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Your greatest moment in Eve

First post
Spacing Cowboy
Caldari State
#141 - 2013-01-08 15:58:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Spacing Cowboy
Being a hotdrop midpoint for , at that time, the largest superfleet active .
At 2m sp its quite a awsome thing to do and see.

Later. My first own superop jumping with the wrong fit..

Reinforcing a station i got kicked out a long time ago

Losing a JF, then lot of guy chipped in to buy a new one the next day

Losing another JF, then being utterly surprised CCP gave it back

Delivering the build job of my own freigter, mined myself, from owned bpo's

My first solo kill

Getting final blow on a capital by accident as nubby

SBU'ing a system for the first time

Being the suicide triage carrier as bate.. And live to bate another day

Going to Fanfest in iceland and get totally waisted on polar beer
( what taste like refined **** btw )

Yeah, eve is fun to me :)
Super spikinator
Hegemonous Conscripts
#142 - 2013-01-08 16:24:35 UTC
My first roam. The fleet was a mish mash of three interceptors and two assault frigates, and we spotted prey. I was so nervous that I made a wrong call to the roam leader and sent most of the ships to the belt I had just checked rather than saying it was clear. I arrived on top of a hurricane and a destroyer, shooting the only other guy who figured I made a bad call. I turned the destroyer into a can and made headwork on the hurricane before people warped in. The other guy chewed me out afterwards for not taking out drones - the things that were hurting him. I got both pod mails. I understood finally why people send others on the podexpress.
Jemar Tzitzimitl
Gallente Federation
#143 - 2013-01-09 11:12:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Jemar Tzitzimitl
I have three moments that made me fall in love with this game.

My first ever mining op in a burst (before the venture was introduced) i felt like a child among men with my corp mates having retrievers/macks. I grew attached to this corp and managed to reunite with them even after being away for a year /emotional moment when i rejoined them.

The second was being ganked during a mining op. We are just going about our business mining. our orca has just filled up and headed out. When all of a sudden 5 catalyst warp in. Next thing i know they start locking onto our fleet and see a message that says die, pirate scum! and the ships all turn red. I panic, send my drones out and fumble through my bookmarks to warp to something. At the same time im like "were is our orca!" thinking it was lost to the gank. At the end of the day i find out we lost 2 hulks and a retriever; find out that our orca warped in as the gank finished. Never felt such a rush from being ganked in any other mmo.

Third. Hauling cargo back and forth from station to station. After about the 2nd trip of being locked on by a pilot with a 20mil bounty, I hail them. I find out that they are a ganker camping the gate with tornado's(i think thats what they are called 90mil missles) and manage to get him to tell me about his operations and how he has 7 accounts and what he does with some of them, and how they are being paid by with plex. After find this out this he replies with "Now that i have told a stranger my secrets. Anything else you want to know?" I chuckled so hard to that response

edit: to the third story find out i am safe since he only attacks targets with cargohold worth more than 400mil isk. I felt like a fish swimming by a shark and expected myself to get killed just for learning his secrets lol.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#144 - 2013-01-09 13:24:37 UTC
First time I went BS 1v1 in hi sec many moons ago during a war.

They undocked, I opened fire, they returned the favour and we duked it out.

In a Megathron too. I loved every minute of the ship-melting wonder :)

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Eternal Montage
Myriad Sequence
#145 - 2013-01-09 14:21:58 UTC
Wacktopia wrote:
First time I went BS 1v1 in hi sec many moons ago during a war.

They undocked, I opened fire, they returned the favour and we duked it out.

In a Megathron too. I loved every minute of the ship-melting wonder :)

Did you win?
Juan Andalusian
Shocky Industries Ltd.
Goonswarm Federation
#146 - 2013-01-09 14:37:48 UTC
My Top 3 Personal:

Soloing a raven while being webbed in a Taranis after sbombing 17 or so of his salvos before they removed missile collision detection.

And the countless Cruise Crows & Kestrels that watched their dps go poof in similar fashion seconds before they met the wrong end of my ion blasters.

Using a dual MWD Domi (back in THOSE days) to bump a low sec gate sniping Apocalypse in sentry gun range, he never got to align in time.

Organizing and executing a trap (Hot drop was not yet coined as a term) to kill some Russian caps coming to finish a RISE or AXE (i forget) POS. We were expecting a decent ammount of dreads, instead only some carriers showed up. With a feeling of dissapointment i sprang the trap.

Our Titan was 2 Jump legs away, to make sure that they'd feel secure if they used locators on him. He bridged the caps and they insta jumped to my cyno char. I was about to call the first carrier target when i noticed there were 2 more ships in... and one of them had a 3 letter ship type .... NYX is in! And he just got bumped on the others!!! "PUT EVERYTHING ON HIM BEFORE HE RECHARGES CAP".

2nd Mothership Kill in the History of EVE.
Band of Freelancers
#147 - 2013-01-09 15:01:20 UTC
I've had many great moments over the years since 2003.

From the days leading up to the launch of the GNW (Great Norther War) and the banding of a few corps. that would later become to be known as the Band of Brothers.

Taking part in the destruction of Cyvok's "Steve" Avatar, the first titan built and destroyed in EvE.

Having fleet command in Fountain and hot dropping massive amounts of dreads and carriers on top of WOTANKN's D2 Erebus titan in YZ-LQL (Second Titan to die in EvE)

Nuking the Russian Leviathan in NOL-M9 outside The Alamo piloted by Oort. (Fourth Titan to die in EvE)

Aside from the Titan kills and thousands of other fun pvp moments throughout the years, another great moment was when I had my CAOD siggy propaganda campaign published in PC gaming magazines during the days of the ASCN vs BoB war.

I came up with the idea and executed about 50+ different signatures/banners on the old EvE forums that were designed to be funny yet morale crushing for the enemy. (ASCN) This propaganda campaign was so successful that it would be written about in print and later adopted by other alliances in their wars and wars against us. (BoB)

So many other great moments, but that's all for this post....

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Titans on fire outside "The Alamo" of NOL-M9. I watched massive Super Capital fleets glitter in the dark near the BKG-Q2 gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain...  Time to die.

mama guru
#148 - 2013-01-09 20:28:13 UTC
By far the best one for me was when I undocked in my first battleship (megathron) and headed off to Yulai to buy fittings back in July 2004. I had like 700k SP and had mined in a thorax for over a month to get the minerals. It was insane how much harder the game was back then.

EVE online is the fishermans friend of MMO's. If it's too hard you are too weak.

Zack Korth
Livid CO.
#149 - 2013-01-09 20:46:25 UTC
rolling into VFK with Li3 federation, and no one was there
Goonswarm Federation
#150 - 2013-01-09 21:44:14 UTC
ISD posting in a thread I started and it was to participate and not a lock
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#151 - 2013-01-09 21:50:26 UTC
Being accepted by VANIS ♥

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#152 - 2013-01-09 21:54:54 UTC
The first day I headed into low-sec to live there permanently, I had a 4.0 sec status. The coallition we had joined reported that there were a couple of pirates hopping around the systems we laid claim to, so we headed out to fight. I think I was in a harbinger.

We never even ended up getting up to those guys. We landed on the gate two systems out, and some people jumped in, so of course we engaged. We fought them, and won in a decent fight, and then warped off to a point 200km off the gate to wait out our timers.

More people jumped in, so we jumped on top of them. This group was unrelated to the first group. As we were fighting them, a third group jumped in on the fight. I can't even tell you how long it went on, because everything just kept going.

Without killing any pods, by the end of that series of fights, I was down to 0.1 sec status. I haven't looked back at my sec status since.
Old Shport Holdings
#153 - 2013-01-09 22:36:47 UTC
catching a Jump Freighter off gate in low sec, catching a orca and legion worth 2 bil in a belt. Flying with some of the best people in this game I have had the honour to fly with. Tbh I have many great moments in eve.
Armoth Saralonde
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#154 - 2013-01-09 22:39:23 UTC
Not epic compared to most of these, but made me shake in my little newbie boots.

I was just a little nublet, had joined the game because my friend played and it looked interesting. Got into his corp/alliance and went out into 0.0; I couldn't fly anything bigger than a cruiser. Could barely even rat in the thing, would kill one rat and have to jump out.

Anyway, this took place right after the expansion that rolled out Invention, I think. I would scan down profession sites and recruit other people to clear 'em, because no way in hell I could do it in the shitfit cruiser I was flying at the time. Spent ages scanning down one particular site (anyone miss the old scanning system? Click scan and read a book for five minutes), finally pinned the thing after ages (I think it took something like five hours for me). Ask around for someone to clear the thing for me, and have one taker: the corp *******. Not only does he want to run the site in his dread (God knows why), he wants half the take for his 5 minutes of time. Any port in a storm, I accept his offer.

We get to the site, he pewpews while I float around uselessly in a Probe. A few crappy cans with nothing much to report. I open up the next-to-last can, and there's an Esoteric Ship Data Interface 4-run BPC staring back at me. Here I am, nub that doesn't even have Battlecruisers trained, and I'm staring at a blueprint that gives me a profit of ~900 million. My jaw hits the floor.

I told him the can was empty.

Later that day, I decide to fly the thing to hisec myself in my lil' Slasher. Obviously the best idea ever, carrying a bil in loot in a T1 frig in null. I nearly crapped myself when I ran that little Proto-cloak fit Slasher into a gatecamp, but I made it out alive. Barely. Docking up in hisec never felt so good.
#155 - 2013-01-09 22:54:43 UTC
During the latest war for Delve: I had just signed up as a Skirmish Commander which basically gives me the tools I need to take small fleets out (Command chat etc) and I was doing secondary/backup FC for a fleet that was chasing around a mixed AAA/RA/Crappy Pets gang. They were running into fountain and we were chasing but were falling behind since we were in Drakes and they were in a much more... nimble fleet comp.

I pulled up my region jump bridge map and after a moments consulting took control of the wing of dictors that were with us and went bounding ahead of the fleet. The timing was so tight that even with our fleet coming through the JB they would still be behind, but dics could move fast. So we went bouncing ahead of the fleet and got a single jump ahead of the enemy gang and dropped bubbles all over the in gate right as they started jumping through. This action held up the enemy fleet long enough to kill about half of them before they could burn out.

The best part? In their panic they didn't manage to kill a single interdictor.
Carribean Queen
Vadimus Quarrier Works
#156 - 2013-01-10 08:31:39 UTC
Being one of the hero HIC tackles on this:
Ivy Romanova
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#157 - 2013-01-10 08:34:38 UTC
When I first tried EvE when I was 12 .
I quit cos the interface was so damn cluttered and when I shout hello in local no one replied.
I thought the game was dead.

I returned 6 years later, now I'm hooked like a bull shark on penguins .

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ DAMN THIS    SIGNATURE    IS FANCY ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2013-01-10 08:51:15 UTC
Back in 2008, my corp was fighting a bunch of cocky hotshots in a corporation called NQX Innovations. They thought they could ransom our corporation, and demanded 500 million ISK or they'd wardec our ass. I told them that I would not pay the ransom, and so they wardecced us. They proceeded to engage us inexpertly. We inflicted a few cruiser losses on each other, but nothing particularly interesting occured.

Then, one night, myself and two of my corpmates discovered an NQX Hyperion undocking in Villore. I was in my Maelstrom, my 2IC Sahaquiel Faust was in his Myrmidon and one of our newer Finnish pilots, Vincent Pryce, was in his Blackbird. I knew for a fact that a Hyperion wouldn't risk an engagement against a battlecruiser and a battleship with ECM on the field, so I told Vince to hold off and stay off of D-scan. I had Faust warp in and engage the Hyperion alone, knowing that assuming Faust kept transversal, it would be impossible for the Hyperion to deal enough DPS to break Faust's tank before I got on field as well. The Hyperion took the bait and engaged, but as soon as he saw my Maelstrom warp in and two-volley his remaining shields and 10% of his armour, he started running both reppers and deaggressed.

"Damnit," I said on Ventrilo. "This bastard's gonna dock up before we can kill him."

There was a moment of silence.

Suddenly, I see this in local:


Suddenly, a Blackbird drops out of warp, bounces off my top wingy bit and guns its MWD right into the Hyperion. Local fills up with Finnish swearwords as Vince starts repeatedly ramming the Hyperion - and the Hyperion takes the bait. Vince has intentionally not engaged any of his ECM, and the Hyperion starts shooting at him. Being a Blackbird, his shields and armour crumple like paper, but the Hyperion's re-aggressed.

Faust and I had terrible Thermodynamics skills at that point so we burnt out our entire hi-racks in the process, but we killed the Hyperion, and all for the cost of a single badfit Blackbird.

Someday I want to meet that Hyperion pilot again and ask him if it was worth it.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#159 - 2013-01-10 12:58:59 UTC
My best moment was my first fleet flight in 2003. There must have been maybe 50 people on each side. We routed the enemy in U-QVWD. I remember the FC calling targets, I remember praying I wouldn't lose my battleship, and the thrill of victory.

People say you shouldn't fly or pvp with what you cant afford to lose - thats true, but the best thrills in this game come from fighting in a ship you can't afford to lose!
Felicity Love
#160 - 2013-01-10 13:15:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Felicity Love
In a previous incarnation, just after the ORCA had been released, I would "liberate" them from less-deserving owners. Pirate

ORCA pilots (some, at least) in those days were still either unsure or conveniently dense on the issue of getting out of their ORCA to unhitch their HULK and then go solo mining.

The obvious details obviously eluded some of these clever individuals. Specifically, the matter of if they could get out OUT of their Orca then someone else could get IN.

Five or six Orca later, each bucket of tears and nastygram was as juicy and glorious as the first. Twisted

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )