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Mineral and PLEX price correlation. Forge, 15 Oct - 14 Nov. 2012

#21 - 2012-12-29 12:12:07 UTC
Thoraemond wrote:

I have never myself seen any daily "Avg" outside the Low" and "High" (or any supposed "Median" on the chart outside the Donchian channel), and would be interested in seeing an example of a "mean" outside the low and high.

I looked at the data again, and the mistake was mine. I saw the following, but did not notice a zero:
plow phigh pavg
12.9 13.2 13.03

Any colour you like.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-12-29 16:15:41 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
mynnna wrote:
"I'm not losing money, I'm just not making as much."

Oh god, now you've done it. Everyone, run for cover!

not like i can influence mineral prices, if prices are down then they're down. just going to have to accept that and only sell the minimum i need to be able to afford what i need to purchase and wait until prices are more favorable in order to dump the rest of my stock.


What'd I tell you?

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Musashi Date
#23 - 2012-12-29 17:25:08 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Noo, why people don't read my thread. Then they lose money Cry

Oh I'm sure the more serious lurkers are pouring over every thread they can get to in the MD subforums, including your thread. I am particularly interested to test one of your theories that (some) items in EvE 'remember' their past (stable?) prices.

Here's to hoping that we see PLEX at 499,999,999 ISK again, with mineral prices scaling as well.
Dave Stark
#24 - 2012-12-29 18:40:29 UTC
mynnna wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
mynnna wrote:
"I'm not losing money, I'm just not making as much."

Oh god, now you've done it. Everyone, run for cover!

not like i can influence mineral prices, if prices are down then they're down. just going to have to accept that and only sell the minimum i need to be able to afford what i need to purchase and wait until prices are more favorable in order to dump the rest of my stock.


What'd I tell you?

don't say that like you've never baited VV before :P
Reyna Azizora
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2012-12-29 19:27:01 UTC
Thoraemond wrote:
Samroski wrote:
There is no information available on the number of buy and sell orders separately (a total figure for orders is provided in the market details table).

"Orders" in the Market History table is the number of transactions executed. Since each execution is necessarily the matching of a buy order to a sell order, the figures are identical. The Market History table does not record the number of "standing orders" (buy or sell) that were posted on the market at that date, but only completed transactions.

What you need to do is set a "definition" for a buy and sell order that allows them to be differentiated.

A "buy order" is any order that wants to purchase and lasts longer than 10 seconds
A "sell order" is any order that wants to sell and lasts longer than 10 seconds

Now you can EASILY tell how many buy or sell orders there are with the current system.
Far Ranger
#26 - 2012-12-29 20:47:59 UTC
Reyna Azizora wrote:
Thoraemond wrote:
Samroski wrote:
There is no information available on the number of buy and sell orders separately (a total figure for orders is provided in the market details table).

"Orders" in the Market History table is the number of transactions executed. Since each execution is necessarily the matching of a buy order to a sell order, the figures are identical. The Market History table does not record the number of "standing orders" (buy or sell) that were posted on the market at that date, but only completed transactions.

What you need to do is set a "definition" for a buy and sell order that allows them to be differentiated.

A "buy order" is any order that wants to purchase and lasts longer than 10 seconds
A "sell order" is any order that wants to sell and lasts longer than 10 seconds

Now you can EASILY tell how many buy or sell orders there are with the current system.

Well, standing buy orders and standing sell orders are those with durations set longer than "immediate" in the advanced dialog, so it seems unnecessary to introduce "10 seconds" into the mix. You can see all current standing orders whenever you use the market UI in game. It is easy to tell them apart while they remain standing.

What you cannot see directly in game (or from any exports that I know of beyond those relating to your own transactions) is whether the two matched orders were (1) a standing buy and an immediate sell, or (2) a standing sell and an immediate buy.

When I last tested it, the numbers reported under the column labelled "Orders" Market History table were actually the number of executed transactions, not directly a number of orders at all. The same applied to the light-green quantity columns in the Market History charts.

Keep in mind that a single standing buy order might be matched to more than one immediate sell order over its duration. If a standing buy order is hit by three sell orders, that's clearly three transactions, and there are obviously four orders involved. The Market History information reported "3".

It is possible that the market servers record the remaining duration on orders whenever a buy order and a sell order meet and a transaction is executed, but I've never seen any official export or report from CCP of those figures.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#27 - 2012-12-29 23:20:49 UTC
Musashi Date wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Noo, why people don't read my thread. Then they lose money Cry

Oh I'm sure the more serious lurkers are pouring over every thread they can get to in the MD subforums, including your thread. I am particularly interested to test one of your theories that (some) items in EvE 'remember' their past (stable?) prices.

Here's to hoping that we see PLEX at 499,999,999 ISK again, with mineral prices scaling as well.

I wish it was "my theories". I have not invented anything of that, it's stuff long, long known.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#28 - 2012-12-29 23:21:57 UTC
Dave stark wrote:
mynnna wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Dave stark wrote:
mynnna wrote:
"I'm not losing money, I'm just not making as much."

Oh god, now you've done it. Everyone, run for cover!

not like i can influence mineral prices, if prices are down then they're down. just going to have to accept that and only sell the minimum i need to be able to afford what i need to purchase and wait until prices are more favorable in order to dump the rest of my stock.


What'd I tell you?

don't say that like you've never baited VV before :P

I love to be baited to get a chance to talk about what I love to get known P
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#29 - 2012-12-30 09:35:56 UTC
Musashi Date wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Noo, why people don't read my thread. Then they lose money Cry

Oh I'm sure the more serious lurkers are pouring over every thread they can get to in the MD subforums, including your thread. I am particularly interested to test one of your theories that (some) items in EvE 'remember' their past (stable?) prices.

Here's to hoping that we see PLEX at 499,999,999 ISK again, with mineral prices scaling as well.

Just because I wanted to tease you a little more PirateI just posted a 650M, 5 minutes effort net gain based purely and exclusively on the default EvE charts, supports and resistances. Of course as I sell more of the stuff, the gain will triple, all with an additional 1 minute worth of effort setting up 1 more order or 2.
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