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[Bond] Izzy's Bite-Sized Bond: 1.5 Bil @ 5%, Collateralized

Issere Woloch
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-12-28 17:52:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Issere Woloch
Hello Marketeers! Before we get into the numbers, let me give you a short summary of who I am, and where I'm at in Eve. If you don't care, just skip to where it says: Bond One.

I've been playing Eve for about nine months, and this is my main character. During that time I've done a small variety of things, mostly mission running with a little lowsec PvP here and there. But recently I've committed fully to PvP in Faction War, and sworn off missions for good. Check my KB if your looking for proof, it's been a busy month.

But its also been an expensive month. Although I can pay my way through FW LP, this is boring. However, I recently tried a bit of market-y things, and this is decidedly not boring. So this humble ship-shooter comes to the realm of the traders, looking for Isk.

Why am I looking for Isk? I have 400mil in my wallet, and 250mil in sell orders, but I'd like to keep this separate from my market experiments. I need isk in the wallet to fund PvP, and so I can't have it invested in trade items.

Why should you give me Isk? Well, there's a certain irony to master marketers helping a flashy-red learn the ropes of a whole different PvP arena, but more importantly, you'll make a profit, and the Bond is fully collateralized.

Bond One:

1.5Bil for 1 Month @ 5%/Month

Collateral: Mission Machariel (Not going to be need this anymore :P)
1x Machariel ~1.4Bil
1x Pith A-type Large Shield Booster ~200mil
1x RF 100mn AB ~30mil
2x RF Gyro ~80mil ea
Various Meta/T2 Fittings/Rigs ~Whatever

I'm unsure on the exact prices for deadspace/faction fittings, but the boat is certainly worth well over 1.5Bil, I would estimate around 1.8Bil, but you guys will know better then me. It is currently located in Lustrevik, Minmatar Hi-Sec, and unfortunately cannot be moved, as I am Flashy-Red. This means people will enjoy murdering me as they drool over their incoming Mach killmail.

Business Plan: As Low-Risk as I can get it

Pretty simple here, don't mind putting it to the public as it isn't anything revolutionary

Buy PvP fittings/ships in Jita
Red-Frog them to Hek
Sell them

I've been all over Eve-Central looking for things with a nice price difference, and then double checking them in Eve to insure they are selling in high enough volumes to be viable. So I'm not just buying random bits and pieces here. I've even worked up a spreadsheet :) If possible, I would like one person to fill the entire bond, as this makes it easier to deal with collateral, contracts, interest, contacts, etc.

But wait, there's more!

Going to throw up a little something extra, because it's an idea I want to exploit, and I don't see any reason not to at least throw it out there. This is completely separate from Bond One, unless you want to fill both and combine them.

Bond Two:

1.5Bil-3Bil for One Month @5% or 10Mil per item sold
No Collateral

Business Plan:
Similar to Bond One, with a few key differences

Buy certain expensive item in Jita
Blue Frog to Hek

While looking for things to trade in, I stumbled across this. It isn't anything crazy, no magic bullet, but there are very few sell orders in Hek, 1-2 sell per day on average, and even including Blue-Frog, I can make about 60-80mil per item. It is, however, very expensive, and I don't want to take money away from my foray into trading. So I'm putting this out there. If someone wants to take it, you'll get 5% back or 10mil for every item sold, whichever is higher. You can take this separately from Bond One, or combine them, your choice. The reason I'm asking for 1.5Bil-3Bil is because I need at least 1.5 for this to work, but more Isk will allow me to ensure the market always has at least one of these items on it, as well as let me save on Blue-Frog shipping costs, as shipping 3 Bil of stuff with them is cheaper per item then smaller amounts. So go for it if your looking to take a little risk, otherwise I'll wait until I can do it on my own.

1.5Bil Bond @5% Collateralized, One Month
1.5-3Bil Bond @5% or share of profit, No Collateral, One Month
Fill either, both, neither
Prefer for one person to fill each bond, or both, because easy
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#2 - 2012-12-28 20:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Issere Woloch wrote:
Hello Marketeers! Before we get into the numbers, let me give you a short summary of who I am, and where I'm at in Eve. If you don't care, just skip to where it says: Bond One.


1.5Bil Bond @5% Collateralized, One Month
1.5-3Bil Bond @5% or share of profit, No Collateral, One Month
Fill either, both, neither
Prefer for one person to fill each bond, or both, because easy

I have no guarantee you are really going to be able to deal with 4.5B of outstanding liabilities.

If you are willing to forfeit the second bond, I am willing to fill the collateralized one.
Issere Woloch
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-12-28 21:13:56 UTC
This sounds good to me, better start too slow then too fast. I put an exchange contract up, if there is another way you would prefer to do it let me know. If you wouldn't mind confirming in this thread when the collateral and Isk is exchanged, that would be appreciated, just for the record.

Should anyone still be interested in the second bond, let me know. Assuming Vaerah confirms Bond One, however, Bond Two would be entirely uncollateralized.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#4 - 2012-12-29 01:37:39 UTC
Contract accepted and 1.5B sent.
Issere Woloch
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-12-29 05:24:04 UTC
Isk received. Bond will be due January 29th.