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How EVE Became Obsolete (And why CCP hasn’t noticed)

First post
Daisai Investments.
#161 - 2013-01-06 18:44:18 UTC
Kalanaja wrote:
Daisai wrote:
Eve online has never really been a great succes in regards of subscriptions.
The only reason why the game is still alive is because of the lack of competition, because name 1 mmo like eve online where there are hardly any rules andis a sandbox that has both an option for free to play and subscription based etc.

If eve online will lose the few subscriptions it has it will not because some people who know nothing about gaming claim pc gaming is dead.

Right now there are 2 games that i can think of which probably might be in the same genre as eve online.
Star citizen and elite : dangerous, can be games that might end eve online its slow increase in subscriptions.

Neither of those games has a chance of killing EVE. One is designed to pretty much be a mostly single person sim, and the other is going to end up instanced mostly. No meta gaming or big giant fleet combat. Especially on the first one.

Those games are going to have multiplayer however what kind of multiplayer is still not known.
If they wont have metagaming then eve hasnt nothing to fear from them, metagaming part is one of the unique features in eve.
Nessa Aldeen
First Among Equals
#162 - 2013-01-06 19:25:15 UTC
Eve obsolete.. I have seen these kinds of threads many times and all has been proven wrong time and time again. Of course this particular instance you're trying to connect the dots with industry.

To the OP: Your stats are entirely wrong. Your correlations are also misguided.

Please read Giga Om, Gartner or the many research firms on IT/Tech specific (register and read) and you will know that PC sales have been INCREASING year on year globally despite the popularity of tablets. This takes into account all of the OSes (windows dead, nope) including Linux which still is very niche (1 percent) and all the laptop/desktop sales.

Stop making predictions just because of Valve's direction which in fact rather minor and a reaction to MS move on their business model. Their main sales comes from PC gamers after all and now they're the ones who are on edge because of Windows Store (hardly a threat but you never know).

On the premature prediction that EVE will die in 2 years time if they don't switch to mobile OR Linux platforms, you must be taking something (look at market share ffs). Surface, Ipad and the Android tablets just don't cut it for day to day work grind, let alone a good gaming experience like EvE.

So the next time you post, please do some homework and research before spewing Mayan Apoc EoTW predictions you know not much about and generally trolling the forums.
Horatius Caul
#163 - 2013-01-06 19:40:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Horatius Caul
Note that the OP (they guy who doesn't work in IT but still thinks he knows what's going to happen in the IT industry) stopped replying several pages ago.
Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2013-01-06 19:42:53 UTC
Horatius Caul wrote:
Note that the OP stopped replying several pages ago.

Whichever tablet-making company he's paid to shill for probably stopped paying him.
0asis Group
#165 - 2013-01-06 19:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: TharOkha
Proletariat Tingtango wrote:
Horatius Caul wrote:
Note that the OP stopped replying several pages ago.

Whichever tablet-making company he's paid to shill for probably stopped paying him.

(tinfoil hat allert)
Apple HQ, 11:35 PM: " FALLBACK"
Mister S Burke
#166 - 2013-01-06 19:56:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Mister S Burke
What I want to know is if "PC sales" are calculated by people who buy complete PCs or parts? I have been building PC's since the 1980's so if they aren't looking at parts I have technically never bought a PC in my entire life.
Mister S Burke
#167 - 2013-01-06 20:01:31 UTC
Nessa Aldeen wrote:
Eve obsolete..

Actually it is obsolete, which is why I like it. Also, I think we got totally trolled here, a guy posting PC and EVE are dying in this forum? Everyone missed it, including me.
Lady Spank
Get Out Nasty Face
#168 - 2013-01-06 20:06:54 UTC
An MMO celebrating 10 years of service can certainly be considered obsolete right?

(ಠ_ృ) ~ It Takes a Million Years to Become Diamonds So Lets Just Burn Like Coal Until the Sky's Black ~ (ಠ_ృ)

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#169 - 2013-01-06 20:07:41 UTC
Ageck Kalenia wrote:
All this points to something CCP isn't admitting: their flagship game title could soon become too damn inconvenient to play if it remains bound for all time to traditional PCs.


0asis Group
#170 - 2013-01-06 20:09:21 UTC
Mister S Burke wrote:
What I want to know is if "PC sales" are calculated by people who buy complete PCs or parts? I have been building PC's since the 1980's so if they aren't looking at parts I have technically never bought a PC in my entire life.

Thats the magic of statistics Blink
Polaris Syndicate
#171 - 2013-01-06 20:13:04 UTC
Ageck Kalenia wrote:
The numbers don't lie. The traditional PC is walking dead. It pains me to admit as much as anyone.

I spent $4,000 custom-building my last PC. But my next PC will cost perhaps half that money. It will run Linux, not Windows. And I will likely use it less than either my slate, my gesture-enabled television, or my cellphone. So will you, even if you don't believe me yet.

I have no doubt that you will use it less because it will be incompatible with 80% of the software out there.

Have fun trying to game on a Linux box effectively.

Tablets and Phones will never replace PCs in the near future. All the analysts who continue to spout this giant steaming pile of sh!t are clueless. All they have done is take over the low end PC market since the consumers in that market usually only wanted a device that they can check email and browse the web on in the first place.

My 10 year old PC still has 90% more computing power than the highest end tablet or phone you can buy so quit being a knob head who follows blind claims of the ill informed.

Zen Dad
Solitary Sad Bastard In Space
#172 - 2013-01-06 20:59:55 UTC
Eve looks fantastic on my large screen MAC - why would I want it on a little mobile screen or dirty touch screen?

Make the screens bigger - thats all the technology I want and Ill avoid anything else thank you very much.....
Souxie Alduin
Anarchy in the Eve
#173 - 2013-01-06 21:02:38 UTC
Does it matter what platform is running Eve? As long as you can hook up a keyboard and a mouse it shouldn't really matter. Unless OP thinks mice and keyboards are going obsolete too.Roll

Oh, and developing countries and mobile devices: If all you can afford is a cheap phone, then a cheap phone it is. It has nothing to do with what people want.
#174 - 2013-01-06 21:25:17 UTC
As far as gameplay goes, EVE online would be the easiest to adapt to a 'touch screen' type platform.

It will happen .. EVE isn't going anywhere except up.
Roll Sizzle Beef
Space Mutiny
#175 - 2013-01-06 21:48:46 UTC
Touch screen for eve will just lead to stories of FCs punching their monitors off the desk when trying to mark primary.
Cat Troll
#176 - 2013-01-06 22:38:39 UTC
Ivy Romanova wrote:
What you're ignoring is that , tablets and touch interfaced based games are mostly softcore games which only satisfies your sudden game urges but provide comparatively little in terms of deapth and complexity which is why most of the people comes to EvE the first place .

CCP has targeted such a niche market and it would be quite pointless to switch to a different architecture just because the majority of the gaming industry is when their prime customers shows no sign of such a transition.

However.... the demographic change is something they might want to look into.
The current EvE player age is 27.
In a few years as they get married, gets promoted , or generally grows out of video games (people tends to grow out of stuff ,duh), we'll be forced to looking at the 27 years old of 2018 .
Now I'm not trying to be discriminating of the younger generation , but from where I stand, I don't think they'll be interested in EvE.

The change will be slow and gradual , but it'll come.
SO don't be surprised when on the EvE Con at 2016 or something , EvE turns into WoW

As a 14 year old who likes EVE, I would like to confirm what you just said.
I tried to show other guys in my class the game, they didn't like it.
HOWEVER, they did love the idea of Dust, and I think CCP is making a right move by developing it as it might save them when such a transition occurs.

Lolwut: "Yes, you kids don't know how lucky you have it. These days noobs get given free tackle ships for PvP but back in the old days the only tackle ships we were given were our pods. We had to use them to bump their rookie ships out of alignment to stop them warping off."

Phil Da Agony
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#177 - 2013-01-06 22:43:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Phil Da Agony
Tablets and touchscreens **** are just a fashion item, just like the big bad bluff the 3DTV was.

Yeah theyre handy and cool... As a toy, get over it. Sayin that PC gamin is endangered by that particular device type is beyond foolishness.

Gaming industry is movin more money today than films, is the business of the future, and the hi-ends are meant to be played on desktops, not even in laptops.

And well... About the "Linux theory"... You dont know much bout OS´s do you?
Super spikinator
Hegemonous Conscripts
#178 - 2013-01-06 23:21:56 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Ageck Kalenia wrote:
The numbers don't lie. The traditional PC is walking dead. It pains me to admit as much as anyone.

I spent $4,000 custom-building my last PC. But my next PC will cost perhaps half that money. It will run Linux, not Windows. And I will likely use it less than either my slate, my gesture-enabled television, or my cellphone. So will you, even if you don't believe me yet.

you're looking at $4000 of hardware. tablet can't provide this, and I have a feeling you overpaid

Mother of god.
Express Hauler
#179 - 2013-01-06 23:49:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Lipbite
Most complicated MMO part is server software - client software isn't too hard to port if actually needed.

EVE will be fine until competitors arrive (space MMO sandboxes) - and there is nothing like that on the horizon (Elite and SC aren't MMOs).
Merouk Baas
#180 - 2013-01-07 00:48:27 UTC
It's actually not unclear at all where the desktop hardware is heading: multiple cores and multiple graphics cores. Everything is already plug and play.

You may argue tablets vs. laptops vs. desktops, but, bottom line, you will never be able to get the same graphics and processing power for the same price on a portable device. Tablets and laptops may approach desktop power, but they do so at a higher cost.

I'd never play EVE on a tablet. It's a nice gimmic to be able to show at a conference or to your buddies, but get into PVP and tell me how that works out. I would also never play Skyrim or any of the newer games that go for photorealism and visual awesome on a smaller screen than 26-30 inches. Or without 5.1 surround sound.

Tablets and PC's aren't mutually exclusive. You can have a microwave AND an oven AND a grill (and a steam cooker, and a deep fryer, and a pancake maker, and a rottiserie cooker).