44:54 UTC
Contract received, thx.

If you need help with the next one, please give me a shout. I can haul **** or fit **** or provide security if asked.