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[Video] [PL] Adaptation Theory

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Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#1 - 2013-01-03 07:44:44 UTC
Depending on who you ask we were described as dead, lost focus and a shell of the former PL. After graduating from lowsec pirates with Shamis Orzoz dabbling in 0.0 politics one of PL's key factors in staying dominant in nullsec warfare was the ability to adapt. Shadoo built PL's culture around it and here you can see it in play. Pre-move you will see us adapting to 100mn tengus using foxcats with firewalls, muninns/hurricanes to counter bombers and eventually skull **** tengus, dreads to counter a geddon heavy Nulli and -a-s attempt at rokhs and maelstroms. Post-move we got womped on by Solar pets in hurricanes in which we stood on mumble for 30 minutes going over counters and that night 4-5 threads with theory crafters doing what they do best. It just took one day...

Youtube - 1080p

_Adaptation_Theory.wmv]Evefiles - 726 MB

Ships used:

Maelstrom (off screen)

Music Used:

Phon.o - Fukushima
Hot Sugar - The Kid Who Drowned At Summer Camp
Wilkinson - Every Time
Sepalcure - See Me Feel Me
Vordak Kallager
#2 - 2013-01-03 08:40:01 UTC
As a video document of PL.'s recent activity and a testament to their often under appreciated ability to haze nerds while seriously outnumbered: A+

As a video that is inherently interesting based on an individual display of technical skill or situational awareness and quick-thinking: C-

tl;dr - lots of sped up footage of F1-pressing, but at least it doesn't pretend to be anything else. Think it needed more Taylor Swift, though.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Buhhdust Princess
Mind Games.
Suddenly Spaceships.
#3 - 2013-01-03 10:13:52 UTC
I enjoyed the part where the revelation went


Good video ^^
Lumberjack Commandos
#4 - 2013-01-03 13:23:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ong
Oooohhh an Elektrea video, its been ages since I've seen a new one of these Big smile

I liked it, good music, not the best Elektrea vid, but not bad either.
Naomi Wildfire
Shadow Cartel
#5 - 2013-01-03 14:17:06 UTC
How about ignore what people talk, but you cant do that no?
The video is okay but the "People say that we are dead but look we still do theorycrafting and stuff" sounded very poor, more like a last bark. You know what i'm talking about, you should have encountered it many times ;)

Not saying you are dead btw

ISD BH Newmind > Jingle bells, Tuxford smells, Falcon laid an egg =D

Snuffed Out
#6 - 2013-01-03 15:45:32 UTC
Was ok but i loved the old PL vids were yous kicked face using zealots and **** those are much more fun to watch
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2013-01-03 16:18:23 UTC
Ehm, wasn't it a big thing to talk about in my movie topic that fighting at gates / stations and using logistics was bad to have in a movie?

I'm not saying your movie was bad. I'm just pointing out some few things that everybody should take into consideration because of how big issue it was in my movie topic.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2013-01-03 18:11:48 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Ehm, wasn't it a big thing to talk about in my movie topic that fighting at gates / stations and using logistics was bad to have in a movie?

I'm not saying your movie was bad. I'm just pointing out some few things that everybody should take into consideration because of how big issue it was in my movie topic.

From what I can understand you don't seem to know much about large scale fleet PvP so i'll be nice and give you some background as to how **** works in eve from the perspective of a ****** pilot.

Most of the time if your fighting an enemy in 0.0 or low-sec there are a few choke points at which the enemy fleet is required to move through, or congregate at (aka gates, Stations, POS's, or other fight generators.) One of the best ways to engage an enemy fleet is to fight them on the gate they must come in, get between them and their objective and they have to come through you to finish their op, thus generating a fight.

Unlike your video which consisted of a few small fights in hi-sec, our fights often times can consist of several hundred players spread out over thousands of kilometers of space fighting. There are many times you will start a fight at 0 on a gate, and by the end, you have left the grid of the gate. Now many of your engagements relied upon logistics ships in hi-sec which use to be extremely difficult to engage effectively due to bizarre aggression mechanics, in our fights logistics very quickly get targeted for fiery death. Elektrea is an excellent logi pilot, and has saved my ass and others many times alongside his logi bros, hell one fight I was down to 4% structure in a nightmare and survived thanks to the awesome job they do.

So what I am getting at I guess is that including his fights in large fleet battles where there are no bizarre aggression rules is different from the flaming you seem to receive on a daily basis in your thread.

as a side note your video was good, but maybe you should sit down and stop biting trolls in the vid thread.

To Elektrea, as always awesome video mate

CptCabinets dgd
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-01-03 18:12:51 UTC
NightmareX, I realy dont know what your on about, your videos are all in highsec on stations with basically no risk involved. How on earth is this video in any way like yours? Waiting for epic reply.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2013-01-03 18:55:17 UTC
CptCabinets dgd wrote:
NightmareX, I realy dont know what your on about, your videos are all in highsec on stations with basically no risk involved. How on earth is this video in any way like yours? Waiting for epic reply.

Epic reply?

Do you know how many logistics they are flying around with?

And not only that, but omg the overview was filled with logistics in one of the fights lol.

And you talk about no risks?

Doesn't matter if the video are in high sec, low sec or 0.0 space. With enough logistics or carriers, you can PVP totally risk free without dying. Yeah, that's what they was saying in my movie topic.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

CptCabinets dgd
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-01-03 19:02:22 UTC
Where do you learn to troll like this? Are you from 4chan or something?.

Your in High sec, on a station with logi. They are in null sec on a gate with logi. If you cant see the difference in that then you need to learn more about the game mechanics dude. e.g, if your loosing, you dock up.

As a side note your videos are really well put together, good editing, good music and some shiney ships. But then again I would also fly shiney ships if I could just dock XD.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2013-01-03 19:13:58 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
CptCabinets dgd wrote:
Where do you learn to troll like this? Are you from 4chan or something?.

Your in High sec, on a station with logi. They are in null sec on a gate with logi. If you cant see the difference in that then you need to learn more about the game mechanics dude. e.g, if your loosing, you dock up.

As a side note your videos are really well put together, good editing, good music and some shiney ships. But then again I would also fly shiney ships if I could just dock XD.

What's the difference?

I can't see the difference other than this movie is in 0.0 space while mine is in high sec. On both places we can kill each others.

EDIT: You could also PVP with shiny ships in 0.0 space to at a gate. You can just jump out and get away in the same way as i have to wait the 1 minute timer before i can dock up at a station to get away.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-01-03 19:44:04 UTC
I don't think you quite grasp the numbers of ships involved in our fights... some of your larger fights only break 20-30 dudes.

Ours usually will have a minimum of 50 on each side. Which means that we are able to get enough ships into fleets to literally ALPHA away Faction ships (Seen it happen, it aint pretty.) Basically whereas your fights seem to be a lot about "well lets get as much logi on this as possible, and engage at close range" our logistics operates as a mobile fleet, countering enemy DPS in the hopes of keeping up our fleet longer then the enemies logi can counter ours.
CptCabinets dgd
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-01-03 19:45:37 UTC  |  Edited by: CptCabinets dgd
Lets not hijack this mans post. Thats not fair, you shouldnt have posted that link. Im not going to get into a debate with you on why you are wrong, becuase you have been told before by people that are far more experianced and knowledgable than both of us put together.

If you want a run down on that just look at your own My EvE posts and the replies you recieved there. Ignore the trolls but take in the good information.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#15 - 2013-01-03 19:53:20 UTC
Ichera wrote:
I don't think you quite grasp the numbers of ships involved in our fights... some of your larger fights only break 20-30 dudes.

Ours usually will have a minimum of 50 on each side. Which means that we are able to get enough ships into fleets to literally ALPHA away Faction ships (Seen it happen, it aint pretty.) Basically whereas your fights seem to be a lot about "well lets get as much logi on this as possible, and engage at close range" our logistics operates as a mobile fleet, countering enemy DPS in the hopes of keeping up our fleet longer then the enemies logi can counter ours.

I know how the drill is in such fleets you are running.

Yeah we can have up to about 20-30 ships in our fleet where 5-6 might be logistics. But in your fleets, you have much more logistics than we have because you have more ships. So it's just logical to have more logistics the more ships you are going to PVP with.

It's not any different in 0.0 space than it is in low sec or high sec.

The only difference is that you have to PVP with another style than we do and have to use the logistics a bit different to, but the point is still that the logistic ships is still repping other ships in 0.0 space in the same way as they do in high sec.

A remote rep is a remote rep no matter where it's used.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Centra Spike
Lonetrek Consulting Group
#16 - 2013-01-03 20:21:39 UTC
NightmareX wrote:

Shut up you pubbie *****.

Follow us @PLIRC!

Jack bubu
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-01-03 20:21:43 UTC
This is why you dont reply to NightmareX, hes just gonna **** up your MyVideo topic
Fallen Rabbits
#18 - 2013-01-03 20:26:26 UTC
nvr stop releasing elektea
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2013-01-03 20:29:19 UTC
Jack bubu wrote:
This is why you dont reply to NightmareX, hes just gonna **** up your MyVideo topic

But the bile that he brings about in me by such short sighted and worthless posts...
Mistress Lilu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-01-03 20:31:06 UTC
Epic fleets? What is there to know.
lock target, f1, repeat, rinse and cycle.
These large scale battles are so damn boring. Ohhhh look, tons of squares, one just exploded, there goes another.
If you are going to make such videos atleast zoom in on people and give a good view of it. Maybe its because of the lag, but wait, thats what epic fleets are about.
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