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Bulk Trade Mailing List Ban Scam

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#21 - 2012-12-29 11:32:25 UTC
flakeys wrote:
I never used the mailing list myself.So that said i have never herd of the guy running it.So why would someone with reputation like VV , grendell or chribba who allready have their hands full on stuff do it?

Start a channel , promote it and see where it goes.

I'd like to add something to Flakey's post, mostly aimed at the person he replied to.

One point in common between me, Grendell and Chribba is the attempt at being able to engage in many activities. Because brain wants to create content! I wish I had an army of "executors" to make real what I envisioned. I even got contacted by another MMO dev to help write a new client! One life is not enough.

In order to engage in many activities we need to make the activities easily pre-empted (= easily stopped and resumed) and little time consuming. Managing chats is not the most light task, because offenders may crop up any time, policing should happen within certain acceptable time frames and so on.
So, Chribba and Grendell already have to manage their own chats, it's unlikely they may also add another chat where the possibility to have to deal with scammers and policy offenders is quite tangible.
4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#22 - 2012-12-29 12:04:41 UTC  |  Edited by: W3370Pi4
that was entertaining lol on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say 8.5

★ Join the "Bulk trade" Mailing list -

P.S read the evelopedia link.

The mailing list will remain free to join but like i explained on an eve mail i sent a couple days ago i will be more strict with the bans because in eve time is money.

some people have been on this mailing list for years they never had to exchange one mail with me do you know why it's because they read.

#23 - 2012-12-30 10:30:59 UTC
op, quit being a whiner. Its his service. you are not entitled to anything. If u want to use it then pay the fine and quit bitching. If not, start your own and see how it is.

He can charge you a billion tomorrow and you will have to pay if its worth it to u. Its neither your service nor is it bound to provide your whiney ass with free service for all time.

You are playing eve after all.
Tul Breetai
Impromptu Asset Requisition
#24 - 2012-12-30 10:44:34 UTC
Zoltan Lazar wrote:
They run a service. If you use that service wrong, it's their rules you need to follow.


There's nothing worse than an EVE player, generally considered to be top of the food chain in the MMO world, that cannot smacktalk with wit and coherency.

shar'ra matcevsovski
#25 - 2012-12-30 11:42:42 UTC
Kaanchana wrote:
op, quit being a whiner. Its his service. you are not entitled to anything. If u want to use it then pay the fine and quit bitching. If not, start your own and see how it is.

He can charge you a billion tomorrow and you will have to pay if its worth it to u. Its neither your service nor is it bound to provide your whiney ass with free service for all time.

You are playing eve after all.

you say so many words to say so little, Capt. Philosophy

shar'ra phone home

4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#26 - 2012-12-30 11:57:38 UTC
Please rage some more this is good advertising

Kara Books
Deal with IT.
#27 - 2012-12-31 20:52:24 UTC
I didnt like the mailing list much, resale of purchased goods is more of a pain then a positive.

P.S. Id like to get onto the ban list please!
4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#28 - 2012-12-31 20:53:30 UTC
you just leave on your own

Cyrvys en Distel
#29 - 2012-12-31 21:04:30 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Samroski wrote:
The main lesson to learn is that Eve is a harsh universe. Empathy is equally sparsely distributed. Any other forums, and OP may have come across some.

Our attitude is: adapt or die. Those who survive may enjoy a long and bright future :)

More on topic: Notwithstanding minor ethical issues in list management policy and in the described interaction, OP does not have a case. OP has my empathy as she appears to be a genuine new player. In case OP decides to pay the fine, I offer to contribute 50% (directly to the list manger on OP's behalf).

I have an idea! Make the fines be paid to an unrelated entity so there's no conflict of interest.

Avoiding myself a conflict of interest, I could suggest the ISK could be sent to Chribba's VAERT sister fund.

There is no conflict of interest here. You break the rules in the town you are currently in, you pay the fine to that town. You don't pay the fine to a town fifty miles down the road. You don't pay the fine to Children's Miracle Network. You pay the fine to the town that you broke the rules of. No matter what society, group, organization, township, country, whatever, you join, there will be rule to follow, and penalties for breaking them. If there were no penalties for breaking rules, then there are no rules. Lesson Learned: Follow Rules or HTFU
shar'ra matcevsovski
#30 - 2012-12-31 21:06:15 UTC  |  Edited by: shar'ra matcevsovski
W3370Pi4 wrote:
you just leave on your own

like me ;)

shar'ra phone home

ZX 185
Short Bus Syndicate
#31 - 2013-01-06 13:08:22 UTC
The more threads I read the less I like the eve.....erm community?
Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#32 - 2013-01-06 13:42:29 UTC
ZX 185 wrote:
The more threads I read the less I like the eve.....erm community?

Its the MD forums. Things tend to get emotional.
4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#33 - 2013-01-06 13:44:54 UTC

Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#34 - 2013-01-06 13:55:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Joshua Vaughn Lampen
And when they get emotional things get free bumps which = free publicity. Take my VLI thread for example. More people have been attracted to it now because of my favorite little troll. He's actually done more good than harm which is both funny and sad. Lol Hell I don't think the thread has left the front page in over a week or more. Lol
4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#35 - 2013-01-06 13:57:12 UTC
Free advertising = Best advertising

Joshua Vaughn Lampen
Archer Investments Initiative
#36 - 2013-01-06 14:26:14 UTC
W3370Pi4 wrote:
Free advertising = Best advertising

Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#37 - 2013-01-07 04:17:55 UTC
Fines? correct format? its mailing list, get over it Roll why even bother policing it anyway, are you that bored?

OP forget that list anyway, its no different to Jita local, or using the chat Channels in game (Blueprints/ships etc) to sell stuff.

Idiots ITT.

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

Lutin Ballista
Ballista Investment Corp
#38 - 2013-01-07 08:56:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lutin Ballista
Candy Oshea wrote:
Fines? correct format? its mailing list, get over it Roll why even bother policing it anyway, are you that bored?

OP forget that list anyway, its no different to Jita local, or using the chat Channels in game (Blueprints/ships etc) to sell stuff.

Idiots ITT.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Do you use it? I guess not.

I get sick of mails in the mailing list from people who can't follow the very simple rules. The bans stop fools like the op sending further mails selling 6 exotic dancers via an email that could be written by a blind monkey. The bans make the list a lot more efficent and easier to use for every one else.

I have bought and sold a lot via the list and can't rate it highly enough. The fact that the Op can't follow instructions that my 4 year old daughter could follow is his loss and everyone else's gain.
Candy Oshea
Techfree Investment Group
#39 - 2013-01-07 09:04:27 UTC
Lutin Ballista wrote:
Candy Oshea wrote:
Fines? correct format? its mailing list, get over it Roll why even bother policing it anyway, are you that bored?

OP forget that list anyway, its no different to Jita local, or using the chat Channels in game (Blueprints/ships etc) to sell stuff.

Idiots ITT.

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Do you use it? I guess not.

I get sick of mails in the mailing list from people who can't follow the very simple rules. The bans stop fools like the op sending further mails selling 6 exotic dancers via an email that could be written by a blind monkey. The bans make the list a lot more efficent and easier to use for every one else.

I have bought and sold a lot via the list and can't rate it highly enough. The fact that the Op can't follow instructions that my 4 year old daughter could follow is his loss and everyone else's gain.

Please tell us more about how important it is to police a format for a mailing list.

iCandy  - I have accidently swallowed some Scrabble tiles, my next shit could spell disaster!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#40 - 2013-01-08 09:31:58 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
Really dude, save yourself the time, and save us the time of looking through this thread. It's a decent enough service. If you don't want to give away isk, don't post to the mailing list. Otherwise, use a noob alt.

If you are really disgruntled with the service, create a slough of noob alts, and post adverts that break the rules, then repeatedly delete the characters every few days, cycling them out. The more poorly written mails you can write, the more it will annoy him. Eventually, it will come down to, who can be bothered more, him or you. A far more useful tactic than shaming him on the forums. Then again, you have clearly illustrated what he really is, so I guess mission accomplished here too.

And look at weekopie on damage control, pretending that a thread that makes him look bad, is a good thing. I gotta admit, I laughed a bit.

Removed some offensive content. Keep it civil please. -ISD Dorrim Barstorlode