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Character Bazaar

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WTS 2mil sp starter caldari bomber pilot only 1.5B ISK!

Nashuar Attor
Rat Kings Crew
#21 - 2012-12-28 23:35:51 UTC

You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.

Ida Summers
jjc-farm inc
Organization of Skill Extracting Corporations
#22 - 2012-12-28 23:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Ida Summers
Keks Yaken
#23 - 2012-12-31 18:28:22 UTC
Nashuar, give me 2 days to process, and you have the character

How do you make this thing called a signature?

Keks Yaken
#24 - 2013-01-01 16:24:58 UTC
Nashuar, it appears that you have won
If there is nothing higher, you have the character at 22:00 eve time today

How do you make this thing called a signature?

Keks Yaken
#25 - 2013-01-02 00:30:41 UTC
Ok, as no one is bidding higher, Nashuar, please send the account info and ISK to this character. I will begin the transaction as soon as possible.

How do you make this thing called a signature?

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